In the Beginning..............................


Crisis my Lifis

The King Ruler Ambellicus

The King sat on his throne like he did everyday. It was nice. The birds were singing in the early morning air and people were bustling around the castle like normal. Ah yes, perfect. The King hoped that today would be a nice relaxing day because tomorrow the preparations for the big ceremony with a neighbouring country would start. Peace treaties, fool's play...


What a lovely day to avoid some responsibilities, and by extension, most of the castle staff. Castor pressed himself against the wall and peered around the corner. He's not exactly the stealthiest person in the world, but to him it seemed like he'd managed to avoid suspicion so far. Then again, he hadn't run into Clara yet, which was who he most worried about finding him.

Not seeing anyone in front of him, he turned the corner to literally anywhere away from the court room or the throne room. The training grounds seemed like a good option, actually.
It was an average day for Sara, in the training hall with her sword. She had no armour on, it wasn't necessary when she was training, but her hands and forearms were wrapped in bandages to keep the sweat from ruining her grip on the sword. The dummy was hanging in front of her from a support beam on the ceiling. Most parts of it were replaceable or easily repairable, so she could go all out on it. With a shout, she swung her sword forward, lunging to add power, and cut at the dummy. It swung away, stuffing spilling from its stomach, then swung back. Sara shouted as it collided with her, bringing her arms up to protect herself.

The dummy was heavier than it looked, knocking the sword out of Sara's hand. It clattered on the floor and Sara stumbled back. With a large sigh, she pushed the dummy out of the way and picked up her sword, turning it in her hand until she found her grip again. She dropped into her fighting stance and stared down the dummy again.


Evie was in the garden, once again talking to the Tulips;

"I'm not so sure a squirrel would taste like chicken." Her hands were wrist deep in dirt, making sure to vanquish the surrounding weeds. She wiped her cheek leaving a smear of dirt. Sighing contently she looked up to the sky. With the princess on vacation she was left to do what she wanted, including not worrying about the dirt under her nails.

Suddenly her head flicked to her right, brows furrowed in anger.

"Why you cheeky Blue-stars! Say that again and I'll rip you out right from your roots!" Once the words left her lips, her anger fell to guilt. Evie laid down on the ground, then rolled herself over to the Blue-stars. with her Back to the ground she took one of her dirty hands and began to trace the petals with her fingers.

"I'm sorry... I know your words are harmless."

She continued to lay there with the blissful feeling she always got from the soft silky voices she felt from the petals. If only life was a garden.
Sounds from the kitchen was the normal bustle for an average day, which meant a lot of food to feed a castle. Things were going well today. Maybe the little madmen would take the chicken left out for them. It was a vain hope.

There was sudden clanging and screams as little red and blue blurs darted through the kitchen, grabbing a fresh chicken and going for the door. At the same time, a barrel of mead lifted a few inches off the ground and moved at high speed out of the kitchen. Both pilfered items raced through the halls towards the cellars, the blurs knocking back anything that got in the way. One stable boy who was coming in for a bit of breakfast was knocked down and felt dozens of tiny feet run over him. When he opened his eyes, a tiny blue man in a kilt and wielding a tiny sword stood on his chest.

"Watch where yer goin', ya scunner!" Mostly Mad Archie warned before speeding off after his brothers.

Down in the part of the cellar claimed by Clan MacLannie, Sinead watched as a couple of her brothers finished hoasting an emptied beer barrel up, to be used as stores for the clan. She was not surprised when the raiding party she sent out not long before come back at high speeds.

"Did ya get the food and drink like I told ya?" She asked, tapping her foot.

"Aye, lass." Big Wallace answered as he and three other Feegle put down the keg they had taken. "A fresh chicken and some mead to wash it down."

Sinead looked to see that there was probably four or five sizes the amount of mead to chicken, which was about right for the growing boys of the clan.

"And did ya get the bird left out for us, like the bigjobs asked?" The acting Kelda demanded.

Big Wallace's face remained blank for a beat too long, but he broke into a broad grin.

