Innocent Blood [Inactive]

Kevin Brady awoke to find himself with one hand secured to a military bedpost. Sitting off to one side was Rick Travers.

The older man smiled grimly. “The lady demanded answers. Samantha decided to answer them. I guess this could be a case of Be Careful What You Wish For. Don’t worry. We’ve been watching after her for some time now. You too. You two keep digging into cases you shouldn’t. They were cases you could have done nothing about - except create a very big body count.

“Now then, if you think you can behave yourself I’ll toss you the keys. If you have questions, feel free to ask.” Rick looked as calm as he could be. :And if the answers aren’t too complicated, I’ll try to answer them.”

Kevin considered his options. “Are you a vampire?”

Rick shook his head. “You saw me walking around in the daylight. No. I am what is referred to as a ghoul. I protect Samantha. Now SHE is a vampire. Only they prefer to be called kindred or Cainites. Some vampires follow a religious practice that praises Caine. Yes, I do mean the biblical one.”

“Who killed the girl?”

Rick nodded. “One very evil SOB Hunter named Isaiah Thrush. He’s also the one who torched Annabelle Kramer’s night club. And the man’s grandfather burned the diner in that old 1950’s photo you have of Kramer. And in answer to your next question, No. Annabelle Kramer is not a vampire. The full explanation of that answer gets pretty complicated and isn’t for me to answer.”

You do realize you have kidnapped an officer of the law?” Kevin asked, still none too happy with the situation.

“Kid, if that become a problem either you will never remember it - or you won’t be alive to remember it. It isn’t a threat by me. It is just a fact of Cainite Law. Kindred won’t allow mortals like you and me to go around stirring up another Inquisition. Hell as I understand it, that is right at the heart of the problems of Los Angeles. Again, it gets pretty damned complicated.”

“Innocent Blood IS the Law. You can think of me as a very minor deputy … or K-9 unit. I’d be the dog.” He grinned at the analogy. “Although …” He barked out a harsh but humored laugh.

“Look kid, Samantha smelled explosives in the apartment. She couldn’t know if the Hunters were watching - not for certain - so she got you out of there as fast as she could. And she exposed her true nature to do so.”

“That doesn’t change the fact that you kidnapped us.”

Rick frowned. “If you want answers, this is what you have to put up with. If you don’t, I can take you right back now. So, it isn’t exactly kidnapping. We just didn’t give you a chance to say no.”
DPenelope listened to the woman talk, her head was pulsing for some odd reason, probably because she was getting informed about all the different types of vampires, hunters, and everything inbetween. Maybe she shouldn't have made that wise crack about bigfoot to Rick now. Zsasz rubbed her temples softly before she stood up and caught her balance. Her eyes shifted left and right to examine the place she was in, it was dark, damp and dreary. A perfect hiding spot for the undead. If what Samantha was saying was true, could she really be over her head?

"A hunter is basically trying to expose you and every vampire and start up a rebellion against you? Did I miss something here! Not even twenty-four hours ago did I ever expect myself to even mutter the words Vampire or hunter. All I want to do is solve a murder of a young woman who was killed by a mad man and lock him up in jail where he waits in line for death row. Is that to much to ask?"

The whole time Penelope spoke she paced back and forth, she was extremely fustrated at everything that every few seconds her voice raised and her speed of talking increased. If it was possible her track marks would be engraved in the cement. She was at her breaking point...

"NO! Obviously not, I find myself pondering the fact the a ficticious creature could be the killer. A creature of myth, parody movies, and books and yet again all the signs suggest it could be a vampire but wait the plot thickens again. You come to me, little miss Queen Bee, whos been waltzing around for over hundreds of years tells me that Buffy the Vampire Slayer has gone rogue and is trying to expose you, creatures, for what they really are? Some how I missed the fact that I am a pawn in this whole game, I've been obviously leading the hunters to you and yet you are trying to protect me. I've been lied to, cheated, back stabbed, and among other things. Do you not understand how fustrated I am?"

Penelope takes her gun from her holster and aims it to the wall, she quickly rethought what she was going to do and decided to turn her back to the wall behind her and slam her fist into the cement. A surge of pain went through her body, soon enough three small lines of blood began to trickle down the wall. Her forhead went to the wall, closing her eyes she took a deep breath in.

"The only thing I ask of you right now is to leave me alone. I need to think, leave me and bring Brady in here. I want to talk to him... please. I know of your healing powers, I do not want them. Leave me to mend my own scars."
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One moment Samantha had been across the room. In the next instant she was standing in front of the targeted area of wall that Penelope had fired at with her hand out stretched. But there was no shot fired.

“Please, don’t waste your bullets. Save them for the bad guys.” Then slowly she smiled, almost conspiratorily. “But if you want to squeeze off a few rounds I have an indoor range. And Rick’s collected quite a few toys to play with.” But the smile faded as Penelope began a brief bout of masochism. The whole demonstration was hardly knew to Samantha. In fact, for a brief moment she was reminded of Rick’s occasional demonstrations of anger.

