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Realistic or Modern Inquisitor Academy (Spy School)

Leon noticed the girl taking pictures of everyone. He quickly used his hand to cover the lower part of his face, and stood up from his empty bench and retreated to a darker area of the train station. When he was out of her eyesight he lowered his hand. It looked like she was keeping tabs on everyone, and this didn't make Jaron happy.
( @Anaxileah Whoops... I skipped straight to the train station. This post will take place before my last post.)

Cherry's mother called her name "Cherry!"

Cherry's mother barely calls on her unless it is to yell or annoy her.

"What mom?!" Cherry replied.

Cherry's mother stomped up to her room and handed her a letter. It was an acceptance letter to Inquisitor Academy.

"What's this?" Cherry crossed her arms.

"It's school and it it where you are going!" Cherry's mother yelled.

Cherry and her mother went outside and called a taxi.

"The nearest train station please." Cherry's mother smiled

Cherry remained silent.

Suddenly the taxi left and all Cherry's mother could yell was "I love you honey! Have fun at school!"
Evalynn takes a picture of Cherry as she arrives, and makes a tab.

That should be all if im correct. She looks at the time displayed along the top of her phone. 6:10. They should be getting ready to depart, she looks toward the Headmaster, pulling out an earbud, which instantly pauses her music.
Jeice looks around, noticing movement.

Is it time to go?

He grabs his medium size bag and slings it over his shoulder, before checking to make sure he has everything.

Reading Glasses, Check. Change of clothes, check. Swords? Double Check.

The boy had all of his possessions, and prepared for further orders.
Headmistress Raven Renegade

Raven looks at her watch and sees that it's 6:10 a.m.. All of the students seem to be here, so it is time to depart. Raven thinks to herself as she sends a quick text. Almost immediately after, two truck limos appear, both black with tinted windows.

"Students, it is time to leave. Grab your belongings and hand them to the chauffeur of the limo you choose to ride in. Please make sure there is an equal amount of you all in each limo." Raven tells the students as she herself enters limo #1.

Evalynn Cross - @Goddess Nebula

Vishra Lenanys - @vl8041

Terence McKnight - @GeoStone

Nathaniel Blacksmith - @BobbyW

Excel Lingoe - @Tamura

Deltorian Kento - @Deltorian Nephran

Conrad Lyons - @Fezzes

Alan Sonozaki - @electroShogun

Jaron Pliskin - @Eagershadow3

Cherry Rose - @TrueBananaz

Jeice Idolum - @Midnight Phantom

(Six students per car, including Vivian)

Vivian Blackheart

Vivian had noticed herself being followed by two males and she shook her head. So obnoxious. Once the headmistress spoke up and the limos arrived, Vivian quickly went to limo #2 and have the chauffeur, who had excited the vehicle, her luggage, and then entered the vehicle. Whoa... Nice interior, Vivian thought to herself.



(Two people to a seat, no one sits by themselves)
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Alan walks over to the second limo. He hands the chauffeur his suitcase, but elects to keep his laptop with him. He steps into the limo, and is stunned by the interior. "Whoa..." he says as he takes an empty seat.
Evalynn hands her larger of the 2 bags to the chauffeur before climbing into limo number 2, she stares at the interior before sitting herself across from Vivian. She remains silent, tapping the smaller bag she brought with her. She notices Alan and groans to herself quietly.
Anaxileah said:
Headmistress Raven Renegade
Raven looks at her watch and sees that it's 6:10 a.m.. All of the students seem to be here, so it is time to depart. Raven thinks to herself as she sends a quick text. Almost immediately after, two truck limos appear, both black with tinted windows.

"Students, it is time to leave. Grab your belongings and hand them to the chauffeur of the limo you choose to ride in. Please make sure there is an equal amount of you all in each limo." Raven tells the students as she herself enters limo #1.

Evalynn Cross - @Goddess Nebula

Vishra Lenanys - @vl8041

Terence McKnight - @GeoStone

Nathaniel Blacksmith - @BobbyW

Excel Lingoe - @Tamura

Deltorian Kento - @Deltorian Nephran

Conrad Lyons - @Fezzes

Alan Sonozaki - @electroShogun

Jaron Pliskin - @Eagershadow3

Cherry Rose - @TrueBananaz

Jeice Idolum - @Midnight Phantom

(Six students per car, including Vivian)

Vivian Blackheart

Vivian had noticed herself being followed by two males and she shook her head. So obnoxious. Once the headmistress spoke up and the limos arrived, Vivian quickly went to limo #2 and have the chauffeur, who had excited the vehicle, her luggage, and then entered the vehicle. Whoa... Nice interior, Vivian thought to herself.



(Two people to a seat, no one sits by themselves)

Terence handed his bag to the chauffer from limo two and went inside the limo and sat next to Vivian. "Nice interior," he thought. @Anaxileah @Goddess Nebula
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Evalynn pulls out a laptop and plugs her phone into it, transfering everything over. She looks toward Alan, Cherry and Vivian and gives them a half hearted smile.

"Hi." She says quietly, typing on her laptop.
She continues to type, "Lynn. Lynn Cross" she says looking upnat Alan then returning to her screen, she pulls a pait of reading glasses out of her bag and slides them onto her face. She continues typing away. She looks up to everyone else. "No one else going to introduce" she says glancing at Vivian, Terence and Cherry.

