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Fantasy Inheriting Disaster: A Dark Fantasy RP story hook


There is a large continent divided into several kingdoms, but this continent is not one blessed with an abundance of riches which in turn forces the people who live there to fight for what they can. Naturally, this state of things has lead to multiple wars, with countless deaths and constantly shifting borders. Then one Kingdom - named Atlune - experienced a sudden and quite unprecedented bounty of good fortune, gaining great riches of the earth and stone; from ores and minerals to food and exceptional weather. This naturally lead to jealousy and other nations seeking to claim it but the fortune of Atlune didn't stop with the weather and lucky mines but extended into its military that not only successfully defended against attempted assaults but expanded into neighbouring lands at shocking speeds.

But for all the wealth of coin and food that Atlune enjoyed, the king had turned tyrannical.

King Greissop instituted brutal laws with harsh penalties, resulting in countless deaths of his own people and those unfortunate enough to be conquered. While those within his borders still continued to prosper, such bounty was poisoned by the tyrannical king's vicious bloodthirst. Eventually, a champion (your character) of the people rose up and slew the king and his harridan of a queen.

Thus would be where most stories ended, but this was only the beginning, for it seems King Greissop had a child - a daughter (my character) named Marr who was spoiled, selfish, conceited, and also extremely sheltered. Though her personality was rotten, she was blissfully ignorant of the world, kept from learning anything that happened outside of the walls, forcing the new champion and potential ruler to decide what to do with them.

But that's not all, it turns out the king was making deals with dark, wicked and otherworldly powers that granted the good fortune that Atlune had enjoyed, but the cost was a tithe in lives, thus the countless executions were explained. But with the passing of the king, the contract is broken and misfortune falls upon the land, with pestilence, vermin, malcontent, and worst of all: the ground splitting open to vomit forth monstrous creatures.

This is the state of things, our new champion has become the unfortunate successor to disaster, what will happen next?


PM me if you're interested yo!
Still waiting for the site to let me send PM's, but this sounds fascinating! I'll PM you as soon as I can

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