In-Character RP


A Campfire at the End of Time

Xarles Killiams


Xarles stood upon the crest of a low-lying hill, looking down upon his former home town of Pheo, the second largest town in all of the Forgotten Lands, a region full of small, independant towns and villages.  He felt himself almost drawn back, letting out a sigh as he breathed in the tempting, welcoming smells of the town and its many bakeries.  However, today he would not be returning to Pheo.  In his heart, he had already shut the little town and its denizens out, to make himself more prepared for his destiny as the leader of the world's most famous guild.  He looked around, gazing upon each and every one of his guild members.  Perhaps... they could use some work, but under his astounding leadership, he'd guide them to glory.  And of course, the first step in their journey would be to claim a headquarters.  He'd overheard word from a few explorers that an old, ruined keep was found only a few miles to the East, and immediately knew it would make the perfect headquarters.  Well... the explorers had also mentioned bandits, but it wasn't like they'd actually be there, right?  He loudly cleared his throat, turning to make an announcement to his guild members.  "Attention, everyone!" he declared, swishing his cape to draw their attention.  "We're going to be heading out to the East, where I have discovered an old keep that will become the perfect home for us!  Now, if we march quickly, we may arrive there within only half an hour!"


A few hours later


Xarles let out a sigh as the ancient stone towers of the keep became visible, leaning against a tree with exhaustion.  The keep was even older and in worse condition than he had thought, covered in moss and vines, with crumbling stone walls that would, without a doubt, need repairing.  However, he noticeably could see tiny trails of smoke rising from the keep meaning that perhaps those bandits he heard of were actually there.


"Alright everyone!  There it is!  Now, I think there are some bandits inside, so... all of you can go clear them out whilst I guide you and provide moral support!  Now, go on!  Claim our new home for the Death Dealer's Guild!"
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    Anastysia gave a puzzled expression at her leader's demands. We had only met each other a few hours before, it hadn't even been 24 hours before this sketchy 'Xarles Killiams' had given them their first task of clearing out a runned-down ruins area that with its current conditions, could cause serious injury to other guild members or to herself if they weren't cautious about the crumbling stone and other flaws. After looking at her leader's very fine and top-of-the-line cloak, any sort of repair wouldn't be coming anytime soon. She thought for a moment as she looked at her fellow members, eyeing the Orc and the Centaur before turning her gaze back to Xarles.
   She sighed and mumbled. "We don't even know each other yet..." She cleared her throat before raising her voice to be heard. "If you're our glorious leader, shouldn't you lead us into victory to display your outstanding skills?" Perhaps flattery would work on this...Xarles Killiams.
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     Bryce felt alarmed as he heard Xarles' orders. Take over something so soon?  He pushed past the small group of people, trying to get a better look at the guild's soon-to-be hideout. Holding back a squeal of terror, he stepped back into the crowd. Maybe if he surrounded himself by so many people, (beings?) he could disappear. Truly, these people should be capable enough to deal with these enemies on their own, right? Surely, Xarles wouldn't just throw them into a mission that they weren't qualified for. Calmed by his own most righteous words of wisdom, he moved closer to the front, standing on the tips of his toes to see over the individuals in the foremost part of the horde.