Samantha’s hand shot out, despite Penelope’s request. “Never expose you blood to a kindred. Our sense of smell is very acute - and yours smells so delicious. I’m afraid I can’t leave you alone. This is not the first time we have met. But the Hunter’s limited our choices this time. I would normally have wiped your mind of all things kindred. I still could, but my chances of success would be greatly diminished. And I would have to do so to both of you.

“My other options are to kill you - almost a problem in itself as your mere disappearance while on such a public case would create an even greater case - to Embrace you - which would hamper your investigation. Or I could bond you - as I did with Rick long ago. But I must be able to show that the matter is under control. Now, you came here for answers. I have begun to lift the Veil, but you are far from educated.”

“There are two factions of kindred that struggle for control of Los Angeles - The Camarilla and the Sabbat. The division goes back to the days of the Inquisitions when Ancients betrayed their children. To break the cycle of Camarilla subservience the Sabbat revolted. They are pack oriented, much like biker gangs. The Camarilla is a more social order with Princes, Sheriffs, and such. Think of them as organized a bit like the TV series True Blood but even more … aristocratic. They are bloody and violent.

“The only thing that really keeps the peace is us. Innocent Blood has the blood of elders flowing through its veins. I am nearly two centuries old and yet I am the youngest member. Oddly enough I am also the reason it exists at all. Despite my youth I hold a great deal of respect among many elders and Princes all over the world. I am the political Gangrel.” She frowned. “I know I am throwing a lot at you. suffice to say that Gangrel are a bloodline that is known for being survivors and caring little for Camarilla politics. I was taught well and Released at a very young age. I paid homage to traditions that most consider unecessary. Elders appreciate the respect. I have done favors. And I have assumed dangerous responsibilities noone else wished to risk - which were favors in themselves. One was caring for Kramer incidentally.

“What the Hunter has done is threaten Innocent Blood with exposure. We need this cleaned up and the Veil preserved - or both sides are apt to turn on us. That will get bloody and messy. And if we fall, a war will soon follow. Where do you think both sides will get new recruits and their blood supply?

“So backstabbed, betrayed, or whatever … you took an oath to serve and protect. I know those words mean more to you than just words. So what I am about to tell you is going to make your final decision very hard. Yes, some of the informants you lost during your time in Vice were victims of vampires. I am sorry, but that is the truth. Vampires do not have to be killers. But some are. The only Cainite - Vampire - laws against it is leaving a trail of bodies that risk the Veil. Personally I do not care for killing. In fact I normally stick to animal blood or blood willingly given.

“By all means feel free to ask questions. I will answer them as honestly as I can. There is one thing I will ask. Please adopt a more civilized tone with me. I didn’t really like your implications with the term Queen Bee. I have never been that sort of person. Now then, you asked to see My Brady. And were I in your position I would probably demand much the same thing. Let’s head to the mess hall.”

Samantha gestured for the door. As they began to exit Samantha spoke to thin air. “Rick, Mess Hall please. Bring Mr Brady.”
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The Mess Hall was decorated in USMC styles. There were multiple tables as this place appeared to have been built for a modest compliment of perhaps a hundred men. Central to the room was an arrangement of tables in the shape of a U. It was what the military referred to as the Snake Pit in military school and basic training centers. This was where trainees might be called forward to face the music. Seated at this arrangement was most of Innocent Blood, along with some others unknown.

Kramer was present, but not seated with them. Instead she was seated around the outskirts of the room along with Rick, the band’s drummer Watts, and a man and woman dressed in paramilitary fashion.

Kevin was standing at the center of the Snake Pit with Rick. Samantha led Penelope to where Kevin stood and leaned toward her, “I really wanted to teach you more before this meeting, but you insisted on seeing Kevin. You are now in very grave danger. Mind your temper here. You have every reason to be afraid.”

“Enough!” a diminutive Egyptian woman spoke. “Why are we wasting time with this? Correct me if I am wrong, but we have a Hunter using her as bait. Does that about sum it up?”

“Lady Nyctasia,” a beautiful Mayan woman began, “we haven’t even properly introduced ourselves. Surely we can afford a little time for civility?”

Nyctasia glared back, then looked around. “Fine!”

The Mayan nodded, “Thank you. Penelope Zsasz and Kevin Brady, I am Maia Ixchel, PhD of hematology at UCLA. This is Lady Nyctasia El-Badari. The Amazon blonde is Kaori Knossos. The more celtic blonde over there is Isabelle MacArthur. You have met Samantha Carlson and Annabelle Kramer. The others over there are Richard Travers whom we sometimes call Chance. Then there are Ace and Joker. Finally we have Watts, our Drummer.” 
There was a brief drum roll from Watts at the mention of her name - with all the predictable responses. Nyctasia was less than amused. Half the other elders looked at Nyc to see if she would lose her temper. Kramer grinned as did the other humans. The only really odd reaction was an unspoken exchange of eye contact between Kramer and Watts. There was definitely bad blood between them - and it was Kramer’s fault. Watts had not forgiven her.

“And now we can all sing Kumbaya. Happy?” Nyctasia snorted derisively at Maia. “These two are bait the Hunter is using. If we kill them the Hunter loses his toys.” She stared Penelope in the eye. “But you are going to tell me all about what a stink it will make if we do.”

“Her family is under my protection,” Samantha spoke up. “They have been protected since the Korean War.”

