Infernal Game.....maybe

Yes, it is full up right now. The only exceptions I would make to allow more players is if they were to play "lesser" creatures, like 1st Circle Demons, select Demon-Blooded from Malfeas, or Akuma of Lunar and below, with the Dragon Blooded Akuma being much more likely. Either way, they would all be subordinate to the Infernals, and belonging to one Infernal in particular. This means there would have to be coordination between Infernal player and Lesser player.

Would any of the players want an Akuma DB? If so, what general focus would you want them to have?
Just doing a follow up to see if interest is maintained or not. I am asking as there will be times, depending on life and so forth, that can cause delays, hiccups and more. I am understanding of these things and expect the same in return. And this game WILL, I repeat WILL, push certain taboos possibly bordering into the Horror genre. I mean come on, playing Infernals, the product of the most sick and twisted, AND being asked to court/seduce/schmooze Raksi, one of THE most depraved individuals in Creation with the power to live however she likes.
Not a major issue and no rush with all the holidays and all. Just getting an idea of who really wants to be a part of this.
Yes still interested and ticking away at sheet. Likely yes, with holidays and a now a funeral coming >> I will have it all done by end of month or start of next.
Not even close to dying. It's the holidays so I know people are busy. ;) And as for opening read up above and thanks for asking.

Happy Holidays BTW.
Coyotekin said:
Not even close to dying. It's the holidays so I know people are busy. ;) And as for opening read up above and thanks for asking.
Happy Holidays BTW.
Yea, I see you're waiting on some others who obviously already expressed interest, so no worries. I'm new to the site so I'm just looking for a good game to get back into Exalted since it's been awhile. I've submitted some requests to join some of the games marked open in that first thread on this forum, so will see how that goes. I'll keep an eye on this thread too should anything open up. Happy Holidays to you as well.

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