Infinite Stratos Roleplay (RyuJunkie & SummerPanic)


Junior Member
Axel was walking down the one of the many hallways in the IS academy heading to his homeroom classroom. Today was his first day at the all girls school....well it wasn't all girls anymore, there were two guys now. Just a couple weeks ago it was discovered that he to could control and IS and his parents decided that he should go to the academy. Actually, they forced him to go. Man this sucks, why do I have to be here? I don't give a crap that I can control these stupid IS things. Axel thought. While walking to his homeroom he was being followed by a group of students that wouldn't keep their eyes off of him and kept whispering things. Axel finally had enough and turned around looking at the small group. "Would you all stop following me? It's kind of creepy." He told them with an annoyed tone. The group of girls backed off a little bit, but not much. Man, and I thought I was going to be considered the creeper. Axel headed into classroom 1-1 and took a seat in a empty desk and waited for class to start. Of course he was getting stares from the other girls that were in there. Well if there was one thing that was good it was that there was another guy that goes here. Hopefully the two guys would get along.
A young blonde girl from France walked into the classroom. Looking around she saw a new student had joined the class but this was not some regular new student. This student was another boy. "Oh cool another boy?" she said getting all excited. Quikcly covering her mouth so nobody would hear her squeals of joy she made sure to behave. After all she did not want him thinking she was just some randm girl who wanted to go out with him. He probably had enough of that in the short time he was here. Besides she knew nothing about him so she decided to just calm down and relax and see how it went. Maybe he was a real jerk and did not want to deal with any of the girls here at the school and was going to follow his own agenda while he was here.
Axel sighed, he really didn't want to be here. He was wishing he was back home at his high school, hanging out with his friends and ditching class. Axel began to stare out the window looking at the blue sky, that is until a girl blocked his view. She was acting all flirty telling him that she could show him around. Axel replied with, "Yeah that's nice. Now could you move out of the way? You're blocking my view." The girl of course moved out of the way acting a little upset at how rude Axel was to her. He couldn't care less. Man what's with these girls? It's like they've never seen a guy before. Axel however did notice one blonde haired girl that walked into the classroom. Hmm.....she's kind of cute. He thought just before Maya and Chifuyu walked into the classroom. All the students immediately took their seats and top of that the other male student came walking in, Ichika Orimura. He apologized to Chirfuyu for being late and which he got a fist to the head because he called her sis again. Ichika took his seat but not before waving at Charlotte and the other girls.

"Alright class, today we have a new student with us." Maya began acting all cheerful. She looked right at Axel. "Can you introduce yourself?" She asked him.

....Crap. Axel thought as he got up from his desk and looked at the crowd of students. "Um......yeah, the name's Axel Goodson. I'm from the United States, California to be exact." He said to the students.

"Is there anything else you like to tell us?" Maya asked.

"Uh.....not really." Replied Axel, he just wanted to sit back down and well, he went back to his seat.
Charlotte waved and smiled over towards Ichika who smiled back at her before he went to take his seat. Once the new student walked up to the from of the classroom he introduced himself to everyone. Charls could tell that he did not want to be here. After all the school only had one other boy so she could see why it would bother him having to come here to this school and leave his old life far behind him. Soon the class began like any other day and Maya showed a video about maintaining your IS so it is always in working condition. Most of the students were asleep or on their phone. Charls on the other hand glanced over at the two boys before looking out the window for bit. After the long video was over the class was dismissed so that everyone was able to go and stretch their legs for a bit to relax.
Before the days lesson had began Chirfuyu handed Axel a bunch of thick and heavy books. She told him to study and memorize all the information within the next couple of weeks. Are you freaking kidding me?! How the hell am I suppose to memorize all this crap within a couple of weeks?! Axel thought looking at the stack full of books. Axel simply replied with an alright, mainly because with the serious cold look on Chirfuyu's face, she wasn't someone you wanted to pick a fight with. Unlike Ichika Axel wasn't brain dead lost, he sort of got the idea of maintaining your IS. When class was dismissed it was pretty much time for lunch. Axel went to the the cafeteria and got his food and sat at an empty table by himself hoping that no girls would follow him. He just wanted to be alone. I'm gonna be stuck here for three years, all because my parents think it will keep me out of trouble. What a load of bull.....I wonder what my friends are doing right now.
Charlotte could see him eating all alone but did not go to him. Seeing a group of girls walking over to him she sighed knowing things might get ugly. After all he did not seem like the kind of person that wanted all this attention. Eating her food she watched as he brushed off each of the girls making them either angry or disappointed. Hopefully he would start enjoying the school since it was a lot of fun to be here but only when you were not being mobbed by a gang of girls wanting to date you.
I swear to God if one more girl hits on me I'm gonna flip out. Axel thought. All he wanted to do was just eat his lunch but he couldn't do that because of all these girls.

