Infernal Exalted: Days Black as Night


Junior Member
Lillun speaks...

Lillun's lithe legs dangle from the orichalcum throne. Her eyes never leave the gathered Architects. Her voice, as clear as a bell, chimes across the Celebration Eternal. "The Gods rebellion started this process of downfall, and Malfeas himself was powerless to stop it. The backstabbing, greedy gods needed vehicles of rebellion for themselves. They created the exalted to murder the Yozi's siblings. But the Gods' hubris was not in taking the Yozi's place, but in conceiving the very idea that they could run the vast machine of Creation. They could not, and in their efforts, their pawns were overthrown by the least of their number.

What stood before the returning Children of the Sun? Nothing. Now, even their patron lies in the dust, and their own power is all they can conceive off. The Solar Exalted prepare to storm Yu Shan. And we need to stop them before they destroy everything.

The Ebon Dragon, master of subtly and subterfuge, has sought new ways to unmake the prison he and his brethren find themselves in. Malfeas has prepared his generals and warriors to lead grand armies to save the four corners of existence, and then to march on Yu Shan to reclaim the palaces last. She Who Lives In Her Name, the judge of all things, boils and seethes as lawlessness rules the land she once called home. Cecelyne stands at her Younger Brother's shoulder, tutoring her representatives in the ways of Sorcery, preparing them to destroy Creation in order to remake it whole once more. Adorjan slides gracefully through the air, urging her children to bring peace to the noisy world, to stop the cries of pain and the lies of false Gods among men.

With Creation toppling above us, its clear that our time has come. The Reclamation needs to happen now, while there is still a Creation to save. Are you with me, you who have been remade in the image of the Architects of Creation itself?"

The party around the Fifty Heroes slows almost to a stop, demons and akuma straining their ears to hear the reply of Fifty Exalts, the most powerful of the warriors in the armies of the Reclamation. Each one dreams of returning to the surface of Creation, each one remembers only dim images of the place their progenitors made, of the beauty and skill that was invested in the place.The thought of that ending makes them want to shriek and rend and tear into one another to stop the image forming in their minds, the memories of these utopian scenes fading slowly to black...

The Concept...

In this game, the Sun has died, killed by the vile Abyssals and their pawns in an effort to bring death to all of Creation. In this game, the only possible heroes are the Infernals. Only they can remake Creation into the Utopia it once was. The returning Solars seek to control it all, but war between themselves, unleasing destructive energies that could bring about the end of everything.

Players take on the role of 'good' infernal champions, ones with a touch of humanity still in them. They may feel urges to destroy or suborn sections of Creation, but they are not the vile anathema of legend. They are the antiheroes, fighting to save the big picture.

About me

I'm new to RPdom, but not RP or online gaming. Ive been part of various roleplay chat sites, as an ST and as a player. I've also been involved in play-by-post forum games too. I'm in the UK and so the various games would have to be played in GMT time, rather than American times - if that's not too much of an issue. Otherwise, the use of Forums to rp might make things easier.
I'm interested. I have a dynastic bureaucrat i've been wanting to get to play properly for some time. She was originally imagined as a Malefactor, but she could also work as a Fiend or possibly a Defiler, either favoring Cecelyne.

Is this a chat or a pbp game?
As of yet, it could be either - I'd prefer a chat game if i can get the players to attend at 6pm GMT (1pm EST, 7pm CET)
Misanthrope said:
As of yet, it could be either - I'd prefer a chat game if i can get the players to attend at 6pm GMT (1pm EST, 7pm CET)
You could run it on teamspeak, it has Exalted dice and the stuff. Theres like 3 other exalted games that happen there.
Greetings and welcome to RPDom. :)

I'd be interested in such a game. Given the fact that I reside in Europe (GMT+2 / CET+1) , it would be possible to participate in a chat-based form of the game as well. By the way, which day(s) do you have in mind? And could you please provide the general guidelines on character creation?

