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Fantasy Indescribable ~Reboot~ (Closed)

Graham smiled, taking a good chunk before popping it into Reaver's mouth as he ate his. "God i miss this taste."

Reaver groaned gently, eating his piece before pulling off another offering to Graham. "Me too."
"If y' had t' give up one type of taste, would it be f'r sweet or savory foods?"
Graham for a few seconds before sighing, "although this is a tough question, I have to go with losing savory food. I love sweets too much to give up the delicious taste of it. What about you?"
Graham for a few seconds before sighing, "although this is a tough question, I have to go with losing savory food. I love sweets too much to give up the delicious taste of it. What about you?"

Reaver clicked his tongue and pondered. "See, I'd pick the same thing but, in terms of survival, my wolf side needs meat - so I'd sadly need t' boot sweets, and I'll just have t' live off of yer sweetness." He smiled.

((That is the sappiest fucking shit I've ever heard and yet I still awed.))
Reaver clicked his tongue and pondered. "See, I'd pick the same thing but, in terms of survival, my wolf side needs meat - so I'd sadly need t' boot sweets, and I'll just have t' live off of yer sweetness." He smiled.

((That is the sappiest fucking shit I've ever heard and yet I still awed.))
(XD very cute)
Graham smiled at that, "then i'll definitely supply all of my sweetness for you."
"What about if i'm having a bad day, where would you get your sweetness then?"

"Graham, if yer havin' a bad day then all I gotta do is get ya some pastries and cuddle ya." Reaver smiled. "So even then, I'd eventually get it from ya."

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