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Fantasy In the Aftermath


The Forbidden Word

It happened one otherwise normal day four years ago. Three hundred people disappeared without a trace. No evidence could be found that provided any leads; they were all just gone. Poof. Other than their day and general time of disappearance, no common factor tied them all together. Their ages, races, places of residence, and social statuses varied greatly. There was everyone from rich children hailing from America to poor old men living in third world countries. Here was a case that baffled authorities worldwide and frightened many people. Those prone to making up conspiracy theories blamed the government; others cited aliens as the cause. People everywhere were mourning the losses of those that they had loved. 

Contrary to popular, and logical, belief, these people hadn't been kidnapped. In fact, they weren't still on Earth, or even in the same universe. Somehow, for reasons that, even later, weren't completely clear, they had disappeared into another world. This world was one that had been torn apart by constant warring. As cliché as it seemed to the three hundred people who found themselves there, it had then fallen under the rule of a "Dark Lord;" the everyday inhabitants lived in fear. This was Nysa; it was a world stuck in the medieval era, and one of magic. A fantasy world, pure and simple, or at least that was how the newcomers saw it. 

Despite the world's hardships, the newcomers, or Naya, as the indigenous people called them, took this as a chance to start their lives anew. Those who had been poor before became rich merchants. Some who had been perfect followers of the law tried their hands at crime. There were scholars who tried to learn about this new world and its language. However, a majority of the Naya took it upon themselves to become heroes and live up to the expectations of the indigenous people, the Nysinians, whose name for them later turned out to mean "saviors."

The heroes began to wage war against the Dark Lord's armies. They trained themselves to fight with swords, spears, and the other weapons available to them. They banded together into teams. However, there was no real unity. Though all of the teams wanted to take on the "Forces of Darkness," as they occasionally called them, none could agree how it should be done. That didn't really matter in the end, though. None of them were even strong enough to beat much more than the weakest minions. To make matters worse, a new threat appeared to lead the enemy forces. It was a boy, still a child of only about thirteen, but he was ruthless. Many believed him at first to be the Dark Lord himself, as the true leader of the enemy had never been seen; it was only later that they dubbed him the Black Hand. All fell before him, and it quickly became apparent why. He was using magic, and they had no idea how. Nothing could be done against him without that power. 

Many of the Naya began to join the enemy after that. It seemed evident who would win. When all hope seemed lost, however, a light shone through the darkness. Somehow, a young woman had gained the power to use magic. Quickly dubbed the Chosen Hero of Light, she taught all of the heroes how to use magic, and the knowledge spread. She unified the various teams and lead the resistance against the Dark Lord. After four long years of fighting, they finally forced their way into their enemy's castle, and they won. With this final victory, the surviving Naya were returned to Earth.

None spoke of what happened. No one would have believed them. They tried to return to their normal lives, much to the relief of those who had cared about them, but something was evidently different. Many acted in a completely different way than they had before, and even more suffered from PTSD and anxiety. Their time in Nysa had changed them; too many had died in the bloody war against darkness, and many were now murderers. After all, almost a third of the Naya had ended up joining the enemy. 

This roleplay follows a few of the Naya, our characters, as they try their best to move on from the events of Nysa. However, not all people are doing the same. Many criminals and villains from Nysa continue to cause harm on Earth, abusing what little remains of their magic power, and there are even rumors that the Chosen One has snapped. On top of that, many questions remain unanswered. What called them to Nysa in the first place? Some say it was a call for help from the Nysinians, or the world itself, but was it?

About This Roleplay

Greetings, all people who may be interested in this roleplay! As you've probably gathered after reading through all of the above information (or maybe you didn't read it, I guess it's kind of a lot), this story will take place after the events in Nysa. Our characters were all there, though they may have done different things. Maybe they were heroes? Maybe they were villains? Maybe they just decided to run a tavern in town? Regardless, their time in Nysa left scars on them. Some of them physical. This RP will be heavily character oriented, so I may be a bit stricter than usual with character sheets, and it will be detailed, so expect to be asked to write around two paragraphs per post, at least. This roleplay will also involve quite a bit of character development and world building. Though the main in-character section will occur in the present on Earth, other sections may pop up involving past events, sometimes as flashbacks or sometimes just to help explain certain characters. These probably won't require as much detail, since it would probably get to be too much otherwise. 

Questions? Interested?

If any of you have any questions to ask, feel free to do so! I may have forgotten to mention something. 
Am I? I didn't notice. I've just been going through the Introductions and the Fantasy Interests, so if you have as well, that might explain it. 

<-< I was kidding. But yeah, your name has been popping up in my notifications box a lot. Huehue. Probably because I follow the Introductions and all of the Interest Check categories. Heh. 
<-< I was kidding. But yeah, your name has been popping up in my notifications box a lot. Huehue. Probably because I follow the Introductions and all of the Interest Check categories. Heh. 

Yeah, I do a lot of posting around there when I'm looking for new role plays or I'm a bit bored.
Yeah, I do a lot of posting around there when I'm looking for new role plays or I'm a bit bored.

I just follow the threads, like I said. Huehue. I like to be one of the first ones to welcome new people and I like being notified every time a new roleplay to-be is up. Heh. Anyway, sorry for bugging you. :P  
Writing is great and I like the concept. I'd add some assets or formatting so the text is easier to digest and retain.
Writing is great and I like the concept. I'd add some assets or formatting so the text is easier to digest and retain.

Thanks for the advice. This is actually the first interest check of this caliber that I have created, so I wasn't entirely sure where to go with it. 
Thanks for the advice. This is actually the first interest check of this caliber that I have created, so I wasn't entirely sure where to go with it. 

Suffice it to say I'm very interested in this and how it will be GM'd. Love the structure you went for. Especially with the open-endedness of the characters. "They could've just opened a tavern in town" really opens the options up. 

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