Infernal Exalted: Days Black as Night

I see usual suspects so there is no point to be shy :D

I operate from Poland so I'm GMT+1, I can play up to 24:00(my time) in sundays ( around that time I become really tired and , there is RL work in monday ), in saturdays I can show more flexibility. Gaming during workdays is also option starting form 18:00(my time)

Bad news is I'm not native speaker and speaking in english is my least developed part of this skill.

Also I'm not sure if teamspeak is available under Linux OS .. just checked there is client so most likely I could become teamspeak capable

As for game itself I could play DT or infernal aiming to become DT with themes of hunt, carnage, devouring and enslavement (of devoured ones) think about him as mix of Alucard and Fenris. Most likely I could start with grudge against abbysals who killed UCS just because they did it first.

As for caste and favoured Yozi I'm thinking to chose from: SWHLiHN , Adorian, Ebon Dragon and maaybe Malfeas
If only this wherent Chat, I'd be heavily Available. In fact, if this wherent Chat, I'd be all over this in more ways than you could count. Dear god. *Sigh*
SephirothSage said:
If only this wherent Chat, I'd be heavily Available. In fact, if this wherent Chat, I'd be all over this in more ways than you could count. Dear god. *Sigh*
What he said.
Tsk... too early for me. Yep I don't move till like ... later. Ah well perhaps for the best.
Yeah - I have run pbp games in the past, and chat games, and from experience, I know neither are perfect. However, for the pace I want, and the time I have in RL, chat is the best format for me.
I admittedly would love to play in this as well. But sadly time constraints are probably going to prevent me.
So far, as near as I can count, I have seven interested peoples (Esbilon, Ebon_Arbiter, Shining Lotus Sage, Exthalion,Myllinnia, Random Word, and Ludek). If any of you are still interested, I'd ask for a concept outline (a couple of paragraphs or so) before New Years, if possible. I'll be around on Sunday 29th Dec, 6pm GMT on Teamspeak too, to assist and discuss and the like as well. If, after then, I've more then two pledged players, I'll take the game forward. I'd rather not just have a single thread to organise everything in, since I'm a neat freak... lol.

Oh, and Merry Christmas!
Misanthrope said:
Lillun speaks...Are you with me, ...?"
Who can count them? the demon skalds and infernal troubadours who gyrate round the Conventicle Malfeasant. Agata do a double gross of buzzing dances, forever recounting in flesh the steps of of priests and kings on fields of distant battle. Metody grave deep images on every surface of Malfean stone, Heranhal inlay them, and Gethin give up their treasures so that the figures might look with harsh eyes on the work done upon them.

A legion of centurions would not have commanded so great a number, yet never are their masters satisfied. "More!" They command the overseers. "More!" The overseers command the foremen. "More!" the foremen command the slaves. So the sacral fires are piled higher and the hymns are redoubled. Great and grand they build the legends, yet it is but noise and scrawl before the legend makers.

There was in those days many and mighty lords of hell: Anthrokinus the Ecstatic, who danced the Fate of kingdoms; Mephelos Unbroken, who slew seven Dawns so that Heaven was seven days dark in mourning; Luftinta, who played the game of life and death and kept gods and mortals as pieces... Two score and ten were their number and all had then, or in the thereafter, done deeds to fill ten thousand tomes and greatly multiplied the labor done about the lofty towers of their meeting hall.

Yet first among them to give answer was Sestos, called Smith of Kings, Author of Nations, and Cosmogenitor in turn, who was in mortal life surnamed Tepetides and of poor and thin patricians' blood.

"I have seen, O mother and child, the grave-wrought lands and beheld the city-tombs of serfs and souls. I walked the dry ground before Saigoth and caused to be planted the Poppy Sea to keep the dead in quiet slumber. The Creation is vast, and full of wonders that the gods have not utterly unmade in their negligence. Though by its ruin our masters might at last have freedom, I will not suffer that all they have made should be overthrown and such things pass from the worlds forever.

Therefore, let Greensun illuminate the World, as he did in ancient times, and if he cannot go forth then we shall carry his fire out and make a his ancient dawns new."
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So far, I have:

Nephthys - A Malefactor

Sestos -

This is looking very promising. I'm really keen to see how this pans out. Spent some time working on the details to give the players and the characters the best start at ensuring the Chronicle is successful.
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Misanthrope said:
So far, I have:
Nephthys - A Malefactor

Sestos -

This is looking very promising. I'm really keen to see how this pans out. Spent some time working on the details to give the players and the characters the best start at ensuring the Chronicle is successful.
Nephthys of the Dune Sea is a Malefactor, actually. A pretty typical one. Leads a cult, summons demons, oozes hypocritical advice without anyone having to ask...
Thus far I have the following concepts in:

Nephthys - A Malefactor

Sestos - A Defiler

Howling Wind - Scourge (SWLIHN Favoured) Seneshel

Sever - Scourge (TED Favoured) assassin/spy

Syrenica - Fiend
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What will the rules for character creation be? Will we receive any free/additional charms (i.e. Excellencies) or do we only get the normal 10? (Trying to fit Loom Snarling Deception, Golden Years Tarnished Black, and Freedom Lets Go charms all in at once)
We'll be starting out with the normal 2.5 Creation rules, but expect advancement to proceed quickly once we begin.
We've a lot of S named charas. xD Well I will hope to make the time. I have to prep my wildly erratic sleep system. Even so I'll be trying. Do we have a start date? I've a sheet practically done. Though I need to rebuild her familiar, and fix the backstory. Suppose I can try to hit the 29th's meet and greet. I hope we don't need a mic. Oo

Syrenica is a Fiend and she Favors Cece. So Yay. xD Looks like the Spy/Sssassin and Syrenica the Seductress/Assassin/Dancer is going have to hope not to step on too many toes. Oo
lol! Relief is mine. ^^

I had a very fun looking game once go: Oh we're using chat. I get a week long chara creation thing going. Get it perfect. Then bang. Oh right need a mic. But I don't get mics. Mics are cheap for one or two, but after 10 a poor person can no longer allow them to be bought.

Thus the question.
Sorry about missing Sunday. I crashed hard and my computer started to die. So teamspeak is currently in a broken state until I nuke my OS soon.

Still I have a sheet in a practically complete state, I just need to finish the minor data and the 5 dot familiar. Rwar. (All of this saved far away from my OS drive.)
Oh, damn. I thought it was next Sunday since submissions were open until Jan 1st. I was even on for another game later that evening. Sorry.
Sorry about missing Sunday. I crashed hard and my computer started to die. So teamspeak is currently in a broken state until I nuke my OS soon.

Still I have a sheet in a practically complete state, I just need to finish the minor data and the 5 dot familiar. Rwar. (All of this saved far away from my OS drive.)
That's terrible... I know the feeling, my hard drive bbq'd itself a couple of months back and i lost... everything.... it was a traumatic experience.

[QUOTE="Random Word]Oh, damn. I thought it was next Sunday since submissions were open until Jan 1st. I was even on for another game later that evening. Sorry.

No worries Random... It was just to work on sheets and answer any questions you might have. If you like, I have time this week we can do that, if you give me a time in GMT ;)
It would be awesome to play an Isidoros/Malfeas Slayer. Unfortunately I already submitted a character :tongue:.

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