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I can't Sleep
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Chapter 1: The Battle of New York

The Tesseract was the strongest artifact on earth so far that Shield had uncovered. They had the Tesseract in a secure location that they thought was unbreachable with the amount of security they had watching over it. The artifact was kept in a case in the middle of a room with lasers guarding the case and men and women standing on guard every hour and not missing a beat when they switch off the shifts. However, Shield was not really equipped to handle really powerful threats yet and that would add to their demise and failure to protect the Tesseract. Shield was not prepared to deal with the Mad Titan and his army of devote followers, no one was prepared for Thanos, even the Fantastic Four who were good at dealing with intergalactic threats. Truth be told, Thanos would stop at nothing to get his hands on the Tesseract and would take everything the Avengers had to stop.

Agent Mercer took his shift to guard the Tesseract and was with a group of agents that were outside the room guarding it. He was pretty confident that nothing would happen and needed to take a bathroom break quick. The agent was sure that it would be fine if he left his post for a bit to take a poop. But first, he had to disable the security alarm, so he did not trip it himself. Mercer would reactivate it as soon as he came back from the bathroom. The agent walked to the terminal to disable the security and then he went to use the bathroom for a bit.

Adam Warlock soon flew through the building and slammed into Mercer, spattering him against the wall. He then turned his attention to the other Shield agents who heard the commotion and rushed to find Adam Warlock who was pulsating with energy. An alarm sounded as Adam began to kill the Shield agents with punches effortlessly and moved forward to grab the Tesseract inside the room. He radiated energy and managed to fry the security systems, allowing him to enter the normally locked doors that would slide into place during an alarm. More Shield agents fired at Adam, but the bullets did nothing as the superhuman charged a blast of energy at them, killing them and damaging the building. Adam knew that he had to act quickly to grab the Tesseract before it was crushed. Adam ran into the room where the Tesseract was and grabbed it.

Adam then made his way of the faculty by flying through the roof. He glanced around for his ride out of Earth, so he could hand the Tesseract to Thanos. The Black Order mothership was arriving above Manhattan and released thousands of Chitauri soldiers into the city. Thanos also wanted to destroy earth as well as get the Tesseract for himself. He would also need to learn the location of the other stones to use his Infinity Gauntlet and impress Lady Death.​

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