"Of course we did." He lied. "Why would we be stealin' a bird when one was already offered?"

"But we stole the bird." Mostly Mad Archie cut in, having trouble keeping up with the situation. "We can't be takin' hand outs when we can just steal it." 

Big Wallace turned and glowered at his younger brother. Another Feegle next to Mostly Mad Archie reached out and smacked him upside the head. Sinead sighed.

"And I suppose you stopped along the way to give some passers-by a good kickin'." She stated, certain of the area.

"Only one bigjob too dim to get out the way." Big Wallace reported.

 Sinead considered this. It sounded perfectly reasonable to her and wasn't her lads' fault if the bigjob didn't learn his lesson.

"Alright, get the mead cracked open and start carvin' the birdie." She told Big Wallace, who proceeded to start hacking up the cooked chicken with his sword. 

Sinead eyed the rest of her brothers.

"And the rest of ya better wash yer hands if ya don't want to feel the back of mine, ya ken?" She called out louder to the whole clan.

The men of Clan MacLannie quickly followed their Kelda's instructions and began their feast.
Meanwhile Outside the Castle. Laine can be seen cleaning the castle's huge glamorous windows and it's eye catching roofs. Laine was standing in her usual blue transparent barrier/platform in mid air. Both of her hands are emitting their red gas and blue aura. A large pink transparent hand can be seen wiping the windows with a large white cloth, custom sewn by Laine herself. On the roof, a mop can be seen moving and cleaning the roof by itself while emitting a blue aura. Laine herself was holding a wooden bucket. Laine started to Whistle a song as she focused her mind on cleaning. After a few moments later Laine was almost done cleaning the roof and windows. When she was done with the last window she surfed down to the ground with the mop on her hand and the clothing being held by the conjured hand. She surfed inside the castle with her platform and went to the storage room where all the cleaning equipment is stored. As soon as Laine stored the equipment. She surfed back outside and surfed the sky for her daily amusement.
Clara woke really early, like she does every morning, to help out in the kitchen. Which was a big job since everyone had to eat. they also had to get dinner started early as well, it's a lot of work. When breakfast was all done she smiled happily to herself. "Alright! Nice we did!." she then turned to one of the servants in the kitchen. "I'll be back later to help with dinner. We should probably get started with dinner around 12." They never really bothered going all out for lunch unless a royal asked for lunch and everyone else could help themselves to the sandwiches that were already made.

Now it was time to give the prince his breakfast. Once she got his room she knocked on the door. "Your highness breakfast in ready." She happily. There was no answer. "Hmmm? Your highness?" When there was no answer again she walked into the room. "My Prince you better not still be in bed I'm sure your father has a busy plan for you and......?" She then noticed he was gone. "He's not here?" She tilted her head confused. "Now let's see where would he go to avoid everything." She thought about it. "Oh! I know the training grounds. I'll check there first. I better hurry before his breakfast gets cold." she quickly headed to the training grounds. She was angry yet but she slightly irritated. On her was to the training grounds she noticed the prince. "There he is! So he was heading there." She then ran up to him calling his name. "Prince Caster!" Once she caught up to him she stopped. "I thought you would be here. Now come I got your breakfast all ready and  you still have your....are you listening?"

Rae yawned and stretched her arms high up above her head, she had overslept this morning. she had wanted to wake up early and collect some more herbs for her pastes and remedies. Alas her internal alarm had let her down and so she had not woken up at the time she had wanted to, she would have to harvest later today as majority of the warriors will be finished training in a couple of hours and she will need to have something to patch them up.

Making her way over to her cabinet she began to go through her usual routine and mashing and mixing pastes that will prevent infections and promote healing in the wounds. It was a relatively simple job that didn't require much of her concentration, at this point she could probably do this in her sleep without one mistake.

Looking down she released she was still in her Naga form, she would have to shift before the rush of people coming in and out started, she would hate to make a child cry...again. Her "hair" was covered by a simple hood, a few snakes escaped now and again as they wanted to see what was going on - they could be very nosy when they wanted to be.

