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Fantasy Inner Fire: Characters Sheet Chat

Name: Dorian Dwight

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Role: Dragon Noble

Race: Dragon

Main Form:ccbf1c090603e895a05f4eaa0ef75068.jpg

Alternate Form:ba7e9ef4536d0bf6f89a813375b917b5.jpg

Personality: On business, Dorian is educated, often silent unless spoken to, serious with matters and unusually observant like some sort of detective. He's very witty when spoken to leaving people baffled once they find out how he truly is. You could say he's similar to smart alec Sherlock Holmes. In his leisure time, he's very kind carrying a soft spot for both women and children due to his chivalrous ways. He's also an odd ball asking the most randomest questions in a conversation jumping from business to casual unable to shut down his habit as well as his addiction to nibble on cinnimon sticks

Backstory: Dorian came from a rich, noble where their status is always important for their family name. As a child, Dorian could not conform well with the rest of his siblings and often seen as a hassle and a waste. Eventually, he was forced to abide by their rules while on his free time ran off to explore the lower class town meeting several people with plenty of stories and love to share. Everyone in the small community took care of each other and cared about one another compared to the higher ups. It made Dorian second guess his family. In truth deep down he knew he was different from the others finding it more and more difficult to follow orders and please his parents resorting in him to be couped up like a bird unable to leave his home. For years this lasted until giving in to his parents after being broken down.

One day during a tour of the town, Dorian sought to attend a little girl in distress. Her doll was lost somewhere, Dorion did his best to comfort the girl asking questions of where she saw it last piecing together the pieces easily finding the doll returning it to the girl thankful. That was the starr of his gift. Day after day children would seach for him including people, parents and soon the town once again grateful for his skills finding himself proud belonging somewhere in his kingdom without judgement.

Princess Seren Dismaten
Elvish Princess
Main Appearance

Alternate Appearance

Cold and calculating. She is serious all the time and is hard headed. She's a little icy at first but once you break the ice she's warm and kind. She is a fierce warrior and her moon elf powers increase when the moon is out. She's never fallen in love so she's sorta shy around guys. She's not really fond of anyone really. She was sheltered her whole life.

In the earlier years of Siren's life was filled with long happy days where her family spent every waking moment together. Her brother Kliaq was several years older than her but his little sister was the most important thing in the world to him. They would spend hours upon hours together. Until one day a villager from the far corner of the valley bordering the capital. Her and her brother were in the courtyard playing cards for little candies. When he saw the burned and exhausted man he rushed up to him and took him into the castle. Serin was rushed to her room and the last time she saw her brother it was the next day as he rode away with a few soldiers to the front lines. It was days before they were informed that he had fallen in battle. But he was a hero. He had himself found a way to drive the dragon hordes back. He was unfortunately found dead after the battle had ended. She didn't go to the funeral she was too distraught. She didn't leaver her quarters for three weeks. When she did she demanded to be taught to be a warrior. So at the age of thirteen Serin practices the arts of war for hours a day sometimes only getting an hour of sleep a day. Her grief drove her to want to kill and her need for blood drove her to become the greatest warrior in the Elvish army.​
Name: Lucas Silverburn

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Role: Dragon Prince

Race: Dragon

Main Form:

Alternate Form: (He's not that big though)

Personality: Outspoken and very loving, Lucas was always seen as the caretaker in his family. Unlike his other siblings, he always spoke about what was mind and involved himself in political matters.
Sometimes though, his pride can get the best of him. Boasting about himself and the dragon race, it sometimes gets him in trouble. Lucas can be harsh when it is necessary. He is extremely protective of the ones who he loves and will do whatever it takes to eliminate them if they hurt his family or friends.

Backstory: Lucas Silverburn was born to the royal family of the Silverburns, rulers of the dragon kingdom. From a young age, Lucas was a loving, and gentle boy. Always trying to get around work, Lucas was taught strictly by his parents about the real world. From that moment, Lucas's childhood ended.
Studying, learning, and working became Lucas's life. His parents were disappointed by anything less than perfect. The only thing that kept Lucas from yelling or running away was his sister. She was terrific at everything and the parent's favorite. But that didn't bother Lucas. All that mattered was that she played with him.
But, one day, Lucas's sister and her parents got into a terrifying fight about Lucas's sister still treating the young prince like a little boy, when he was already a teen. Lucas's sister left for a 'walk,' but she never returned. Lucas's parents searched everywhere, but there were no traces of the princess. The news deeply affected Lucas, and he stopped doing the childish things that he used to do for the rest of his life.
Several years later, and Lucas is in line for the throne. He is still on the lookout for his sister, even though his parents have forgotten about her. Lucas has taken the place of his beloved sister, becoming the favorite.
Tempest Rosalie Dalir