“Which one?” Nyctasia mocked. “They are always fighting over something.” She raised a hand. “I KNOW which one you mean. Fine, but is she bound?”

Samantha shook her head. “No.”

“You should do so and soon. If either the Camarilla of Sabbat realize that she is unbound, yet knows of their existence, they will demand her death and ours. And that would bring about the Gehenna. The safest choice would be to embrace her here and now.”

Maia spoke up. “Except that wouldn’t keep her doing her job. We need her there as well. The matter of the murder needs to be closed by kindred and mortal alike. Her disappearance would create an even bigger problem.”

“Not if you and I gave her some of our blood,” Nyc argued.

Maia considered that. “Yes, this is true. And I believe this may be the time make a small withdrawal from the blood bank. The Hunter’s greatest advantage is the day. Anyways, first we should hear from the detectives. And Nyctasia, Mr Brady is under MY protection and all that implies.” She looked at Penelope and Kevin.

“We must figure out what exactly to do with you - and how we can ensure the mortal world remains unaware of the presence of kindred. We must be certain that you will not be able to reveal our nature. This will mean either a blood bond or the Embrace. The Embrace refers to making you one of us.”

Kevin looked at Penelope. His jaw was set firm. if he was afraid, he didn’t look like it. “Trust me?” He looked at the kindred. “If I understand this, we all want the same thing - for different reasons. The detective and I want to see justice done. You want to see it done as well - for any other result points to you. We want to live; and if I am right, that Embrace thing is a last resort s it places more burden on the available blood supply. That about sum it up.” He couldn’t help but stare at Nyctasia. Surprisingly she smiled back.

Kevin didn’t wait for a response. “Let’s just deal with the justice part for now. We would like to see the Hunters brought to justice. I am more than satisfied with the evidence that kindred were not involved. I have little doubt you have me test results already. I am more than willing to testify as to my findings - to whomever I must. Now if I am correct you have the ability to manipulate memories?”

Maia frowned. “The degree varies quite a bit.”

Kevin nodded. “Let me describe what is ideal. Then you can decide if it is feasible. I have plenty of evidence to show that the bite was not produced by a living - or unliving body. I can even link it to a modified cast of a mortal who lived in Chicago years and, went missing and was never heard from again. The Hunter would be tied to his death as well. But what would help would be to acquire the murder weapon itself in the possession of the Hunter. We would need to locate the Hunter and have grounds to Search and Arrest. Let SWAT handle him. If they kill him, justice served. If not, the Public has their scapegoat. I’ll sleep just a little better. And your people will have one less Hunter to worry about.”
Penelope held her hand to her face, the one that she had hit the wall with, the dry blood was barely visable now that she had washed up a bit before coming to the mess hall. She bit into her finger nail rather hard, she was anxious, she was ready to leave. What bothered her the most was the fact she stood infront of a counsil of Vampires, ghouls, and humans. It was weird, if they lived among the living why hadn't they exposed themselves? Then she thought of TruBlood, Sookie Stackhouse would go insane with all the vampires...then she thought of Jason, what she would to that delicious stack of meat of a man. She couldn't help but giggle to herself.

The whole time they spoke she kept to herself until Brady spoke. She couldn't help but glance at Rick, if he wasn't what he is she would have kicked his sorry ass. She even tolf him from the get go that trust was a must with her. No body listened, thats why she worked alone. Everyone spoke their opinions except Penelope, everyone argued except Penelope, everyone discussed the situation except Penelope.from what everone could see was that Penelope was dumbfounded. She didn't realize that after everyone had listened to whar Brady had to say they were waiting on a comment from Penelope. Brady nudged her shoulder but she only looked at him with a glare before speaking.


Her eyes moved from Brady to the counsil.

"If you're looking for a smartass comment...I've got nothing. What I really want to do right now is shoot my damn gun. I'm tired, hungry, and fustrated about everything."

She turned her head and her hand came up to scratch her forehead. Closing her eyes for a second she took a deep breath in before speaking again.

"Look, I know I'm not the best at negotiating things and I jump to conclusions pretty quickly but I know whats right and whats wrong. I'm wanting to see this person hung up by their buster browns as much as you all do. He's obviously gone through a lot and is risking a lot more to expose you, your kind for what they are, on top of that he's using us as bait and I'm not to keen on that idea either. As much as some ofyou don't like me being here, I've got a hell of a reason why I should stand before you. I will help you to as much as I can. I will try to restore what balance you have left between the peace of humans, ghouls, and Vampires. Justice will happen and I promise that Brady and I will do our very best.

Now from what Brady said I'm pretty sure this hunter is going to strike again. He's been without contact from me for a while so he's probably getting anxious. He might even thing I wised up or think I don't believe he'll kill again. But how to catch him."

She couldn't help but wonder how much she shocked the hell out of them all from being crazy rage driven to reasonable, putting her thinking cap on Penelope.
One of the Kindred had yet to speak - and she was still a little amused that she had been passed over during introductions. She looked a bit like a gypsy. In fact, she looked familiar, naggingly so. Then it hit her. She looked like half the Disney animated women - especially the one from the Hunchback of Notre Dame. She had that same olive complexion. Now she cleared her throat to speak. This immediately drew the attention of the rest.

