In The Lime-Light *Celebrity RP*


One Thousand Club

The life of a celebrity is a rollacoster. There is romance drama, famouse people breaking under presser, crazy fans, big movie breaks, and of course paparazzi. It is hard to survive out there in the lime-light, do you think you could?

(Will edit opening later.)


~No perfect characters

~6 sentances minimum, though I do under stand writer's block

~Please keep romance and such PG13

~No none-famouse people, unless they have some relation to the famouse people

~No Taylor Swifts or Zack Efron. Make up your own celebrities

~Good spelling and grammar is appriciated

~Everytime you break one of these rules you will get a strike, three strikes your out

~Please use the form below


Full Name:



Famouse for:



Apperance(Please use picture):




--- Merged Double Post ---

Full Name: Nicolette Bernarndi

Nickname: Nikki or Colette

Age: 18

Famouse for: Modeling

Personality: Nicolette is a sweet heart, but if you cross her or make her mad you are asking for a world of pain. She loves her job, but friends and family always come first, she will do anything for the people she loves, no matter what. Being a bit rebeliouse, she gets in trouble quite a bit with her dad, mostly.

History: Nicolett grew up with a French father and an American mother. She lived in a big house and was spoiled rotten by her father, but he would always remind her to be gratfull for what she has and to be a good person. Basicly she had a perfect life, but when she was 14 her mother was killed in a car crash, though her dad made things easier and help her get along, it still hurt when she thinks about it.

Apperance(Please use picture):

Crush: none yet

Boyfriend/girlfriend: none

Other: She has a cat named Kila whtie cat.jpg
Oeh! I'd love to join! :)

Full Name: Katharina Gisele Delliponti

Nickname; Kat, Katharina or Kitty Cat

Age: 17

Famouse for: her modelling work

Personality: Kat is a very lively, bubbly type of person. It seems her smile is plastered on her face 24/7, everyone thinks she's perfect. Yet Katharina is constantly haunted by nightmares, which slowly seem to drive her crazy.

History: Katharina is the perfect girl, or so it seems.
What people don't know is that she was one of the responsible people the night her twin sister died. She was the one that locked her in the room of the haunted house during Halloween. The next thing she knew, she was looking at her sister body, cut in half with a chainsaw.

She and her friends swore that what happened there will stay within the walls. They made sure it looked like an accident, telling the cops that once they were riding through the haunted house they heard screams and were too late to help Kat's sister.

Apperance(Please use picture):View attachment 994

Crush: none yet

Boyfriend/girlfriend: none

Other: -

Full Name: Luke Peters

Nickname: none

Age: 18

Famouse for: Heir to a huge company and is getting into acting

Personality: Luke is a bit selfish and concieted, but deep down he is a big softy and has a big heart. He can be a bit shy, if ot playing a character. Over all he is a good person with a big ego.

History: Luke grew up with a just about perfect life. He lived in a big house with multibe maids ad butlers, fathe owned a hug company and would always make time for his family, stay at home mom who gave him just about every thing. He had a pretty sweet life and still does.

Apperance(Please use picture):


Boyfriend/girlfriend: Daphne Howard

Other: none
Full Name: Daphne Howard

Nickname: Daf

Age: 18

Famous for: Acting and, very little, modeling

Personality: Daphne is, in a word, a diva. She is convinced that she is the next It-Girl, and that very well may be true. She keeps to her roots as a small-town girl, but she doesn't act like it. She can be rude and selfish, but she'll always stop for a fan. Unless, of course, she's in a rush or the person is simply crazy. She has experianced both. The people closest to her, like her brother and boyfriend, she is the sweetest to, but she will still explode on them every now and again.

History: Daphne grew up in a small town with her older brother and mom. She didn't have a lot, but her mom tried to give her everything her daughter craved, like clothes and acting lessons. Daphne was an actress from the time she was 6. Her brother was a small part in a big play, and since then, she wanted to be like him and act. He stopped soon, but she just got more and more ino it. Until she was 11, she played small parts. At 12, she got the lead in a big play at her middle school, and made it into the local paper. They called her "one to watch". Daphne still has the article, and every other article about her, in a drawer in her room.

