In the Beginning..............................


Evie's smile fell flat as Rae instead embraced her teasing, even seeing as to turn it around as a compliment towards Evie. She did indeed like Rae, despite her, umm, hair.  But now she had a little respect for her abilities. Rae has more to her than her surface. Evie thought before actually getting up, making sure not to touch her hands to her white dress.

"I don't mind them at all, thank you Rae. Please feel free to call me Evie if you'd like." You've earned it. She returned Rae's smile, even debating if Rae would allow her to pet her snakes. However before she could a loud clattering came from across the way. Richard Richard, The Fool, had tipped over his wheelbarrow. He called out to Rae, making excuses only a man of his nature could utter. Senseless and roundabout. 


Evie has never had a conversation with Richard Richard, she tended to avoid him. I'll see what the Fool's relationship with Rae is. Her thoughts were interrupted by clapping. To be exact Drago's clapping. Evie sized up the young boy; he was quite the cutie but Evie could never get a clear idea who was higher in status. He often didn't talk but whenever she did hear him it was nothing she could understand. A foreign prince here for a visit, or just a high class servant from another country? What ever his position it wasn't clear to Evie. Maybe if she-- ughk- She gagged at the awful smell of sewage and something else she wished to never know. Her eyes widened, scared of what she might do, and in public no less. She gagged again, this time not taking another chance she fled swiftly into the castle. She didn't want to hurl but if she was going to it would be in her room. The only issue is when you're more concerned about keeping it down, you pay less attention on where you are actually heading. Please don't let something so barbaric happen to me.

@The One Llama to Rule All @TyTydaDog

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Sara: Training grounds, outside

Smiling at Clara, Sara shook her head. She was grateful for the offer, but she didn't really have time. Despite having more time than the others and supposedly being naturally good at it, Sara was falling behind the other trainees quickly. She really wanted to be in the royal guard, at least, it was what she wanted now. If she wanted to change later she could, but learning to fight well still wouldn't hurt.

"Thanks for telling me, but if everyone else is hungry, they should eat their fill," She told Clara, lowering her sword. If there was no threat, she didn't need to be ready to fight, as if she could do anything anyway. "If you don't mind me asking, why were you coming to the training ground before breakfast anyway? I'm pretty sure your teacher isn't here yet, sire."

@Camelot @animegirl20

Theris: East Tower

"Sounds good to me," Theris agreed, stepping back and stretching his arm. "I need to get dressed first. I'll meet you down there." He turned to make his way through his room to the wardrobe, but he paused and looked back. "You could stay and watch if you want to, though," He told her with a wink before continuing to the wardrobe.

Since he needed to get dressed quickly, he chose something without buttons. They were a hassle to do up. He also grabbed the robe that they'd given him, one sleeve already tied up to stop it from flapping around when he moved. Any clothes that he'd had before with that flappy sleeve were super annoying. It hit people if he moved too fast and got stuck in things, as well as looking completely stupid. He grabbed his bag and shoved the book he was studying from in it, though it was doubtful that he'd actually get any studying done and headed for the trapdoor exit to his room.

@Vagabond Spectre

Laine's face turned red as Theris mentioned about her deciding to stay while he gets dressed. "YES PLEASE No thanks i'll wait." She said politely to Theris. "I'll see you later.i'll go tell the others that it's time to eat." Laine added and flew off. Laine was approaching the castle gardens to check if any one was there. When Laine arrived in the Garden looks like she arrived late. From above she saw a group of people with a wheelbarrow tipped over "Hey! guys! it's time toooooo......." She stopped her sentence when she saw the scene. The wheelbarrow scene to be exact.
Theris: the Garden

Sliding down the ladder and running down the stairs, probably how he got most of his exercise now that he lived in the castle. A lot of the guards didn't want to train with him sine his magic was a little more destructive than they were used to and training on his own was boring. Not to mention that with learning the potions and other skills he needed to know he didn't have much time for practical magic. Maybe he could take some time today to practise with Laine and any other magic users they found. That sounded like a good plan. He'd stay up late anyway so he could use that time to study. Reaching the bottom of the staircase, he straightened out his robe and slowed down before making his way to the garden like a normal person. He was still hurrying, hyping up the thought of a good breakfast, and didn't react in time to get out of the way of Lady Evangeline as she hurried down the halls. Stumbling back after accidentally walking into her, he realised who it was.

"Ah! I'm so sorry, my lady!" He started apologising profusely, not wanting to be on the bad side of a noble. He regained his balance, tugging his bag back onto his shoulder properly. Looking back to her face, he noticed that she was looking a little peaky. "Are you feeling okay?" He asked her.


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