“ I am Anya, by the way. Detectives, we want precisely what you want. It serves everyone’s best interest. But the matter of your continued life is in question. While we have no trouble with the idea of trusting you - neither Camarilla nor Sabbat would. And there is a way to tell by a simple taste whether a human has been fed upon, is bonded, or what. And trust me when I say all eyes are on you.

“I will explain the Blood Bond. Once I have given you a complete explanation you of the blood bond you will understand why it is the one thing that assures both faction of the trust they can place in you. In short, by the third drink of our blood you will be utterly loyal. You may think this is enslavement - and perhaps it is. But how you will regard it in the long run will depend on how you are treated. Ace and Joker are bound to me. Chance - Mr Travers - is bound to Samantha. Watts is bound to Isabelle. We are all bound to one another.

“Now there IS actually another solution that would render the issues here much less dire. But it will likely have consequences. I could erase the life of the woman who was killed from the memories if the mundane world. I could also affect much of Cainite Society, but that is riskier. Still, by removing her from the memories of the mundane, Cainites would expect the detectives to lose their memories of the event as well.”

Nyctasia stared at Anya. “Can you really do that?”

Anya smiled back at Nyctasia, “Isis, eat your heart out.” That actually got a smile out of Nyctasia. The elder did not impress easily.
Penelope bit her bottom lip pretty hard when she thought about what she said. In other words, she needed to be a blood bond to continue with this murder investigation or forget the whole thing. Her eyebrow began to twitch which meant she was nervous about agreeing to these terms but then again she really wanted to get this creep of the streets. Swallowing she spoke.

"No, I'd rather you not erase everyone's memory, it's to risky and that may expose your kind more then it already should be. I don't want anyone to get in trouble for what I do or what you do. I honestly think that the best way to make all of you trust me is to agree with the Blood Bond. I'm not to keen on the idea but I want to help you out. By doing this I hope I gain a few trusting hearts...or whatever you guys have."

Looking at Anya she gave a faint smile, she had to know that she was nervous about the idea. The fact that she was going to be someone's personal slave, even if it wasn't labeled like that. She was more nervous about the fact that if she couldn't solve the case and she would have made a stupid decision that obviously and most definitely cost her her life. She looked over at Brady.

"I hope you understand I have to do this. It's my duty."
Kevin wasn’t keen on the idea at all. Only he saw more merit in erasing the event from the minds of the mortal world. But he also saw the cruelty - to the victim and her family. He also found the whole concept of vampirism fascinating. The idea of living forever - especially preserved young - was not entirely unattractive. And the heightened awareness of the kindred was compelling. Being a ghoul - despite how unpleasant it sounded - seemed to be the compromise. He wondered about Rick - what he had been like before all this.

But time enough for questions later.

Anya seemed to value the opinions of the detectives. And in truth she did. They were a good barometer for the storm they would have to weather soon. They had decided that ultimately facing the reality of the situation was better than manipulation of the truth. Fair enough. Again, in truth the obfuscation of events would have required a difficult and dangerous ritual.

Samantha was right about Zsasz as well. The young woman would make a fine vampire. Brady, however, reminded her more of Rick. She smiled at the symmetry of that idea. Young vampires had greater need for ghouls. Even without a bond she senses that Kevin would risk his life for her. And she sensed that Penelope might do the same in reverse. But why they would do so was still in question.

Anya finally nodded. “So be it. Samantha, Penelope is yours to bond. Do you wish to assume responsibility for Mr Brady as well?”

Samantha nodded. “I have been thinking about that. They work together. While ideally Maia would make a better choice for Kevin, it might be better to keep their attentions focused together in case we all had to part ways in some emergency. There is a matter I would like to discuss with you later. In fact it needs to be discussed with all of the kindred present.”

Anya nodded again. She had a good idea of what Samantha wanted. “Of course. There is another matter I will bring up here and now.” She eyed Penelope with a smile. “I think Penelope will make a fine vampire should that time ever come. Her education should begin now.” One corner of her lips quirked upwards. “Not the biting part - well, we do need to feed on her - especially you Samantha. In fact, we should feed on both. It is the only way that will be absolutely certain to pass any investigation by a Tremere.”

Kevin cleared his throat and got a nod from Anya. One might have expected vampires to behave with a good deal more arrogance. These treated humans - even those they had essentially enslaved with at least some respect. Of course that was just a preliminary observation. The fact that Rick had seen years of service all over the planet over decades was testimony that Samantha placed value on his service.

“Uhm, about the vampire bit - the Embrace - that might create work issues for us. Daylight?”

Anya nodded, “Of course. We have ways around that problem, but you are correct. If the time does come, either of you would need to put your affairs in order. It would be the sort of decision that should not be made hastily. Indeed, our doing so would draw notice from Princes of both factions. It is normally the Primogens that give permission for a kindred to embrace a mortal.”

“Primogen. Sort of the guy who decided who can sire a vampire and who can’t. Population control. To keep you guys from thinning the blood supplies so thin that your feedings become noticed.” Kevin’s face was hard.

