Infernal Game.....maybe


Catalytic Diplomat
Alright, I have really been on an Infernal kick lately and been muling around a few ideas for a while. Taking into consideration that ADHD tends to make things come and go, but this one kept coming back with the same intensity. So I present my idea...well, after some other text first.

This game will have 5 players, no more. It might be negotiable later, but not in the immediate future. It is laid back, meaning that I am looking at maybe a post a day, maybe less, maybe more. Ultimately this is the kind of game you will not have to feel like you have to babysit it just to stay involved or not miss out. No, this is the kind of game where you can be involved in other games and still enjoy them as well.


Raksi, Queen of Fangs is a very old and powerful Lunar, wise in the ways of Sorcery, understanding of the ways of conquest and the strong ruling, and a truly twisted creature that calling her a barbarian would be an insult in the sense that they are beneath her and truly weaker than her. She is a monster tried and true. An abomination after the Yozis own multitude of decrepit hearts, and they want her.

Raksi has wanted, for several millenniums now, to be the first Lunar to be able to practice and, of course, to excel at Adamant Circle Sorcery. And the Yozis in their nigh-infinite power can grant her such a gift. An opportunity really as such a creature is not one to take such a gift where she can properly earn it, take it, master it, and make it her own.

The problem is not so much convincing her of siding with the imprisoned foes and Creators of Creation. Well, it is a problem and a challenge indeed to be honest, but not as much as surviving her domain, stomaching her ways, and gaining her trust. Especially when one considers that few other entities that rival her for sheer power, resources, and knowledge inside of Creation, and even outside of it.

Either way, your Masters want her, and you are going to get her for them or you had better believe that all of the torments and horrors, both real and imagined, that the Queen of Fangs could submit you to would truly pale to displeased Yozis at one of their own failing them.

The Ebon Dragon, yet again, has organized things, an ideal Coven if you will. Each has specific gifts, abilities, and knowledge precisely for their role and toward making the Coven cooperate well, but also harmoniously. All while being able to accomplish their tasks effieciently.

Malfeas wants a leader, a king among Infernals. One who truly knows how to lead their squad in battle, while also being able to guide them in the proper direction. Such wisdom was imparted to his brothers and sisters in the Reclamation amid one of his rare bouts of serenity, calm, and able-mindedness. He seeks someone that understands the bigger picture, can outshine other strategists, and leaves others knowing they should follow the Slayer wherever they should go. And of course, to keep their Coven in line and on the right track.

Cecylene seeks an orator, a charismatic and inspirational figure able to impart wisdom, rouse awareness, and to grant strength when all feels to be lost. Someone who can teach that strength is what keeps others surviving and gaining in ever more strength and power. To teach that one either leads, follows, or is crushed beneath those that understand the natural order. And ultimately to remind the others of their purpose and the price to paid for failure, and the rewards to be gained fir success and subservience.

Adorjan, ironically enough, doesn't seek a lunatic. Oh no, no, no. In fact, she wants anything less than that in the form of one who doesn't break under the strain of madness. One who can direct it, use it, gain strength from it, and to eradicate and bring silent those that require it. A master of disguise, infiltration, espionage, and intelligence gathering. One who, like the wind, can be anywhere, anyone, and even when it seems the wind is scattered it is still the wind and altogether whole. This Scourge is to make sure all relevant information; be it through contacts, gathered by torture, understanding the way people think; is bought to their Coven and to each one that requires it to succeed in their relevant task.

She Who Lives in Her Name wants a planner, an architect, a vizier to Malfeas' king. Where the Scourge is tasked to gather any and all information that the other require, the Defiler is the one to make sure that those plans are planned precisely for optimal results and to make sure the others will succeed as long as they follow the proper plan and hierarchy. The Defiler makes sure the king has all of the information that he needs to know, and nothing less or more, directs the Scourge like a surgeon guides the scalpel, and ultimately orchestrates the teams actions outside of battle.

