Insane Sanity


I am the Deathkitten! Fear me!

An insane asylum. The area was cold, dark, uninviting, and creepy overall. They didn't keep the place well. They didn't care about the people there, some nearly normal, others so far into the grips of their insanity that they just made odd noises instead of words. Some jerked around crazily, others just sat and stared blankly. It was a place where none wished to go. The staff had mostly gone home, a lonely guard or two walking the halls that were far larger and longer than they could possibly handle themselves. None would notice a young girl.

She was slender and pale, her figures perfect, and clothes looking as though they were from another era altogether. There was a dress draping over her hourglass shape, silk in material, but flowing in style. A circlet adorned her head, and a necklace rested on her chest, both fire red. Nothing was said, and no noise was made as she passed through the silent halls, clearly looking for something or someone in particular.

Once at the door she wished for, a small smile crept over her face, and she waved a hand over the metal door. It warped like water, then she passed through, and it was back to normal. Her icy blue eyes fell over the boy in a straight jacket, and silvery white hair fell down across her young features. She could be no older than twenty. The girl neared the boy, and made eye contact with him, staring into him as though she was trying to judge his soul. "Name..?" she asked in a wispy, far off voice, looking at him intently, "I need your name... My own is Seraphine."
In the darkness of my cell, I sat alone. My long greasy hair covered my pale dirty face. I was thin and scrawny like the corpse of an old man. Above me, my breath stank. Rancid like an animal. Covering my legs were a pair of simple, black cotton trousers. My top half, from my waist to my neck, was a straighjacket. rough and heavy, weighing half of my body weight due to the staps and buckles covering it.

I lifted my head, letting my hair fall back, away from my face as i heard the girl come in... Not feeling right, I tried

to break eye contact.. There was something about her I never like, but I couldn't ignore her either...

" name....? My name... I... Is Shaine...." I stuttered, shivering...

(was that ok? xD )
"Ah. Shaine. You are the one I am looking for," she murmured softly, a small smile forming. The girl shook her head, "It has taken me so long... for that I am eternally apologetic. You have seen me on occasion, but I was not apt enough to begin until now. I can only hope that all involved are truly ready, including yourself." As she spoke, her voice sort of faded in and out, like a weak connection would.

"Come now..," Seraphine said and walked closer, kneeling in front of Shaine, "You don't belong here. This is not your realm. We have missed you..." Her feminine right hand reached out to touch his cheek lightly, "We need you... Please come." The moment her skin touched his, Shaine would black out. Either completely unaware or only barely aware, it would seem as though he was falling, Seraphine no longer near.

With a loud THUD, Shaine would land on thick green grass. The smell of early morning filling the dewy air. There was no explanation for this landing, or this area in general. The land around was vibrant and lush, a clearing in an otherwise dense green forest. A dragon, large and fearsome, flew fast by overhead, letting rip a roar that could shake your bones if closer. Seraphine sat on a nearby rock in the clearing, petting a stray doe that had come up to say hello to her.

There was one other person, much younger looking, creeping up to look at Shaine. The straight jacket that was on him was gone. The young one, a young boy by the looks of it, was about to poke Shaine when Seraphine called out without even looking, "Do not bother him, Leem. He will need some amount of rest. That probably hurt him, let alone how scared he must be. Besides, it is not complete." Leem huffed and sat back, folding his arms in frustration, "But Sera, are you sure he is it? He's so.... scrawny..." Sera nodded, and chuckled lightly, the doe she pet walking away now, "Yes. You are to young to remember, but I do. He is the one. My spell is not complete though... I do not know how long he shall stay."
(yes im ever so sorry, i somehow broke my keyboard! I only just got a new one!

Please bare with me, i shall began with my post now:)
My heart began racing as I looked around.. Where was I!? I blinked in disbelief as I continued too look around, and take in these new surroundings. Surely this wasn't real. Just another one of my crazy dreams, or maybe another hallucination of mine. Whatever it was, I didn't like it... I didn't like the way it looked, or the people here. I just wanted to be back in the dark, safety of the cell i called home.

A sharp shiver ran down my spine as I heard voices. Two different voices to be exact. A boy, and the girl. The girl that had brought me here. The boy I had never seen before. They kept saying i was it... I was what!? What was it!? I let out a long, deep sigh, my eyes fixed on the boy in front of me...

"W...who are... you...!? i here...!?" I Stuttered, my voice shaky, like that of a child's before a crying fit. I really disliked it here... It was confusing, and disorientating.
When Shaine began to wake up, Leem hopped up again, a big smile on his face. He came up to him, despite the protests from Sera. Leem knelt down to his level, "Hello mister. You're Shaine, right? It's nice to meet you. I'm Leem. That girl over there is Sera. Don't worry so much. We won't hurt you, mister."

Sera nodded from where she stood, and spoke, arms folded, "Yes. We would never hurt you. I would personally harm anyone who tried to hurt you. You are here because I transported you here. This is all real. I assure you. It isn't complete though, so I do not know how long you will be able to stay. We should get you showered before you return though. You were so disheveled. You cannot possibly like it there, do you?"

Her voice was a sweet one, smooth and calming. She finally began to walk towards him, "I find the way they treat you abhorrent. They do not know how important you are though..." She walked closer, Leem moving out of the way. When she knelt down to look in his eyes, her own were teary. Sera reached out a hand to lightly touch his cheek, a single tear overflowing. "I have looked for you for so long Shaine..." she muttered, too quiet for Leem to hear, "Please do not fear me..."

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