Thanks in advance.
I was thinking, perhaps, for Sundays or Mondays, at around 6pm SLT for 3 hours or so, weekly.

I'd be using the 2.5 Errata, but Ink Monkey Charms would require a little toning down in some cases - done on a case by case basis. Character creation would be standard 2.5 fare, though I'm more interested in concept than mechanics at the outset. I would limit the places to, at most, five for sanity's sake.
I am totally up for transhumanist stories of redemption and betrayal. I can't do it Mondays, though, so if that's broadly better for others, please exclude me. Off the top of my head, I'm seeing a Malfean Fiend based on the Punisher, who probably incites half the evil he prosecutes.
Nothing is, as yet, set in stone. I'd make every effort to mind compromise times if that didn't work. In any case, I think i should point out I don't run political games with quite the same enthusiasm as I do with games of 'Epic Action'... For example, I'd rather run a scene where the characters flit through the canopy of an ancient forest, a mile in the air, then one where they negotiate with another faction to lower the Salt Rate... I'm not saying social actions don't have a place in games I run, but I am letting you know that any social character will need to do more than merely Social-fu. I always encourage rounded exalts, in any case.
Well, he would have a lot of blowing shit up once he successfully convinced himself of somebody's guilt. If that's not action-prone enough, I could always come up with something else.

Maybe a Scourge who hates colors and makes heavy use of Chirality Prohibition Index to ban it. Or a Kimberian Defiler who uses her own poisons in Alchemy and eventually gets into Genesis to grow living war machines.
Mmm, Taminoko probably won't work then. Unless we start with enough xp that I can throw a bunch at getting Splintered Gale Shintai without missing those charms for more practical applications.

And if your social Exalts are negotiating salt rates, they're doing it wrong. Ensuring that the Wild Hunt serves our interests rather than those of the Immaculate Order is, however, time well spent.
Misanthrope said:
I'm confused. Does that mean yes???
Probably an expression of overwhelming joy on his behalf, regarding the prospect of participating in such a game as yours has the potential to be. :)
[QUOTE="Ebon_Arbiter]Probably an expression of overwhelming joy on his behalf, regarding the prospect of participating in such a game as yours has the potential to be. :)

Games are always a collaboration, but I'm glad Exhalion is so excited =)
My schedule is quite flexible, and I do love Infernals. Maybe an All-Seeing Eye wetwork specialist who failed his last mission and was unceremoniously abandoned to his fate. Now he wants to gut every corrupt and secretive organization in Creation in violent and spectacular fashion to make himself feel better about his failure.
The more I think about this the more fun it sounds. He'll build up conspiracies and secret organizations to ruthlessly eliminate an existing secret organization, then throw his own organization to the wolves and see it reduced to nothing before starting the whole process over again. Once every secret organization in Creation has been destroyed, he'll cleave the capacity for deceit from the Ebon Dragon and stride into Adorjan to complete his life's work. Scourge favouring Adorjan and the Ebon Dragon - he loves the Great Game and so must destroy it utterly.
[QUOTE="Random Word]The more I think about this the more fun it sounds. He'll build up conspiracies and secret organizations to ruthlessly eliminate an existing secret organization, then throw his own organization to the wolves and see it reduced to nothing before starting the whole process over again. Once every secret organization in Creation has been destroyed, he'll cleave the capacity for deceit from the Ebon Dragon and stride into Adorjan to complete his life's work. Scourge favouring Adorjan and the Ebon Dragon - he loves the Great Game and so must destroy it utterly.

LOL That sounds pretty awesome. I'll have to feed him spy networks like crazy, i guess.

So, for people wishing to pledge to play please just send a concept initially. Either as a private message, or here. I won't be doubling up on Exalted Castes, but will allow duplicate favored yozis in the Cabal. Concepts that reflect the game concept more closely will earn extra sweeties, as will those that retain an air of humanity around them. Please do poke me with your questions, because I like feeling important and wise. Mwhahahaha.

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