[In the Service of the Senate] [IC] Act 1.1 : An invitation to misbehave...


Ze Hamster of Lurkdom

1999 PC, Ascending Air, 1

You have have been summoned to attend upon the will of the Senate of the holy Realm, heart of Creation, pillar that holds up high the firmament of Heaven from Creation.

It is by our august mandate to call forth a coterie of heroes that you have been summoned to stand before the Chancellor of the Senate on the first day of Ascending Air, in the Post Change year 1999, at noon.

The scroll had been short, had impeccable calligraphy, and bore the seal of the senate chancellor. It was also the reason that various beings of power and might had been called to the Senate over the two millennium, to serve as heroes of the Realm. That their puissant would be used to safeguard the interests of the Senate, Realm and Creation.

It was also why there were a number of Raksha and Dragonblooded nobles seated in a rather large and comfortable waiting area.

A seemingly endless expanse of white marble stretched outwards, interspersed by pillars and floating lamps, the luxurious chairs and sofas with attending tables provided places to wait. The soft music playing in the background was lovely and meant to entertain, but it did not truly take away the ennui of waiting.

There were several doors standing about, not against walls, but between pillars. The two largest and grandest of doors, carved from solid jade and decorated with orichalcum, moonsilver and starmetal etchings, led out into Creation and into the Senate chamber itself.

Here and there stood smaller doors, some of them used by the various staff of the freehold, while others were more imposing, such as the one to the office of the chancellor, and which was guarded by a slender and attractive female secretary manning the desk by it. A commoner raksha or a poorly bred dragonblooded, if one were to judge her by her appearances, after all, it wasn't likely that there would be a mortal attending to the chancellor of the senate.

And thus those invited waited and waited... where even minutes felt like an eternity.

And judging by the mechanical clock that stood in the waiting area, ticking away as the insect on its top ate at time, noon would never come.

Here and there, now and then, servants fluttered to those waiting to attend to their needs; be it snacks or assorted drinks, or something more exotic.


OOC - those without a completed charactersheet have a choice; wait and join in when their charactersheet is done OR join and post and stuff, BUT be unable to do anything that requires die-rolling.

Current shaping effects at work

Lobby of Eternity - Fantasy

The music is lovely but boring, the snacks and drinks provided on call not doing much to help kill time, the wait here seems to take forever. Those stuck waiting here will be excited when it ends and they can move on. When oh when will the ennui of waiting in the lobby end? Would it not behoove those who wait to be grateful to those who end the eternity of waiting?

Shaping Effect has 9 success rolled for it

Submission provides +1 die towards things done while waiting

Resistance inflicts 4 successes in external penalty

What the clock looks like...
Castellan Artagnan was the first to arrive at the Senate Lobby Room. Walking in, he chatted for a few brief moments with the secretary, who instructed him to sit and wait until summoned at noon.

And so he did. Finding a low table with ample clearance for his wings, Artagnan ordered some tea and sat in seiza, calmly sitting and meditating on the sounds of the clock as it ticked ever so slowly towards noon, and the idle chatter surrounding him, amused at the occasional notation of his presence by the various commoner Raksha and other beings in the room.

It wasn't every day that one was summoned to the Senate chamber to become part of a Coterie, after all. As to why he would possibly have been selected for this call to heroes, he hadn't the faintest idea. But answers will come in time, and time will pass. So he waited. Patiently. Slowly. Counting each and every moment that passed quietly and without complaint, as his training dictated.

If he was annoyed by it, it certainly didn't show.


Going along with this particular Shaping Effect. Think it suits Artagnan to be sitting there for awhile, simply sipping some tea and meditating while the crowd gawks at "Whoa, a DB as pretty as us!" ^_^

Castellan Artagnan

"Would my lord want more tea?" the maid was quite skilled certainly to be able to simply be there as Artagnan placed his almost empty cup of tea down upon the table that he sat before.