'Drat' she muttered looking at her supply, it seems the warriors would have to wait a while as she was low on a few important ingredients for her healing balm. Her eyebrow furrowed in concentration as her tail shifted into two slim human legs. she quickly dressed in her usual attire and made her way down to the royal gardens, she avoided the main areas as she didn't want to bump into any of the servants who were rushing around.

The garden was already occupied by Lady Evangeline but this wasn't an usual occurrence, the flowers seemed to flourish when she was around, it was enjoyable to see

"good Morning my Lady' Rae smiled Evangeline, it was custom in the Naga community to call a person by their title unless they were given express permission.

@Yellow Swan  


It was only morning but the day was already so hot. More than once the thought that she may burn her skin crossed her mind. Hands giving her eyes shade, Evie turned her head towards Rae's voice. Slightly squinting she replied;

"Good Morning, Nurse Rae. Such a lovely day." Sitting up, Evie stretched her legs in an unladylike way. For a moment she was worried about being reprimanded or worse, have a male see her 'indecent' form. But her soured face quickly softened as she was sure only Rae was in the garden with her.

"Oh!" She exclaimed loudly. "If you are looking for any Calendula officinalis today, the Orange Buttons have broken their boundaries. They deserve punishment." She glared right into the center of their red floral discs.

Evie honestly knew nothing about the medicinal uses of flowers, just what she saw Rae pick from previous encounters in the garden. A playful smile tugged at the corners of her lips;

"Nurse Rae, looks as if your 'hair' has come to play." She teased, anticipating her response to such a childish prank.

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An abundance of turds made their way harshly from Richard Richard's shovel to a wooden wheelbarrow, or rather a very brown, smelly, and wooden wheelbarrow. "I've been working on the railway, all day long," sung Richard. Singing was the only way to keep Richard's mind sane from the tedious work, but fortunately for Richard he only needed to work for approximately seven minutes, since the sight of his work caused his supervisor to vomit a little in his mouth. The supervisor even told Richard, "Keep up the good work," but with a very sickening and ill facial expression. Now with the supervisor gone, Richard placed his shovel gently on the wall and then he left the room promptly. Today was his day to ask out the fair maiden, Myrgyol Nefertari Xenia. In his eyes, her beauty enamored him, and well made his life pleasant despite the misgivings of working as both a crap cleaner and a fool.

Richard quickly traveled to the nearest watering hole in order to clean himself up. After taking a cold, long shower, he picked up a few flowers at the castle yards. "This one smells of her scent," he said as he picked a sunflower; and "This one smells of her library," as he picked up a violet. "All these flowers for you my dear Xenia. My lovely, wrinkly, and baggy woman," sighed Richard. However, those flowers would be subject to chance, for Richard had a rival. As he plucked several flowers, an old man named Jenkins came to poor Richard with a duel. Jenkins angrily said, "Richard Richard, I challenge thee to a duel. A sport of sword for Xenia's love. If I win, you discard those flowers, but if I lose you may pants me in public," and Richard replied, "Da da da DUN. A duel? No set of mules for a race, but sword on sword? I do not role that way, but I shall humor you, for my sword pierces even that of the darkest of caves." Jenkins smirked upon Richard's reply, but quickly realized the error of his grin, "Wait, no. I'm not...I mean with you?" Then, Jenkins proceeded to shake rapidly and convult a bit as he held his sword. The shock of Richard's words had given Jenkins a heart attack, and so Jenkins fell and he dropped his sword which adamantly landed and pierced his already dead heart. Richard couldn't help but feel somewhat responsible for Jenkins' death, and so Richard shed a tear, but not for long, as he needed to hide the corpse. And so, he dumped Jenkin's body into Richard's shit-filled wheelbarrow. Hopefully, no one would notice poor Jenkins missing, nor would they notice Richard taking the wheelbarrow to the outskirts of the castle.
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Castor let out an admittedly graceless shriek after hearing Clara shout behind him - The people in the training grounds probably heard it too, isn't that just wonderful? He clapped him hands over his mouth, slowly turning around to face the maid. How did she find me?, he asked himself while trying to think of what could've given it away so quickly.

