[In the Service of the Senate] Essai, Transcendent Prism of Infinite Hues


New Member

To Essai, Transcendent Prism, color takes on a mysterious, almost religious fascination. It can be associated to every life, every emotion, every scene of every moment: it is the lens through which her story runs; it is her driving purpose. Even before her time, she only existed as Unshaped Ephemeral Chiaroscuro of Chromatic Beauty's Heart Emination. Ephemeral Chiaroscuro was a Wyld Storm that sought to claim all the color from Infinity- both the Wyld and Creation's concrete hues. Time passed, though, and it grew angry from not being able to understand what it so desperately collected: They were beautiful baubles all, but the substance to them eluded it. Ultimately, it resigned itself to crossing the Gateway of Sundraprisha- as much as it might have wished otherwise, if it wanted to enter into Creation, it would have to be in something more tolerable to the Medusa-gaze of Creation's static configuration.

And so Essai was born.

After spending countless time in the Wyld, sampling the ephemeral hues that run through its changing scenery, her interest turned inward, seeing some of her kin living at the Blessed Isle.While other Raksha were infuriated to the day at their so-called 'betrayal', citing Balor and demanding a successor, she took a fascination. These creatures had such possibility! Even in the infinite Wyld, she had never seen such vibrant shades of color through their emotion! Fourty years ago, some Wyld-born Raksha had staged a short-lived insurrection into Creation. The attempt- the Amber Charge, known to those of the Wyld. In the madness of the moment, she made her way inward from the East, eventually making it to the Isle.

And so, she worked her way into the Senate. The raksha she was used to; their poetic methodology was nothing new. As for their new allies, the Dragon-Blooded, they made for something...different. Such curious shades of emotion; fickler than one of the Unshaped, and yet so willing to alter or change what they would stand for...To her, such things were immensely fascinating. So she stayed, part of the Senate, earning a place of respect (at least in politics- her behavior struck some of the Terrestrials as too peculiar in a social scene). She took a small magistrate, mostly so she could satisfy her diet of dreams with the mortals there now and then...And, of course, so she could have a chance to study their emotions- their Color- as well.

Years passed, and she grew a little testy at how slow her research would go. The Senate would stage their discourses often enough, and someone almost always would get upset or flustered- those were quite satisfying evocations of color. But when their concept of 'honor' was thrown out on the line, and they would have to fight- oho, that was when the most vivid hues of color would eke ouf of their spirits! Such passionate, vivid reds!

Determined to evoke those emotions further, she herself broke into a phase where she would challenge anyone for anything, almost at a drop at a hat. Her 'duels of honor' were quite the skew on one: Never would she actually fight an opponent to death, or even to blood's spilling- a few blows would be traded, and she would simply turn and leave, contented with what 'data' she had collected.

Now, she is considered a bit eccentric, yes, but her loyalty to the Senate's prosperity is unquestionable- if anything, for her desire to continue her 'research'. That, and the other raksha out in the Wyld were just so dull.
Name: Essai, Transcendent Prism

Concept: The Seeker of Color

Caste: Eshu (Cup/Sword)

Motivation: To experience the hues of color that exist in the Creation-born's emotions.

Intimacies: Emotions, Color, Art



[ ] Strength-------[X][X][X][X][X][X][X][(X)]

[ ] Dexterity-------[X][X][X][X][X][X][X]

[ ] Stamina -------[X][X][X][X][X][(X)][ ][ ]

[ ] Charisma-------[X][X][X][X][X][(X)][ ]

[ ] Manipulation----[X][X][X][X][X][ ][ ]

[ ] Appearance-----[X][X][X][X][X][X][(X)]

[ ] Perception------[X][X][X][X][(X)][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Intelligence-----[X][X][X][X][(X)][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Wits------------[X][X][X][X][X][ ][ ]




[ ] Linguistics-----[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Occult--------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Ride-----------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Socialize------[X][X][X][ ][ ]

[ ] Thrown--------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]


[ ] Bureaucracy---[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[F] Craft----------[X][X][X][X][X]

[ ] Integrity------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Lore----------[X][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Resistance----[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]


[C] Investigation--[X][X][ ][ ][ ]

[C] Larceny-------[X][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Medicine------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[C] Performance---[X][X][X][X][X]

[C] Stealth--------[X][X][X][ ][ ]


[ ] Archery--------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[F] Martial Arts----[X][X][X][X][X][X][X]

[ ] Melee----------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[C] Presence------[X][X][X][ ][ ]

[ ] War-----------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]


[ ] Athletics------[X][X][X][ ][ ]

[ ] Awareness----[X][X][X][ ][ ]

[F] Dodge--------[X][X][X][X][X][X][X]

[ ] Sail-----------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Survival-------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

Languages Known: High Realm

Crafts Known: Air, Fire, Glamour, Magitech, Genesis


Birth 4

Gossamer 5: 20 gossamer through story, 20 g of assumpt/mutation charms

(Usable as Res 5)

Style 5

Freehold 1

Artifact 4

Backing 2 (Senate)

Retinue 1



---Birth Charms---

Ravishing the Created Form: 1wp, 0g; glamour, basic, shape-only. Roll feeding grace, each sux reduces C-born's wp or relevant virtue by 1; regain 10m/sux.

