Infection [Inactive]

Alexis Matsuki

New Member
Narrator: Kiyomi Yagami (Briefly)

The setting is New York City, New York. Five fifteen P.M. Eastern Standard Time. This world is crashing down before us and I have no idea who to trust anymore. All my friends have turned into blood thirsty monsters. No pun intended to those vampires out there, including myself. Where did this outbreak come from? This...this unholy virus? I don't know. I'm not sure I want to know. But I want to stop it. It's killed enough. Another thing I've observed is that its only affected the creatures of this world, though the humans suffer just as much, since the monsters become so unruly, so merciless. I can only sigh and shake my head, and defend myself from this awful thing. I've been hiding out in the Empire State Building, to keep safe. I myself am a vampire, a creature of the night. I'm just as susceptible as anyone out there. I must keep hidden.

My cousin Damien says the safe spot is Tokyo, Japan at the moment. Hell only knows what will happen to me if I dare try to get there by myself.

Again, I sigh.

There's gotta be some civilization out there among the creatures...there's gotta be.

End, narration.

Kiyomi looks out the window, giving a heavy sigh, watching a werewolf down below attacking an innocent by stander. "Sad that I don't even cringe anymore." She said, pulling her knees to her chest. "Poor soul." Her eyes shifted from the window, back to the floor of the room she was in. The door was locked, making sure no entry could occur without her permission. It got lonely up there, in the top of the Empire State Building. She'd hoped someone with some sense in them would come up for safety, then she'd at least have some company to watch the world destroy itself.

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Soft eyes stared briefly at a worn out leather watch, then back up to the street that their owner was currently about to cross. The hand that had that leather watch strapped to it reached over to a strong shoulder, pressing on it to work out a certain kink. Shunsuke let out the most tired groan at his did, making sure to ran that hand through creamy locks that hung directly above his shoulders. My hair is rather messy. He thought, picking at a view strands between his calloused index finger and thumb. Popping his knuckles together as he walked casually across the street, as if there was no infection, like there was nothing wrong. Shunsuke heard blood curdling screams all the time, either it be from his opponents or from underneath him on his bed. He gave a goofy but toothy, since his sharp wolf teeth were showing, grin to himself. He was ready to bash some infected heads in if he does get jumped, but had some business elsewhere.
Her eyes shifted again to the window, hoping she'd see something different outside rather than someone being mauled to death. Unlikely. But to her surprise, there was someone out there. Walking so casually, so carefree, like the infection meant nothing to him. She raised a brow, curious as to how someone could have as much bravery as he, so bold. She watched as he crossed the street, looking like he was in a rather big hurry to get some where.

Did people still go anywhere to do things anymore? Not everyone just hid? Events and businesses still went about their daily lives? Kiyomi only shook her head, hoping down from the window still to stretch. Odd world this was..
Shunsuke hummed to himself, particularly 'I'm late' from Alice in Wonderland. Even though he wasn't actually late. Okay weather today, hm?... He blinked up, sure he saw a figure in a window sill. He shrugged, looking around the barren walkways and abandoned streets. SO lonely, good chance to get horribly infected out here, huh? He decided to reach over and grab a nice firm stop sign with his right hand, soon gaining a caution sign in his left. He yawned, stepping back as he heard a few suspicious sounds coming form the alley he was about to pass. There we go. A snarling, clearly infected vampire emerged, blood ridden, and disgusting. Shunshuke grimaced and avoided the messily swiped claw, clenching his left arm and bringing the pole on onto the vampire. His body snapped in two, quieting the guy after a few annoying yowls. "Sorry, I don't know my own strength sometimes~" He cooed at the unmoving vampire. He stepped over the other, ignoring the yelps as he walked on, curious about the figure he saw earlier. He stopped for a moment, staring up at where he spotted him or her. "Excuse me?" Obviously, if they didn't swoop down and jump on him, the person wasn't infected.
Everything was basically crumbling before humanity's- and inhumanity's eyes... What a mess.

Hannako wasn't with her mates at this time. Rarely did she ever visit those within her pack before the sun had set, for some pretty obvious reasons. She was out on the streets, doing some visual studies as she casually made her way to the building located on the main stretch. The structure was like her place of sanctuary, because she really had nowhere to live. With the disease spreading so rapidly the girl was constantly on the move, but this massive building had always provided her structure.

