In The Lime-Light *Celebrity RP*

(I tweaked Rose's skelly I just added that she currently dabbles in modeling but hopes to one day become a tv chef)

Rose sighed reaching for her favorite jeans but then changing course to a blue and white patterned dress. Her father always wanted her to over dress for these events which meant she was practically never comfortable. The dress had a deep v-neck outlined by a navy ribbon, the whole thing reminded her of a sailor's outfit but its what her father wanted. She slipped the dress over her head before turning to her immense shoe collection. She had only worn most of the shoes once or twice but once again her father wanted her to be perfect. She grabbed a pair of navy wedges as she headed back into the bathroom. Stella was still rooting through her clothes by the dog acknowledged her presence by wagging her tail. Finally she began the long process of drying her hair and curling it "just so" with the waves that encircled her face. Light make-up was as always a requirement if she did not want a lecture from her father.

An hour after she had woken up Rose and Stella finally walked down the stairs. She peaked into the study and allowed her Dad to look her over.

"That is fine but a little more height to the heel next time," he said crisply his eyes falling onto Stella. "Do you have to bring that dog?" he asked accusingly.

"Yes, I have a matching leash and collar," Rose said placating her Dad. As always looks were very important and if the dog matched he might leave her alone. He huffed and waved his hand dismissing his daughter.
Everything was too bright and his head was spinning. He didn't feel like he could drive, but he did. Really, he had no idea how he was supposed to go through a meeting with his dad's employees and then getting to know some models. He might just drop dead then and there. The red light disappeared and the second it turned green, Jordan slammed his foot on the accelerator and sped off, reckless as ever. It didn't take long until he reached his destination. Grumbling, he dragged himself out of the car and towards the meeting he was already late for.
(Okay, so WalkingDisaster and I have been rying to find a celebrity couple mane for them, but it has been pretty hard. So, can you guys give us some ideas, it would really help?)

"No." Luke said simply shakking his head. There was only one person he trusted with his car, him. He got into the driver's seat and put on the engine.

When she arrived at the modeling agency, she quickly got out of her car and opened the door getting greeted by the doorman as usual. She jumped into the elevater and pressed the botton for the fourth floor. She took a deep breath as the doors opened. She hurried down the hall to the dressing room.
Daphne scoffed at him, completely and utterly pissed that he gave her that kind of answer, and then got into the car. She rolled her eyes and picked up Bella again, climbing into the passenger's seat. Bella rested her head on Daf's arm, her paw gripping her human's wrist as she made a sort of cradle formation with her arms. Daphne leaned into the seat and scowled at Luke, then decided he would never get that hint and turned the radio on. Adele's Someone Like You was playing. Daf loved that song, so she turned it up and sang along to it, word for word. She wasn't the best singer, but she was on-tune and kept up with Adele.
The meeting ended quickly enough, thankfully. Jordan walked out of the room with his sunglasses still on, looking obviously hungover. His dad had given him a warning look that was pointedly ignored; he wasn't in the mood for anymore nagging. As for now, he was supposed to "supervise" a photoshoot or something. He didn't even know how it works, so it's probably his dad's attempt to get him to know how things roll. Oh, the excitement.

Jordan walked pass the dressing room and spotted a tall girl with blond hair; he swallowed. But then, she turned just a little and he saw that it wans't Daphne. Letting out a small sigh, he kept walking forward and shaking his head.
Luke rolled his eyes at how Daphne was acting and sighed. The cafe was not far from Daphne's house, so they were there in minutes. As he pulled into the small parking lot, he took off his seatbelt. "We have arrived my lady." he said in a fake goofy English accent. He turned off the car and got out, quickly ran to the other side of he car to let Daphne out. He gentally opened her door and gestured for her to come out as he lent out a hand to help her get out.
Daphne narrowed her eyes, but took his hand. She wouldn't let him close her door; that she did immediately, and then put Bella down. "I will give you a dollar for every person who recognizes us," she said with her own English accent. It was actually rather decent - she needed one once for a guest appearance on a TV show. Bella barked, telling them to hurry up, it seemed.
(Luda maybe that's all I could come up with)

Rose grabbed her purse as she flipped the garage light on. In front of her lay seven cars, six of which cost a small fortune each and one she had bought herself. The baby blue 1950 Ford pickup stuck out like a sour thumb but that is why she loved it so. Rose did not know much about cars or trucks or anything with a motor for that matter but she knew that this was the best car she could ever own. She slid into the worn leather seats leaning over to open the other door. Stella leaped in to the truck her classic pit bull grin spread wide across her face. Rose slipped the keys into the ignition and backed out of the immense garage.

