In Character

"That's cool." Baldur said, holding her hand.

"Can I ask you a question?" Kage said, though she didn't wait for an answer, "What happened to you after you told me to hide?" She hoped he knew what she was talking about. 11 years ago, when she found her parents dead in pools of their own blood.
It was a hard day for Alas, no harder then when he was at home, but this time he understands what the people at his village meant. Alas grips at the handle of his tankard as he sits around. It's just like any old tavern, noisy at times and randomly quiet at the other times. It's the only thing he's thinking about, how true everyone was. Alas, the downfall of the Sonne-feld family for his lack of reviving honor and giving glory. Random people would stop by Alas and ask some questions, only to be ignored, resulting in them leaving. He didn't care about that anyway, he just needs to recollect himself, if he can even do that. His mind set on that battle, his first battle to prove the Sonne-feld family is still worthy of the title, Dragon Hunter. Alas' would make silent facial expression, trying to suppress the urge to break down right there and then. Alas started to chug down the ale in his tankard, maybe he can drink himself to much he wont remember anything in the past day. He's running low on money too, he needs to work for something, maybe he'll get enough money to use greed to kill a dragon. Dragons are greedy beasts too, right? Alas grunts as he noticed that his drink is empty, damn. Alas orders another drink with a response of "I think you've had enough." which Alas responded with a snarl and nothing. Alas does nothing but clench onto his past of his village. All those words from his "friends" and father, they were right. The story of how terrible dragons where, he still doesn't know, that female was a human, right? Why would she oppose on stopping those...things loose. His father was disappointing in him for his results from knight training. He barely fits in a squire, which in the Sonne-feld family, that was a first. So Alas already brought enough shame on the name, but Alas claimed that "One day, I will slay all kinds of dragons and bring it back to where I stand, and bring back honor to my family, I'll even bring it glory." Big words for a small man. Alas couldn't help it anymore, he doesn't know if he should just give up now and live off doing different things, forgetting about his family, or should he die fighting? He never realized how terrifying death is until he saw it coming. He just doesn't know what to do. 

Today was a rough day.

(I won't be on until late tonight.)
"Can I ask you a question?" Kage said, though she didn't wait for an answer, "What happened to you after you told me to hide?" She hoped he knew what she was talking about. 11 years ago, when she found her parents dead in pools of their own blood.

Baldur sighed. He knew this would happen, but didn't think it would so soon. "The hunters captured me, shaved my hair and beard, and hauled me off to The Vault. It's a place where hunters take dragons to experiment on and test.."

For the next ten minutes he described how the hunters had branded him and how they had even taken his ring finger before feeding him it.
Baldur sighed. He knew this would happen, but didn't think it would so soon. "The hunters captured me, shaved my hair and beard, and hauled me off to The Vault. It's a place where hunters take dragons to experiment on and test.."

For the next ten minutes he described how the hunters had branded him and how they had even taken his ring finger before feeding him it.

Kage just sat there, appalled as she listened to his story.  She felt nauseous, and scared, but also relived because wits could've been much worse. "That's horrible...." she said quietly, just above a whisper in volume.
Thorn would start to hum quietly to herself, a soft tune. thinking back to a memory that seemed distant. She threw the remaining bread on the ground, feeling nauseous. 
"i-its..." Suo started planing to lie. But his eyes met Dru's a a tired sigh escaped him. "its something that happened long ago." He said finally, giving Dru the truth but not the story. 


Asura felt rather than saw Kage was feeling weird. Standing suddenly he was already three quarters of the way to Kage. "whats wrong?" He asked once he got closer.

@FireMaiden @Safety Hammer
Kage just sat there, appalled as she listened to his story.  She felt nauseous, and scared, but also relived because wits could've been much worse. "That's horrible...." she said quietly, just above a whisper in volume.

"Hey, it's okay... I just wish I could have came to you in time..."
"what would i think? probably nothing. why do you ask?" Asura cocked an eyebrow at Violet as he stood up from stirring his food. He kicked a bit of dirt over the fire to make the flame smaller. Asura glanced back over to where Kage was. As he did so something in his eyes softened while he looked. When he finally turned back to Violet his eyes had harden back to normal again.


"look older?... OH, you mean my half dragon form? i dunno. just whenever i change into my half dragon form i also change into an older version of myself." Angelina answered Proxi. She herself had always wanted to know why that happened when she was in half form. "i wanna know why it happens too. but my mother is the tree of life so talking is kinda hard."

@Emperor Of Embers

"Wow. That is really cool." Proxi said in a sincere tone. Alistair nodded in agreement as he kicked epona gently, which told her to go faster. The pace goes up slightly, speed increasing as they go. 
"i-its..." Suo started planing to lie. But his eyes met Dru's a a tired sigh escaped him. "its something that happened long ago." He said finally, giving Dru the truth but not the story. 


Asura felt rather than saw Kage was feeling weird. Standing suddenly he was already three quarters of the way to Kage. "whats wrong?" He asked once he got closer.

@FireMaiden @Safety Hammer

"Hey, it's okay... I just wish I could have came to you in time..."

Kage looked at Asura, "Baldur was just telling me what happened to him..." she said softly.  She then looked back at her uncle, "It's ok."
Dru pulled Suö into a tight hug and said quietly "when you are ready to tell me I will be here and I will love you all the same." Dru then begang to poke Suö strategically releasing stress from him. @Shiro kurogane
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"oh..." Asura replied after a minute. He moved closer to Kage as if to hug her but stopped himself. Thinking Kage would see the gesture as weird.

