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Fantasy In Another World with My Evil Plans and Trusty Tune


At this point, Jeremiah just simply gave up when Hime grabbed his hand. He flushed red when Hime said, "I...I guess....you are my...boyfriend now.” There was no use arguing with her, no use in trying to explain it to the room, no use trying to wipe off the smirk off of Margaret’s face. He was already doomed. The whole room was quiet. Jeremiah could obviously tell it was from shock- after all, who declares that they have to be married from a single kiss? Even if Hime thought that kissing causes pregnancy… ...Really, Jeremiah never thought that this situation would happen to him.

"What is...cool...egg?"

That tentative question snapped him back to reality. College is, well, a place of higher learning. Someplace where you learn how to do your job- a university; a-a, a place where lots of people go to in order to get a higher-functioning job.”

Alright. Slightly wrong- there was no guarantee that he would get a job- but it got the point across well enough. Coolegg? Cool-egg? How on earth did she come up with that? It sounded like kool-aid, for goodness’ sake!

And when Margaret began talking… ooh! Happy couple, my butt! Nothing about that phrase was right! None of it should be! Agh, how did he end up in this situation? As Hime began pulling Jeremiah to the backroom, Hime’s red face was pretty equally matched by Jeremiah’s. Of course, when Jeremiah saw Hime’s sweating face, he felt pretty bad, and wanted to rush things along to the backroom; unfortunately, his mind and his body weren’t cooperating.

When they finally entered the room, Jeremiah took a deep breath. Calm. Calm. Caaaaaalm…. He was panicked, angry. A mood that could end up screwing things up even worse. As Hime began stuttering questions, Jeremiah silently tuned her out so that he could regain control of himself, in addition to his composure. Someone needed to be in control of the situation, at least.

Thankfully, he was ready for when Hime said, "I...I'm p-pregnant..." A preposterous statement, but he obviously couldn’t make her see it different. Still, her panicking like that was of no use to either of them. So, he began talking, “Alright, settle down. If you think you’re pregnant..” This statement at that point was broken by a mutter, which, if someone was listening close enough, was “and I don’t see why you think that…”, before continuing, “Then it makes sense for you to get advice from someone else already experiencing such an event.” He left it in the air for a while, to let her piece it together herself- it was fairly simple whom he was referring to.

“Now, I’m new here. It wouldn’t be good if I couldn’t support both of us. I obviously need to figure out the ropes here: as such, when you think you’re ready for it, can you start explaining to me what you do here?” Work was, of course, first and foremost on his mind. He needed to get some sense of normalcy in his life, and that was probably the best way to get it, in addition to some respect.
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"M-m-my d-daughter?! N-no! Never! I'm a, I've never, you know, I...anyway, Hime is my younger sister, ok? She is just my younger sister... Well, she IS pretty much like taking care of a baby, sleeping all day, eating, not even taking care of the other two..."
"You never what?? Your young sister?" - An image came to his mind, picturing what would be a younger version of Tori, possibly hotter. But once she described her sisters routine his visions of a holy nymph were suddenly changed as the girl in his mind was gaining more pounds until it suddenly resembled a sumo wrestler. He sighed with disappointment. - "Oh, i see... shes one of those..."
"Of course they are like real people. They ARE real people."
"Oh... yeah, right, of course they are, thats quite not like what i meant but okay..." - Actually is was kind of what he meant, but he felt sorry about it, she had a point after all.
"Do you really want this to be your first impression to everyone? Shouldn't you at least try to get a bit more of a foot on things before you start making a ruckus? Come on, let's go to the butcher."
"Uh... well... sure..." - This time Minoru was very embarrassed and his face blushed. - "You're right, sorry mommy. Lets go to the butcher, who is this guy after all? Do you think hes generous?"

Not long after they arrived at the butcher.
"Saved you? What kind of trouble did you get yourself into to need saving?"

"Not that she need all that saving, i was just passing by, shes being modest"
"MacGuyver, obviously, didn't you heard from me?"
- He rolled his eyes and looked back, it would be fun to give different names and see people reacting differently.
"Of course not, okay, wait a second, i'll show you my ID, My Name's Min...oru..." - He opened his wallet to get his personal identification just as part of a little gag of him, but when he picked the wallet from his pocket and opened it, a shadow was cast above his eyes, as he lowered his head.

"I don't have time for this... what am i doing really? Is this some fucking vacation on disneyland? This power..."
Minoru closed his fist tightly, pressuring it with his strength, his fist was trembling.
"This is temptation, this isn't me... I thought it was just a dream until i could really feel the pain, but it isn't... i should know this from the beginning... what im supposed to do."

