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Fantasy Inescapable Archipelago

Level 2 Monk
I can't help but be surprised at her first comment. She insists that we will stay together once we get off this island? Has she not heard anything of what I've said? She should know better. Hells, even now, standing in my prescence, I am a liablity. For her own good, I should probably break away from her as soon as we get off this island.

"Yeah, the prior entity even spoke a different language, a language that I also know." I say, taking a momen to think before speaking in the other language

"Goodbye, dear friend."

"That's the language it spoke, I don't actually know what it is, but it's very distinct from infernal. I've also never heard anyone else speak this language. Not yet, anyways."
I say, looking at the ground. Thinking on better times is a luxury I don't really have these days...

"No, the other entity never tried to do anything to me. As a matter of fact, I only ever remember it helping me, or at the very least doing nothing to me at all. Enough so I would consider it a companion. I will not stand for any implications of it trying to hurt me secretly in anyway when I have an infernal entity currently in my head that would have my head on a platter if it could."

Sensing myself getting somewhat emotional about the question, I decide to get up.

"I said don't worry about the food, I refuse to increase my debt. Speaking of seeing things, I did see something of mild interest on my swim back. Let me get a second look." I say, before diving back into the shallow end of the water, looking for the bones and other things I saw when I approached. After a brief scan I notice a few things, though nothing worth grabbing. Coming back onto land, I unload my observations to the best of my ability.

"It seems like there are skeletons from a varying amount of times near the shore. Though I obviously have no way of knowing how each of them died, I did notice some of them are burnt, as if struck by lightning. We may not be those little elemental's first victims. Or at least, that's my theory." I say, leaving it at that.

Could there be more elementals? Were we actually lucky to only have two come after at us? I don't think I myself would have survived a third elemental. Then again, there are a lot more rocks along the "treeline". Could each rock carry one or two elementals with it? Have we been standing in front of an elemental army this entire time? It's certainly possible, or maybe theres something stronger out there that can also use lightning. Still, it seems like this island is pretty old, and it's been an anomally for just about that long as well. How strange, I wonder what fuels this place's strange effects...

"I think us sitting here is in itself already beating some great odds, considering how many seemingly don't even make it to dry land. Oh, and before you ask, what little weapons and armor I saw were completely useless. So unless you feel like diving in for them yourself, I intend to leave them there." I say, remembering the cold water.
  • Gyibris
    Lvl 3 Arcane Aberration Chimera

    My body practically froze when I realized Sephie was uttering something in some kind of other language all of the sudden, trying as carefully as I could to pick up on it, my animalistic ear perking up and twitching with the effort. It was made especially difficult by being no language I had ever heard spoken in my life, though the way the sounds moved reminded heavily of some words I'd been shown in some tomes before and how it had been described to me at the time, sitting on a cold, damp wooden floor, while the remaining hunters argued over an operation plan. I was told it was a collection of sounds that whistled like the wind through leaves and was masked into the flow of a nascent spring. It was a language of elves, fey and creatures of nature such as dryads, unless I was sorely mistaken. It was Sylvan.

    I didn't really get the opportunity to reveal it though, as Sephi's tone took a sudden shift (or maybe in my focus on the language I failed to recognize the anger building-up in her voice), taking issue with my comments about the one she called her friend. My shoulders moved back a bit and my expressions contorted, did I do something wrong? Maybe I was pressuring her with too many questions? Maybe I just touched a nerve somewhere without meaning to... But then, of course, if this was really Sylvan we were really talking about, then the other intruder could very well be a fey! Not much better than a demon or a devil, capricious though at least not intentionally malicious... most of the time. They weren't as prone to long-term plans, but a friendship to one could mean any number of nasty things, so I wasn't wrong to be suspicious, was I?

    Mentioning that probably wouldn't be for the best right now though, Sephi was upset enough as it stood. Look, she stood up and everything. She walked away, and she still refused the food.

    "Now that's just wasting food." I sulked under my breath onto my knees, hugging my legs with one arm while the other grabbed some meat to heat up with the fire. Though my eyes followed Sephi as she headed into the water, and then stared off into the surface with no sense of where she was swimming, I made no effort to stop her from going to check up on things again. I just slowly kept eating marginally above the share I had planned.

    Sephi returned with a report about some skeletons she found underwater. Hardly surprising if this was the place they dropped prisoners and they dropped them so far away. Plus if nobody could escape... Well, some people were bound to have tried anyway. Whatever stopped them, it may not have given them the chance to go back to shore. Or maybe some could have just been crazy or desperate enough to keep trying. Sephi also mentioned some weapons and armor she refused to bring back, but I shook my head, legs still on my face.

    "Mmmm, no worries. I don't use weapons often anyway." I put down the meat and showed her my hand again, along with the claws coming out of it. I looked to the side a bit as that hand rubbed my chin, leaving bits of meat juice and grease on it. "Hmmm... Those burnt skeletons make me curious though. Maybe it's a little premature, but I can't help thinking it was related to those things we fought earlier. They were more dangerous than they looked, no doubt about it. Yet surely if those skeletons were swallowed by the sea already - or never left it to begin with - then that means even staying here isn't necessarily safe either, is it? Not that we have a lot of better options on where to leave the supplies. Since we're prisoners here I think they shouldn't have left us with more than we can carry, ignoring the crates, so if we're careful, I think we can bring most of the stuff here with us if we venture deeper. We're not gonna get our answers just waiting around. I propose we start heading deeper into the island as soon as we can and try to see if there are any clues out there to get us out of this situation. It's not safe here either way anyway, and I'd certainly not want to waste away and pass out of old age on a beach."

    I let go of my knees and pushed the ground to stand up and walk up to Sephi. The stench of sea invaded my nostrils but I put up with it.

    "Are you with me on this? Cause we'll want to at least talk about how we'll approach going in if you are. Like delegating who does what and stuff."


    Proficiency Bonus: +2
    Hit Points: 25 / 25
    Hit Dice: 3d10
    Armor Class: 15
    Initiative: +2
    Speed: 30 ft
    Passive Perception: 12
    Spellcasting Ability: Con
    Spellsave DC: 11
    Spell Attack Bonus: +3

    Spell Points: 1


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Shoya Shoya

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