
It will be interesting to see if White Wolf addresses any of these issues in the release of Exalted Second Edition.
Bodhisattva said:
It will be interesting to see if White Wolf addresses any of these issues in the release of Exalted Second Edition.
My guess is no. They've come out with a ton of material for First Edition and there's like two places where they've gone into any detail about the Infernals. If they were serious about Infernals, particularly as PCs, it would have come out by now, in my opinion. They might get to it eventually, but they first have to re-release everything in Second Edition first.

But I'm not bitter or anything.

I know what you mean.  I currently own every Exalted book in print, save for Comic 0 (that includes all core books, suppliments and novels), so if they re-release everything, I'm going to be spending a lot of money to get it all - not that it won't be worth it, 'cause it totally will.  However, it's supposed to be compatible with other suppliments, so I hope they explain conversion rules to the Nth degree in the new releases.   :)
I agree with your hope of the explanation of conversion rules, as that will facilitate things greatly. As for the worth of buying the new books, it depends on what they do with the re-release. If they add new stuff, then yes, it might be worth it. But if it's just a re-hash with some updates on the new rules, then I'm not convinced it will be worth it.

Just look at the core rulebooks alone. Each one costs, what, $30? As far as I can tell, there are currently 7 (Exalted, DB, ABE, Lunars, Sidereals, Fair Folk and now the Autochthonians, or however that's spelled). That's $210 and change, just for the core books. Add in all the supplements, at an average cost of $20, and if there are even 10 of them, and I know there's a lot more, that's over $400 in products we as gamers would have to re-purchase.

If the new stuff is just rehases with a little extra information, then that cost isn't worth it to me. Even if it's not, and they have good information, it's still an investment of somewhat epic proportions. One that I'm not sure I'm willing to make.

I'm also in the unenviable position of starting my new Exalted campaign within the next couple of weeks. Which means that my campaign will start before the release of 2nd Edition. So do I convert the characters when the new book comes out or just play the game in 1st Edition?

I understand why WW is doing this. It is one of the ways a gaming company has to stay solvent. But it doesn't mean I have to like it. I'll stop now before I rant any further.


The section in the PG states that even ordinary mortals can be tainted and turned into demon-bloods. Exalts just need a more powerful effect to turn them into more powerful Akuma. I think DKs are more like exalts than they are like mortals, so couldn't they be turned into Akuma?
Dragon Kings are neither mortal humans, nor are they Exalts.  They fall somewhere outside of that classification, using Essence in a different way than mortals or Exalts do.
They're still made by the Primordials, though, so it shouldn't be much harder for a yozi to taint a DK than it is for them to do the same to an Exalt. In fact it should be easier, since the Yozis didn't make the Exalted.
To be honest, I'd let a dragon king be tainted far easier than a mortal.  If anything the fact that they were made by primordials means that the yozis would know them better and so would be able to taint them easier, but, tbh, I just think that because Exalts have greater power they should be harder to corrupt *shrugs*
Unless there is some canonical evidence of Dragon Kings being tainted by the Yozis that I am not currently mindful (or aware) of, then I would argue that it would be unlikely that it would either be possible or that the Yozis would take an interest.  After all, they placed the Great Curse down upon the Exalted, not the Dragon Kings.
Yeah, well that's another issue, whether the Yozis would BOTHER or not.  I mean, with corrupting humans they can form powerbases and cults inside civilizations most impenetrable bastions and the like, but the dragon kings are weakish in powerlevel, don't really have anything the yozis want and can't really work "from the inside" so to speak.  TBH, I guess the yozis probably ignore them mostly, due to their lack of usefulness for their goals.
Not only that, but I would imagine that the Yozis could just create more creatures just like the Dragon Kings to suit their purposes far easier than corrupting the ones that are present in Creation.
Or Demon-Blooded for that matter.  DK's just aren't all that powerful in the Exalted Creation.  A powerful God Blood is about on par with most DK's, and with the backing of a Demon or two, a Demon Blood would be more so.

That said, DK's could be powerful allies for a Solar, and the Yozi's plans might include tearing apart any plan that a Solar, DB or Lunar might come up with, and the DK's were supporters of the US, so getting spiteful on their asses would fit, and there is nothing more spiteful than tainting the shit out of a leadership.  Be that with possession, or worse, turning them.

In order for the DK's to warrent the attention, they'd have to be players again--with someone--and then I'd treat them just like any other Akuma template, with the reduction in their maximum Essence and the like.

Plus, the DK's might be an interesting diversion, a lovely thought experiment on how to fuck with things, and just be a general exercise in wallowing in their own crapulence. And imagining what they will do to Autocthon's escape hatch if they can ever find him...
I just like Dragon Kings, really.

On a similar subject, I wonder if any demons know the Ride charm? Demonic ochilike sound kinda neat. It'd be like akumazation, only temporary.

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