While she seemed human, it's obvious that this being the Senate that she had to be something more. Given how human she looked, but slightly off, she most likely was a dragonblooded of little to no breeding and likely was a first generation dragonblooded of her family. Admitedly, it was entirely possible that she was a godblooded of some kind. But unlikely, as humans breeding with spirits or elementals were closely monitored.

"Or is there anything else my lord would desire?" Still, the slight blush on her face as she dipped in a bow to Artagnan before kneeling by his side indicated that she was quite affected by his appearance. And there was the suggestive manner her question could be constructed.


ooc - if you wanna work out what she or what any of the other maids are exactly, you'll be needing a perception + lore roll. And yes, you do get a bonus from going along with the shaping effect.
The sound of jangling armor and clunking footsteps resounded and echoed through the halls as Contentious Sword approached, his long blonde hair seemingly blowing by itself in the wind since the hall was without draft. He saunters up to the desk and presents himself, his armor rustling as he bowed slightly to the young woman. His impossibly blue eyes meeting hers as he speaks in a strong commanding voice,

"I am Contentious Sword the fourth and I have an appointment with the Chancellor"

Contentious Sword

The secretary looked up at the Imperial Raksha, coolly and quite calmly, as only a secretary can. And one who knows she can doom those who are not respectful... to a degree.

She gave a brief look at a scheduler. "Ah yes, your appointment was at noon."

She smiled and gestured over o the waiting area near where the clock stood tall, ticking away the time in all of Creation. In the region she gestured could be seen several raksha and dragonblooded. One of whom bore wings and had an appearance not unlike a noble amongst the raksha. "Please wait a while, I'll get you when it's your time."
Contentious Sword glanced at the clock, then raised an eyebrow at it.

"Nice clock."

He then dismisses himself politely and heads towards the waiting area, his movement creating the same rhythmic cacophony as before, and introduces himself with pride and style, then speaks,

"Been waiting long?"
Far before her entrance, the atmosphere of the waiting room changed abruptly, the heavy weight of an unseen watching presence crushing down on the shoulders of those who stood within the walls regardless of their status or nature. Colors themselves felt as if they vanished to be replaced by some twisted shade, as if filtered through the eyes of intent fear and madness. The previously white marble couldn't help but show the distinct onsets of early decay even as the previously bright and lavish light appeared swallowed by some unknown hunger, creeping shadows at the edge of reality clawing their way out into existence, looming imperceptible honor guard to the coming horror.

Ominous and clear as limpid water the gentle subconscious ring of a single lone bell, that distinct sound unnatural yet heartwrenchingly beautiful even as with a loud creak the door to the hallway opened before the imperious and indescribable presence which took the room itself hostage with her every step, captive to her movements and that serene smile. So perturbing and disturbing, nothing unseen before but it distilled the concept of wrongness with the fine expertise of a connoiseur.

Her gaze gently stagnant with bloody promises whispered in the darkest hour of the night settled down on the helpless secretary as what felt similar to an endless march forward came to a shocking halt before it even started, the swift movements defying time itself, which could be felt and perceived in every meticulous detail, precise and elegant as only the unseen terror of death could be. Clutching a small doll against her chest, her lips curl into what would be a warm and healthy grin on any other face but felt as if the twisted caricature from a madman's nightmarish hallucinations on hers. The weight of her gaze came with that of her indescribable mien, the distinct sensation creeping up your spine of being a tiny minuscule ant before the roaring fire of the approaching sun, that from the invisible abyss would creep hundreds viscous and disgusting horrors... all of them coming just for you.

There could be no escaping it, even as she spoke up in that surprisingly melodious voice of hers, yet it always felt as if it was slightly off-key, needling at some primal part of the mind which screamed from the black ecstasy she promised to every victim and every plaything "Greetings... the Chancellor is waiting for me. Tell him of Magdalene Farandole's arrival." naturally this order had an incredible weight to it, as if nothing but the most callous and potent Demon Princes of the black steel cage called Malfeas could hope to defy it, even their wills put to the sore test of an eternity of torment for their defiance.

No one would have Magdalene Farandole wait. Not the Chancellor. Not the Senate. Not the Realm.