She wanted to go bigger. Her mother saw that her daugher had stars in her eyes, so she gave Daphne two weeks in Los Angelos to get a part in a commercial or TV show. If she did, then her mother would move the family. Sadly, all of Daf's auditions had negative resuls. Her mom let her try again when Daphne was 13, same time, same rules. Daphne got a part in a commercial advertising children's sporting goods. So, her mom gave her another week. Daphne got countless more commercial deals and extra roles in TV, and they ended up staying for a few months. Her mom got her an agent, and they rented out an apartment. They were slowly moving as Daphne slowly blossomed.

Finally, she got a part in a major movie as the main character's best friend. A director saw her in the part, found her name, and called her immediately. He offered her a part in a new TV show, and they set up an audition. She got the part. The show lasted 2 seasons, but it was enough. Daphne already had a name in television, and she was only 15 years old. She started getting parts in movies at 16, and still makes television appearances. Daphne moved out her mom's apartment so that she could return home, and lives with her brother in a small but luxerious pent house.

Apperance: From her last movie

See boyfriend

Boyfriend: Luke Peters

Other: She has a miniature poodle named Bella. She brings Bell everywhere, even to choice premieres.

Full Name: Andrew Howard

Nickname: Andy, but he prefers Andrew

Age: 21

Famous for: He's not famous. However, people do know him as "Daphne Howard's brother". People wont stop him, bu some do recognize him from paporazzi pictures of him with his sister.

Personality: Andrew is a very laid-back guy. His siter may always be on edge, but he is very calm. He is the type of guy who will take his time on a walk. People say he needs a girlfriend, someone full of energy, but he isn't in a rush to meet anybody. However, if he does meet her, he wont stop until she's his. Andy is a sophomore in college, and tries as hard as possible to keep his high-school-drop-out-so-she-can-act sister educated. Surprisingly, she doesn't protest.

History: He grew up with Daphne and his mom in a small town. He acted on and off when was 9 until the time he was 12, and he could have made a career of it, but he soon stopped. Instead, he gave his baby sister tips to improve her own techique. As Daphne was making a career for herself, he supported her completely while laying back and going to as many sites as he could. He loves his sister, and will always support her, but the celebrity lifestyle just isn't for him, so he doesn't go to premeires and such with her unless she asks him to. He used to go with her as her date, a brotherly-accquaintance, but since she started dating Luke, that ended. While his sister juggles fame, he keeps her attatched to her roots with food, music and home videos.



Boyfriend/girlfriend: None, and not looking


Full Name: Rosalind Faire Norks

Nickname: Paparazzi calls her "The Rose" or Rosalind Faire everyone knows she is the heiress to Ytum! Brand foods (They own almost every fast food restaurant or soda company) so they never use her real last name

Age: 20

Famous for: Her dad owns Yum! Brand Foods, She runs multiple charity events and is thinking about possibly becoming a tv chef but currently she dabbles in modeling.

Personality: Rose tries to hide from the paparazzi because she feels they are invasive and rude. She isn't completely anti-photos considering she dabbles in modeling but she doesn't feel like she is good enough. The fact that her dad owns all of the fast food restaurants bugs her. Once you get to know her you realize that she is bubbly and very sweet but it takes a while to see that side of her.

History: Rose wasn't always so reserved. When she was younger she was on the pudgy side and for a while she could careless. When she een thirtthe weight caught up with her and her classmates began to tease her. She began to see herself as an ugly person and begged her father to help her lose weight. He hired a trainer and a dietion and she lost the weight. Until she was 18 her life was pretty quite until she met Gary. She met Gary at one of her charity events and their families immediately pushed them together. Rose was never happy with the relationship and Gary was physically and emotionally abusive of her. Her family wanted her to stay in the relationship because it would look good and her father still believed in relationships were the man was always in charge. Rose finally broke up with the Gary after he finally pushed her over the edge. To this day she refuses to talk about that day. The family quieted the press and t this day they are still mad at her for the choice.

Apperance(Please use picture):

Crush: None yet

Boyfriend/girlfriend: none yet

Other: SHe has a pitbull named Stella
(Will you please edit out the thing about her getting rapped? I just don't want something like that in the RP. After you have done that you are accepted.)
Full Name: Jordan Stewart

Nickname: Jordan, Dan

Age: 21

Famouse for: He's an heir to his family's fame and fortune. His parents own a huge modeling company, and being the only child makes it inevitable for others to have those expectations for him.

