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[div class=blk][div class=title]aphrodite
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[div class=lil]beauty, love & desire[/div][/div]
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Aphrodite gave the pretty blonde one of her cheeky smirks before reassuring her, "There is always a first time for everything my darling. Something tells me we may just nail it together." She had a good hunch about the female in front her. The clumsy blonde in front of her caught Aphrodite's attention for sure. However, as she was taking her sweet ass time to process things in what everyone assumes to be a head full of air, she felt something or more likely someone that used her and her recently acquainted friend as a landing strip. Aphrodite was enraged as she was almost sent down to the ground and even worse, her heel almost snapped. Now that would have been disastrous, "No... everything is so not alright! That was utterly embarrassing and I almost broke a heel." she let out in an annoying manner in response to the blonde, only to realize that she had addressed the person that crash landed into them and not really her.
As she dusted her plaid skirt, Aphrodite's eyes fell on the male that seemed to be struggling to get on his feet but yet managed with the aid of another god or so to speak. The goddess of beauty evaluated him as she did any male. Or female for that matter. She could smell the scent of ash and soot that his clothes emitted together with the randoms holes and patches in his sleeves and random tears at his hoodie. Aphrodite was oddly more intrigued, apart from the fashion sense makeover he needed.
As she was about to give him a piece of her mind, the male's hoodie fell back with the landing and her facial features softened lightly from her prior angered state from the collision. She couldn't make up what he was saying, could be because his whispers were barely audible and it could be because the blonde was too distracted by his face. His scars. His face was fascinating to say the least. How could such a pretty face be scarred like that at such a young age? Aphrodite blinked her kaleidoscopic eyes as she was brought back to the current situation by yet a charmer. He tried ever so smoothly to cover the awkward silence and situation that had been brought up by some lightly casual humor flirtations, "Oh he is forgiven... if he had broken my heel it would be a different story I'll tell you that." The blonde raised a perfectly trimmed brow at the guy's help. "All is forgiven... maybe." She let out a soft hearty chuckle as she tugged at her jumpers sleeves.
From just the two girls, the females seemed to be attracting more and more males. The aura must be doing its job. That being said she wished they didn't come crashing. For starters. Facing the seemingly less buff male who just aided the guy from some more embarrassment, "I'm sure he is flattered now. Anymore compliments his face just might explode for sure. And who might you be? At least give him the courtesy to know your name before he kisses your face, hmm?" Aphrodite shifted, addressing the ash scented male that seemed to be slowly recovering as she noticed his gaze on her.
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[div class=stats] Tags Persephone
a r i u
Location Main corridor| Outfit [/div][/div][/div][/div][/div]

Location Main corridor| Outfit [/div][/div][/div][/div][/div]
code by undine | hover over circles
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