No one, for they would know their place. They would understand themselves bare and weak.

And kneel to her imperishable glory.


Alter Shaping Effect! 3-die Stunt! "No one shall dare make Magdalene Farandole wait, lest they suffer eternal torment for their audacity."

Manipulation 7 + Presence 6 + Inflicting Fear 2 + Stunt 3 = 18 dice

18d10 → [9,8,8,8,8,3,1,5,8,3,6,9,10,7,8,9,6,10] = 14 successes
Magdalene Farandole

A delicate eyebrow rose, while a bead of sweat rolled down an immaculate face at the face of such a potent fantasy. Still, fantasies were not invincible tales. And thus, a smile graced the secretary's face as she gestures at the waiting area.

"I do apologize, lady Magdalene Farandole, but the chancellor is currently dealing with the senate at the moment. You did arrive a tad earlier than your summons required you to. Please wait a while over there, I'll come get you when it's your time." She gestured towards the waiting area, calmly, politely, and quite professionally.


OOC - someone spends 1 willpower +to resist the fantasy and makes Magdalene Farandole wait.
She decides to approach just a tiny bit closer, but clearly it felt for all purposes as if she'd leaped clear into the air and pounced on the vulnerable secretary, pinning her down to the ground mercilessly. Stuck to the ground and incapable of movement or resistance, completely the target of Magdalene's ancient ire "I am bored." she declared firmly and certainly even such a low functionary had to have heard of her legend, of the words which echoed the hallways of power of what this seemingly innocuous sentence meant for the one which it targeted.

Those eyes with the depth of the well of darkness and the shining vivacity of the brightest euphoria spoke with intensity of an unattainable force of nature, beyond reason or words which pulsated quietly yet eeriely under the veil of flesh which the Ringmaster had made her own. They gave no respite and the pressure which had been spread all across the room was now swallowed right back into her small body, without warning or hesitation, the entire dreadful sensation of an ancient evil's watchful gaze put on the fragile shoulders of a lowly spirit "Would you like to play with my dolls?" she asks calmly, her face still even as if for a flesh her face twisted into a monstrous thing of incomparable horror which would send most mortals into convulsions of terror.

Such surprising and strange events were common in Magdalene's presence, this spirit which she'd never seen before must have been part of the new Chancellor's staff. She would teach it to respect and fear those who stood leagues above her.

She would tolerate no interference with her sweeping and grandiose tale, no matter how insignificant, especially not under such circumstances.


She's just trying to screw around with the Secretary's head, I can roll Charisma + Presence if you want me to, but that's probably not necessary.
Magdalene Farandole

"That may be, lady Magdalene Farandole, but the senate is still in session," She shook her head. "If you wish to, you could interrupt the senate... but I fear that would not be the best of solutions to ameliorate your boredom and expedite the chancellor," It is... rare for anyone to stand up against the Embodiment of Fear. But not unheard of.

"And I have heard... tales of your dolls, I do not think it would be the wisest of decisions for me to do so." And apparently, not completely suicidal.

Some backbone, strength of character, and some notion of self-preservation. A rare combination to see in the secretary of one such as the chancellor, or perhaps not so rare and surprising.
"Right. At least they found a good one this time." suddenly the previously unbearable atmosphere drifted away like morning fog, as if it'd never even been there and she stretched, still holding her doll. Without another word, she drifts toward the back and the other guests in complete and absolute silence, not even the slightest brush against the floor betraying her presence. If she weren't in plain sight, she might as well be invisible. Finding what appeared to be a relatively comfortable sofa she sat down and conjuring a few dolls from the aether, started playing with them with the closest thing that could be described to happiness in such an assuredly creepy woman.

She reserved no small amount of affection for the small trinkets.