"This is something we fought togheter, some random poor animal in my way, she said you could give me something for it, so..."
- he tossed the mask smoothly in front of the butcher, giving him the object. - "So, if i may ask, please give what is worth entirely to Tori!" - And he raised his head, giving him a dumb smile. - "Be generous, next time i'll bring you something really worth it." - After that, Minoru made a quick turn, and quickly enough, approached Tori to take her in his arms and give her a surprising hug.
"If im leaving, at least... at least i can feel this girl's boobs against my chest! Oooh~~ thats nice"

"Thank you for the help, but i remembered something and i don't think i can stay for long.. i gotta go back to my..."
- Before he said the word "daughter", he made a small change just to not give her enough details. - "My family... ugh... sorry, we are not really close enough for this right?" - He let her go and looked at Tori one last time before starting his walk to the door. There wasn't really a whole family that he cared about, it was more about just one single person, but his eyes let it out how much worried he was about it. He walked to the door, at this point already ignoring everything the other two talked to him, he knew he had to go back.

"That was worth it... oh Tori... it would be fun to feel them again.. "
"Bye Tori... Maybe we'll see each other again someday. Maybe if we have the time i can save you again"

Minoru left the building, and this time, he didnt gave anyone attention or funny looks. Quite the opposite really, anyone that approached him was received with a menacing stare with angry eyes, followed by an dark, threatening aura that surrounded him, that made sure that he didn't look like he was having that great of a day. Although his sight emanated a strange, unavoidable determination. He walked straight into the gates of the city, leaving the city behind without looking back. He stopped, looking down, and thinking about looking back. But he didn't.

"First i need to find where did i came from... Oh man, i really fucked this up, i was not thinking about keeping my track"
"I need a plan..."
"But i don't want people here to find out where i came from, if im forced to stay here, that can bring me trouble... In fact... that girl, she already knows a lot, i didnt quite get at first what im putting myself into, but if she finds out its possible that she would tell someone, and then..."
- He thought about Tori, and sighed with a displeased conclusion. "Then i'll have no other choice besides eliminating her... It seems there is more like me in here... Maybe.. there isnt a way to go back?"
He looked down again, thinking about what to do and how to get home the fastest way possible. Then, words echoed in his mind, a quick memory.

"Earlier you said you don't know what you are...this power...are you going to tell me you are an otherwolder? Just so you know, I won't fall for it that easily. If you claim to be from another world, show me the placed where you appeared."

"Thats it! I cant be the first one to think of this... there must be other ones like me, and maybe they already tried... who knows for how much time this thing has been happening" - Standing in his place, he finnaly looked back, to the city, realizing what he had to do. He was happy to come to that realization, so he smiled. That was something strange about that smile though, it was unlike the smiles he gave to Tori.
"You are all out there, all i have to do is to hunt you down. And i'll get the answers i want."
"Information can spread quickly around the city if i fucked up, so i'll start by the countryside, i suppose people outside the city can be more gullible and it would be easier to earn their trust, and if i made any mistake, it would give me more time to erase my tracks. But surely there is much more people in the city to get information from... so if i dont get any results in three days, ill just back and find something in Yuessay"

He was still hungry, but even though his stomach was starting to make strange noises, he ignored it and proceeded to walk towards any nearby village or farm that he could find, where he thought he could get something that was worth it. In the way, he removed his white-but-very-dirty shirt and tucked it around his waist, and at the first sight of water he used it to quickly clean himself up a little bit, just washing some of the dirt on his hair and body
"This new condition, is maintaining me for some time, but if i get too hungry i guess i'll have no other choice than steal. If it comes to this, so be it. But ugh... how will i get these people trust for them to tell me what i want to know? Hm..." - After washing his face, he smiled again, looking up to the sky.

"I know..." - Minoru started laughing, making a small pause before continuing in his journey. - "I will give you all a hero!"

Interactions: Idea Idea
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    I couldn't help the smile that came to my face as he stated I didn't really need saving. I knew it wasn't true, and it had to be corrected, but hearing him give me so much trust and praise was almost flirting. It even made me feel a little better about him earlier adressing me as "mommy", made me think he was just another one of those other idiot guys back at the guild.

    Put in other words, there were reasons I never went to bars. Those types of people were without question one of them, mocking me just because I was a little careful and actually put some thought into behaving properly at the guild. They just played around like it was none of their business, insisted on discounts they didn't need, spent their finances irresponsably, seriously they were such children!