The outburst had spread quickly, relentlessly destroying those who were innocent-some that were not. It bugged her that those healthy enough to help did nothing as others got torn apart, but she was no better than them for she wasn't assisting either. She let out a soft sigh, her muse caught by the sight of two creatures going at it. They clashed and snarled, clawed and hissed, and it was obvious neither of them were in there right mind. Hannako watched silently from a fair distance, morbidly amused by the scene.
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Kiyomi once more looked out the window, seeing the fight before her. She watched, her expression unchanged. This guy was a good fighter...Her eye brows raised again in curiosity, and she opened the window, poking her head out to get a better look. When he spotted her, she got a little nervous. Though she wasn't afraid to respond, not at all.

"Excuse me?" She repeated, pointing to herself. "I'm only watching from a safe distance, Mr. Courageous." She huffed, leaning over the window sill. "I'm only trying to keep a safe distance...I was almost mauled last time I came outside. So don't act like I'm odd. Gimme a good reason to come out, I may consider."
Shunsuke let out a nice chuckle, it accompanied by a small snort. Mr. Courageous? He was flattered. "I'm not that courageous, I'm just taking advantage of empty streets whilst I can." He watched the paralyzed, groaning vampire he just immobilized, "Well... Besides the drooling, blood thirsty infected, it's pretty nice out here." He said, grinning toothily and making a small gesture of space around himself. "You're a vampire?"
She tilted her head, looking at him intently still. "Maybe you're the odd one." She smirked, looking at the infected vampire he just killed. With a soft sigh she nodded. "Yeah, I am. I really don't wanna come out there and end up like that guy." She said. "But I guess I could try..It is nice." She said, pointing to the overcasting clouds approaching. More time for her to actually be outside. With that, she opened the window even more, stepped on the sill and jumped down, landing on her feet like a cat. Perfect. With a flip of her red hair, she looked at him, her arms folded. It didn't take her too long though to look to her left, sensing another presence with them. She unfolded her arms, putting her hand in her pocket where a small pocket knife resided. "I can sense your not one of the infected!" She commanded, unknowingly stepping closer to the male, subconsciously seeking the protection.
The girl had finished her little show. It was only until things got really gruesome did she turn away. While walking she heard the pair continuously snarling at each other, their sounds growing weaker and weaker as she moved away. They'd be dead by tomorrow, no doubt.

It seemed around this time everyone would hide themselves away. It was rare to see crowded streets anymore. Everyone had locked themselves into the confinements of their own homes and would not return until it was absolutely necessary. It was sad, really. As much as Hannako hated people, she felt bad for them, mostly because she understood how they were feeling.

Her long train of thought was interrupted by a voice, a voice that reeked of hostility at that, which was a good thing for her. It was obvious those who had called were clean of the infection, which was only good news for Hannako. The girl stepped around the corner from the building not far off from where the two stood. She didn't really show any signs of not being infected, but it was rather obvious. Just as a precation she shrugged her shoulders, raising them slightly.

"Lovely weather we're having, wouldn't you say?"
Me? Odd? Shunsuke watched as the girl made a graceful descent from the window. He chuckled even as she noticed another presence not too far away, and sniffed about. He swung the stop signs in his hands, lips thinned into a grin as he did. Even to himself, it was a little hard to tell that this guy was important or had a even close to high position. Hearing the voice to the girl who emerged from the corner of the building not too far from them, he turned to the other. He couldn't put a finger on her, her voice, nor her appearance. Shunsuke nodded. "I can agree, nice day for a stroll~" He chipped in a rather friendly tone.
Slowly she lowered her knife, and stuck it back in her pocket. A wave of relief washed over her and she sighed, letting her shoulders rise and fall quite obviously. A small smile crawled and tugged at her lips. "Y..yeah." She agreed. This was such a rare sight anymore. Three uninfected...three healthy creatures standing before each other. Maybe this was a sign...a sign for hope. Maybe it was a good thing she came out from the window. Maybe this thing could end..."My name is two are?"

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Hannako's bright eyes widened ever so slightly at the offer. She hadn't been around people like herself in quite a while, and felt like she had almost forgotten how to treat them. She wasn't the best with introductions. She wasn't the best with people either, but it was obvious this pair might be of use to her, and it was quite possible they held the answers she sought. She didn't jump to any conclusions, but she obliged to Kiyomi's offer. With a slight nod she allowed a grin to purse her tightened lips, a hint of emotion escaping her jaw.

"Hannako Quaryine" she introduced, brushing her bangs out of her face
Kiyomi could tell she was nervous, and the male could simply care less there was a fatal virus out in the open. "Well...I'm not sure about you two....but I would love to find some answers to this outbreak, not go strolling around." She said, a little aggravated. But it was normal. "S...sorry. I don't mean to be rude just...." She gulped. "All I know, is if we want even a little peace, a little time to be ourselves, we have to get to Tokyo. And that's on the other side of the world...and all airports are closed." She sighed, bowing her head. "Anyone wish to accompany me?" She asked, lifting her head up, hoping the only answers would be yes.