Xytrisae is a strange sight here, one would not have expected her to be here for one, well those that did not know her anyway. But here she was in the waiting room, waiting, as one always does in a waiting room, one always waits. She was unusual, as said before, her hair was waist long, falling behind her in waves of glittering silky black strands. The most skimpy silky and nearly transparent black bra sat defying gravity upon her huge breasts, no straps to be seen, no thought that it might fall. Her red tattoo is the most unusual part of her, straight lines that dash across her right arm to curl oddly around her right breast. Her light mocha skin gleamed with sweet scented oils, and a red ruby sat in her navel. Along her slender arms that were folded under her breasts and laying gently in her scaled lap, were a set of gold and silver braclets. Her long coils of black scaled snake tail weaved and dived amongst each other. No chair for her, she found them quite unsettling. Rising from between two sets of coils was her tail's tip, the pride of her joy, for upon it was a glittering bell of shimmering metal and slowly she began to shake it, letting the bell sound. Folded against her back looking more like a cape were her black as night wings.

Finally she sighs with the boredom that has settled upon her a feeling she doesn't like before her eyes fall upon the form of Magdalene. Frowning slightly she tilts her head and announces with an annoyed tone. After all the longer she had to wait with gloomy Magdalene whose legend was spred far and wide in the Wyld and Creation, the more miserable she believed her formed existence would be. "This music does not do well here. It goes on and on, no promise of release, no? Well I shall do more than wait, I shall play some music. So dear secretary do tell the music to stop so that it can know music of freedom."


OOC: Doing nothing more (at the moment) than making a demand that will likely get her a frown or two xD
Castellan Artagnan

Castellan Artagnan looks the maid over with a practiced glance. Wood Aspect...Peasant Stock. Likely working here because the pay was good.

"Some more tea would be nice, thank you very much." He says smoothly and politely.

Before she leaves, however, he sees, or rather, hears Contentious Sword arrive.

Boisterous isn't he? he thinks to himself as Contentious Sword introduces himself.

"It feels like it has been an eternity." Artagnan says, even though nary a hint of annoyance shows itself in his voice.

"Castellan Artagnan. Would you care to join me for some tea?" he says to Contentious Sword, politely gesturing towards the other end of the table.

"And you as well of course, should you desire a break." he says again to the maid.

Artagnan holds up rather well to Magdeline's arrival.

Showy thing isn't she? he thinks to himself.

So he simply sits, waiting patiently for his tea.


Rolling Perception+Lore+1 Shaping Bonus:


3 successes

Valor Roll for when Magdeline shows up:


3 Successes on 2 dice. ^_^
Castellan Artagnan / Contentious Sword

A blush graced the face of the wood aspect maid as she nodded ever so slightly at Artagnan's request. "Of course, my lord, I would be honored to do so as you requested."

"If you will excuse me, my lords?" Silent as a breeze, beyond that of silk and cotton rubbing against each other, she stood up and bowed once to the two nobles at the table before retreating to one of the service doors.

Magdalene Farandole

Given the awe-inspiring aura of fear and gloom that surrounded her, it took some one extremely brave, or perhaps foolhardy, to approach Magdalene Farandole as she played with her dolls.

Still, clearly, there was someone who did. A lovely maid who managed to control the fear within her beating heart in her bosom. "I... I beg your p... pardon, my lady. But would you like something to drink or... or perhaps a snack while you wait?"

Given the soft music playing in the background, and that the secretary was busy as she performed the mystical and wondrous art of transcribing scrolls for her employer, perhaps it wasn't a deliberate attempt to snub the Azure River of Sword and Song... but rather that the river's voice had not been heard.

Which was also a slight to an ornamental raksha... in a different manner. That there were those who would not heed to a perfectly reasonable request by virtue of hearing her voice. What an outrage.

Still, given that there was no musicians playing... it was quite possible that this was a mere fantasy. To be replaced with her mastery of music.


OOC - Just requires a shaping roll verses 6 successes. Obviously performance shaping roll to force the music into compliance with your desires.
Silvanus Zeitgeist entered a lobby that was all too familiar to him. He had stalked these hallways since their foundation so long ago and he was used to playing along with waiting games. Being a Senator had given him more than enough experience with this, more so now that he was a Magistrate.