     Tugging at his gloves nervously, the cloak-clad fairy waited for the others to go, he wasn't going in there first.
      Kamira smirked as she listened to Xarles' orders. "Whilst I guide and provide moral support!"  As soon as Kamira heard that line she stopped listening and began to develop her plan on how to effectively clear out these bandits. After a few minutes she had 3 main ideas. The first idea is a full assault, this is the least desirable because there would be injuries and fatalities are a possibility. The second possibility would be to sneak in and silently kill/incapacitate all of the bandits, the problem with this is the bigger, stronger, guild members could not go. The third and final idea was to just pool some money and see if we can just pay the bandits to leave. Just than Kamira heard a female mage, Anastysia, confront Xarles. "If you're our glorious leader, shouldn't you lead us into victory to display your outstanding skills?" As she heard this Kamira decided that this would be a good time to propose her idea. "Instead of barging in there and killing them, we could just pool some money and see if we can pay them to leave, that works right? If we pay them to leave we won’t have the issue of them coming back with some friends and trying to get revenge." Kamira believed this was the most logical answer to their issue, and hoped that the other would see it the same way
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The orc stared back at Anastysia before turning to the others which he didn't really care much about as he was too busy contemplating the reason as to why his employer brought him and this sorry crew before this decrepit castle. Hearing orders from his superior the orc began walking around the castle taking note of the lose stones and possible points of entry into the castle. Unsurprisingly there was a seemingly undefended tower with more than a few stones jutting out of it's main structures. "Eh good enough" He shrugged as he ran at the tower and jumped onto the tower jumping onto the tower then jamming his large hands into one of the cracks and began climbing. He was a good long way from the top when he heard a faint voice above him prompting him to look up causing a rancid liquid to hit him in the face. He sighs and continued his way up the tower where an unfortunate bandit that was relieving his bladder was thrown into the ground below. The orc taking note of the barrels and checked their contents which was a whole serving of nothing. A smirk formed in thog's face as he jumped into the barrel to check if it could fit him, which it could barely do, however whilst doing this he heard more voices coming his way and he made haste to stuff his large green body into the barrel and awaited them to pass. 
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   Anastysia looked over at the kitsune. "That's not a terrible idea, but if we pay them, they're going to come back for more, might as well show them who's boss around here instead of being pushed around for mone-" she turned her gaze towards the orc as he climbed. She rubbed her temple in frustration.
   "This better be worthwhile...." She mumbled  as she gave herself a running start before jumping onto the side of the castle. She lost her footing for a moment but finally regained it. She climbed up the wall quietly, digging her hands and feet in between the stone bricks. In one of the cracks she grabbed with her left hand, a spider bit it. She flung the spider off her hand as soon as she felt the bite and continued to climb. Before pulling herself over the jutted-out edge she waited for the sound of voices.
   As she waited for the voices and steps that came by to die out in the opposite direction from where they came from, she boosted herself up over the ledge and looked around. "Hey, Orc man!" She kept her voice low. "Where the hell did you go?" She looked around, scanning the few barrels. Anastysia shook her head. There's no way such a large orc could fit into one of those.
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As Kamira watched the human and orc climb she accepted the fact that they would not solve this through peaceful means. She then followed Anastysia and began to climb. As she neared the first window she heard a voice from inside. "Hey did you see that group gathered outside?" "Yea" said a second voice "they look like trouble”. Kamira decided to take a risk and peek over the edge of the window. The room was small with a table in the center, crates stacked on one side, and an iron door the other. There were also 2 bandits, 1 male and 1 female, siting at the table playing dice. 1 had a bow and the second had an axe. Kamira decided that killing them without magic would be most effective. In that small of a space with no way for the fire to effectively escape too much fire could cause a big explosion. She picked up a medium sized stone and backed down just below the window, then she tapped the window with the rock. She heard shuffling and cursing coming from the room, than the male bandit opened the window and leaned out to look around. When Kamira sees him stick his head out the draws one of her swords and grabs the front of his shirt and slits his throat. "Hey, see anything out there?" Kamira pushes the body into the room. Inside the woman says "hey you okay Ron?" Kamira then jumps through the window and smashed the hilt of her sword into the woman's head. She then ties up the woman and begins to lower her down for her allies to deal with.
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   Thog Climbed out of his barrel behind the two bandits the overlooked the area searching for their missing compatriot who left to relieve himself. However before they could notice the body at the foot of the tower or the human climbing the tower Thog shoved his rusty cutlass through one of the bandit's chest and placed the other in a choke hold.

   "I want the numbers of bandits inside and guarding the castle if you comply I'll let you live your pitiful existance a tiny bit longer" Thog whispered into the elven bandit's knife like ear as a poor estogan bandit gurgled out his last breaths as blood flowed out from his chest and mouth.

    "T-Twenty men." The Elf whimpered as he looked as his friend twitching as his life fades away allowing whilst Thog moved the elf and himself towards the edge of the tower.

     "Wh-what are yo-AAAAAAAA" The elf protested however he was quickly interrupted by thog pushing him down the tower allowing the elf two or three seconds before he and his friend meet in the afterlife.

