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In Blood We Love w/ Precious Nightmare & Cliche

It was turning to night fall with the sun disappearing off in the horizon in a beautiful glow of oranges, pinks, and purples. It was summer vacation which means reckless teens going out at night and doing stupid shit, wonderful. Acacia sat in her bedroom looking out the window with her dark long brown hair resting over her shoulder and in her face a little ducking her head down a bit comfortably on her knees. Her light brown eyes peering out the window watching the sun fade off in the distance, this is what the summer nights consisted of sitting around and doing nothing unless her sister forced her into it. Acacia wrapped her arms around her long legs hovering them up to her chest getting more situated she sat here for another ten or fifteen minutes before standing up to her feet. Acacia lingered over to her closet pulling out a sweatshirt pulling it over her body and placing some converse sneakers over her feet marching out of the room quietly down the wooden stairs. She decided to go for a walk without anyone knowing, it probably wouldn't last long with protective people living around. Acacia pulled her hood over her head and went out through the back door staring upon the tree house and smiled, that thing was old. It was probably a better choice to stay in view of everyone even though how annoying it was, she wasn't gonna risk getting her ass handed to her. She remembered her father building this for her and her sister when they were very young, it was a good memory before their mother disappeared without a word, maybe that's why they're afraid of Acacia leaving. She climbed up the tree ladder carefully to the top kicking it to the side leaning up against one of the wood frames staring at the sunset.

Meanwhile Paxton was racing down a narrow strip of citizens that were drunk and bitter swaying from side to side. Paxton's throat was on fire and would do anything to get what he wanted, blood. He couldn't just kill people out in the open though he probably could he didn't, he wandered around a bit spotting a young woman itching her way down the block tripping over her feet onto the pavement. "Bingo." Paxton whispered to himself coasting over to her smelling her blood linger in the air she must've cut herself from falling on her heals. He came to her side holding out a friendly hand too her. "Thanks," She muttered with a smile tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "Don't mention it, are you hurt?" Paxton asked eyeing her knee that was sliced open with blood streaming down her leg. "Come on, I have something that could help you with that." He winked leading her across the street into a little alley way, god she was an idiot to believe he would help her. " A drink possibly?" Paxton asked quirking an eyebrow with a hot smirk plastered on his lips. "Thanks, I'm gonna need it." She muttered, yep she definitely was but it was too late. Paxton had already dragged her to the back of the bar after a couple of drinks and bit her throat draining her out throwing her to the side for someone to come by and swoop her up. There was blood rushing down his mouth, he raised a hand and wiped it away staring at the poor woman with crazed red eyes. "I told you."

@Precious Nightmare

Lilly sat in her room blaring music and dancing. It was summer time, her favorite time, and she was sort of pregaming for an upcoming party later tonight. Unlike her sister she liked to go out and have a good time. If she wasn't out partying she was in her room meditating or doing weird rituals she found online. Since her mother disappear she became more spiritual and tried to get into different religions. IT was a weird copping mechanism that she did. Many times she would walk around burning sage throughout the house which really pissed her father off. Lilly had her long hair pulled back in a tight pony tail which brought out her high cheek bones. Her make up was light considering she didn't like to cake it on and she work a sleeveless black turtleneck dress.

Lilly went over and paused her music when she thought she heard her sister moving around. A grin creeped on her face she loved making her sister go out with her simply because she thought it was good for her. She left her room while clumsily putting on a pair of boots. After staggering out of her room she went outside to find her sister.

This was something she was used to by now, her sister would always go for random walks and Lilly would just follow her. Mostly because she was worried about her sister when she gets alone, but for the most part she's not as worried.

Lilly found her sister up the old tree house that was built for them. It seemed not too long ago when it was built. Those were happier times...Lilly shook her head getting rid of the negative thoughts creeping into her mind.

She climbed up the ladder to get to her sister and when she saw her she smiled. "What are you doing tonight?" she asked already knowing the answer.

Ashton sat quietly at a bar. He knew the owner and he always gave him free beer even if it didn't actually intoxicate him anymore...it made him look and feel normal. He decided to chill out for a bit before he had to go find an old friend of his. A vampire committee he was apart of had been talking about two girls with blood so strong it could kill. The thought about that made him shiver...there hasn't been valid way to kill vampires for years now. They were literally stoppable until now. So they have some over their best vampires going after these girls which includes him. Ashton was annoyed that he had to find his friend to help him, he figured he was better off on his own.

People around the town told him that they had seen his friend hanging around here all the time, so that's why stopped by to have a drink. Once he finished his beer he left a tip and walked outside he was shocked to smell such a strong scent of blood. Ashton looked around and followed the smell of the blood. Vampire attacks were not common around here and he figured there was only one person behind this. The strong scent of blood led him behind a bar and the smell of the blood made him sick. Not because it was blood but simply because whoever's blood it was was extremely intoxicated. Rounding the corner he stopped to see a bloodied up girl and what do ya know....his friend.

"I see you're keeping busy." Ashton spoke up with a raised eyebrow.


Acacia kept silence and listened the wind brushing past her softly, hearing it's whistle tossle by her ear. It was a calming sound which didn't exactly block out the blasting music coming from inside but it created a peaceful scenery. She placed her head on the old wood behind her head comfortably keeping her eyes straight ahead. Acacia loved to be alone though she knew her father and sister worried about her constantly to get outside and get friends but Acacia would never listen and continue on being alone she hated with people telling her what to do she is content with being by herself and just drawing all her thoughts out of her head but it made her depressed at times but she doesn't think to much about it. "What are you doing tonight?" A voice broke out to her...her sister Lilly. Acacia turned her head with her brown hair dangling in front of her face and shrugged her shoulders. "Not going to a party that's for sure..." Acacia muttered softly tucking a strand of hair behind her ear closing her eyes for a moment before looking at her. "What, aren't you supposed to be heading out not bothering me about getting out?" She began, "besides I'm not the party type, I'm not fit for parties and I don't like people...you know this, Lilly." Acacia sighed peering up at the sky before grabbing her drawing book from the side setting it on her lap still feeling the presence of her sister there. "Please...I just want to be alone." She didn't even look at her when she said that put scratched the top of the notebook with her fingertip not opening it until Lilly had fled but she knew she wasn't until she gave in and went with her to that big party everyone was talking about tonight. "No." Acacia said narrowing her eyes at her with her pretty dark eyes telling her that she didn't want to go. It was true she hated people and people hated her to perfect. What are you getting yourself into, Acacia?

Paxton leaned up against the wall with his back directly sat up on it comfortably with his strong arms behind his head which were painted with tattoos. His dark eyes landed on his friend of which showed up randomly unamused of what he had did. "I see you're keeping busy." Said none other than Ashton who had a cocked eyebrow staring directly upon Paxton who smiled deviously in response. "Yep. I see that you've had a couple of drinks I can smell it in the air. Any more?" Paxton joked chuckled a bit under his breath shaking his head from side to side looking to the concrete underneath his feet. It was the time where they would go out and search for those girls who had blood that people would kill for the idea made his mouth water and his head wander into the depths of his dark mind snapping back into reality. "So what do you want?" He asked folding his arms pushing himself off the bricked wall standing in the middle of the alley way of which behind him cars and horns going off in the distance. It was actually more quiet tonight then it has this city was almost never quiet maybe clubs were busy and people were inside drinking away sounds like a night for Paxton. "Look times ticking I need to know what you want other wise I'll be heading off doing my normal thing." Paxton bit his lower lip with his fang in thought about going to his house with a couple girls and going to town then end having a night full of blood and sex. "no really."


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