They arrived at the cafe in no time and Rose could already spot the paparazzi lining up, but there was more than usual. Rose got media attention but nearly this much, someone else must be here.
"Deal," Luke said with a smile "I'm gonna be rich." he started "Well, richer." he said with a bit of a laugh. He started walking to the enterance, asuming Daphne would follow or for her to jog in front of him and to give him a look as if to say 'You know I am always in front!'.
(Thanks, 14, but we just decided on Lukne...That killed us)

Daphne let Bella tug on the leash until they ended up infront of Luke; then, she pulled Bella back beside her. She looked at Luke and gave a sly smile, then held open the door for the both of them. After she walked in, a little blonde girl walked up to Bella and started stroking her head. Bella didn't protest, but that bugged Daphne.

"Jess, you should ask her before you pet her dog," the girl's mother said, coming up to her and pulling her back. She looked up at Daphne. "Can she pet your - Oh, my good- You're Daphne Howard!"

Daphne smiled. The little girl said, "

Her mom looked at Daphne apologetically, then at her daughter. "Jessica, it's Lucy from those sit-com re-runs we watch."

"That's not Lucy! Lucy is younger," Jessica insisted.

Her mother looked back at Daphne. "We love you! I thought you were wonderful in that pirate movie, and - Oh,
Lukne is here!" she exclaimed, obviously noticing Luke now.

Daphne smiled. "Thank you, that's good to hear. Glad you liked it."

She looked ecstatic. "I cant let you eat until I get an autograph, from at least one of you," she said with a Cheshire Cat grin.
Luke smiled at the lady, when inside he was think 'What a loser.' He pushed Daphne forward a bit, as if to say 'You take the pic with the lady.' He grinned a bit wider and leaned ino Daphne's ear and wispered "You owe me a $1." He looked at the bratty child petting Bella and smiled.

(Sorry for short post, I am really tired, because WalkingDisaster chased me around our house and stole my dounut and wouldn't give it back unless I posted on this.)
(I regret nothing.)

Daphne gave Luke a look. She shoved her hand into her pocket, and brought it back out with a crinkled dollar. She lifted Luke's hand and slapped the dollar into it, then smoothed her shirt down and looked at the lady. "Okay, so, what do you want me to sign?"

The woman produced a scrap of paper and handed it to her. "This, please."

Daf took the paper and smoothed it between her fingers. "Okay," she said. "Do you have a pen?"

"I thought celeberities always carried pens!" the brattie girl whined. Daphne had to keep herself from rolling her eyes.

Her mother, on the other hand, ignored her daughter and rummaged around in her purse. "Of course, I'm sorry...How silly of me." She pulled her hand out of her purse and handed Daphne a ballpoint pen.

She scribbled on the paper and handed it back to her, then looked at Luke. "Ready to eat?"

Daphne Howard
Rose slopped into the restaurant Stella close to her side. The leash was unnecessary but California has a serious leash law. She scanned the restaurant quickly spotting the it was Lukne. Good the media would focus on them instead of her. She tapped on the manger's shoulder a sweet smile plastered across her face.

"The restaurant looks wonderful" she said extended her hand.

The manager broke out in a huge grin, "Well I couldn't have done it without your father," he said his voice dropping as he saw Stella beside her.
The photoshoot was going to take a whole lot of time, he just knew it. And really, he didn't have time for this. He didn't want to work or know anyone. All he wanted was to go back home and sleep. And paint, maybe, after the hangover was gone. Sighing, Jordan contemplated that if he did go home, what's the worst that can happen anyway? His dad wouldn't really confiscate his card, would he? Jordan stifled a yawn as he flipped the page of the magazine in his hand. There were a few photos with Daphne and Luke together, which he found so sugary that he might gag. Really, just what on earth did Daphne see in the guy? There was a nagging feeling that told him he might be jealous, but he dismissed it. Glancing at his watch, he realized that if this were any other day, he would still be in bed. The thought (and the photos of the overly sweet couple) was rather frustrating. He decided then, screw this model, he's leaving.
"Yeah," Luke said with a small sigh. He grabbed Daphne's hand and walked over to the couter. The cafe was small and cute, but still fancy and well put together. He ran his fingers hrough his hair, a small habit he had picked up, and leaned into the counter top "Table for two, please." Luke knew that the man would most likley know who they are and get them a table as fast as posible, which is why Luke did not mind coming to busy places like this, they would always get a good table. The man did not say anything about who they were, but by the look on his face he knew who the were. "R-right this w-way.' the man said with a sort of stutter and lead them to there seats, a table by a window.
Daphne gave the man a wink, and sat down. Bella yipped as Daf tied her leash to one of the table legs; a loose knot. She flipped her curled hair and crossed her right leg over her left. "Luke, can you do me a favor? I have an audition around two down town, could you drive me? My damned car is in the shop, and Andrew is at school," she asked, and looked to her right. Rosalind Ward was here. Daphne smiled a small smile - wasn't this her restraunt? Or at leat her dad's. Some how, Daphne found this small fact cute. She had never met Rosalind Ward, but she had bumped into her at restraunts and movie premeires.
Luke picked up the menu sitting in front of them. "Sure thing," he said not looking up from the menu. He looked up a bit a daphne "Do you wanna split a pizza or something?" he asked with a small grin. He placed down the menu and plopped back in his seat, waiting for her to answere. He grabbed his water and took a sip, not taking his eyes off Daphne.
Daphne stopped looking at Rosalind Ward and turned to her boyfriend. "Okay...But I don't want to look bloated for my audition, do you mind if we get feta instead of mozzerella on it?" she asked, tucking her hair behind her ears. Even if he said no, they were getting feta on it. Daphne usually won with Luke. She wasn't the type of celebrity to live on salad and water just so they don't get "fat", but she liked to watch herself. It would be hard to get roles if she gained a couple pounds.
Rose ignored the man's nervous glances at Stella while she followed him around the restaurant. This whole thing really was excruciatingly boring but she forced herself to put on a smile. Finally the whole thing was over and after she had sampled at least a dozen different pieces of meats and breads, all for the managers benefit, she swept out of the restaurant praying she had remembered her gym clothes. Both her and her father hated it when she put on just one pound and the idea of going back to the days were she was picked on for her size haunted her.

