Infinity High

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/hot-sexy-gorgeouse-a-god.jpg.a851a6b62ec93cd5b24d015824aefdbc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2025" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/hot-sexy-gorgeouse-a-god.jpg.a851a6b62ec93cd5b24d015824aefdbc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name:Koby Knight






Personality:Koby is an outgoing person and loves to be around friends and family.He has a great sense of humour and loves to joke around.Koby also loves to party all night.He is shy around the people he has a crush on.He loves clothes so he'll wear something wild or punkish each day

Location:Koby lives in a penthouse(apartment).

Relatives:He has a twin sister named Kelly


Friends/Best Friends:(guess we'll see when the rp starts?)


Pets: His Husky Puppy Max<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/7.jpg.ef5bab9e468c6099fc8a81892df57570.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2024" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/7.jpg.ef5bab9e468c6099fc8a81892df57570.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



Name: Spencer Hartford

Nickname: Spence

Age: 15

Gender: Female


Height: 5'6

Personality: Spencer is kind of a loner. She studies hard in school, and cares a lot about her grades. Due to past bullying, she is very self conscious about herself, and tries to please people. She is very shy at first, but if you are lucky enough to get to know her, she is very sweet, funny and outgoing.

Location: Spencer lives in an old brick house, with her mother Lisa and brother Dallas

Relatives: Dallas (Brother), Lisa (Mother) *Father Unknown*

Kids: Nope. The idea of being o MTV doesn't appeal to her.

Friends/Best Friends: Not a the moment.

Girl/Boyfriend: Not at the moment.

Pets: Nope

History: Spencer's father abandoned her family when she was born. She blames herself, as her father was there for Dallas' early life, but as soon as she came along, he was gone. She has just moved to this new town, and is afraid of what it brings. She really only wants a friend, someone who can understand her.


Name: Dallas Hartford

Nickname: Dall

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Year: Senior

Height: 6'3

Personality: Dallas is a very quiet boy. He likes to be alone, and not talk to people. He is sort of a Sci-Fi nerd, but he's proud of it. Music is his life. Unlike his sister, he cares little for school and grades.

Location: (Same as Spencer)

Relatives: Spencer (Sister), Lisa (Mother) *Father Is Not Remembered*

Kids: Nope.

Friends/Best Friends: Not a the moment.

Girl/Boyfriend: Not at the moment.

Pets: Nope

History: Dallas grew up for 2 year with his father, although those memories were wrecked by a blow to the head (He doesn't know he got hit though). Now he's living a similar life to Spencer's, but e promises to one day find his father, and ask him why he made Spencer blame herself for his mistake.

Other: Dallas is Bisexual
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Name: Ludwig Schmidt

Nickname: None (Some call him Nazi because he is German and has blonde hair blue eyes)

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Year: Senior

Height: 5 feet 11 inches

Personality: Ludwig is very uptight, and quiet. When people anger him they are in for a beating, whether with words or hands and feet. He established an infamous name for himself, but it caused him to be lonely. However if you open him up, (extremely hard to do) he is nice on the inside and very controlled.

Location: A large house in the "Peaceful Estates" area

Relatives: Abigail Schmidt(Mother), Alexander Schmidt (Father)

Kids: None

Friends/Best Friends: None

Girl/Boyfriend: None

Pets: A snake named Amelia.

History: Ludwig was born in Germany and lived there for 16 years. He can speak fluent German, as most Germans can and has a thick accent when speaking English. People steered away from him when he first moved to America.

Sexual Orientation: Straight.


Name: Bridget Sky

Nickname: Sunset

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Year: Sophomore

Height: 5'2''

Personality: Bridget is a fun-filled girl who loves to have a good time. She's independent, daring, loud, and can be flirty. She loves the beach and enjoys watching the sunset behind the ocean (why she is nicknamed Sunset).

Location: Bridget lives in a house with her mother and four siblings.

Relatives: Mom (Lynn), older brother (Chris), older sister (Melissa), younger sister (Maya)


Friends/Best Friends: None yet.

Girl/Boyfriend: Single.

Pets: A goldfish.

History: Bridget is very quiet about her history. She says it's to upsetting for her to talk about it.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/brianna.jpg.413fb0f14527e5e3739cba1bc00fd91b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2292" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/brianna.jpg.413fb0f14527e5e3739cba1bc00fd91b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



Name: Nikolaus Reemer

Nickname: Nik to most.

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Year: Senior

Height: 6'0

Personality: To be honest, Nikolaus is most likely the most laid-back person you'll ever meet. He's always been very mellow, searching for and picking out all of the pleasures and positives in his tasks and in life in general. He's naturally fairly positive, although not in the bubbly or excited sense. He just has a very calm, collected nature that most seem to take comfort in. He has a terrible habit of speaking his thoughts, which are, for the most part, very...cryptic. He tends to take the smallest, most insignificant things-whether it be experiences or situations bad, good, or just plain interesting-and find some type of deeper meaning to them. His outlook on most everything is very creative, and he will sometimes catch himself mumbling some type of metaphor or meaning to whatever he is doing at the current moment-which can sometimes make him quite bashful, since such a thing isn't common for anyone to do. He's normally seen in a group of friends as the one that people go to for advice-although he isn't quite the brainiac with book smarts, he has boat loads of common sense, and his generally warm and positive outlook and aura seem to invite people to ask for his advice-which he is happy to do. He has always been caring for his acquaintances and would go to great lengths to keep them content.

Location: He currently lives alone in a one bedroom apartment, with only his pet to keep him company.

Relatives: Due to his somewhat...tragic past, Nikolaus has been independent since he was eighteen. He has no parental support, and has no family ties.

Kids: N/A.

Friends/Best Friends: He's had a few friendships in the past that drifted away as he moved up grades, so he has no stable friendships as of now. But that could change.

Girl/Boyfriend: None, is currently on the search for love, so go right ahead if interested.

Pets: He has a small, young tabby cat with fur a shade darker than his hair, who he named Natura, but calls Nattie as a nickname.

History: Nikolaus had a normal childhood for quite a while-until he was about 16, in fact. He had a loving mother-who he inherited his expansive creativity from-and father, who worked as a part-time doctor and who earned a slightly higher-than-modest living for them, providing the family with comforts and small luxuries. It was all going quite well for him-until age 16 struck.

It seemed to be the dropping point of his life. His mother was murdered in a mugging-as horrible as it sounds. This event put his father into a state of shock and depression, in which he coped by delving in alcohol. This new method began to turn him bitter and aggressive, creating a slow progression into an abusive (mostly verbal, rarely physical) parent towards Nikolaus. This also took a toll in Nik's emotional stability, and it revealed many negative, rebellious emotions that caused fights to break out. Time passed, and as soon as Nik turned seventeen, he had had the last straw. One of the largest fights they had ever had broke out in full flame, and he had walked out with his bags packed.

He has been continuing his education while also working jobs on the side to earn money, having scraped up enough to get the small apartment he currently lives in. He has saved up money through working endlessly in his junior year while continuing his schooling, and now that he is older and has a more stable plan, he doesn't have to work quite as hard with the money he has saved up, able to live fairly comfortably as of now, now mainly focusing on schooling and love.

Notes: He has a light Russian accent inherited from his mother, whose side of the family was completely Russian, his father's side all American.

[ There we are. If there is anything I should edit, please notify me. ]
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