Anya smiled. “Very well put. That is it exactly. And as you might guess there are severe penalties for doing so without permission. Likewise the Sire become responsible for all actions of his progeny. The slightest offense is enough to order their destruction. A new vampire is not free. Typically a new vampire remains at their sire’s side for 50 years or more. Lately this period has decreased substantially.”

“Now then, they call it a blood bond for a reason. You drink blood. Samantha will replace what she needs by feeding off you to keep in balance.” Anya started again.

Kevin blanched, “Is that sanitary?”

That resulted in chuckles around the room. Samantha sliced her wrist with a claw and held her arm up for Penelope. She reached up to guide the detective’s head down, deftly clearing the woman’s hair from her throat. She waited until she was sure her blood wasn’t being wasted, then leaned over Penelope and sank her teeth into the left side of her throat. And in that moment Penelope felt a wave of pleasure wash over her.
Without hesitation Penelope sucked on Samantha's wrist, drinking her blood slowly. At first the taste was bitter but as she drank she couldn't stop the pleasuring taste of it go down her throat. She couldn't stop, her mind was in a different place, she didn't even realize that she had moved Zsasz's hair to expose her neck. The instant pain of her teeth piercing Penelope's neck caused her to instantly break away from Samantha's wrist and let out a small yelp which soon followed by a long loud moan.

What started off as pain quickly vanished into pure seduction and pleasure. She didn't even feel the pain anymore while Samantha drank her blood. Her eyes shot open but to only have them roll to the back of her eye lids. Her hand went to Samantha's head and ran her fingers through her hair as she drank her blood, swallowing hard another moan left her lips, it was crazy, she was on a high of some sort and it was causing her body to surge with energy and adrenaline.

When Samantha broke away Penelope saw the blood around her lips, but it wasn't wasted before Samantha licked it away with her tongue. She then licked the wound on Penelope's neck to heal her fang markings. Penelope felt the rush go through her body.

"What just happened? I feel..."

She cracked her neck and popped her fingers before she finished her sentence. She felt different, like she could be invincible. She looked around the room, her eyes moved quickly, her heart raced faster then she had ever had it pumped before. She looked over at Brady and gave him a huge smile.

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Samantha smiled. “One of the side effects of the Kiss. It is an extremely pleasurable sensation.”

Brady wasn’t smiling back. His face was impassive. His gut refused to trust what looked so much like brainwashing. But the scientist in him responded. “Endorphin release. It would make feeding easier. That is your prey doesn’t fight back. I guess humans are no longer at the top of the food chain.”

Samantha nodded. “Not since Cain was cursed.” Her eyes glittered like a predator and her accent thickened slightly. “Now then, do I have to chase you? For some reason guys like to make me work for my meals with the misapprehension that they could outrun me.” She glanced over at Rick. “Chance likes to make it a challenge sometimes. He does what he can to keep me prepared to deal with a Hunter’s death zone. I think I should like to come up with a nickname for you.”

Kevin frowned. “I like my name.”

“Question,” Samantha said.

“Yes what?” Kevin asked.

“Excellent,” Samantha grinned.

Kevin looked confused. Joker busted out with a laugh. “I like it! And the first time he gives you any problem you can pop the Question.” Carol held up a fist to emphasize her point.

Ace shook his head. He pointed at Penelope. “Question.” Then he pointed at Kevin. “Answer. Detectives always ask the questions. Lab rats always have the answers.”

Samantha cleared her throat. “As they will work together, those codenames would work well. But we should let them settle who will use which name.”


After Samantha left Kevin looking rather dazed from being fed upon she turned back to Penelope. “Let’s give him a little time to recover. You and I can talk in private.”

Anya spoke up. “I have some business to conduct between Midnight and 0100 regarding the Hunter. It is a new strategy I plan to use. I am going to need Kevin for this. He and I will need to go out. Do not worry. Ace and Joker, with me. I want Kevin well protected. Right now the fate of the world literally depends on both of our new members. Penelope, part of my new strategy requires that we make the Hunter’s victim a household word. You know what I mean. Candles, memorials, mourning. The more who mourn for her passing, the better.”

Samantha’s eyes widened. “That’s dangerous!”

“My risk to take. If we aren’t going to make her forgotten, then this is the next best course of action. Under no circumstances should any of us expose ourselves as easy targets for Isaiah Thrush. We are going to track him down. But we must make certain we can track the murder weapon as well. Kramer, we need to find a lot of old pictures of you. Or … perhaps just take a lot of new ones - the scandalous sort.”

Nyctasia actually chuckled. “That’s ingenious. You’re going to make a Kramer worship closet. Only he fixated on Innocent Blood. We should all have scandalous pictures taken. He is, after all, our number one fan.”

“Hold off until I get back. But get the video ready. Hmm, you know, we could also set Penelope up as a new fan. That could explain why her room was wired up with surveillance and explosives.” Anya grinned. “Turn the Hunter’s own strategy back on himself. But I am going to try to get us some help. in tracking him down first. I mean the one person who knows where the victim was murdered - the victim herself.”
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Samantha gestured again for Penelope to join her. She led the detective out of the mess hall, grabbing some MRE’s as she went and handing them to Penelope. “We have a little time to talk.” She led Penelope back to the room where she had first been stashed. “We really should get this place cleaned up for you. I have this place set up for long term survival, not just for me, but for you as well.