He was a powerfully built Raksha, his form shaped to inspire awe and increase his physical prowess. He was the embodiment of the mortal ideal of a god which was precisely what he desired to be viewed by as them. His skin was tinted green and his hair was deeper green still and worn long. Woven in amongst his hair was ivy while he was resplendent robes of fur and silk. Clutched in his clawed hand was a gnarled staff as he approached and gave a polite bow to the Chancellor's secretary.

"Good day, I am Silvanus Zeitgeist. I believe the Chancellor has requested my presence?"

Silvanus offered a smiled, knowing to treat the gatekeepers of the Senate nicely as often it lead to them being more cooperative.
Silvanus Zeitgeist

"Of course, lord Silvanus Zeitgeist. The chancellor is, however, currently in deliberations with the senate," The secretary smiled regretfully at the noble who had just approached her desk.

Gesturing at the waiting area where a number of raksha and dragonblooded nobles were already seated and waiting. "If you'll wait over there? I'll come get you when the chancellor is done with the senate."
A tall lion-head man, or man-bodied lion stepped into the room, his clothes of a tight formal cut, a perfect fit to his body, spun gold embroidered with dreams. His manes well groomed, giving him a regal bearing. His eyes, like gold as well, with black slits, unblinking and moving around, taking in his surroundings.

Well groomed claws clenched but a little as he stood there and glanced around, letting those around him bask in his awe inspiring presence for just a moment, before moving to the secretary and looking at her with a calm demeanor.

"Tell the Lord Chancellor that I have arrived." he said, his voice a deep rumble that could be felt as much as it could be heard.


OOC: As I was writing for this roll, I came up with an interesting situation. And I wonder how this works.

Always on time, never too late, never too early. The law is there when it is needed.

Socialize + Charisma fantasy, that will cause the High Lord Advocate of Truth and Justice to arrive exactly on time. Causing the Chancellor to be 'delayed'. But at the same time it doesn't go against the current fantasy and will let him wait. Slightly confusing.

15d10 → [8,3,4,3,10,8,3,1,6,9,7,7,8,5,3] = 8 successes
The summons came at dawn- at least in her own freehold. A red knight atop a red fey beast strode in, and a single note trumpeted through the air. Fittingly, with that note, the clouds above shifted to a vivid, blood-red hue.

Red sky at morning, sailor take warning, the saying was.

"Lady Essai?"Ooh, this one was cute. Potential. But dragons-marked... A note of boredom crossed her face as she slowly took the scroll proffered. It wasn't that she cared less about the Dragon-Blooded, but rather that she wasn't allowed the same...liberty with them. If it was a mortal, nobody would look twice if she was to, say, slake her hunger- mayhaps an experiment or two. But this would inevitably be some sort of Senate worker.

Sigh. At least the work was promising. some task for the Senate? Surely every one of her kin dreamt of such a quest! And so did the Chromatic Maiden. The chance of experience intrigued her; surely on such a journey she herself could extrude some...unique shades of Color. War was always so satisfying; through violence one could develop such vivid hues...

Essai was one of the later to enter the freehold, her robes swaying in the subdued air. A luminescent aura floated around her, as she seemed to slowly roll a shard of some sort of crystal in her hands. To those around her, it seemed that she walked in a rainbow, or mayhaps an aurora. Even her skin had a luminescent property, light seeming to flit across it like the wavy reflection of light off of water. She had been to a fair spread of freeholds, but never to one that seemed to produce such a...quiet aura to it. The meeting was for high noon, thankfully, but as she took a seat, she stared out towards the bizzare clock, watching it tick steadily on, at an inexorable pace.

Already, several had arrived- most especially one who seemed to utterly radiate terror. Beautiful, frightening, awe-inspiring terror. She was scared, oh, most certainly, but she relished it, inwardly giddy and high off the delirium. To Essai, it was like an exquisite champagne, and her mind buzzed at the thought of forcing such a drink down the throats of a subject or two. Wiggling her fingers in a brief wave, she acknowledged the Ringmaster- someone who was that...warped...definately had to be an interesting creature.

