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Well, a little bit about me I suppose. I've been role-playing and writing for around 15ish years now. I've had the same rp partner for well over a decade now as well but I need a bit more to get me back into writing

Basically, I'm looking to stretch out my fingers and force myself back into the scene. Hoping maybe if I can write like I used to, which is stupidly fast, it'll get me to finally finish that damn book.

I mostly blame work for killing my writing spirit 🙃

That also being said, here's a bit more details of what I can do.

Any gender, however I'm tired of catering to only playing male. I'll only agree if there's an equally played side couple where I can actually play my gender or we double. No exceptions. I'm burnt.
I can do fxm and mxm pairings
I'd like romance in there but it doesn't need to be the main focus or at all either. But I'd really like it seeing as my love life sucks rn and some wholesome sounds nice.

I have been into fantasy, apocalyptic/dystopian and medieval settings lately but I'm open to anything but sci-fi
Murder mystery/slow burn romance and ooh there's also historical romance 😍
Monster murder mystery, Fantasy kingdom, College for the supernatural
"Getting stuck as the crazy immortal monster researchers assistant"
Here's basic pairing ideas

Sorcerer x barbarian
Nerd x Bully
Phoenix rider x dragon rider
School of sorcery professor x student
Werewolf x witch
vampire x human
Pirate x princess
Healer x Warrior
Apocalypse caused mutant x human

I only roleplay in messages to keep it all organized
I mirror length, but if I feel like there's no effort being put forth, I'll say something.
Yes, I can novella. I write to move the story along and engage with the characters, not to impress people with length. Though that is fun too and it would be fun to find someone to bring the effort out of me.
I'll be honest I get bored of one to two paragraphs though. I like bones with a lot of meat on them. But I'm not a grammar nut, I'm casual on that end hence why I don't double check myself on punctuation and all that. This is supposed to be fun!

Ghost friendly, sometimes it's hard to say you're unhappy. I'll poke bit but just do me a solid and leave the conversation so I know you're not just busy.

That also being said, while I do and can reply frequently, sometimes I need some time to myself. Do not bug me frequently please. I usually wait a few weeks, bump, few more weeks before I give up. I am also the type if you randomly come back months later, I won't mind picking it back up more than likely.
I do not mind talking while we roleplay, however this is my social decompression time given I run a bar, if I am not super talkative, don't take it personally. I make a living off talking to rude assholes every day.
Oh I'm 27 and female if that matters any.

Oh one big thing if you've made it this far.
I love plotting, but I also love being surprised and giving surprises. You may get a sheet but that sure as hell doesn't mean you're gonna know everything. That doesn't mean I won't spur of the moment create the best twist that sets everything on fire in the most entertaining of ways.
So keep in mind, roleplays to me are more than just planning every scene and detail out in advance. That's why roleplaying is fun because you don't know what's going to happen. Gimme yo plot twists and don't you dare tell me haha.

I have a huge Fandom list, you're always welcome to ask. I will probably ask to double depending on what you want.
Also, since it keeps happening, just because I know the Fandom doesn't mean I'll want to roleplay it. If I do Fandom rps it's not typically for the plot
Its the pairing.
Then i add some plot haha.

Cheers, I'll update this more later I'm sure.

My only update is IF YOU ACTUALLY READ ALL THIS start your message off with how awesome Godzilla is. Because if I get one more dumb question I already have answered in this post I'mma start slapping.
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I'm actually an editor for indie comics and light novels. Did you, by chance, see my Writers challenge RP? In any case I'd interested on RPing with you. It's good exercise for myself as well so clients don't think I'm just some person with a red pen 😅
Ooh, no I didn't. A challenge sounds interesting tho what kinda challenge is it scary?
Ha ha, only if you're afraid of actually writing a story and instead of me when I do character in tractions.

HAH I've written stories I am just incapable of getting myself to finish them @.@ Fuck it lets do it
I see medieval so I will throw in my lot.
First off, I am 16, so please tell me whether or not that would be an issue.

I have a character I want to use, but I'm not afraid to use another one or make another one entirely.
We can discuss and plot this further if you're interested. But the general idea is:
Royalty with secrets and plots of war on nearby kingdoms.
I swear a lot
Message me if you'd like to discuss limits since you are a kiddo
But I was rping younger than that I won't discriminate
Godzilla is so freaking tall, I love that he could just crush buildings just by simply going for a stroll.

Hey there! I read your post and I would be interested in writing with you! What are you more in the mood for? An original story or a fandom based story?
Sounds good to me! I saw you like fantasy, dystopian or medieval plots, but is there a particular plot type or genre that you're craving right now?
Fun fact I have not seen a single Godzilla movie, I hope that's not a red flag for you

Hi, I'd love to play the M in an FxM pairing, we can even double and you can RP as F in both pairs if you'd like. I'm happy with either FxM and MxM, I'll leave that up to you to decide.
So here's what I'm craving: Medieval fantasy setting with a sprinkle of other things I'd love to have along with it, but perhaps some of these things are not your cup of tea, so I'm going to make a list and you can pick and choose what you'd like, if anything tickles your fancy:
-Fantasy creature x Human in a world where most mythical creatures are not quite accepted by the humans
-Medieval fantasy, but with zombies, oulala
-I really like the overdone, cliche soulmate tropes, like for example your soulmate's first words adressed to you are written on your arm or shoulder or sompething, or soulmates can write to eachother by drawing on themselves etc... And for an extra twist, yes sorry I'm spoiling a twist: They can be platonic soulmates but they haven't figured out that they can just be really good friends instead of romantic lovers like literally everyone else they've met and seen around them.
-I'm also craving a rivals to lovers kind of romance, could be between two soldiers or a royal and a soldier
-I also have an idea for a more pirate medieval fantasy approach if you're interested in that.

After writing all this, I truly hope you were not immediatly disinterested after my first sentence about Godzilla, that would be a bit embarrassing haha. And either way, no problem if you don't think we'd be a good match. But I do hope you are, you seem cool.
The point of the godzilla thing is for me to know you actually read the whole post lmao I won't hold it against you but I do recommend trying it some time

How about we take your first idea

Fantasy creature x human
Add in medieval settings but with zombies
Plus rivals to lovers
Mixed with soul mates, but how about pain sharing

Fucking love that, mean cocktail of ideas you got there (good thing you run a bar *wink* haha *wink*)
So I take it you're interested? Can I message you so we can discuss more?
😂 ...*didn't notice this wasn't a message*
Please feel free to!
Hey there! Godzilla sure is large.

The fantasy kingdom and supernatural college ideas both sound interesting. (I've been trying to assemble a supernatural college setting for a while now, but it turns out worldbuilding is a lot larger of a task than I realized 😓 especially with that untreated adhd, rip)

I typically play women and/or people of mysterious and indistinct gender, but I can also play a guy if that seems to fit the inscrutable exhortations of my soul setting, I said setting.

And I tend to prefer original or everything-crossover settings over fandom, but there might be one or two fandoms I'm up for. But even in fandom settings I usually prefer to play OCs.
You can message me when you're ready and we can work out a college setting
Godzilla is a walking, grunting, roaring nuke that drills planets with his atomic breath! Lol.

I have a couple Fandom that I have a couple plots for. I can send them over to you if you want to look over them and see if they peak your interest?
Godzilla is a walking, grunting, roaring nuke that drills planets with his atomic breath! Lol.

I have a couple Fandom that I have a couple plots for. I can send them over to you if you want to look over them and see if they peak your interest?
Please feel free!

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