“Now then you had questions. First I’ll answer the question I know is burning on your mind. Anya is planning to travel into the Underworld to find the ghost of the victim, Rebecca Walker. I know more than most kindred about spirits. Anya’s knowledge is way greater than mine. I think she is going to find the ghost and enlist her aid in tracking her killer down. I have only been down to Underworld a few times and that was long ago while I was with my own sire - stories for another time.

“For now, the basics. Let’s see. Thresholds - I believe I met you from inside your own apartment. I could do so as easily if it were a house. There is a bloodline that has an issue with entering a home without permission. But most kindred are unaffected. Holy things? I’m catholic. Now there is something called True Faith. And this Isaia Thrush may have it. True Faith can affect kindred and ghosts. But most religious people lack the sort of faith I mean. Silver? Waste of material on us. That’s werewolves. And yes, werewolves are quite real. Most of them hate us, but I have made a few friends.

“You know, I had to fight not to laugh when you were checking your rear view mirror. I was in the back seat. Again, there is a bloodline that doesn’t show up in mirrors and casts no shadow. Coffins? Same issue. In fact many of the Hollywood myths have some basis in fact. One bloodline became known for an ability or weakness, so all gained it in lore.

“Stakes. No, a stake through my heart won’t kill me. What it would do is place me in a state of Torpor, sort of a waking coma. Most of this group could still move even with a stake through their hearts though, just very slowed.

“Sunlight? Most of us are burned by sunlight. Only a very rare kindred is able to walk in the sunlight. Maia is one such kindred. Her blood can even give me the ability to do so. This fact makes Innocent Blood one of the most powerful groups of kindred. That plus Anya’s magic and Nyctasia’s experience keep all the kindred at bay. Anyways, for most kindred sunlight will kill us in a matter of seconds. The discipline of Fortitude will slow this down. But most kindred suffer from Rotschreck - a fear of fire and sunlight.

“Fire. This can also bring the Final Death. In fact, it is fire and sunlight that forces kindred to preserve the veil.”

“Okay … some general knowledge. Kindred generally can’t eat. Our group can, but it does us no good. We all can something called Baby Face. We do not appear pale. We breathe instinctively. We maintain the facade of life. Most kindred vomit anything they try to eat immediately. Most are pale and stink of death if they don’t take care of themselves. I used to be pale until Anya used her magics on me.

“We a kindred is embraced we are frozen in time.” Samantha gave a wry look. “I had been lost in the Savannah for sometime and unable to care for myself properly when I was embraced. As a result I have to groom myself each night if I want to present myself like a proper lady. I could shave my head bald and it would grow back each night. So should we ever choose to Embrace you, if I have any say in the matter you WILL be given ample opportunity to groom yourself first.”

Samantha paused there. “I think I shall pause there and give you a moment to absorb the information and ask some questions I haven’t answered yet.” She smiled. “You did demand some damned answers. Be careful what you wish for.”
Penelope was still feeling the rush from earlier, she figured the feeling would go away soon but it felt great, it's like she could do anything, invincibility at the time. She listened to what Samantha had to say and she took a bit to process all of it. Something about the whole different ways that they could die was interesting to her.

The perception of vampires was twisted when it came to story time. No stake will kill them, garlic, holy water, the works that she had grown up to know and love didn't actually work on them at all...TruBlood, what have you done? Fire and sunlight was the ultimate death to them basically, which seemed to be true enough.

She wondered though, if they did feed upon someone that happened to have something in their blood stream like Hep D would they become extremely weak? She did happen to laugh at the whole werewolf and shape shifter idea... she couldn't help but think about her old ex, I bet he was a werewolf.

Biting her lower lip she took a step away from Samantha and looked around for a bit, silence in the room but in her head she was racing with thoughts. Samantha had almost answered all of her questions but when she said "So should we ever choose to Embrace you." Did she honestly just say that they could turn her into a Vampire? She couldn't help but ponder the situation, the fact that she could stay her age, be young, strong, fast, invincible like, and still be the person she could be.

She turned around and looked back at Samantha, tapping her finger on her pant leg and still biting her lip she spoke.

"So if you did "Embrace" me, I would be like you?"
“Yes and no,” Samantha answered cryptically. “I need to explain something else first. Generation. Kindred are tiered in power by their raw potential by their generation. The first vampire, Caine, is First Generation. According to the Book of Nod that many kindred believe in, Caine departed Eden and travelled to Nod. There he embraced the ruler - who became the Second Generation and became the God-King. The ruler later embraced the Antediluvians - the founders of the bloodlines - against the wishes of Caine. These were the third generation. Caine was angered. He slew the ruler of Nod and cursed the bloodlines. Those curses affect the bloodlines to this day and are responsible for all those myths - like the need for coffins, not showing up in mirrors and such. A Methuselah is a 4th or 5th generation Elder that has lived for at least a millenium. Nyctasia is antediluvian, although I am not quite sure on that as she was embraced by one. Isabelle, Kaori and Maia are Methuselah.

