Insanity, Surrealism, and Dreams


New Member
I have an idea for a very crazy and unique roleplaye. The basic idea behind it is dreams. The setting will be a world that can only be compared to the dream worlds that everyone lives in when they sleep. They characters them selves will not be dreaming, their reality will be augmented, disconected, and strange. Here is my idea to make more sense of the situation:

You go about living you normal life as you have every day. However you find tha your dreams have been becoming very vivid and detailed. When you wake up in the morning you are able to remember all your dreams perfectly through out the entire day. To make things wierder you find that some people have been having the same dream. One day you wake up with a strange feeling that you are not really awake. This feeling continues and grows day by day to the point where you can no longer destinguis between reality and the chaos of the subconcious. You think you are going insane, but it is happening to everyone. You eventually conclude that reality is broaken. Something has gone wronge in the universe causing the fabric of reality to fall apart. As the laws of nature deteriorate and bits of matter disolve the subconcious of our minds begin to take controll and fill in the spaces. When multiple people are together the world bends and changes around them, each subconsious trying to create a different reality. Sometimes the resulting world is beautiful, sometimes people find they can fly, but other times it is chaotic and frightening. Many people are driven insne by the cinfusion and now living nightmares around them.

A group of people who have managed to hold onto their sanity and have limited (extremely limited) control over their subconcious have banded together. Their goal is to find out what went wronge in the world, and if they can fix it. When a player post I encourage them to make the setting reflect a dream that they have had recently, or be a reflection of their feelings. If you wish you can have your character be very similar to yourself, identical if you wish, or you can create someone else. This rp will have emphasis on reality development as well as character development. There may be a theological aspect to it as well. I will push the rp in a certain direction but only vaguely. I will try to push mainly concepts and let everyone else shape the setting.


1. Just because reality is now created by people does not mean that your character can create anything he/she/it wants. Reality is completely uncontrollable to your character when you alter reality in your post yo umust take into account how all the characters are feeling at the moment.

2. I am looking for philosophical people for this rp. No boring or stupid people allowed.

3. Make an effort to have good grammer.

4. Try to have some of your posts based on actual dreams you have had. Thi swill make everything more "realistic".

5. Have fun and be creative. The mind is the limit on this rp.

Character skeleton:





Other (Things that might effect or shape your characters subconscious. Religion, state of mind, out look on life, whatever) :
Name: Adam Trams

Age: 20

Appearance: About six feet tall, lean, medium length brown hair, hazel eyes, Caucasian.

Other: Adam is an atheist student at a Christian university. He enjoys philosophical discussions and often argues for the opposite side for fun and to understand his opponents more. He is a smart guy but lacks motivation. He enjoys science fiction and anime.
Name: Emberly Pfeiffer

Age: 19

Appearance: 5'7, wavy brown hair and green eyes, tan, hair falls to just below shoulder length

Other: Emberly grew up in a Christian family of which strictly follow Christian practices and beliefs. Emberly herself has some doubts about the religion and isn't as strict about it. She loves horses and animals but never had any pets of her own. She never gives up an opportunity to do what she wants - also has an active imagination.
Name: Cassie Macintyre


Appearance: Cassie is a meager 5'3" but wear three-inch heels quite a bit. She has an obvious Scottish heritage, with her long, flaming red hair and slightly red skin, she has her family crest tattooed onto her hip. Cassie has big, grey eyes framed by her bright lashes. She also has a noticeable Scottish accent that thickens when she's mad or flustered.

Other (Things that might effect or shape your characters subconscious. Religion, state of mind, out look on life, whatever) : Cassie had recently moved from Scotland to America and was a Baptist. She enjoys pestering her relatives who are very religious by dabbling in Wicca. She has ADD and a slight stutter.

( this OK or should I make her different?)
Name: Sarah Priston

Age: 17

Appearance:View attachment 10302

Other (Things that might effect or shape your characters subconscious. Religion, state of mind, out look on life, whatever) : Sarah is a Christian, she grew up in the Methodist church. She has a very dark outlook on life, much like her clothing styles. She sees that relying on human beings will lead to nothing but pain and remorse. She was raped continuously by her pastor until they caught him and sentenced him to prison for life, but that didn't stop Sarah from returning to the church. Her dreams are normally history-offiliated (for example, she would dream about the Battle of Bunker Hill during the Revolutionary War, as a Patriot.), but they can reflect on the type of day she had before she fell asleep.

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