@Anaxileah @GeoStone @TrueBananaz
Jaron entered limo #2 quietly, and sat far away from everyone in the limo. He sat on the right side near the front, so his good eye was facing the rest of the students.

(Jaron has an eyepatch on his right eye.)
Cherry looked around her. Looks like most of the people chose limo #2. We'll it was too late now.

"Oh no..." Cherry mumbled.

Deltorian Kento

Del heard the conversation end just as the teacher call for everyone to enter the limousines that had pulled up along the train station. "Dad, hopefully you didn't send me to a weird school."

Del placed his suitcase on the ground, replacing some of the things that were inside and removing some of his things as well. "Replace belt holsters for shoulder holsters. Guns loaded, good to go." He mumbled as he closed the suitcase after checking it for the third time.

Handing his suitcase to the chauffeur, Del sat himself in the first limousine, taking off his glasses to rest for a short while.
"Dad is right, mum can just tell me what happened during the night once I'm back from school."

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Excel quickly grabbed his possessions and moved toward the limo #1 where he handed the chauffeur his bags. As he stepped into the limo he looked around at the students and the interior, :"Damn, this car looks like a moving party...But it could use some gold." Soon after his small gazing time Excel then moves to a empty seat in the back row so he can see the whole back, middle, and front half of the car.
I hereby decree that all my posts here from this post forth shall have bbcode integrated.

Conrad Lyons

Conrad shrugged. "Well, yeah. Isn't learning what we're here for. Nice analysis. I really-" The rest rest cut off as the teacher spoke again. Seeing his new friend/acquaintance move into the first limo, he decided that he'd head there, too. He felt kind of awkward not being able to hand in his luggage. He didn't really have luggage. The inside was fancier than any of the houses he'd been in, except maybe that one billionaire weapons manufacturer. Blacksmith something something. To be honest, it made him uncomfortable.

He shifted into a seat next to Del and leaned in a little while lowering his voice to keep the conversation private. "Sooner I'm off this, the better. I hate needless shows of wealth. Besides, it just feels wrong being in a limo. Most conspicuous form of transport. Draws the eye, and people looking at me feels... off. Surely a Spy School would want to not draw so much attention to itself." He snorted in sudden amusement. "God, I'd be the worst spy ever. Listen to me, telling you my personality." He looked around, noting everyone looked older and taller than he did. '
Right' he thought to himself.

@Deltorian Nephran
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Vishra had noticed the brunette girl discretely taking pics of the other students "Hmm... She's like me. I wonder who she is? Why not find out? Nah~ Maybe later." Now that it was 6:10, the students were piling in to limos, "5 students in limo 1 and 5 students in limo 2, whatever should I do? Do I like odd or do I like even? Let's go with number 2, shall we?" Getting out her laptop, phone and earphones, Vishra handed her suitcase to the chauffeur and opened the door to limo 2. "Looks like I interrupted them," Vishra thought. "Sorry for interrupting," Vishra said, as she took a seat and opened her laptop. Seeing as some of them already knew each other, Vishra, decided to do a little research on the 5 people in the limo.

"Vivian Blackheart: 17, female, child of the Blackhearts

Terrence McKnight: 17, male, child of top class but not well known spies

Cherry Rose: 15, female, was expelled from high school

Evalynn Cross: 15, female, youngest child in the famed Cross

Alan Sonozaki: 17, male, father was part of the yakuza but is now currently in jail"

"What a bunch! But I don't think I should pry anymore into their lives, after all I'd hate it if someone did that to me." Saving her newly acquired info, Vishra glances up at everyone else. "Looks like this year will be interesting~"
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The limousines then entered a tunnel, causing the windows to darken further, revealing nothing of their whereabouts. The only source of light was the soft glow inside the limos. It was like that about ten minutes, and then the car resurfaced in a new area, surrounded by forest. The school wasn't terribly large, but it wasn't miniscule either. The limos soon arrived at the school and the doors opened. "Everybody out." Commanded the chauffeurs, and the students complied, encountering the headmistress once they exited.


Vivian Blackheart

"The name's Vivian."
Vivian responded to the girl who asked their names. Suddenly the outside went dark, and she thought aloud. "Must be the way they keep hidden." She looked out the windows, trying to see anything out of the ordinary, but was unsuccessful.

@Goddes Nebula
Anaxileah said:
The limousines then entered a tunnel, causing the windows to darken further, revealing nothing of their whereabouts. The only source of light was the soft glow inside the limos. It was like that about ten minutes, and then the car resurfaced in a new area, surrounded by forest. The school wasn't terribly large, but it wasn't miniscule either. The limos soon arrived at the school and the doors opened. "Everybody out." Commanded the chauffeurs, and the students complied, encountering the headmistress once they exited.

Vivian Blackheart

"The name's Vivian."
Vivian responded to the girl who asked their names. Suddenly the outside went dark, and she thought aloud. "Must be the way they keep hidden." She looked out the windows, trying to see anything out of the ordinary, but was unsuccessful.

@Goddes Nebula
(Are we still in the limo? @Anaxileah )
(You can explain what happened during the dark part and then observe the forest, then say you're getting out of the limo)
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