In Character Interview Thread

So where do you come from? Tell us more about yourself?
Glacier is silent for a moment, visibly pondering the question. "A mountain, in the simplest terms." He gives a brief chuckle. "...I first woke up in a cave... high up, in the Paizu mountains. There were... instruments of science and magic, scattered around me." He looks away, his head tilting further. "I do not know who, or why, or even how... but given my hybrid race... it is evident that I was changed to become what I now am." Looking back to the interviewer, Glacier raises a paw to tap his own head. "...but my mind, my conscience?... It is my own; it is not artificial, nor animal... of that I am sure."

"Hm... to tell you more of myself is a broad request... but I shall attempt to do so."
Sitting back on his haunches, Glacier takes a breath in preparation; or an imitation of one, at least, as no actual breath is taken. "As I have already stated... I am half beast, and half construct. As you can see, the ice, the cold... it is my nature, one which my very being is connected to. It has aided me greatly through the interesting adventures since my awakening... and I have even become a member of the Adventurer Guild... but ultimately, I am not yet capable of truly harnessing my nature." As Glacier finishes those words, his ears ever so slightly begin to droop. "Thus, I have been on a journey... though unguided, it has led to slow but steady progress."

"Are those answers... satisfactory to your questions?"
Glacier inquires after a long pause. "I could speak more... but I do not wish to ramble."
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"Yes!" He shifted on the ground to find a more comfortable position to jot down notes "do you find It comfortable where you live? Have you ever ventured out of here?"
"Yes!" He shifted on the ground to find a more comfortable position to jot down notes "do you find It comfortable where you live? Have you ever ventured out of here?"
"Oh, I do not live here... I apologize for any confusion." Glacier says, shaking his head. "I simply happened to be here at the time... so I chose it for where to meet."

"I have travelled quite far... though with no particular destination. I have simply gone where it felt right to... or interesting, for that matter."
Glacier looks over to the frozen-over lake. "I do not have a home as of yet... however, I shall make one for myself, when the time is right."
The Aurora Borealis are frequently associated with foxes - there is a culture here whose word for the Aurora Borealis is "revontulet", meaning "fox fires". It is said that when a fox runs fast enough, its tail will brush against the ground and spark, lighting the sky aflame with aurora.

Do you have any connection to auroras?
You said you seem to have been made. Do you have any idea who made you?
Glacier shakes his head. "I am not aware of who made me... though I am quite curious myself. Given the instruments I found... my best guess would be scholars of some kind, probably magically inclined." Giving a shrug, he continues. "Perhaps in the future, I shall seek them... but that is a journey for another time."

The Aurora Borealis are frequently associated with foxes - there is a culture here whose word for the Aurora Borealis is "revontulet", meaning "fox fires". It is said that when a fox runs fast enough, its tail will brush against the ground and spark, lighting the sky aflame with aurora.

Do you have any connection to auroras?
Glacier's ears perk up at the information. "A fascinating tale... I am delighted to learn of this culture."

At the question, he appears to pause. "I... do not know for certain." Glacier then tilts his head up to the sky. "Though, now that it has been mentioned... I'd like to think I do. Perhaps... it may be another facet of my nature to grasp."

(Somehow I hadn't even considered it, but auroras would be a perfect addition to his character; I'm definitely keeping that idea in mind.)
Humans - and I assume all life, by extension - have a deep-rooted emotional need for meaning. Purpose. Do you experience this?

If so, given you aren't expressly aware of the purpose you were created for, have you had the chance to find and assign your life a meaning? Is that something you are searching for, or something you've already found?
Humans - and I assume all life, by extension - have a deep-rooted emotional need for meaning. Purpose. Do you experience this?

If so, given you aren't expressly aware of the purpose you were created for, have you had the chance to find and assign your life a meaning? Is that something you are searching for, or something you've already found?
Glacier gently nods. "I do, yes... were I devoid of a reason to exist... I shudder to think of it."