@FireMaiden @Safety Hammer

Suo gladly accepted Dru;s hug and buried his face into Dru's chest. He let out a pleasured moan when Dru starting poking him all over. Suo could feel the tension caused from stress leaving him. "i dunno what kind of massage this is. but keep doing it.." Suo purred, melting into Dru.


'is it?" Angelina questioned just before letting out a squeak of surprise. Her arms hold Alistair tightening slightly. 

@Emperor Of Embers
Alas has to do something... he can't just give up, can he? He thought it would be best if he just gave up right there, but he can't. Something is holding back Alas from giving up, he just can't  think of what it is that's making him move on. Is it just destiny to live this miserable life? Maybe he's doing it wrong, maybe those dragons were ri-

No, they're wrong, they must be. Alas' mind is confused, angry, and full of disappointment of himself. He just needs to become stronger... is his tools wrong? He may need the guild to help slay the dragons. That's what he needs to do, he'll assign the guild to help slay the dragons, sure it'll be slow, but even with their movement, he's pretty sure they can track them. Alas looked up, just coming up with a brand idea. That Phaius  dragon is apart of that group, they must of known that the guild is not on them. So they must think their safe, but Alas just accidentally tripped them into his new plan. The first place he must go to is the guild, so off to it he shall be. 

It didn't take Alas long before he started running to the guild, when arriving he went to get a hunt on for a grand dragon hunt. Claiming that these dragons use their powers to disguise themselves as different creatures, like humans. (I'll let @FireMaiden put a response to what the guild would say due to not actually knowing how the guild acts)  Alas smirked as the person, waiting for their response in his information he gave upon the person. 
Alas has to do something... he can't just give up, can he? He thought it would be best if he just gave up right there, but he can't. Something is holding back Alas from giving up, he just can't  think of what it is that's making him move on. Is it just destiny to live this miserable life? Maybe he's doing it wrong, maybe those dragons were ri-

No, they're wrong, they must be. Alas' mind is confused, angry, and full of disappointment of himself. He just needs to become stronger... is his tools wrong? He may need the guild to help slay the dragons. That's what he needs to do, he'll assign the guild to help slay the dragons, sure it'll be slow, but even with their movement, he's pretty sure they can track them. Alas looked up, just coming up with a brand idea. That Phaius  dragon is apart of that group, they must of known that the guild is not on them. So they must think their safe, but Alas just accidentally tripped them into his new plan. The first place he must go to is the guild, so off to it he shall be. 

It didn't take Alas long before he started running to the guild, when arriving he went to get a hunt on for a grand dragon hunt. Claiming that these dragons use their powers to disguise themselves as different creatures, like humans. (I'll let @FireMaiden put a response to what the guild would say due to not actually knowing how the guild acts)  Alas smirked as the person, waiting for their response in his information he gave upon the person. 

The man scoffed, "Are you not aware it's common knowledge that dragons have a human form? But....." The man thought for a pment or two befor giving an actual answer. "We will hunt. Tomorrow morning, seeing as how some dragons can use their powers better at night. Are you sure these are dragons my boy?"
Alas gave the man a dead serious look,

"I'm sure sir, they look young to deceive you, but what you see is... many, dragons." Alas said, almost shuttering at the thought of the young ones being monsters in disguise, worse part it, it's not just one monster, it's many.

"Resting here sounds nice, I got what I need anyways." Alas said, he always carried around what he usually lives with. His backpack had all kinds of things, backpacks are pretty good. Alas double checked his equipment that were important, armor was in good condition, mace is clean and ready, sword is... a little iffy and the shield is fine as it always been. Backpack hasn't been touched unless it had to take out some gold, which he was low on. He's ready to go at any time, but resting here sounds nice, plus, maybe being in the guild's place during plan of operation will lead so some distribution of some nice loot? 

"I will come up with a plan of attack tonight, and brief you all in the morning. For now, eat, drink, and make merry how ever you wish," The guild leader said, taking a drink from his ale a wh hop enchanted brought him a few moment ago. 

Dru chuckled and felt pride at his mayes praise "it's a technique only I can do because I apply the perfect amount of pressure to cause your muscles to relax. I practiced acupuncture once several years ago and I learned this right after." Dru began to use two hands and increased the speed a bit causing his muscles to relax and for him to feel a little pleasure. @Shiro kurogane
Kage yawned, and looked at Asura, "Do you know where that blanket you gave me earlier is?" She asked, sounding rather sleepy. She rubbed her eyes with he back of her hand, "It's ok if you don't."

@Shiro kurogane
"yeah, planning to sleep? the blanket is over by the rest of my stuff" Asura said, pointing to where him and Kage had been sitting earlier. 


Suo moaned again, going completely limp. He was like putty in Dru's hands for the time being. "well im glad you learned how to do this. because it feels sssoooo good."

Thorn felt sleepy, she wanted to doze off, but her paranoia kept her awake. Thorn had her scales, which kept her warm. But not comfortable, Thorn lay down on the thick branch, occasionally swatting a spider or bug away and glancing at the dark cave, paranoid that one of the dragons would kill her in her sleep. But eventually, she dozed off. 
Egg turned back into his human form tired from traveling as the giant snake which was his dragon form and he started to climb up a tree looking for a place to hid for a while and rest.
Kage got up from where she was sitting, and walked over to grab the blanket, before curling up under it a little ways from the fire, using her arm as a pillow.

@Shiro kurogane

Asura was silent while he watch Kage settle down for sleep. After a few minutes of unintentional staring at kage, he decided to try and sleep too. grabbing pillow and walking over to Kage. He silently offered it to her.
Egg sat at the top of the tree slowly dozing off waiting for something to happen while looking up at the sunset.

((Im asuming its close to night time?))

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