“While I am powerful I am only the 6th generation - the weakest of Innocent Blood. Were I to embrace you you would be of the 7th generation. Many kindred today are in the 11th to 15th generations. And often 13th and higher can’t even procreate. Most Elders in the Camarilla and Sabbat are no stronger than 7th. However, even as a 7th generation kindred you would still be little stronger than you are now. It took me over a century to reach my current strength. And I have risen faster than most.

“Most new kindred learn three clan disciplines. Fortitude is the first one I would teach. It is an augmentation discipline and not all that flashy. But it enables you to survive better. I am also specialized in Animalism and Protean. As a ghoul we will have you work on the three physical disciplines: Fortitude, Potence and Celerity - toughness, strength and speed. If Embraced, it may not even be me who becomes your Sire. Innocent Blood is trying to keep our generation number very low. Our collective strength is important.

“Anyways, back to the part about being powerful. You would have the potential. But true power takes time. You biggest advantage would be in your blood pool - how much you can condense the power of your blood. In effect you will be able to store more blood than weaker kindred. And even without training that is power. You can ‘burn blood’ to accomplish some fantastic feats. But that is expensive and not encouraged. As an example the sum total blood of one typical human would be enough to build your strength to far beyond an Olympic weightlifter for a brief moment - or improve your aim with a weapon for that moment. However, to avoid leaving dead humans around that would mean hunting and feeding off about 5 humans … just for one brief impressive feat.

“Many kindred have a herd - humans they feed off regularly, often bonded. Anya and Maia do that - especially Anya. Anya is the youngest of us all, but easily the most powerful. If she asks to embrace you, do not refuse. Though she is the youngest of us she understands more about kindred than anyone I know. It’s a little scary, to be honest - and I don’t frighten easily. She has even discussed lifting my curse - my clan curse. I have never even heard of that being done. The curse was placed by Caine.”

“Anyways …. for now, enjoy mortality. You are old enough to Embrace. It is against Cainite Law to embrace a child. I will also confide that I have considered Rick for the Embrace for a long time. It is just that I don’t want to risk seeing him change. Kramer has had problems with that. She is a Brujah - known as rebels. We used to joke about her being a Toreador - known for their love of beauty. She went around embracing people in whom she saw raw artistic talent - especially musical. But every time she did so she ruined their talent and her childer went very dark. Her most recent embrace was Keith, whom Watts was in love with. Keith gave into his darker nature. Anya nearly destroyed Kramer for that.

“I don’t want to see you change. I like you as you are. Although,” Samantha’s accent slipped again, “you are more like Kramer than I think you’d want to admit.” She laughed. “Try not to hate her too much. She grows on you. And she did save my life when we first met. She had been a very young vampire, whose Sire had been killed by a Hunter. I was being hunted by the grandfather of the Hunter we now face. Kramer actually ran into a fire and dragged me out. I had been staked and was on the verge of Final Death in a burning building.

“The Prince of New Orleans wanted to have Kramer killed as she was a neonate with no living sire. But I called in a favor and became Kramer’s mentor. She’s become like a kid sister to me - a very annoying, spoiled brat of a kid sister, but still like family.”
This was a lot for Penelope to take in, for her to hear about embracing, The Prince of New Orleans, the different generations of Vampires, it was rather confusing for her but she wasn't set back by it at all. The only thing that she pondered the most was the whole feeding off of Vampires. It wasn't something she was to fond of doing.

"How can Vampire's tell who has good blood or not? Like with me, if, take for instance, I had a disease what would that do to you? Would it slow you down or cause you to get weak?"

She was resorting to TruBlood here, the whole Hepatitis theory could possibly pose as a threat maybe? But from what Samantha was telling her she and the other Vampires were to strong to have something like that effect them. Swallowing she scratched her head and walked around a bit, things were so fuzzy to her before but now things were settling in.

Her nose crunched a bit when she heard Samantha say that she needed to like Kramer, if they could hear her thoughts they would know exactly what she was saying in her head. Cussing and cursing her name, calling her everything under the sun. She reminded Penelope of...herself? That was something to be afraid of.

"Since I have these strengths and minor abilities right now, do I have to work on my anger? I know I have a temper but..."

She didn't want to admit that she needed to calm down sometimes, especially when she had punched the walls earlier, she never expressed much emotion but it did have it's way of showing itself.

"You've pretty much summed it up for me, but I do have a question though...would you have to feed of me and I have to drink your blood? That just sounds to creepy right now."
Samantha smiled. “That pretty much sums it up. I don’t have to feed on you specifically. But my body doesn’t make its own blood. To feed you I have to get blood from somewhere. For the record, we NEVER feed on our groupies. Your suspicions about blood diseases and toxins are correct. It would be creating a weakness in our security for us to feed off groupies with any regularity.”

“Maia is the real expert on the subject of blood diseases and such. Most diseases don’t affect us. But a few do - none greatly. And we do not transmit diseases generally speaking. However, toxins and impurity metabolized by humans can be passed on - such as alcohol. Very few vampires are able to detect the purity of blood. For exacting information about the quality of blood - or if a victim has been fed upon it takes a thaumaturgist - a mage. Tremere are the best known mages among kindred. Anya seems to be of an offshoot bloodline of the Tremere. Her raw power transcends any other kindred I know. Even Nyctasia regards her with respect and Nyc is older than written language on Earth.”

