In Time (Actual Rp)


Rains Faithful Companion
It is the year 2026 and humanity had been genetically engineered to stop aging at 25 and to be born with a digital clock, bearing a year's worth of time, on their forearm. At the age of 25 the clock begins counting down; when it reaches zero, that person dies. Time has been turned into the universal currency; one can give time for products or services, as well as transfer it to others. A person can no longer die of old age. She/he can only die by "timing out" (running out of time), having one's clock "cleaned" (murder by someone gaining on all their time), or through recklessness (e.g. getting shot, overdosing, etc.). The country is divided into time zones based on the wealth of its population.Dayton is poor, with a populace that has learned indifference to the timed-out bodies on its streets; and New Greenwich, the wealthiest zone where inhabitants enjoy the benefits of their immortality and wealth, but are constantly surrounded by bodyguards and spend their time worried about accidental death.People are going insane now because who wants to die?No one.People are murdering people for time and stealing time from others.It's not safe in some parts of the city but that's where the wealthy live and that's where people restore their time at.You need to go to the unsafe places to get time but some people are to afraid to go.Some people make groups and take turns getting enough time for everyone to share.Others go it alone and try there best to avoid anyone who will jump them.

It's life or death now and you can only trust the people you knew for a long time.But they could turn on you as well.Don't be the one who is bossy and uptight and try not to show yourself as a weakling either because those go first.Remember people will kill for time now.

Will You Be The One That Is Out Of Time?Or Will You Beat The Odds And Be In Time?


  1. You can have anime or real people
  2. You can choose whether your bossy or innocent or whatever doesn't matter
  3. You can have as many characters as you want
  4. Yes gangs or groups or whatever are allow or you can go alone.Just ask the person if you want to be in a group with them
  5. Weapons are allow but don't be god modding
  6. I will see who will die or not.Or if you want to die that's fine as well.
  7. If you choose to die or if i say you die you can make another character if you want
  8. Don't be all mad if you die ok?This rp wouldn't be interesting if people didn't die lol
  9. Have Fun And Stay Safe c:<

You can be a time keeper if your in New Greenwich.Only 4 spots though


"Wonder who is going to come in today."Jason said,He tapped his fingers on his desk waiting for anyone who could possible make it all the way to his house of any time.Usually people don't make it far enough but he had confidence that at least one person would make it today before anyone gets killed or murdered.He sighed deeply and watched the clock carefully."Tik tok Dayton...tik..tok."he said with a faint laugh.While waiting for someone or really anyone to come in he checked his own timer on his arm.He smiled at it because of so much time and then pulled his sleeve back over his arm.

(@Lori Williams @Britt @jigokufan @awkwardxprincess @paipai900 )
Tomorrow was just stepping out of the shower when she glanced down at her arm. 3 days. 3 days was all the time she had left. She needed to do something about it today. As much as she hated resorting to violence, she would need to if she wanted to keep living.
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Seth just begun his life in New Greenwich living in a flat, he still was 21 so dying because of lack of time wasn't still a problem for him, but he preferred to keep that 1 year safe for now. He didn't had any kind of bodyguard like most of the people in New Greenwich, he just didn't feel comfortable having someone over him all day also that he had to pay for it with his time.
Tomorrow sighed as she looked out the window. Just 2 days ago she had 1 year. 1 whole year. However, living in Dayton, things were a lot more dangerous. She walked out of a bar and-- bam-- she had gotten mugged and they'd taken so much. She still wasn't sure why they didn't drain her completely and leave her lifeless body right there on the street. She was totally dazed during the incident but she could've sworm her attacker had called her cute, so he left her alive.
Jake poured wine into the glass of his lady 'friend', as she giggled all of his jokes. They both stood near the bar. Jake at the moment was at a party hosted by his parents. It was his fathers birthday, and all the nobles wanted to celebrate it. It was a classy party held inside there huge estate, in there huge ball room. With a stage in the middle of it.

"oh Jake, you're so funny." She said with through a laugh. He smirked," I try to be" he said slyly. A moment later, Jake felt someone poke him in the back. He turned around and saw his friend Cooper, looking very worried? Cooper had been his friend since elementary school. They were so close that Jake often referred to him as a brother. "Jake I need to talk to you" He said his voice shaken. He glanced at his lady 'friend' and simply said with a smile "I'll be back in moment, please excuse me" she returned his smile and added an "alright". He walked with cooper to the back of the room.

"I don't have anymore time" Cooper said with a frightened look in his face.

"What?What do you mean you don't have time?" Said Jake worriedly.

Cooper showed him his arm, and Jake's eyes widened drastically; his friend had exactly 24 hours left and....counting.

"How'd that happen?You had years worth of time!" he said trying not to lose his cool,"We have body guards!"

"I-I snuck out last night to Dayton, I needed to visit my cousin, and provide him with some time. But before I could even reach him. I was robbed. I fought them off, barely, and made it back this morning." He looked at Jake's fear in his eyes, " You know I can't take your 'time', and if i tell anyone I'm related to someone in Dayton they'd surely shun me" Both his statements were true. Cooper would refuse to take Jake's time even if it killed him.Cooper had stated he cared to much about Jake to do that, and if he told anyone else he related to some in Dayton his family and himself would be looked down upon in the whole community. Jake sighed.