Personality: Some would call Jordan a good-for-nothing. He is extremely lazy and irresponsible, never taking anything seriously. Despite his parents' effort of getting him into a good college, he still skips classes and fails them. Selfish and self-centered, he dismissed the importance of the people around him, only focusing on himself. He is hot-headed and hates being told what to do, often he is found at a bar, drinking with his friends instead of working. However, he is passionate about painting and secretly dreams of becoming a painter, though he never tells anyone for he knows his parents would never approve. Jordan is a condescending young man and spends his money without ever thinking.

History: Jordan is a disappointment of his family. He has never been able to live up to the expectations set for him. After so much failure and shame, he gives up entirely, becoming immune to the disappointed looks his parents give him. He and his parents have never been close; his parents spend most of their time working and while they love Jordan, they never spend enough time showing it.

Apperance (Please use picture):

Crush: Daphne Howard

Boyfriend/girlfriend: none

Other: He met Daphne at his company in a modeling project, and became attracted to her confidence and ambition.
Daphne hates flowers.

She had no idea why - they were pretty, they smelled nice, and they're
every where. But that wasn't it - it was the fact that she got flowers all the time. Every one - fans, parents, colleagues - seem to think she loved them. So when a fan sent her a bouqet of yellow roses and blue forget-me-nots, she wrinkled her nose, thinking maybe they were from Luke, and then read the card.

Daphne Howard -

If you're seriously, actually reading this, then you got my gift. I really hope you like them. I thought they were just as beautiful as you were in that one pirate movie - that's my favorite.

Don't stop being awesome.

-Jared M.

"Way to be cheesey, Jared," she muttered, then jotted down his address on the back of the card. She then wrote his name and, Send him a thank you, and pinned it on the refidgerator just as Andrew walked in.

"Is Luke spoiling you, now?" he asked as Bella ran around his heels, barking for a treat. Andrew scooped her up and tickled her, but didn't give her what she was asking him for.

"No. But he's coming over. He'll be mad if he sees these. Do you want them?"

Andy scoffed. "Are you serious?"

"Well, I cant just throw them away! A fan sent them," she ponited out. "Jared, or something."

"So, keep them," Andrew said, as if this was the obvioius thing to do.

"I hate flowers."

"Okay, Daf, then...Just tell Luke they're for him."

Daphne knit her eyebrows. "Guys seriously
like that?"

"It;s a nice gesture, yes. Your fans will like it if you start recycling," he joked, and put Bella down.

Daphne blinked. "Okay, I see your point. I'll throw them out later, when the petals start browning."

"What a sweetie, Daf."
[ Interesting... Huh, I guess I'll join. Give me an hour and a half to put my forms up. c: ]
Her dog Stella:

Rose rolled out of her queen sized bed shutting off the annoying blare of her alarm. The soft clicking of Stella's claws on the mahogany floor moved towards her bed. "Hey girl," she whispered resting one hand on the dog the other was busy rubbing sleep out of her eyes. She better get up and start getting ready because as always her father wanted her to make some media appearance. Nothing big he just wanted her to show up at one of his millions of clients restaurants.

She shuffled into her bathroom grabbing her toothbrush and toothpaste as she slipped into the shower. Rose always seemed to brush her teeth in the shower, she knew it most likely didn't save her any time while she was getting ready but it was just one of those habits. When she was done she slipped into a soft lavender robe her auburn curls dripping into the fabric. Stella was rooting through her pajamas as if Rose's scent changed when she slept.
Nicolette sighed and forced herself out of bed and yawned. Getting out from under the blankets and went down the stairs to get breakfast. As she some water from the tap she yawned again and took a deep gulp of her drink.

Luke pushed away some loose hair from his face as her pulled into Daphne's long driveway. After parking in hie usual spot her took of his seatbelt and got out of his car. Going up the front steps he took a deep breath and rung to loud doorbell.
"Andy, I -" she started, then the doorbell rang through the house. "My dude," Daphne said in a goofy voice as she smoothed her red shirt and walked to the door. "Hey, Luke," she said as she eased up on her toes, as he was taller then her, and kissed his cheek. She grabbed his wrist and pulled him into the kitchen. "Want anything?" she asked, hoping in vein that he would know where the flowers came from. Boys were stupid.

Andrew leaned on to he counter and folded his arms over his chest, looking amused. "Hell-lo, Luke, dear friend. And, how is my beautiful sister's boyfriend doing on this fine morning?" he asked, enjoying himself.