     "hope you Enjoyed the rest of your life scum."  Thog watched as the elf hit the cold hard ground then promptly turned to one of the towers to make his way down into one of the towers but not before taking the dead estogan's sword. 

~<: Pavel Marek :>~

       Pavel had been in the rear of the collective, letting the vanguard proceed onward while he tended to himself. As such, Pavel was beside his faithful companion, Argo, as he'd mounted on sections of his giant, metallic wings that were to be attached unto the hinges that were on his back. Though he still kept his helmet off during the process of arming up for the battle ahead, his strategy was quite clear. To ride into the Courtyard of the nearly-desolate keep, cut down those foes within, while the main body cleared around the walls & insides. To him it was just plain & simple, for he doubted that bandits can impose a worthy enough challenge up against their rather surprise assault upon their keep. Henceforth, Pavel kept latching on those armor pieces, and to take periodical glances up at the Gatehouse, waiting for those wooden, rotten doors to fling open, to allow him & his trusty steed to thrust into the heart of the enemies' hold. 

And so, with some time passing by, Pavel had successfully geared up fully, to where his artificial wings graced the air just a feet above his head. He always felt himself be more confident while in his armor than without, especially with those "Wings" of his to provide a constant reminder of what he was, and how glorified he should engross himself. Therefore, with this, Pavel then lifted his right hand over to the saddle of his courser, and lifted his helmet off of it, and swung it over up n' over to her had, there we he'd settle it. Now, he'd helped himself mount his horse, which only took a minute or two, and now have sucessfully mounted it. With this, he'd rose the lance from the ground which he had previously before dressing out had implanted it. He'd hoist it up, and prepared to charge up the Hill. . .

Waiting for the gates to open. . .
    Anastysia froze at the sound of footsteps again, now up where she was exposed and didn't have a place to hide. She backed up to the outside wall of a doorway of a tower and waited. She pulled out her dagger and as soon as the foot steps came around the corner. She swung the weapon in the direction of the stranger......and missed. Completely missed, hitting the stone wall instead of flesh. The bandit gave her a shocked expression before anger spread across his face. At this moment she knew she screwed up big time and made a run for it. As she sprinted for her dear life she spotted the Orc. 
   "Orc guy!" She picked up her pace and ran behind the orc, taking shelter behind her fellow guild member.
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     Bryce watched as the three climbed up the tower, glancing at the rest of the guild members before taking a deep breath and ascending up the other tower. Taking a few steps away from the it, he eyed the spire for a moment in advance before getting a running start, latching onto the wall and sliding down it by a bit, already regretting his decision. Despite his reluctance, he managed to bring himself to climb up after them, trying his best to keep up with his comrades as he attempted to keep the hood covering his face, wouldn't want to get sunburnt.

     Once he reached one of the windows, he peeked over the sill, making sure that no one was there before slowly lifting himself into the room, landing rather ungracefully onto the stone floor. Suppressing a groan of pain as he laid there, wallowing in his own self pity. After a while of contemplating his existence, he brought himself up to a sitting position, looking around the room and searching for a possible hiding place. On second thought, going on into a tower across from the other was probably not the best idea.
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      The orc grumbled and looked down upon the human then swiped the dagger from the young human's hands. Thog threw the dagger into the air then grabbed it by the tip of the blade then looked at the bandit which looked rather perturbed by Thog's presence and thus began running out of the tower to call for his fellow compatriots to aid in killing the scrawny green skin.

     "Next time fix your own problems." Thog threw the dagger at the poor bandit and seconds later the dagger was embedded deep into the bandit's left leg and the bandit was on the ground crawling for the exit and screaming for help which caused the sleeping bandits in the tower, alerting them of an intruder's presence. The orc then walked up to the screaming gentleman and began stabbing him repeatedly each stab the scream grew weaker and weaker until the man was unable to scream no more only whimper.