"Mind if I sit here?" Someone asked Axel.

THAT DOES IT!!! Axel was about to snap. He had about of these girls being all over him like a hungry dog on a piece of steak. He looked up only to see the other male pilot Ichika. "Oh.....yeah sure." He replied with, slowly calming himself down.

"Thanks." Ichika said sitting down in the booth. "It looks like you and I will be sharing a room."

"Makes since, why would they have me room with a girl? Then again from the looks of most of them they probably would want that."

"You'll get used to it. Oh I'm Ichika Orimura by the way. Axel was it, right?"

"....Yeah." Axel nodded.
Seeing Ichika with the new boy made Charls happy. He was a good friend to her so she knew the boy was in good hands. Eating her food she watched the students sit down and do the same thing. Once lunch ended all the students went back to class however Charl's class was to go outside and meet in the field. Walking outside she was happy to get some fresh air but was very curious as to why class would be outside this afternoon. "Maybe we will do some training." she thought to herself hoping that was the case. After all she really would love to get some excercise. She did thinking her skills have improved and wanted to test them out against someone.

Lucky for Axel his next class was inside once again with Mrs. Orimura. Today they would be leaning more about the different types of IS' as well as differences between each generation. Like in the other class Axel managed to understand some of it, even getting a question right when asked. After that class he pretty much had the rest of the day to himself so Ichika decided to show Axel around the academy with pretty much all the first year students following them. "Man how do you put up with this? I mean I like girls, but this is overkill. Plus they're acting pretty creepy." Axel said to Ichika.

"They're not bad. Once you get to know them I'm sure you'll like the attention." Ichika replied. He tried not to show that he liked the attention mainly because he was too dense to show it plus Houki and the rest of his harem would beat the crap out of him. After the tour was done Ichika lead him back to their room. "Well this is our room. I have to go meet my friend Houki for some kendo practice. You just make yourself at home." He told Axel before leaving.

"Hmm....he's not bad of a guy. Maybe a little dense when it comes to girls. I think we're going to get along just fine." Axel said to himself.
Charlotte spent her free time outside. Looking up at the sky she smiled. It was pretty nice outside today and it felt nice to get some fresh air and not have to worry about anything at all. She knew Ichika and the new student were doing well together. Maybe the two of them would grow to be really close friends. She could only hope. After all it must be hard for them to be surrounded by so many girls. Taking one last breath of fresh air she made her way back into the school.

Walking towards her room she passed students who were talking about the new kid in school and saying how they would fight for him. Sighing she opened her bedroom door and left it open as she walked inside of her room to clean up. After all it was a mess since she had friends over the night before and was to busy to clean it all up this morning.
With nothing really to do for the rest of the day Axel headed into the room he'd be staying in for pretty much the next three years. "Hmm...guessing that's his bed, which means I get the one closest to door." He said to himself. Axel unpacked his things and put them in the closet and nightstand next to his bed before heading to the bathroom to take a shower and change. After that he decided he might as well start to do some of that reading since it had to be memorized within a few weeks. Ichika returned a few hours later looking extremely tired. He mention to Axel that he was going to have lunch tomorrow up on the rooftops with one of his friends Charlotte and asked if he wanted to come. At first Axel was kind of hesitant as his impression with the girls here wasn't very good so far but Ichika reassured him that Charlotte wasn't like that, so he finally said yes.
A tired Charlotte fell asleep on her bed and passed out. The next day the sound of people talking outside her bedroom woke her up. She had enough time to get ready and not be late for her class. Yawning she got up and showered before getting back into her school uniform. Making sure she had everything that she needed for class the french girl was off for her class. Walking down the hall rather fast to not stall. After all she did not wanted be yelled at for being even just a minute late. Making it in class with time to spare she saw the new student or Ichigka were both missing. Hoping the two were not late she glanced out the hall to see if the two were coming but were not.
"Alright next time I'm setting the alarm." Axel said as him and Ichika ran down the hallways to homeroom, with a group of girls following them of course. Luckily they made it just in time to class.

"Man that was a close one. I thought we were going to be late." Ichika got out clearly out of breath.

Houki sighed. "You're so hopeless sometimes Ichika" she said.

"Another one of your girlfriends?" Axel asked.

"I-I'm not his girlfriend! " Houki told him blushing a little bit. A few minutes later Maya and Ms. Orimura entered the classroom and class began soon after that.

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