In the Hospital [Inactive]


Junior Member
KoalaNoob submitted a new role play:

Disabled - Play as a newly-injured person in a hospital or a nurse/doctor.

You are in a hospital, one that takes care of anyone. They deal with everything from such as broken bones to brain damage, and nearly every injured person is admitted there.
You can be an injured person or a nurse/doctor.

You can start at the point where your character is injured, waking up in the hospital with no idea what's going on, or at the hospital for a long time, sure of everything.

You can be any age, though it'd be nice if you chose a teen.
Read more about this role play... 
Enier walked down the quiet little street on her way home from school. She was an orphan, but didn't really care. There were no cars- until there were two, barreling towards her in opposite directions. They made contact simultaneously, and Enier's small body was crushed between them. It was a while before anyone found them, but when Enier was found under a pile of rubble, she was rushed to the hospital with a minuscule survival chance.
When Laurie woke up this morning, she immediately remembered that today was her first day at the hospital. She hopped into the shower, did her makeup and rushed into the kitchen. "You are nervous, aren't you?," her mother looked up from her newspaper doubtfully. "Nah." Hastily she gorged herself on the breakfast when her brother entered the kitchen. "Hey mum, hey sis." He gave his mother a kiss and Laurie a hearty hug. "She is nervous, isn't she?" Her mother nodded. Laurie gave them them an angry look before she grabbed her bag and left the house.

"I love you guys too!"

The hospital was just in the near of her house and Laurie could go by foot easily. When she arrived, she changed into her nurse uniform and walked to the reception desk. "Hey Olivia!" A pretty, dark-skinned woman turned around and gave Laurie a bright smile. "Hey Laurie, it's you first day isn't it? Well, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask me, but I reckon that Fanny did a good introduction." Laurie nodded and Olivia delivered her the daily plan. "Your first patient is a young girl called Enier. You will have to be very careful as she was operated recently. If she wakes up, please call the doctors." Laurie nodded and took the folder. Enier was placed in a room in one of the upper floors and it took some time since she found the right door. Laurie pulled the door quitly and looked for the young girl.
Enier had just gone through surgery. Her injuries were countless: her right leg had broken into four pieces, and her left leg seven. Her arms weren't much better off- one was in three and the other five. She had also broken several ribs, but that wasn't what worried the doctors. What worried them was her neck, or her vertebrae. Five had shattered, and her spinal cord had been shredded. It was clear she would be paralyzed for life, from the neck down. Young Enier didn't know any of this yet, though. Since her accident, she hadn't woken up. She now had on a halo brace, and a rigid full body brace as well as a rigid neck brace. All four limbs were in casts. Most of the doctors thought she was going to die, as she had almost no brain waves. Because she had broken her neck so high up, she was also relying on a machine to help her breathe.

((If Laurie's going to be Namilla's nurse, I suggest that you research quadriplegia and the equipment she has right now.))
Lauries stepped into the small room and closed the door slowly. "Hello Enier," she said not sure wether the girl could hear her or not. "I'm Laureen Summer and I'm going to be your nurse during the time you are going to stay at the hospital." She walked towards the hospital bed and frightened when she recognized the plaster casts and braces. "Jesus," she whispered. It seemed like Enier's whole body had been bandaged. She checked the clinical record for any special treatments when she recognized the girl's profile. Enier. 12. Quadriplegic. She was such a young girl and had an entire life to build. Probably stuck in a wheelchair or in bed. What a poor girl.
Another nurse quickly strode in. "Ah, Laureen, I presume? Enier will be a very difficult first patient. If she dies, just know that it isn't your fault. She has a minuscule chance to survive. If she wakes up, though, remember not to touch her. Because so much of her spine was shattered, the doctors couldn't remove them right away. Any movement will worsen the damage, if possible. She's going into further surgery to remove the bones later today. Anyway, I've come to bring you a list of all her injuries."

Namilla. 12. Quadriplegia, many other injuries

Right leg broken into four pieces

Left leg broken into seven pieces

Right arm broken into three pieces

Left arm broken into five pieces

Eight broken ribs

Severely fractured skull

Minimal brain damage

Most hand and foot bones broken

Fertility decreased by 92%

Two collapsed lungs

Spinal damage (detailed below)

Most vertebrae have been shattered. Small section around T6 spared. Highest point of injury is C1. Spinal cord shredded. Ventilator dependant. Probably completely paralyzed for life.

"I know it's bleak," the other nurse said. "But you can do it."

Just then, Enier's eyes fluttered open, a sign of life among the dozens of tubes and wires snaking along the bed. Immediately, she filled with panic.
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Samuel was laying in bed. His left arm was bandaged with a tough tape. He quickly got up, panic flooding his eyes. Samuel groaned in pain and touched his forehead. It was wrapped with a bandage as well. His head felt like it was splitting open and his arm ached horribly. He looked around, wondering where he was. He saw expensive equipment and realized it was a hospital. He laid back down, wincing in pain and looked up at the ceiling, trying to recall the night before.
Laurie took the list and looked at it becoming more frightened with every word she read. "Okey, thank you very much!" She gave the other nurse a pleasant smile before she stepped towards Eniers bed and started checking the apparatuses. There were a lots of tubes administering medicine to the small body and a small heart rate monitor. Everything seemed okey so far. Then suddenly the monitor started beeping and her eyes moved to the small body. Enier woke up. "Hello, Enier? Can you hear me?" She sat down on a chair and looked at the girl.
Enier rapidly blinked, scared and unsure of her surroundings. Everything was sterile white, except for the countless tubes, wires and machines on and around her. Her body seemed to be gone as well, and when she tried to lift her head, nothing happened. She could only stare straight up at the ceiling.

All she could remember was... Going to school and walking back home, then nothing. What had happened?
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