"What? Yes -- Definitely!" He lied answered, realising she asked something.

"Good! Now come on you need to eat your breakfast before it gets cold." She walked up to him and waited for him to walk ahead of her. There was no way she was going to let him get away. "My Prince shall we go?"

Sara stopped as she heard the shriek, the dummy swinging into her again since she'd hit it. This time she wasn't pushed back since her footing was more stable, but she did start moving once it had swung away again. She sprinted out of the training hall into the fields, sword brandished. There were only two people out there, and there seemed to be no immediate danger, but Sara kept sprinting anyway, only slowing down when she saw who it was. She came to a stop beside Clara and Castor, her sword at her side but ready to be used at any moment, just in case.

"My Prince? Is everything alright?" Sara asked. She knew the scream hadn't come from Clara. She was too controlled to scream like that. She glanced around again, but there seemed to be no other people, most guards or soldiers who trained out here were still probably eating breakfast or something. Sara was glad that she didn't need it, it gave her more time to practise, which she knew that she needed. She also needed a shield, but she had no idea who to ask to get one. she looked back to the prince.

@Camelot @animegirl20

Dragging himself out of bed, Theris stretched and looked around his cramped room. It's not that it was cramped because it was small (Though it was. Theris had insisted on being in a tower like the wizards in folklore, despite being a mage. People had humoured him, and Theris had started to love this place.) It was cramped because of all the shit he'd stuffed into it. There were books on shelves, tables, and the floor, jars of magic ingredients that he needed for potions he was learning to make, the wardrobe with clothes falling out of it despite there only being about three outfits in it was shoved in a corner. Actually there weren't any corners, the room was round. It was just shoved to one side.

Theris was wondering why his room was so bright and cold when he saw the open window. He'd been stargazing last night (apparently it helped with divination, not something he could do by magic) and had forgotten to shut it. Yawning, he walked over to it. He moved the telescope to one side, and reached for the shutters on the window but paused when he saw someone flying around outside. He recognised Laine, people having told him about all the other magic users in the castle. Instead of closing his window, he leaning on the sill and shouted out.

"Hey! Laine! Do a flip!" He called to her, hoping that she was close enough, and going slowly enough, to hear him.

@Vagabond Spectre


Looking around Rae had already spotted a few plants that she was low on but Calendula officinalis, or marigolds as they were commonly known as, always tasted lovely in salads. She could also use them in her oils for skin protection.

"I would be able to use the Calendula officinalis so I shall pick some along with the rest of my herbs" Rae said thoughtfully tapping her chin, mentally making a list of things she needed to make today. Hearing the young Lady exclamation about her hair, she blushed profusely and glared at the little snake that was glancing around and watching the girls.

"My hair seems to like you my Lady, they seem to have a mind of their own and dont listen to me much" she said with a small grin, patting the pale head of her snake hair. With a small sigh she released the hood and let her snakes free, it wasn't as if they were going to listen anyhow. It was hard to explain to people that even though hee hair was essentially part of her, it also was a separate entity and such had its own will.

"I hope you dont mind me letting them out My Lady... and please call me Rae" smiling sweetly at her companion. Looking about she noticed Richard Richard pushing a wheelbarrow towards the edge of the castle, she wondered what he was up to this time and debated calling out to him, she didn't want to disturb his work.

@The One Llama to Rule All @Yellow Swan

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Clara was slightly startled when she heard someone running towards them. She then smiled when she saw who it was. Sara must of heard him scream. Sara asked the Prince if he was ok. Clara laughed a little. "Oh him he's fine I think I startled him is all. I was just taking him to his room so he could eat his breakfast." She said smiling. "Oh by the way if your hungry and want breakfast Sara I suggest getting it soon before it's gone. Seems like everyone has big appetite this morning."