"I'll go to Dayton. Get someone. Bring them back, and get you time"

Cooper immediately protested "no! what if-"

"It's alright. I know you'd do the same thing for me. So I want to do this" cooper looked at him for a second, then hugged him, "Thank you" Jake hugged him back. He internally sighed again.

So I'm going Dayton. This will be fun.
Tomorrow sighed, she figured she should start now on trying to get time. She needed it, badly. But that would require doing one of two things, flirting or fighting. Flirting was fun but could end bad, fighting was something she didn't exactly like but she knew what she was doing. She got up and walked out of her apartment, ready to do whatever it took to get some more time.
After finishing unpacking his stuff in his new apartment in New Greenwich, Seth realized some important stuff were missing "what?" he thought beginning to look everywhere in his flat, nothing, he completely forgot some important things for his flat in his house in Dayton "man, do I really have to go back?" he asked himself, but there wasn't any other option, he had to go back, he completely knew how dangerous it was going to be "don't worry you're still 21, my time begins to countdown at 25, if I lose my time I can get it back in those years" he thought trying to convince himself that he shouldn't be that worried.
Tomorrow made a detour at the bar before she went to travel to and Underground Fight Club she knew that rewarded quite a lot of time for winning. But maybe, she'd find some rich guy to give her time at the bar. Rich people in Dayton were scarce but they did exist, Tomorrow had come across some in her life time.

Axel bent down next to a dying old man on the streets, his dark cold eyes staring into the old man's soulless ones. He doesn't have much to live for. Pointing a gun to the man's head, Axel watched as the homeless old man nodded softly. Axel pulled the trigger.

The sound of the gunshot was a little muffled by the old man's head, but it still rang through all of Dayton. Blood trickled out of the man's head as Axel rolled up the sleeve of his jacket to see three more days added to his time. The total was two years, one month, three days and eight hours. How does Axel get so much time? It's quite easy to spot people who have nothing left to live for and just want to die in Dayton. With their permission, Axel would take their time and end their misery.

It was a hard business, but Axel was still living, he still had something to do. He couldn't just die now. Axel stood up and continued to walk through the trashy streets of Dayton, spotting many half-dead people, some of them he used to know. Passing by a young woman getting mugged, Axel hummed a quiet tune to himself, tuning out her desperate cries for help and the gunshot that rang through the streets. It was just an average day in Dayton.
Tomorrow walked out of the bar. She'd had a bit more than she should've and was clearly tipsy. This was not good. Someone would try to take advantage of her vulnerable state and she'd be done for. She didn't have time to spare. As she began to walk back towards home to give herself time to sober up, she bumped into a man who had been humming. She jumped back and went to reach for the small knife in her pocket. "D-don't pull anything and I won't either.. We can both walk away from this.." she said, slurring just a bit. Acts as simple as bumping into people here in Dayton could turn into a fight to the death, and often did.
((I'm going to guess you are talking to me, so yeah xD ))

Axel stared blankly at the blonde woman who was pointing a knife at him, even if she did attack him, what could she do against a gun? Nodding silently at the girl, Axel easily smelled alcohol all over her and sent a quick prayer that she wouldn't be killed as she walked home.

Twirling the gun in his hands, Axel continued Time Hunting around the streets of Dayton, wondering what he should cook for dinner. Of course, there was only one cheap option; instant noodles. Axel had been having the instant noodles for every meal for a few weeks now. It was becoming quite sickening, but who cares? As long as something got into his stomach he was fine.
Tomorrow nodded back and began to stumble her way home. She hoped that no one would try to do anything to her, she couldn't afford it now. If she was mugged again, everything was over. But maybe things were easier that way. Besides, she lived in Dayton where it seemed everyone was fighting for their life. Had she been born in New Greenwich, life would be a lot easier. However, she pushed these types of thoughts out of her head.
Hearing the girl follow him, Axel frowned ever so slightly as he realized that they were both going in the same direction. Gripping his gun tightly, Axel was prepared to fight back against any of the girl's attempts to take his time.

Keeping an eye out for anyone who was dying on the streets, Axel suddenly stopped in his tracks and turned to face a little boy, his life draining out of his eyes every second that passed by. It seemed the child was holding the hand of his mother, she was already dead.

Axel walked up to the boy and gestured to his gun. The boy did as the same as the man from before did and nodded. Axel sighed as he gave some of his time to the boy, he needed those three days more than him anyway.
Tomorrow hadn't realized that she was going to the same way as the guy from before. Maybe she was lost in thought, or maybe she had a lot more to drink than she thought. She watched as he gave a poor boy some time and for a moment, her steel blue eyes softened. Maybe people in Dayton weren't so bad after all. After watching the scene, she continued on her way, this time ahead of the man. Her blonde hair moved side to side as she stumbled along.
((I love her name, by the way xD and...I could bring the little boy to you, and Britt said that Tomorrow was going to come anyway...:3))

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