Elvish Noble


Main Form:

Alternate Form: N/A

Gemstone/metal manipulation: Can create and manipulate gemstones and metals.
Illusion: llusion: User can create, shape and manipulate illusions, causing targets to see, hear, touch, smell and/or taste things which do not actually exist or cause them to perceive things differently from what they truly are.
Weapons: sapphire daggers (she only uses if necessary)

Tempest is calm, cool, and collected. She is very analytical and observant of the everyone and everything around her. She is extremely honest, and even-tempered. As a friend, she is loyal and caring, and is very sociable around people she's comfortable with. She is a bit of a perfectionist because she has to be, so she rarely has time to relax. She is naturally charming, and serves as a peacemaker when people begin to fight.

Tempest grew up in an extremely wealthy and noble family. As she grew up, her parents never had time with her, always tending to their business as mercenaries, or as close advisors to the royal family. Tempest and her brother were left with state of the art tutors who were instructed to teach them multiple languages, core subjects, how to control their abilities, and weaponry/combat. When Tempest was 13 years old and her brother was 12, they strayed away from where they were supposed to be, away from their guards and caretakers. Tempest watched as a member of the dragon race mercilessly killed her brother, unable to do anything. Tempest, rather than hating the dragon race, has sought to help make peace so that accidents like what happened to her brother can be prevented. Soon after her brother was killed, she began training and learning vigorously, becoming involved in both her parents' business and elvish politics, becoming a high rank herself.

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Sevrin Azi​


Age || 19
Gender || Male
Role || Dragon Thief
Race || Dragon
Alternate Form

Sevrin is a hard nut to crack. His upbringing was harsh and due to having no consistent caretaker or human contact of any kind for that matter in the first 7 years of his life, he has strange, almost animalistic curiosity and outlook on life - he doesn't quite understand the do's and don't of communication and doesn't really grasp the reasoning behind any of the wars or why it matters how much money a person had. Long story short, he's open minded. If you’re nice to him, he will follow you to the end of the earth even if your cause isn’t necessarily pointing the right way on the moral compass. If you cross him, he'll do one of two things 1) assess how much of a threat you are to him or his friends and based off of that, will handle you with as much force is necessary or 2) since you've proven to be persist in your hostility, he will by any means possible make sure you regret it.
Because of this, Sevrin has trouble discerning whats right and wrong(i.g. why is violence bad if someone hits you first? or why is it bad to say exactly whats on your mind, or point out when someone is wrong no matter how high their social rank is?) and often times gets confused by social etiquette and the political standings of the times – which is why he’s been labeled a thief. Despite his docile demeanor, he does have quite a temper on him and can be very stubborn. Sevrin is very in tune with his instincts and therefore is very sensitive to the auras of the people around him, meaning that if you’re giving off a hostile energy he will not hesitate to make sure you’re not a threat in any way he can.

Sevrin grew up basically on his own; he was born in an alley in the slums of the Dragon Kingdom, his mother was supposedly a prostitute and his father apparently a lowranking knight in the Kings Guard. Not that any of that matters, his mother left him in that same alley way and his father doesn't even know he exists. For years after that, he was swapped from one uncomfortable bystander to another who, while they were being an upstanding citizen by taking him in, would get bored of him and by the time he was able to walk and talk he found permanent residency on the streets.
Occasionally Sevrin would team up with passing gangs of people whos faces were blurry and names he'd never asked, but they'd seemed more like sad drunks born from misfortune and bad luck than evil ne'er-do-wells who hid themselves under cheap facades. It was these bands of thieves and vagabonds that uncovered a talent of his: slight of hand. His movements over time became more fluid and precise and he had learned to stick to the shadows and make himself unnoticeable in a crowd that he eventually created a name for himself in the underground "the Ghost". Now you see him, now you don't - or in Sevrins case, now you think you see him, now your moneys gone and you're pointing out an innocent man to the guards while the real thief is about a block away targeting another person.
Its this lifestyle that caused the jaded Sevrin to drift through life on autopilot until one day he found himself behind bars in the capital and was given a proposition that, while he couldn't care less about the futile fuedings of the two nations, proved to be quite benificial to him.

"Come serve me in this group of soldiers or rot in prison."

Seemed like a pretty annoying position to take, but it was sure as helluva lot better than that the latter.

code by apolla apolla

I can change some things if need be. :)

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