Banquet of Crumbs: 0g, shape-only. IP: feed on ambient emotion once per scene; roll dice= feeding grace, regain 1m/sux.

Essence-Forging Art: 3m,0g; combo-basic, glamour, shaping. Create mundane item w/ (Intelligence+Craft[glamour]). 1 sux=ordinary, 2=fine, 3=superior, 4=perfect, +1=permanent.

Awakened Dream Manufacture: 3m, c-basic,glamour,shaping, permanent. Create a minion, (int+socialize) roll. Same table as Essence-Forging.

Forging the (All) Grace: 10m (15 if heart), 1g; simple, shaping. Create a <type> Grace.

---Assumption Charms:---(2 assumptions free)

Assumption of Water Shape 10m, 1g

Assumption of Air Shape 10m, 1g

Element-Weaving Style: IP: 5m, speed 6: can sculpt element w/a wits+craft roll, GR: Integ+Ess vs Wits (or craft, if attempting to affect an ele)

Elemental Evocation: 10m, 1g, simpl (sp 3), Instant. Evocates a possession.


Heart-Cutting Style: 1m (1g), supplemental. If success on a Cup or Staff-shaping attack, count extra successes twice.

IP: 5m. Ignore MDV cap in social combat (against one person)for having

higher App than others.

GR: Wits+Ess vs App

Dissonance Of Principles: 1m/die, supplemental. spend up to 2xVal motes, make C or St Shaping Attack: if hit, opponent's soak= Temperance, roll dice = to motes; . Opponent takes int. penalty to all shaping rolls equal to sux's.

IP: (up to 2xVal motes) For one day, inflict Int. penalty to all rolls made against raksha via social combat. UMI, must spend 1 WP/scene to resist

GR:(Inv+Ess) vs. Manip

Untouchable Performer Technique: 1m, reflexive. Negate all penalties to cup-shaping DV against single attack; add cup value to DV. (doesn't function if DV is already reduced to 0.)

Swift Wings Of Song: 3m, reflexive, instant/one story. Add cup rating in automatic successes.

IP: 3m, add cup rating in automatic sux's to JB roll.


*2nd Sword Excellency: 2m/per.

*Fearsome Mien:
5m, 1wp, Reflexive. Make sword-shaping attack, if successs, target takes internal penalty on Sword/Staff-shaping for scene= to Sword rating.

IP: (5m,1wp) Any CB who interacts w/raksha takes Int.Penalty= sword on all dice pools due to fear (GR: Valor+Ess<Highest Sword Abil.)

*All-Inclusive Nightmare Defense: 3m, 0g, Simple, Instant. When defense against a Sw-shap. attack is made with Sword DV. If (Attacker's sux's+Ess) is less than Sw-Shap. DV, the attacker's sword-or staff- shaping weapon is removed from readiness.

IP: 3m. When he successfully parries, he can attempt to disarm at full dicepool.

===Permanent Mutations===

Total MP:7

Root of the Perfected Lotus: 4mp. Acquire Ability to learn TMA.

Adjuration MP: 6 (counts as 3)

Glorious Hero Form X3: 1 dot to Str, Sta, Cha, App, Int, Per.


Pasiap's Humility

Moment of Danaa'd

----White Reaper---

Falling Scythe Flash

Revolving Crescent Defense

White Reaper Form

Bleeding Crescent Strike



Compassion: **** (Channel: [ ][ ][ ][ ])

Conviction: **** (Channel: [ ][ ][ ][ ])

Temperance: ** (Channel: [ ][ ])

Valor: ***** (Channel: [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ])

Lure: Valor (The Curse of Meekness)

Heart Grace ****

Cup Grace: ****

Staff Grace:****

Ring Grace: **

Sword Grace:*****

XP spent:

12 valor 4-5

9 comp 3-4

3 temp 1-2

6+9 conv 2-3-4

Willpower: **** **** *

Temporary WP: [ ][ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ][ ] [ ]

Permanent Essence ****

Essence Pool: 62/62 (80)



Anugratha Oath (Staff, 4 dot artifact): On a bracelet made of intertwining threads of amethyst, Prism swore- "Never shall I kill a Creation-Born incapable of defending themselves." This allows her to always be able to defend herself, even without a weapon, granting her three incantations of Glorious Hero Form.

As a Staff Weapon: Speed 5, Acc +2, Damage +16, Defense 0, Rate 2.

Samadhi Circle spell; 25m, 2g

Essai is the sole scholar of Color- it is what defines her and her very existance. Those who would dare think of opposing her shall be swept away in her art- the thousandfold deluge of potentiality made manifest shall drop them to their knees.

Taking two scenes, Essai kneels and focuses, transfusing the Color resting within her Cup. Through her will and devotion, she makes it manifest- Her Heart submerges in the Cup, swelling, flooding, until it itself opens. From within escapes a literal storm of Color, twisting and howling around her. Whether it forms a luminescent typhoon or a thunderstorm of what seems to be almost liquid paint, its effects are the same. It remains her until her terms dictate: Her demand is that all her enemies bow before Color in respect and humility. If that is not sated, then her storm can continue up to a year in span. She will always remain the center of it.