    "I hope you know magic because we are going to need it" Thog leaned down and took the poor bandit's sword from the twitching body before stomping on the man's face ensuring that the body remains dead. He then threw the second sword at the human before descending further into the tower towards the bandits.
    "Wow you sure are a people person just aren't you?" She crossed her arms. "It was a situation I just happened to screw up as of now, buddy"  Anastysia approached the beaten and bleeding corpse and nudged it. "Of course I know magic, it's just there's a slight problem..." She mumbled that last part. "Do I get my dagger back? I may not be good with it but I at least need it." She held her hand out for her weapon, looking up at the orc. "Also your name would be nice to know since we haven't even bothered with-" she watched as the orc carried on his way, ".....introductions."
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As Kamira lower the tied up bandit to the ground she heard a banging on the door, "shit" she said as the door burst open and 3 bandits entered the room. When they saw the dead body on the ground and the rope leading out the window they drew there weapons and prepared to attack. Since Kamira could not fight 3 bandits at once with only 1 hand so she was forced to drop the bandit to her death. She drew both her swords and simply said "who's first?" The bandits had another idea, they charged all as one. Kamira just sighed and spun around the first bandit and stabbed her left hand sword through their back. A second later the second bandit slashed down with a dagger, Kamira dodged to the side but the dagger still slightly slashed her arm. As the Dagger cut her arm Kamira's other sword cut off the dagger hand and brought up the sword and buried it into his stomach. Just as Kamira pulled away the final bandit grabbed her tail and tried to spin her around, Kamira obliged and spun around and blasted him with a torrent of purple flames. The bandit screamed as the fire burned away at his flesh. While the fire burned Kamira pulled her swords out of the now dead bandits and said in a calm voice "never touch the tail." She then cuts of the head of the now scorched bandit, then grabbed the head, and went into the hall and broke the window leading to the keep and jumped out, landing next to the orc and human "so how's it going with you two?" Then Kamira dropped the head on the ground.
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     Giving up on looking for a hiding spot, Bryce stood up, walking towards the entrance of the room and peering into the hallway, letting out a small, high pitched squeak as he heard footsteps in the distance. Quickly backing into the chamber and dashing behind the door, struggling to smush himself between it and the wall, hopefully out of sight of the person in the corridor. Now would be a good time to use an invisibility charm.

     "Saecus Amma." He lisped, waiting a moment and praying to the gods that it worked.

It didn't.

     A boom resounded through the hall and bedroom, rendering him momentarily deaf as he ran out of the chamber and towards the stairs, summoning his greatest effort to not trip down the steps.
"Erebus, you may call me erebus" He walked over to the dead body and pulled the dagger out of the dead bandit then handed it to the human girl. "Strange name yes but tis mine nonetheless, also we are doing fine er friend" he carried on deeper into the tower where a man clad in steel plated armour stood in his way. The orc crossed his arms and walked up to the iron clad man "There's three of us and the two of them know magic while I can gut you with my bare hands, your move friend". The man in irons stood there unmoved by his words in fact he didn't seem to be breathing at all. He walked over to the man and kicked it causing the 'man' to fall apart leaving pieces of armour on his feet. "well that was easy and also embarrassing" he walked past the armor and into a room filled with a plethora of weapons ranging from common weapons to the strange and exotic. "Nice....""
    Anastysia snorted at Erebus's embarrassing encounter with the armor set after taking her dagger back and putting it up. Quickly after snorting she covered her mouth to hold back a laugh as she followed Erebus. Wandering these ruins on her own wasn't her preference. She passed the kitsune and rushed a reply. "Everything's gone...swell I guess." As she followed Erebus into the room, stepping over the fallen mess of armor Erebus had created a scene out of beforehand, she looked around at the variety of weapons displayed their eyes. "Why such a variety of some of the same things?..Oh, you can call me Anastysia by the way, didn't know if you cared about titles that others go by.."
     Bryce stumbled down the last few steps, almost landing face-first onto the ground, but breaking his fall with his hands. He could hardly hear himself think with the ringing in his ears; He brought himself back onto his feet, breathing heavily as he searched the hallway for anywhere to hide. That sound surely must have alerted some bandits.

It was then that realization struck.

This hallway looked almost identical to the other.

Oh boy, finding his way out was going to be difficult.