The wheelbarrow contained both poop and a very old man past his expiration date. Richard Richard called this wheelbarrow his trusty steed, Marthmellow, for this wheelbarrow was the equivalent of a knight's horse, at least in Richard's mind. "Right-o. Marthmellow, onwards," mumbled Richard. As he drove the wheelbarrow forward along the blades of grass that led to the castle's gate, he spotted Rae causing him to immediately sweat profusely. In his opinion, Rae's snakes were rather scary-looking, which resulted in Richard turning away from her general direction rather quickly. Yet in Richard's moment of fear from Rae's snakes, he made a fatal mistake as he turned swiftly to avoid Rae which in turn brought upon the downfall of Marthmellow. Marthmellow landed flipped over on the sweet smelling grass, which resulted in the grass containing a cluster of brown stickiness and rotting old man stench. Fortunately for Richard, he had a plan of attack in case this occurred, for he knew the man's body was covered in the bodily mud of human feces. He faced Rae, and then he begun his spiel.

"My fairest Rae. I see you've spotted my clumsy motions. For you see, I was pretending to drive a carriage of love, a carriage of love filled with-- uh," he paused as he stared at his mess for a moment, "Ah yes. A human shaped chocolate pie. I'm merely going to feed the beautiful forest animals with this human shaped chocolate pie," finished Richard. His face brought about a most generous smile, as if to welcome Rae.

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Sara stopped as she heard the shriek, the dummy swinging into her again since she'd hit it. This time she wasn't pushed back since her footing was more stable, but she did start moving once it had swung away again. She sprinted out of the training hall into the fields, sword brandished. There were only two people out there, and there seemed to be no immediate danger, but Sara kept sprinting anyway, only slowing down when she saw who it was. She came to a stop beside Clara and Castor, her sword at her side but ready to be used at any moment, just in case.

"My Prince? Is everything alright?" Sara asked. She knew the scream hadn't come from Clara. She was too controlled to scream like that. She glanced around again, but there seemed to be no other people, most guards or soldiers who trained out here were still probably eating breakfast or something. Sara was glad that she didn't need it, it gave her more time to practise, which she knew that she needed. She also needed a shield, but she had no idea who to ask to get one. she looked back to the prince.

@Camelot @animegirl20

Dragging himself out of bed, Theris stretched and looked around his cramped room. It's not that it was cramped because it was small (Though it was. Theris had insisted on being in a tower like the wizards in folklore, despite being a mage. People had humoured him, and Theris had started to love this place.) It was cramped because of all the shit he'd stuffed into it. There were books on shelves, tables, and the floor, jars of magic ingredients that he needed for potions he was learning to make, the wardrobe with clothes falling out of it despite there only being about three outfits in it was shoved in a corner. Actually there weren't any corners, the room was round. It was just shoved to one side.

Theris was wondering why his room was so bright and cold when he saw the open window. He'd been stargazing last night (apparently it helped with divination, not something he could do by magic) and had forgotten to shut it. Yawning, he walked over to it. He moved the telescope to one side, and reached for the shutters on the window but paused when he saw someone flying around outside. He recognised Laine, people having told him about all the other magic users in the castle. Instead of closing his window, he leaning on the sill and shouted out.

"Hey! Laine! Do a flip!" He called to her, hoping that she was close enough, and going slowly enough, to hear him.

@Vagabond Spectre

While Gliding in mid air. Laine heard a voice telling her to do a trick. But before pulling such stunt in high ground, Laine turned her head to her left to see who called out to her. Luckily for Laine she wasn't far off the castle area. If she was, people will have to shout multiple times before before her attention is caught. After turning her head, She saw Theris, Leaning on a window Sill. Laine smiled and looked forward with her arms out balancing herself. Her platform also increased speed. Laine made quick U turn, since she was going a bit far. After a few seconds after her U turn. Laine took a deep breath and performed a kick flip with the barrier platform. The flip was successful although she lost a bit of balance after landing herself back in the platform. She could have done better but she's not used to doing tricks and stunts like that.

