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Fantasy Inner Fire

Inner Fire

Inner Fire is a dragon and elf/fey based rp. In the rp they will go on quests and fight bad men. All of them come from different factions of society and brought together to wipe their lands clean so that peace can be achieved through the feuding kingdoms.


Elves/Fey (3 Slots)
Elvish Princess: Me (CS will be up soon)

Elvish Noble:

Elvish Middle Class:

Elvish Lower class or Thief:

Dragons (4 Slots)
Dragon Prince/Princess:

Dragon Noble:

Dragon Middle class:

Dragon Lower Class or Thief:


1. No spamming any of the chats, OOC, CS, or RP
3. If your characters decide to do extra romantic rp please go to pms
4. Do not kill anyone else's oc without permission from an admin and the oc owner
5. Do not demand roles once they've been filled
6. Be active

The two kingdoms had been feuding for close to a hundred years about a lad dispute. So for these many years they had devoted all their time fighting over land while their cities were being over taxed and crime ran rampant. So to rectify this they chose eight capable candidates from both countries to travel the kingdoms and make peace throughout. The eight characters in this story will all be roughly the same age (19-24)

Can use magic but no god modding
Can use transformation magic
Can use magical weapons and can also gain power boosts on them

Have half human forms
Can breathe fire and use their wings
Gems and treasure give power boosts and can be used as weapons

All power boosts will be moderate and will be held under the rule of no god modding

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The sounds of footsteps echoed around the big room, while the fire crackled noisily. There wasn't any noise except that, utterly silent while the steps repeated. The source of the sound was a young man, pacing back and forth, deep in his thoughts. Behind him, was a beautiful throne made out of iron, shining and giving off heat. The young man was Prince Lucas, heir to the Silverburn throne. He was thinking about the ongoing wars between the dragons and the elves. His parents wanted him to go out, and make peace between the kingdoms. Lucas snorted, breaking the precious silence. Like that's ever going to happen, he thought. But then, a thought popped into his mind. He could have an opportunity to go for his sister. Lucas's parents didn't let him leave the kingdom, as it was 'dangerous.' But, that would only be if she wasn't already dead. No, don't think that.
Lucas had heard about how the elves fought wildly, with no respect or guilt. He may, or may not believe that, but he was still frightened about it. Lucas walked to onto the balcony and stared at the kingdom that lay in his sight. He sighed. Well, I have to protect this kingdom. People need to know that their next leader is a good one.
Lucas walked back to the throne and sat down. The heat didn't bother him, and he remained silent for a couple of seconds. Then it's settled, he thought. I'll go on this peace trip, whatever it is.
He was startled out of his thoughts when someone knocked on the large, bronze door that lay in front of him.
Don't start your rp in a interest check.

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