Walking close to the wall, he occasionally opened a door, peering into the room and making quite a ruckus as he closed it, not that he could hear very well at the moment. He tried to keep an eye out for his comrades, maybe one of them would know where to go. Sighing, he continued to walk down the corridor, peeking past corners as he passed by.
Kamira chuckled when the Erebus kicked the empty armor, of course she knew it was empty. One of the perks of Pyromancy was you always knew the way air flows so you can direct you fire accordingly. Kamira didn't tell Erebus that the suit was empty because she believed that people needed to learn themselves, that and she thought it would be funny to watch. Kamira followed Anastysia into the room. "Names are a good thing to know" said Kamira "mine is Kamira by the way" As Kamira entered the room a weapon across the room immediately caught her attention. Kamira walked toward the source of the odd energy. When she got to the source all she saw was a closet. Kamira opened the door and saw something beautiful, a pyromancer's dream. A pair of beautify sculpted obsidian short swords that had the ability to channel its owners Pyromancy. "I’ll be taking these beauties" says Kamira just as she channels power through the sword lighting it ablaze.
Thog walked into the armory and took a backsword that seemed no different than any other sword however he found it strange that there would be no one guarding this treasure trove of weapons only to hear the clanging of metal on metal behind him. He turned his head to find a suit of armor advancing upon him flanked by two bandits both green of skin like he was prompting a sigh out of him as he had a slight dislike of dealing with his own kind as they outclassed him in strength though thankfully not in wit. He dropped the back sword and held out his hands as if casting a spell whilst the other hand picked up two daggers behind his back.  "I cast magic missile" The two greenskins were taken aback and they paused their advance to look for cover only to realize that their kind could not cast magic though this realization came to late as two daggers came flying at the two dumbfounded orcs injuring one and killing the other. the suit of armor was much to was quite easy to deal with as it's lack of solid body inside gave it strength however it also proved to be it's greatest weakest when thog punched the torso away and swiped the two gauntlets before it could take a weapon and shoved it into his hands despite them being to small for him. "I cast magic missile again" He picked up a throwing axe on his way out then threw it at the orc bandit who was lurching toeards him in a fit rage but now had an axe embedded in his face. He walked up the stairs of the tower until he came upon a fairie mage who took it upon himself to interrupt Thog's ascent up the tower by throwing a fireball towards the general direction of his face which Thog barely dodged. The orc ran back down into the armory where a handless and torsoless piece of armor was amnow advancing upon his compatriots.
Garrett stood outside waiting for the gates to open. There was no way in all the realms he could lug his horse half up that tower, so he just sat back and hoped for the best. "Good...less work for me." he thought. He made sure to stay away from the guy on th horse. Something just told him to. He heard an explosion in the building. "What the...?" Probably nothing. He leaned on his long lance and yawned. 
Kara knew she could climb the tower but she didn't want to put in the effort. She knew once the others had cleared the keep they would come down and open the doors to let the others in. She stood at the enterence until she moved towards a fallen tree. As she sat down on it she knew it would not be long until the gates opened.
   Anastysia looked at Erebus then directed her gaze at the handless and torso-less armor. "Oh, well that's one way to get a job done..." She looked around and listened for any noise. "Is that all of the bandits? If we're done here great," Anastysia stretched. "Erebus, mind getting the gate open? I don't think the others, especially whoever the guy is with the heavy armor and useless attached wings, would appreciate standing around for who knows how many hours.."
"He's a Hussar an elite horserider and warrior not some man in a glorified bird costume though by virtue of him being the elite he probably has a stick so far up his arse that you could see it in his mouth. Also no, that is not all of them there's a mage up at the top of the tower there are twenty one in this keep according to a now defeased elf" Thog ran past the armor construct and to a crate filled to the brim with javelins and throwable weapons of the spear variety and took two javelins and what seemed to be a harpoon and some rope. Thog ran past ths armor this time taking one of the pauldrons which he proceeded to wear on his shoulders on his way up the long flights of stairs which led to the mage, this time summoning an imp. The orc now prepared to deal with pesky spell slingers he quickly and effortlessly dispatched of the mage. "Alright we're clear get up here...whatever your name is and fox lady" He screamed at his companions down below as he tied the rope onto the harpoon whilst occasionally looking back up to check for any bandits at all

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