Laine glided smoothly towards Theris's window while she sits on the longer edge of her platform. "Is that good enough Theris?" Laine asked as soon as she was close to Theris's window. Laine tilted her head slightly to her left with her legs crossed, as she faces Theris.

Drago Boyo

The young dragon boy of 14 years old watched all the commotion of the castle from the roof, taking a special interest to the guy who managed to stab himself when he was dead. Out of innocent curiosity, he decided to have a look and floated down in his pastel dragon form to land on the ground just before the jester guy tipped over the poo-body. The dragon turned back into a boy and sat on the grass, a slightly amused but also confused expression on his pale face. The nurse lady was at the other end of the road, he guessed that's why the jester tipped up his stuff. Made sense, she was a little scary.

When the jester started to explain his predicament to Nurse, the dragon boy clapped a bit. Only one or beats of his hands, but enough to be heard. He didn't entirely understand the speech, he was still getting used to the language used here, but he understood enough for it to be funny to him. He had a big smile on his face and waited to see what would happen next.

@The One Llama to Rule All @SheWhoMustNotBeNamed
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Theris: East Tower room

Theris cheered as Laine kicked off her platform. It wasn't what he was expected but it was pretty good. He grinned as she flew over, not expecting her to indulge his command, let alone continue for a conversation. With a wave to Laine, Theris leaned forward, his grin fading into a slim smile as she got closer. Theris didn't know Laine that well. He'd only lived in the castle for a week or two, most of that being spent learning his duties or what else he needed to learn. He didn't have much time for talking to anyone except the previous Court Magician and the King. The King wasn't actually much help with anything. He wished the Queen and Princess would get back from whatever trip they were on. He doubted that the kingdom would last much longer without them. 

"It wasn't bad, not that I'm in a position to judge. I'd give it an A plus." Theris joked. There was no way he could do that. For one, he had no way to fly like Laine did. His magic was more elemental. Sure, he could build a tiny replica of the castle with ease, but that whole platform thing was a completely different subject. Second of all, his balance was completely out of whack. If he did try to flip, he'd probably just fall over. "So, heard of anything going on it the castle today?" He asked.

@Vagabond Spectre
Castor covered his face and hit his head against the wall a couple times. At least it was only one person that came, he could've had the whole castle in a panic. Again. 

"Yes, I'm fine," He lied again, he actually died a little inside. 
Koray carefully picked straw out of Blackjack's coat and brushed him down. He loved all the horses, but Blackjack was byfar his favourite. He glanced down at the open book on the floor.  Recently he'd been learning how to make his own arrows, he found that the usual castle ones flew slightly to the left and he wanted to correct it himself.  Back in his room he had maps layed out of all the known land, and the types of people that lived there.  One day he was going to go back.  One day he would find his people.  

He loved the castle, and everyone there, it was just... No one was like him. As a servant he was also scared to ask anyone for help... Who would listen to some servant boy anyway?

He finished grooming Blackjack, the and grabbed an apple to give to him. He then bent down and picked up his books.  He ought to get back to the castle and see if any of the Royals wanted him. 
Theris: East Tower room

Theris cheered as Laine kicked off her platform. It wasn't what he was expected but it was pretty good. He grinned as she flew over, not expecting her to indulge his command, let alone continue for a conversation. With a wave to Laine, Theris leaned forward, his grin fading into a slim smile as she got closer. Theris didn't know Laine that well. He'd only lived in the castle for a week or two, most of that being spent learning his duties or what else he needed to learn. He didn't have much time for talking to anyone except the previous Court Magician and the King. The King wasn't actually much help with anything. He wished the Queen and Princess would get back from whatever trip they were on. He doubted that the kingdom would last much longer without them. 

"It wasn't bad, not that I'm in a position to judge. I'd give it an A plus." Theris joked. There was no way he could do that. For one, he had no way to fly like Laine did. His magic was more elemental. Sure, he could build a tiny replica of the castle with ease, but that whole platform thing was a completely different subject. Second of all, his balance was completely out of whack. If he did try to flip, he'd probably just fall over. "So, heard of anything going on it the castle today?" He asked.