Color is her tool, and as such, the adverse effects spread to any she declares an enemy of Color. Those who dare to enter her chaotic field suffer no mercy from her: The tick any adversaries cross within ten yards of her, Color snarls and bares its fangs; what might be rain instead becomes bullets, concentrated down to needle-sharp points. Treat this as Teeth of the World (Water); unblockable or dodgable except for a stunt, and dealing 6L damage.

With the first ring of violence, the chaotic storm serves as a terrible hazard, instilling a -3 internal penalty in any attempt to try to harm her. Swords will grow heavy and sluggish, as if cutting through tar, and winds will flow away from her skin. Serving both as sword and shield, the Chromatic Torrent ensures that no mundane blade will ever touch its servitor, and even those that are of magical purpose, will still inevitably fail. Even those magically enchanted would still struggle, her DVs rising by +3.

As well, the Color still actively weaves through her Heart Grace, empowering her with wickedly beautiful, as well as the speed of a thunderstorm. She acquires one incantation of Glorious Hero Form, and Racing Dragon Speed.

Assumption of the Land's Heart 2mp

Teeth of the World 3mp

World-Angering Elemental Mast. 3mp

Bastion of the Heart (Sword) 4mp

Glorious Hero Form (Str, Sta) 2mp

Racing Dragon Speed 1mp

As a Shaping weapon, it has the stats of a normal Samadhi Circle Spell:

Speed 5, Accuracy +2, Damage +16, Defense +0, Rate 2.

In addition, in Shaping Combat, she may channel 5 motes through her Cup, making it gush into the spell,and surge outwards. She may make (Cup) Cup-shaping attacks against seperate targets- 1 attack per target- each at her full Shaping Pool. total DV is the highest of any one attack in the pool.

Retinue 1: Lorekeeper of the Chromatic Torrent

(only relevant parts mentioned)

Manipulation 4, Dexterity 4, Martial Arts 7

Essence 3

Gossamer 1

Sword 5, Heart 2

WP: 7

MP: 9/10

Charms: 4/6

+3 specialty 'Glamour Resistance'

Surpassing Excellence +2 'Glamour Resistance' (1mp)

Assumption of Water Shape

Unassailable Tower of Manipulation (2g)

Glorious Hero Formx3- 3 dots manip, (2mp per- 6mp)

Imposition of Law- Dexterity+Martial Arts (Teeth of the World)

Total GR on WAEM: 4+3+5+2=14

Attack pool on Teeth of the World: 11+1sux

Perfect Nishkriya Mask (Sword), Sp 4, Acc +3, Damage +6, Def +2, Rt 4

Perfect Gossamer Spear: Speed 5, Acc +2, Damage 7L/10L,Def +3, Rate 3

Hundred Color Shaping Lens: (Ring, 2-dot artifact) Speed 6, Acc 2, Damgage +3, -6 defense, Rt. 2, Range 10, 6m attune.

If Evocated: 3m per shot, Target: Per+Aware; Speed 6, Acc +2, Damage 10B (Pierce), Range 100

Shaping Armor (2-dot): +6 soak, -1 mobility, 3 attune.

If Evocated: +8L/9B soak, 5L/5B hardness, -1 mobility.

Assorted fancy clothes and such, I mean come on Gossamer 5 :V

Pennant (Prevents calcification essence loss)





Evocated Armor: +8L/9b, 5L/5B hardness, -1 mobility

Soak: 3L/6B, armored: 12L/15B

Pierced Soak: 7L/10B


Dodge DV:9 (8 w/armor)

Parry DV:8

Mental DDV: 6

Mental PDV: 4

Attack (Perfect Gossamer Spear, White Reaper Form active)

Speed 5, Accuracy 17, Damage 15L/18L, Defense +3, Rate 3



Shape: 10

Attack: 8+acc

Damage: 5+W

DV: 5



Shape: 7

Attack: 7

Damage: 6+W

DV: 3

Soak:16 (22 w/armor)


Shape: 12

Attack: 10

Damage: 5+W

DV: 5

Soak: 14 (20 w/armor)


Shape: 15

Attack: 14

Damage: 8+W

DV: 7

Soak: 15 (21 w/armor)


DV:7 [6 w/armor]

Health Levels:

Cup: [][][][] [][][][]

Staff: [][][][] [][]

Ring: [][][][]

Sword: [][][][] [][][][] [][]


-0 []

-1 [][]

-2 [][]

-4 []



4BP: Gossamer 4-5

4BP:Style 4-5

2BP:Artifact 4

1BP:Backing 2

1BP:Retinue 1

1BP:MA 6

2BP: WP 9

XP: 1/220

16=Ess 3

24=Ess 4


12 valor 4-5

9 comp 3-4

3 temp 1-2

6+9 conv 2-3-4


MA Charms

dodge 6-7 10+12=22

MA 7

Aware 3

Swift Wings of Song

Furious Maelstrom Craft

===+20 EXP Bonus===

14XP: Performance 4, Performance 5

6XP: Socialize 3

===End of Chargen===

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