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Shunsuke wasn't sure, but when he looked over at the girl, Kiyomi, next to him, there seemed something different about the atmosphere of her. "I'm Shunsuke, Shun, Suke, Wolfie, Growler, Tooth... Eh, just don't call me Dog~" He answered, picking at his teeth. His mind was elsewhere after he figured out the very odd lady in front of the pair was named 'Hannako'. Pretty name. "Well...I'm not sure about you two....but I would love to find some answers to this outbreak, not go strolling around." Shunsuke wasn't the least bit offended, he didn't normally take strolls in the city of course, because that's where all the infected was. More vast, open spaces were more of his ordeal. Oh well. He didn't respond to her sheepish apology, "All I know, is if we want even a little peace, a little time to be ourselves, we have to get to Tokyo. And that's on the other side of the world...and all airports are closed." Shunsuke nodded in approval. Tokyo did sound rather nice, plus, that's where his original home was. He wondered if it was still standing, if anything, or someone hasn't broken it and emptied the place. "Sure~ I could go for Tokyo. New York has potential, but it's filthy."
Hannako brought herself to look at the two, her irritable visage surveying the pair as she allowed herself to think. She had people she knew that lived here, people she somewhat cared about, and within such a short time a choice was forced upon her. She knew that deep down she wasn't cut out to be a leader, and they wouldn't suffer without her. She hadn't grown fond of anyone within her group and assumed they would be fine if she left, which gave her a false sense of security.

"I'm a bit torn, you see, for parting is such sweet sorrow." she said, allowing herself to look upon the city she had always called her home. Perhaps now it wasn't her home anymore after all. "The human race is a race of cowards; and I am not only marching in that procession but carrying a banner. If I am to leave them what will become of me?" she thought out loud, shaking her head.

It was obvious she had too much time on her hands. The Shakespearean books were getting to her. In the end she really didn't care what the others thought, because by the time they had noticed her absence she would be long gone.

"Heh... I'm in."
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Ash sat in a tree, his wings folded back watching the meeting. "The human race is a race of cowards; and I am not only marching in that procession but carrying a banner. If I am to leave them what will become of me?" A girl said. Seems like they are trying to find a cure for the outbreak apparently. He thought still watching them but with a little more interest.
Cari was shifted in her Wolf form, sniffing among the leaves for a trail. She spotted a boy in the trees ahead and she bristled, preparing for an attack. Damn virus. It's even getting to the Angels. She stalked close, hating to kill anyone but needing to save herself.
While out flying in her fairy form Breena had stumbled upon three strangers talking. She had planned to play some sort of trick on them but she began listening to the conversation instead. One of the girls started talking about the finding a cure."All I know, is if we want even a little peace, a little time to be ourselves, we have to get to Tokyo. And that's on the other side of the world...and all airports are closed. Anyone wish to accompany me?" As soon as she herd this Breena transformed back into her normal human size. "Ohhh me me me I wanna go!" Breena said excitedly.
When Kiyomi heard the two agree, she couldn't help but feel a tug of a smile come across her face. "Then let's g-..." She was interuppted. Three more souls came into the scene, from all different directions. They looked safe enough, but who the hell knows. She stepped back, raising her eyes at them, wondering where they came from, and eager to WALK all the way to Tokyo. And at some point, a boat. She watched them. "Hmm...I...suppose." She said, getting a little nervous from all these new additions. "We must be on guard at all times.." she explained, taking control of the situation.
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Cari was shifted in her Wolf form, sniffing among the leaves for a trail. She spotted a boy in the trees ahead and she bristled, preparing for an attack. Damn virus. It's even getting to the Angels. She stalked close, hating to kill anyone but needing to save herself.

Oh crap, I've been spotted. He thought as he shuffed around in the tree. He waved to the wolf girl hoping she wouldn't attack.
She halted, raising her head. Steam blew from her nostrils and she barked. This one's clean, Houston. She mocked in her head. She ran up to the tree, tail wagging.

"Oh so you've found me. Of course leave it to a wolf to find someone who is trying to hide. He said sarcastically to himself. He jumped down from his tree and landed next to the girl. His wings were then folded behind him.
She shifted back to human, looking him up and down.

"We wolves have the best noses. But don't you dare make a hound joke," she crossed her arms, leaning on one leg.

"So, you're clean?"


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