"My meaning... well, it is probably unlike most."
There is mirth to his voice as he says this, though it quickly turns to a more earnest tone. "I feel that my ultimate purpose... is to become an embodiment of the cold... to be a true manifestation of the ice and snow..." One of his ears flicks. "...and more simply, to establish a domain, a home... a place where the ice is mine alone, and I may be content to do as I please henceforth."

After a few seconds of silence, Glacier gives a huff, turning to a more relaxed posture. "Perhaps that sounds conceited... coming from a glorified ice sculpture. Yet, when I think of what I wish to do, why I travel on this aimless journey of improvement... that is what I feel is the right direction, over and over again. I could not tell you more than that... for that is all I am certain of myself."
If all you want to do is be one with the ice and snow, how does self-improvement assist that goal? Would it not be more fitting to search across the land for a perfect location to dwell in eternally?
If all you want to do is be one with the ice and snow, how does self-improvement assist that goal? Would it not be more fitting to search across the land for a perfect location to dwell in eternally?
Glacier tilts his head, pondering. "When I say I wish to be one with it... I mean to wield it as an inherent part myself... to utilize the full extent of my capabilities." He says, almost proudly. However, his expression quickly dampens. "I have achieved certain feats, but to mold it to my will, like a limb of the body?... That, I am currently far incapable of."

"There is a certain connection to my nature... a sort of invisible tether between myself, and my element. I know, instinctually... that this is the method through which my power flows."
For the first time in the interview, Glacier takes on a resolute stance. "It is... unstable, not harnessed. That, is one reason why I journey to improve myself... to explore this world, to learn, to practice... so that I may grasp this connection, and grow it into something majestic."

After the short monologue, a smile forms on his muzzle. "...but, that is only my personal reason, for it is also prudent that I grow in strength... there are many dangers in this world, of much more power than I. There is no point in searching for a home... if I will not live to occupy it, and be strong enough to keep it."
You claim to want a home to yourself. Do you tire of people easily? Would you ever consider sharing a home?
If there were more of your kind, would you desire to be with them as well?
You claim to want a home to yourself. Do you tire of people easily? Would you ever consider sharing a home?
If there were more of your kind, would you desire to be with them as well?
"To a certain degree, that is true... yet, it is less people themselves, and more-so the bustling activity they bring. I enjoy interacting with others, but... I wish to have a place that is quiet, where I may rest secludedly."

"At least temporarily, out of hospitality... I would not turn away someone in need of shelter. Permanently, however?... I would not be as easily convinced, but I would not disregard the notion."

"I would certainly wish to meet them... perhaps join them for a time. Though, if I were to desire to be with them... depends on not just what they would be, but who they would be."

(Made some edits; I wasn't entirely happy with it.)
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Have you formed any attachments throughout your journeys?
Glacier seems to perk up at the question. "I have formed a few, actually!... Although only relatively recently."

"I was travelling through a town called "Stonewall", in the nation of Ryke... during my time there, I met three particular individuals; Baroness Caelia, Chef Inola, and... knight Ethel."
The latter's title was spoken in a dubious tone. "Suffice to say, they were all wonderful people... I gave my word to the chef to assist with a project, and the knightly woman was a pleasure to train with... thus, I plan on returning there sometime in the future."

"There have been many others that I've met... though as of yet, these are the only ones that I hope and plan to see again."
Do animals perceive you as a typical fox or sculpture, or are they confused by your peculiar appearance?
Furthering the last question, how many properties does your body share with regular ice? You can obviously move, but do you melt in heat? Do you ever have a risk of cracking?
Do animals perceive you as a typical fox or sculpture, or are they confused by your peculiar appearance?
"I believe... that they are unsure." Glacier lifts one of his paws, examining it. "Being part beast, there is a distinct familiarity... yet, I am completely different at the same time, an oddity... I can tell that the animals do not know what to make of me."

"Perhaps if I was of the fae race, this would not be the case... as a partial construct, however, my mere existence is anomalous."