Finally, her glance moved to the secretary. "Essai is here for the Chancellor. I can wait." Not even breaking stride, her gaze then turned back to the chronophage.

"Oh, cute. A clock that eats time." She dreamily mused, turning to the clock and gazing into its surface. If she had to spend her time here, at least she could spend it in idle reflection.


No rolling. Just biding her time.
Suddenly taken away from her games by a timid and slightly trembling voice, Magdalene ceases all movement and with the stillness of an early grave an uneasy silence surrounds the poor innocent maid. The only who turn to face her are the pair of dolls she is playing with, who do so in perfect harmony, their beady eyes fixated on her slightly shivering and hesitant form

However this eerie atmosphere is soon broken for the worse as the unfortunate young woman is met with the dreadful wraith's gaze, those shining crimson eyes piercing through her with untold ease and starring directly into her soul, lightly tickling and toying with her most childish fears.

Somehow, the timid one could tell that nothing could be truly hidden from such a magnificent and elegant monster "Why... that sounds lovely." comes the answer in time, it is almost shockingly polite and sweet.

"Would you bring me something sweet and refreshing?" her voice drew around them as if a strangely vivid cloak wrought from the empty space between the stars, within it could be found an unexpected warmth. Even as one bled against her thorns, they would still in the darkest recesses of their minds yearn for her presence. For her such was not even conscious, Magdalene herself represented something greater than she herself even in all her millenial wisdom could fully comprehend and as such they were time when her own essence would slip and coil in ways determined by her higher will, her own shining mind left unaware but still basking in wonder and awe.

Although Magdalene herself did not grace the Lady Essai with her presence or attention, a rather pallid yet peerlessly crafted doll crawls out of Essai's shadow and slightly bows to her, in acknowledgement of her respect. It doesn't speak but it does let her know that she has managed to get the attention of its strange and wicked mistress.


Activating Shiftless Untamed Beauty for 8 motes.

+4 motes for 2 dice stunt.
High Lord Advocate of Truth and Justice

"I'll do so when the chancellor is done with the deliberations with the senate," the secretary nodded at The Lion in Robes of Gold and Dreams, before gesturing at the waiting area. "In the meantime, you may wait over there."

The ticking clock eating away at the time indicated that the High Lord Advocate might not be on time, and perhaps was a tad... early. As was appropriate for he represented law, and the law answers to the senate and the chancellor. It is good that the law knows this fact and comes early when desired.


OOC - As long as your fantasy doesn't contradicts someone's fantasy, nothing happens and all fantasies are in effect.

But if say someone, like the secretary, were to alter your fantasy?

"The law answers to the senate and the chancellor, coming and going as they command. Its presence is at their sufferance."

charisma + socialize 15d10.hits(7) → [10,2,3,7,2,8,7,8,8,6,2,1,1,7,4] = (8) + 2 successes

Your fantasy is now over-written and altered. Unless you wish to challenge the new fantasy by altering it, you must either submit or resist it.

The nod by the secretary at the Transcendent Prism of Infinite Hues was polite and respectful.

The waiting area seemed a tad spacious as maids moved swiftly and discretely about the room, some waited down with trays of delightful pastries, pots of fragrant tea that steamed, but always attending to the needs of the guests.


OOC - assume that if you want tea or anything that there is a maid on hand waiting discretely for requests. And yes, you can request to nibble on the maid's virtue or willpower as a snack.
Magdalene Farandole

"Of course, my lady, at once," she dipped in a curtsy, spreading her skirt wide as her head lowered respectfully before scurrying off to get "something sweet and refreshing". As she did so, the maid fades into the background, almost like a ghost once no longer needed to attend directly to a guest.
Castellan Artagnan / Contentious Sword

Eventually, the maid returned with a tray with several cups forged of clay mixed with various substances to lend it coloration not inherently natural to clay. A single pot of tea lay surrounded by the cups.

"My lords, I apologize for the delay," the maid smiled before settling down by Artagnan's side once more before serving the tea to both raksha and dragonblooded nobles.

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