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Fandom In search of a 1x1 Sword Art Online rp partner


New member
Roleplay Type(s)
Hi everyone,

Im looking for someone to rp Sword Art Online with me. I'm hoping to start from the launch of the game and develop the story from there (if you've read the SAO progressive series then something like that).

Here is what i'm looking for:
- an rp partner who is 18+. I dont mind if our characters are underage as i would like to avoid smut entirely
- OC x OC, no canon characters here please
- descriptive writing style, no 2 word or 2 line responses. Im not going to be a stickler for exact reply length but i do ask for at least 1 paragraph
- no pressure on replying instantly, i know people get busy and i myself may not reply much more than once a day/a couple times a week depending on my irl stuff
- ideally i'd be looking for someone to play a female character, as i enjoy romantic subplots and only do MxF. Having said that, romance is not a requirement and i am open to rping with male characters
- please no mary/gary sue. I live for the drama. I breathe the drama. Dont solve big problems in a single reply.
- i have no real triggers, but please tell me up front if you have any that i should be aware of. Im not afraid to go dark with mt characters backstories and i need to know what to avoid.
- i usually play 1 main character and a countless number of side characters as they are needed. I ask you do the same
- face claim is prefered but not nessicary if you have a strong description of your characters appearance

Looking forward to hearing from anyone interested. Feel free to reply here and we can move forward from there
♡ hi hi ♡
i'd be absolutely down for an sao rp ! I've been craving a rewatch of the series so the timings great !
if you're still looking for partners would you flick me a dm ?

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