Daphne swatted his shoulder and walked around the counter, swung the fridge open, and dug around for some sort of drink. Andrew was an idiot sometimes, and she was being an idiot for bugging about her fan's flowers. Oh, hell, what did she do with his note? Ugh....Some people....
[ Guess who's lazy? Me... sorry. ]

Full Name: Farren Ann Williams

Nickname; If you can come up with something shorter than Farren, than sure. Why not?

Age: 17

Famouse for: Acting, singing, and a bit of modeling.

Personality: Farren is a kind, bubbly, and sweet girl, and is constantly smiling. Which is surprising, considering her horrid past. But, if you bother her, she turns arrogant, and rude. And then, her number one goal is to ruin your life. She is an A+ student, and has only ever earned A+ as her grades, She has never gotten in trouble, exept for when people bothered her, and she became physical.
Very... physical.

History: Well, she grew up on a horse farm, and was around them all her life. But then, her father died from smoking: lung cancer, and her mother put her in an adoption center. That is when her personality changed. She became physical when someone bothered her. And, at one point, she was arrested for a while because she got physical with someone who was bullying her,

Apperance(Please use picture):

Crush: Um... nooooo

Boyfriend/girlfriend: No

Other: _________

Jordan woke with what felt like a hangover of the year. Shooting out of bed, he quickly headed for the bathroom and began vomiting out the content in his stomach. His head felt like it had a tractor running on it and the world was spinning like crazy. Slowly, he stumbled his way back to the bed. There was a woman in it, blond and tall, but he couldn't quite remember her name. She was asleep and as much as he'd like to fall back in bed like her, he had to work. It's not like he usually work or anything, but this one was important. His dad threatened to confiscate his credit cards if he didn't go, some modeling stuff or something. Sighing, he dragged himself out of bed, changed into decent clothes, and gulped down a whole bunch of water. He didn't even attempt to tame his hair; it looked almost as bad as his bloodshot eyes. Silently cursing his father, he grabbed his sunglasses and car key, and took off.
"Na, I am good, Daf," Luke said with a smile patting her on the back. He turned to Andrew "I'm fine thanks." he spoke emotionless. Placing his car keys on the countertop, he spotted the tacky flowers sitting there, a card sticky out of it. He turned back to Andrew "Stupid fan?" he asked poiting to the flowers. "Well, I wanna read the card." he said in a goofy voice, as he picked up the card, sitting on the flowers. Taking a moment to read it, he looked up "What a loser." he said simply, tossing the card on the counter.
Andrew burst out laughing. Not at Luke's comments, but at Daphne's nerves. Daphne, meanwhile, closed the refridgerator and smacked the back of Andrew's head from across the counter. She looked at Luke. "Yeah, the guy is a bit nuts. I;m going to send him an autographed photo."

"Y'know, Daf, if you send all your fans a photo, you're going to loose that hand," Andrew informed her, hand on his head.

Daphne rolled her eyes. "You're gonna loose that big mouth if you don't shut up." She looked at Luke. "Ready to go?" she asked as she scooped up Bella, who was sitting patiently, and grabbed her collar and leash off a hook.

"You're going out?" Andrew asked, looking at Luke and wondering if
he knew that.

"Yeah, we're going to go eat at taht cue cafe' down the road for breakfast," Daphne said as she clipped the leash onto the metal hook in the collar and slipped it over Bella's head, fixing it around her neck. "You got my text, right Luke?"
Luke grabbed his keys from the counter "Yeah, I got it. Lets go." he said, walking to the door. He ran is fingers through his hair and opened the door and gestured for Daphne to go first.

Nicolette finished her drink and headed up to her room to get dressed. She quickly brushed her hair, did her makeup and through on her favorite simple red dress. Grabbing her purse and ran down the stairs, she was late for her photo shoot and needed to hurry up.

(Sorry, writer's block.)
"You kids have fun," Andrew joked as Daphne walked out the door. Andrew had to get to school....Yay.

Once outside, Daphne put Bella down on the grass and turned around to look at her boyfriend. Her
boyfriend. Her boyfriend of five weeks. Five weeks, and she still wasn't used to the term. Daphne sighed as Bella barked and tugged on the leash to sniff at a bush. "Can I drive?" Daf asked, one of her elegant eye brows arched.

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