@Vagabond Spectre

A tiny giggle came out Laine's mouth after hearing Theris's reply. "Well... when i surfed the halls of the castle this morning to look for the storage for cleaning equipment, it was rather quiet. I was busy cleaning the roof and the windows of the castle, so i don't really know what was going on down the castle nor inside it." Laine answered with a shrug. It was quite a lovely morning to perform sky surfing. Laine decided to change the subject. "Hey Theris! How about we feast ourselves with some early good hearty breakfast Ya?" Laine asked Theris to eat since he's already awake. Laine realized that she hasn't talked to Theris much or anyone else in the castle much since she's to busy cleaning or cooking. She never gain the chance to socialize since her love for work is always active inside her.
Sara: Training grounds, outside

Smiling at Clara, Sara shook her head. She was grateful for the offer, but she didn't really have time. Despite having more time than the others and supposedly being naturally good at it, Sara was falling behind the other trainees quickly. She really wanted to be in the royal guard, at least, it was what she wanted now. If she wanted to change later she could, but learning to fight well still wouldn't hurt.

"Thanks for telling me, but if everyone else is hungry, they should eat their fill," She told Clara, lowering her sword. If there was no threat, she didn't need to be ready to fight, as if she could do anything anyway. "If you don't mind me asking, why were you coming to the training ground before breakfast anyway? I'm pretty sure your teacher isn't here yet, sire."

@Camelot @animegirl20

Theris: East Tower

"Sounds good to me," Theris agreed, stepping back and stretching his arm. "I need to get dressed first. I'll meet you down there." He turned to make his way through his room to the wardrobe, but he paused and looked back. "You could stay and watch if you want to, though," He told her with a wink before continuing to the wardrobe.

Since he needed to get dressed quickly, he chose something without buttons. They were a hassle to do up. He also grabbed the robe that they'd given him, one sleeve already tied up to stop it from flapping around when he moved. Any clothes that he'd had before with that flappy sleeve were super annoying. It hit people if he moved too fast and got stuck in things, as well as looking completely stupid. He grabbed his bag and shoved the book he was studying from in it, though it was doubtful that he'd actually get any studying done and headed for the trapdoor exit to his room.

@Vagabond Spectre
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Odeox Binks

Odeox loved mayhem. Loved it! It was so funny... 

She thought she heard Castor screaming, he was such a silly prince - always making her giggle. Then again, everyone and everything made her laugh.

Her favourite moment of the day so far had been when that Richard Richards had lost control of his barrow in front of the Nurse and Lady Eva, it stank! She could hardly blame him. The one thing that didn't make her laugh was that nurses hair. It terrified her. Those They didn't bare thinking about. She didn't have anything against Nurse Rae, she was just scared of her. Terrified.

She clambered out of the lake and shook off the water. She then proceeded to trip over a twig on the floor - she'd inherited too much from her father! The only good thing he'd ever given her was Punbod, her little Igitz. He was just adorable - and so funny! He had hopped out of the lake at the same time as her, and was now eating small insects from the ground. She picked him up and popped him on her shoulder. "Come on, Punbod, let's go and see what food we can get. I bet it isn't Shaak. I loved Shaak. I love most of the food here too. It's so funny..." She headed towards the kitchens, all the while rambling to Punbod. 
Clara looked at Caster as he started banging his head against the wall. "Don't do that!" She said worriedly. "Don't need you spaced out then you already are." She wasn't trying to be insulting but it might have been. "And you look a mess. Just look at your clothes. Why didn't you wait for me this morning?" Soon enough she started fixing him up brushing his hair as she was talking though it more like she was talking to herself. She wasn't even paying attention that him and Sara were talking. "Let's see this needs to be fix this and how the heck can you button a shirt wrong and look at your hair." She  kept this up as Caster and Sara continued to talk like normal.



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