Infernals and Imbuing...glee


New Member
I finally got to start a local Exalted game. I am so pumped! The main villain is an infernal sorcerer, and the spells available in the white treatise are fantastic for storyteller purposes. Plenty of things to throw the characters, be it stealing their shadows or casting Battle's End.

Actually, my favorite so far is the 'imbue amalgam' spell. It provides for some fantastic nemeses for the players, particularly if the infernal casts it on mortals the PCs knew and they combine it with three fold binding of the heart. and if you do it right these guys can take a beating and keep on ticking, perfect for the reoccurring villain.add to that the fact that the PCs would probably misidentified him as being demons themselves and it gets even better...i.e. "what the hell kind of demon is THAT?!"

just thought I'd throw that out there for anyone looking for something to do in their game. suggestions for directions I could take this are also appreciated.
Remember, Infernals have the power to look Solars in the eye and say "Yes, I'm crazy. But that doesn't stop me being right."

I never considered that use of the Imbue Amalgam spell, despite my appreciation of it. Thanks for pointing it out!
Nice idea, consider it yoinked.

Do you plan on having the Infernal hide himself and join the players to help hunt down the evil daemon? Kind of like Rezzo in the first Slayers series helping to hunt Zelgadis.
actually, it will be a while before they meet the main villain... though they will run into her machinations frequently before then. See, the group is working for the Haslanti, and one of them is a spy for the Ears of the North, who suspected internal influence in the military. However, the military will recruit them to track down infernal influence in the Ears of the North... so they won't be quite sure who is telling the truth. Also, they probably won't learn until after several encounters that the amalgams used to be friends/relatives.

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