A few minutes later Rose pulled into Golden Gym's parking lot, she pulled her gym clothes out of the back seat and headed in. As always Stella was right by her side and everyone knew not to question her about it. No one outside of the family knew Stella was a trained guard dog, Rose had bought her the day after she broke up with Greg. Having Stella by her side made her feel less vulnerable.
Are you guys still excepting people into the roleplay? If so, this is my character:

Full Name: Siobhan Conan

Nickname; Jazz

Age: 18

Famouse for: Acting

Personality: Jazz is friendly and sweet to almost everyone, though this can work against her favor on many occasions. She puts too much trust into people, acts too naive, and people often use her because of this, and she ends up hurt. Jazz has the tendency to take on too much in too little time, and ends up stressed and panicked as a cause. She tries to hide whatever stress she has from the public, not wanting them to see who she really is.

History: Jazz started acting at a young age. She started with minor things; school plays and small acts around her neighborhood. She acted in her first movie when she was ten, and it continued on since then. At the age of fifteen, Jazz stopped acting, unable to take the stress is caused any longer. However, two years later, at the age of seventeen, she started up again. She's continued to act since then, and hopes to never stop again.

Apperance(Please use picture): Jazz has long, wavy blonde hair. She has a heart shaped face, with rosy cheeks and dimples. Her eyes are large and dark grey-blue. She is of medium height, with a slim and petite form.

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Crush: None yet.

Boyfriend/girlfriend: None yet.

Other: She has a german shepherd named 'Tiny'
(Accepted. Also everyone I am really sorry I have not been on my mom won't let me on unless it is a weekens, so I am really sorry.)

Luke sighed "Okay," he said taking a sip of water. Luke had learned to deal with Daphne's silly demands and her drama. He plopped into his seat and set down his glass. He looked around, his eyes sharp to make sure mo poparazzi was going to attack. He spotted some people with camera's and rooled his eyes. He looked at Daphne "Poparazzi." he said simply, pointing to the door.
(But I get on anyway! She'll never be a rebel of any kind....)

Daphne cursed. "I hate paparazzi," she muttered, and took a sip of her ice water. She glanced at her right. Rose Ward seemed to be moving in fast-motion, and hussled out fo the restraunt pretty fast with her dog. Come now, what kind of hieress walks around with a Pitbull? Daphne found the dogs very delightful, but not the type of delightful that an hieress should use. Pitbulls mean guard dogs, and sometimes even worse. Daphne sighed ducked her head down, hoping the camera men would look past her.

While they were eating, they were able to stay out of sight of the cameras, which convinced the poparazzi they were not there. Luke took his last bite of pizza and plopped back in his seat, taking a sigh. "Okay, so, when you finish we'll leave." He said as he picked up his drink and took a small sip.
( He is convinced he doesn't need one, but he won't deny her if he finds a great girl =) )

Daphne scoffed. "Oh, no rush, Luke. I can spend ho-o-o-u-u-urs in here," she said, an slowly raised the pizza to her lips, took a bite and put it done. "OKay, I'm done," he added after a few seconds of chewing and a gulp of water. "Let's go." She untied Bella's leash and stood up, tapping her foot for LUke. She wasn't serious - she was just trying to mess with him.

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