In the end the Ebon Dragon knew these ideas to be superb, pure genius reminiscent of the old Malfeas all of the Yozis knew. Even then, that was then and this is now and the king is a bit mad. And given the nature of Yozi-spawn and the Infernals he knew that order would be needed amidst the chaos. With that in mind he knew he needed a truly smooth talker, gifted in calming frazzled nerves, flattering the peacocks, and knowing humility, (or be really good at faking it), when necessary to ease wounded pride. He would be gifted in information gathering of a different sort utilizing a softer, more subtle approach where time was not so rushed and where the Scourge might rub someone the wrong way. In the end though, the Fiend's main duty is keeping the Coven working together properly, and if at all possible, also getting along.


Yes, as you can see each of these Castes has predetermined concepts and necessary skills, and for very good reason. And better yet, each of the must come from one of the Five Directions, each different as the Yozis believe that further adds to the diversity and strength that can be brought together from their varied experiences. That would have to be figured out among the players where their characters comes from, only one per Direction.

Beyond that these Exalts will have receive special instruction and intense training to prepare them for their mission. This means that each character would start with 30BP instead of 15. This is a result of special manipulation of their souls, their minds, and their bodies similar to what an Akuma goes through, but less controlling. Like taking a few extra moments to fine tune a sculpture before the clay hardens. I guess you could say being anal retentive. ;)

In addition they will also get 50xp to start to represent their 2 years of intense training in Malfeas and throughout Creation.

Special requirements on spending:

3rd dot of Essence using BP, with 4th and 5th dot using XP possible.

Backing 5 (Patron) (May be purchased 1 for 1 all the way to level 5)

Influence 3 (Patron)

Unwoven Coadjutator 5 (Specially chosen amongst their breed) (May be purchased 1 for 1 all the way to level 5)


Yozi Excellencies cost 2/3 the listed price as far as I am concerned. Sure they have broad scopes that can encompass all abilities, and yet they are still very situationally focused and limited in their own ways. Not to mention they really start to add up if you have different types of Excellencies and the different degrees.
Ah, but which role, Caste, would you play? ;) You still get to decide from what Direction they come from and who their Unwoven Coadjitator is.

As for their moment of almost triumph where they would've succeeded and gained the Solar Exaltation, but failed, it should be something similar, or in line, with very much what the Yozis need such a person for.

Oh, and Familiar is one for one if it is the same species as the unwoven Coadjicator due to the fact that the one chosen to meld with the Infernal was considered a "hero" among its species.
I want that Fiend slot! I haven't played in an Infernal game yet and bloody adore them.
The major training, represented by the 50xp is where the Infernal has been taken aside by one of the 3rd Circle souls of their Patron.
I do like the Defiler caste. I shall go for that one.

As far as direction goes... North!
Oh please let me play this. And if the Yozis are good I'll get the Slayer. I'm thinking a Karnese raider from the North. Probably has a vendetta against Nalla Bloodaxe from the Bull's circle. (not that it's likely to come up.)
that's two people. I leave the Directions to you both. Just remember given the concepts I described in the first post. Malfeas wants someone with a good head on their shoulders. A general and a King mainly.
This is a much faster response than I expected, but very nice indeed. So all I am missing is Malefactor and Defiler, and the Direction West and South.
I'll take a Malefactor from the South if that is not an issue. Granted If someone else comes along and goes oh can I play give it to them ... I'm still building backstories for two other Infernals ><
I'll go with West, methinks.

Our Malefactor feels so much more appropriate coming from the South, anyway.
Do take into considerations your character's backgrounds and skills. The Yozis were specifically for people with your skills and potential. So I guess you could say the extra BP were meant for optimizing such gifts. The xp has to do with the extra time prepping you for the horrors to be dealt with by being an envoy and "gift" to Raksi. Yes, that means you will be supping on live children...
If the hints and general context were not enough realize that we are talking about a bit of a horror game when you consider the Lunar you will be working with and for.
BTW, I do not adhere to the canon rule of having to choose a 1st circle demon from your Patron's list as you unwoven coadjutator.
So we can pick whatever demon we want? sweet. Also, will have the sheet and a skeleton backstory done today.
I didn't understand that limitation. The 1st Circle Demons are so far beneath the Yozis that they hardly care which is from who as long as they serve their purpose.
As far as I can tell, this is full up. If I'm mistaken, or if someone drops out, could I take the spot perchance? :mrgreen:

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