Burn My Dread
Level 2 Monk
Level 2 Monk

I can't help but be surprised at her first comment. She insists that we will stay together once we get off this island? Has she not heard anything of what I've said? She should know better. Hells, even now, standing in my prescence, I am a liablity. For her own good, I should probably break away from her as soon as we get off this island.
"Yeah, the prior entity even spoke a different language, a language that I also know." I say, taking a momen to think before speaking in the other language
"Goodbye, dear friend."
"That's the language it spoke, I don't actually know what it is, but it's very distinct from infernal. I've also never heard anyone else speak this language. Not yet, anyways." I say, looking at the ground. Thinking on better times is a luxury I don't really have these days...
"No, the other entity never tried to do anything to me. As a matter of fact, I only ever remember it helping me, or at the very least doing nothing to me at all. Enough so I would consider it a companion. I will not stand for any implications of it trying to hurt me secretly in anyway when I have an infernal entity currently in my head that would have my head on a platter if it could."
Sensing myself getting somewhat emotional about the question, I decide to get up.
"I said don't worry about the food, I refuse to increase my debt. Speaking of seeing things, I did see something of mild interest on my swim back. Let me get a second look." I say, before diving back into the shallow end of the water, looking for the bones and other things I saw when I approached. After a brief scan I notice a few things, though nothing worth grabbing. Coming back onto land, I unload my observations to the best of my ability.
"It seems like there are skeletons from a varying amount of times near the shore. Though I obviously have no way of knowing how each of them died, I did notice some of them are burnt, as if struck by lightning. We may not be those little elemental's first victims. Or at least, that's my theory." I say, leaving it at that.
Could there be more elementals? Were we actually lucky to only have two come after at us? I don't think I myself would have survived a third elemental. Then again, there are a lot more rocks along the "treeline". Could each rock carry one or two elementals with it? Have we been standing in front of an elemental army this entire time? It's certainly possible, or maybe theres something stronger out there that can also use lightning. Still, it seems like this island is pretty old, and it's been an anomally for just about that long as well. How strange, I wonder what fuels this place's strange effects...
"I think us sitting here is in itself already beating some great odds, considering how many seemingly don't even make it to dry land. Oh, and before you ask, what little weapons and armor I saw were completely useless. So unless you feel like diving in for them yourself, I intend to leave them there." I say, remembering the cold water.