Furthering the last question, how many properties does your body share with regular ice? You can obviously move, but do you melt in heat? Do you ever have a risk of cracking?
"Let me recall... I am cold to the touch, I think I can float, though I've not tested that..."

At the question of melting, Glacier appears to shudder. "Fortunately, I am certain I cannot... not unless it was in drastic, or deliberate conditions." He looks away for a moment, voice slightly lower. "Although I may not physically melt... it can definitely feel like I am. I tend to... lose my composure, in extreme heat, so I avoid it when I can."

"Unfortunately, yes; in the times I've had to fight on my journey... I've learned that, though my ice is quite strong, so too is it brittle if struck sufficiently. Such cracks can certainly be painful... though they heal overtime. Of course, it pales in comparison... to any damage to my core."
What is your core? To be more complex, what is it made out of? Is it ice and snow? Or is it magic.
What is your core? To be more complex, what is it made out of? Is it ice and snow? Or is it magic.
"A sort of... concentration of my being, or 'magical core', feels as though it is the most accurate description." Glacier tries to angle his head to look at his own core, to limited success. "It is essentially a vital organ, through which... an intangible essence flows through me."

He puts a paw over it, as if to shield the core. "It is very painful if broken... and if it were completely destroyed, or extinguished somehow?... I would surely cease to live."

Do you need to eat/drink? Do you only eat cold food If eat at all?
"I have no need of any sustenance... a great advantage of being a construct." Glacier smiles, but his ears slightly lower. "Of course... I am incapable of consuming food or drink in the first place, which is quite unfortunate."
Do you ever wonder what it's like to taste or smell?
"Luckily, I am able to smell!... well, that is likely a stretch of the word." Glacier chuckles. "I may not actually breath... but I am able to sense a difference in the air, almost as if I had an organic nose."

"As for taste... it is frequently on my mind, so yes, I do wonder."
Glacier tilts his head downward. "Truthfully... I have vague memories of when I could eat, could taste... a reminder of something I have lost." Quickly after saying so, he vigorously shakes his head. "That is a very fuzzy and... personal past, however, so with all due respect... please forget I mentioned it."
I'm curious, what kind of essence emanates from your core? Is it pure magic do you think, or maybe some form of light or neural substance? Perhaps whoever created you infused that essence in the process...
I'm curious, what kind of essence emanates from your core? Is it pure magic do you think, or maybe some form of light or neural substance? Perhaps whoever created you infused that essence in the process...
"It is... magical in nature, I believe." Glacier then gives the best shrug he can. "Well, it is quite bright... so I would guess it emanates light alongside that."

At the hypothesis, Glacier tilts his head, seemingly in thought. "Hmm, I do find that likely... I doubt I would be animated without it."

As the sun begins to lower in the sky, Glacier stands back up, stretching his icy limbs. "It as been a pleasure to conduct this interview... but it is getting late." He turns his head, viewing the sun. "Physically, I do not need sleep... but it is still a good thing to rest my mind, whether I must or not."

Raising one of his paws for a rough hand/pawshake, Glacier steps back and gives a bow of his head. "I wish you well on your future interviews... and perhaps we will meet again in the future... but for now, farewell."

With that, Glacier and the interviewer would part ways, continuing to pursue their own journey and job, respectively.

Well, my time is up! Thank you all very much for the questions! It has helped me to hammer in some of the details for my character.

I would just like to thank Daisie Daisie for asking the most questions (& some of the hardest, lol), as well as making a sketch of Glacier! Normally, I'd pass it off to you; however, since you did go just before me, I think I'll pick one of the new ones here so they get a chance.

So, for asking the second-most amount of questions, I nominate DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57 to go next!
I would just like to thank Daisie Daisie for asking the most questions (& some of the hardest, lol), as well as making a sketch of Glacier! Normally, I'd pass it off to you; however, since you did go just before me, I think I'll pick one of the new ones here so they get a chance.
Characters invest me 👀
And everyone deserves the feeling of having their character be recognized and appreciated.

I also don't have a character to use so thank you.

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