“One thing I strongly encourage before you ever consider the path of unlife is to get to know the other members of Innocent Blood. Each of them has a history. They ARE history. Nyctasia was embraced by Isis. You should NEVER speak of Isis around her. Nyc hates her with a passion. Nyc wasn’t given a choice. Her embrace was monstrous. She was left starving and ready to frenzy for her rebirth as kindred - locked in her family home with her family and fiance. She killed every last one of them.

“There is a lesson in that story. If you ever do become kindred, you WILL kill. That is why I caution you about temper. The more inhumane you become, the more monstrous your visage. The delicacy of the fangs, for example, is an indicator of the humanity and self control of a kindred.”

Now I realize I have thrown a lot at you in a very short time, so let’s table further questions for now. Feel free to ask any of us questions at any time - though I would be careful with Nyc. Nyc embraced Kaori. Like her own sire she gave Kaori no choice in the matter. And she destroyed Kaori’s life. With very little temptation Nyc might very well do something monstrous.”

“Really all we can do for now is relax until Anya has done her part.”


It was a little after midnight when Anya summoned Samantha, Penelope, and Kevin back to the main room. There, standing in the center of the room was the ghostly apparition of Rebecca Walker, the victim. Anya gestured to Penelope. “This woman is your living champion, she who seeks justice on your behalf. But she needs your help to ensure that no more shall fall victim to your killer. She will have the strength - the spirit - to help you maintain your presence on this mortal realm. And this shall strengthen that bond.”

Anya held up a beaded bracelet. It was a friendship band. “Penelope, Rebecca’s boyfriend wears its twin. She made them for the both of them to wear - at least until her boyfriend proposed. It carries a great deal of hubris. So long as you wear it, you will be able to share your life essence and maintain Rebecca’s presence. She in turn will be able to impart what she senses. The bracelet will act as a fetish - a type of magic item. And yes, we had to steal it from Evidence. Sorry. Should you need to hide it, just concentrate on absorbing it into your body. Trust me, it will work.

“I also have a Chance card for you. It is a one use item of Blood Magic. When taken out and cast to the ground,” she demonstrated with a normal business card, “it activates a Rite known as Escape to a True Friend. In short it transports everything close to it to the presence of the kindred whose blood was used in its creation. In this case it is my blood. Think of it as a Get Out of Jail Free card. But you have to use it before they take it away.”

“Now then, the plan is for you to investigate that garage Kevin thought was where the grease on Rebecca’s shoes came from. If we are right, Rebecca should be able to scout the area for you and keep you from getting ambushed. You have extraordinary senses. You even sensed Samantha following you - and you have no idea how rare that is. You have senses beyond most humans - mystical ones I believe. I should warn you, that this may awaken them fully. If so, then I will accept responsibility and train you in their use myself.”
Penelope was taken back a moment when she saw the young woman, it was amazing. Having this girl, Rebecca by her side would cause the case to move so much quicker then her and Brady solving it alone. What else, how did she not know about this? The fact that Vampires can actually manifest an undead human being without any damage or hurt to themselves why couldn't the use them for investigations? Penelope thought about all her unsolved crime cases from murder's, shootings, and rape cases. The streets would be rid of so much danger and crime, it would make the world a better place.

Eventually she managed to pick her chin up off the ground and listen to everything they had to say. She looked down at the bracelet that was on the her hand, the pairing piece was her boyfriend or fiancée. Awesome! She finally would be able to use her interrogating skills again. Plus it was a guy, no man likes to be talked down to by a woman, every person knows that so when Penelope shows up she'll put him in his place. Then again he did just lose his future bride so that does have a downfall. Penelope's eyes shifted down to the bracelet, lifting her arm up she spun it around to look at the design.

"So they misplaced..."

Her eyes looked at Anya.

"This item in evidence...hmmm...happens all the time."

Penelope then grabbed the card she was given and looked it over. A get out of jail free card huh? Having this on her made her think that she was obviously going to be getting into so serious stuff that her gun, baseball bat, or any type of weapon would be useless. Biting her lower lip she just nodded and put it in the inside of her coat pocket where it zip up and keep it from anyone or lose it.

"Right! Let's get this show on the road. The parking lot is open back up to the public so it may be hard but knowing that I have this bracelet I, or we should be fine with it. But I do have one last thing before we head out. When will we meet again?"
“Oh we aren’t parting ways just yet. This is the part where Innocent Blood earns its paycheck. We are going to be your backup. As I said, the plan is for you to send in Rebecca as a scout. She will have two tasks. First, locate Isaiah Thrush. Second, locate the murder weapon. We must find the murder weapon before we make a move if at all possible. If we find both, you call in for mortal backup. You get a collar to be proud of - and the evidence to link to Thrush and put him away for murder. It won’t matter if he makes claims about real vampires. Let him. The downside to that is that he may get off on an insanity plea. If we only find the murder weapon, we secure it for you to place in evidence. Then the Hunter becomes the hunted. If we can only find Thrush, we all go in and end him. He disappears and the case eventually goes cold.”

Anya had pretty much thought of everything.
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