    "No no no, that was a breant, a breant! I was already pretty exhausted taking on the kayerri, there's no way I could have handled that thing by myself. All I did was get chased around..." I waved my hand in front of me dismissively and chuckled lightly. Minoru moved on to the introductions. I couldn't help a loud "tch" as he once again lied about his identity (claiming to be Mcguyver, the same lie he told me earlier and latter confessed to not being his real name). Still, I didn't say anything as he seemed to be about to make his proper introduction as he pulled out some very well-crafted leather thingie. It looked like it was made to put hankerchiefs on, but instead he appeared to be carrying some form of rectangular leaves in inside. He suddenly stopped though, seeming to just stare at something among those leaves. He clenched his fists, and Tori began raising a hand in preparation to ask him what was wrong, but the boy simply continued speaking as if nothing had happened.

    "Oi, boy what do you mean by that? This is a breant you know, you won't come across prey like this everyday!" Laros was just as shocked as I was when Minoru bowed and requested that I get the money for the breant parts. Yet Minoru himself seemed to have already made up his mind, even recommending the butcher make a generous offer as he would come back with even better stuff. I honestly wasn't able to tell if the sincerity of such words was a promise from some rising celebrity or just the rambling of an idiot. Statistically, the latter for sure, yet after seeing the display in the fight earlier, maybe there was something to it. Not that I had a lot of time to think, as Minoru now stood right in front of me and pulled me into an embrace (I was too shocked still to move my arms, so he just ended up wrapping his around me, like a drunk hugging a beautiful statue). He was pulling me real tight, despite havign lived as an adventurer for years I was still having a hard time breathing with my chest pressed against his like that.

    "Wh-wh-what are you do-" I was shaking and almost flinging my arms around, utterly and completely red-cheeked, only to stop as I saw that look in his eyes. He pressed me so hard earlier, it was clear he didn't want to go, but this was important to him. Why did he come to this city then? Something wasn't right. Well, I could introduce him to the guild, surely they could help! Minoru smiled at us, what a sad smile, and began walking away. I raised an arm in his direction. "Hey Minoru, wait-"

    It was too late. He didn't bother listening, he just left.

    "Quite dramatic wasn't it? I am not falling for it though."

    "Eh?" Tori looked over her shoulder, saw Laros giving her a fierce, squinted gaze.

    "I don't know what the plan is here, but this sure is shaddy. Well, I do trust you Tori, but I'm sure there are bad people who'd gladly take advantage of you. I'm going to charge an inspection on the goods, you hear?"


    I returned home exhausted that day, following all the messy events of that day. I felt like beating myself from that afternoon after I got into a fight with the guild quest girl, it had been rather immature of me, but I wasn't thinking straight, still worried about that Minoru, where was he had had to go off to, and why? I sighed as knocked on the door so that Modori would open it.

    "Welcome home, sister! Did you get some good quests today? Oh, what is that?" Modori's eyes drifted to the bag I was holding, well, one of them. One was my usual bag of coins, the other had a more peculiar scent and was partially covered in blood. I raised it proudly.

    "Today we got some discounted meat from the butcher. Get the plates and some fire ready, we're feasting tonight!"

    A bright smile opened in Modori's face.

    "That's wonderful sister! Shall we use the keeper rocks at last then?"

    "Well, we can't really cook without them. Just this once, since we don't want the meat to get ruined."

    "How did you even get meat sister? Didn't you say it was too expensive even with a discount?"

    "Not today. But that's a long story. For now, just let me in, okay?"

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Interacting With: ABetterNickname ABetterNickname (Minoru)
Mentions: N/A
Might Also Want to Read: Sgt Gomez Sgt Gomez

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"I h-help take care of customers. I get them f-food and d-d-drinks. Margaret is slow sometimes so I'm h-here to help her."

Hime blinked tears from her eyes as her panic worked it's way through her system once again. "You're t-talking about M-Margaret r-right?" She managed to stutter, "Y-yeah I should t-talk to her. You don't believe me do you?"

The girl was used to people looking differently at her. Most of the patrons here knew her secret and had kept it from her sister thanks to her pleading. Could Hime trust Jeremiah to keep it from her sister as well? That question got her thinking. Her attention got turned back to Jeremiah and she stared into his eyes. "F-Forgive me," She whispered to him before she planted another kiss on his lips. She was already 'pregnant' so she saw nothing wrong with it.

Her brain seemed to be a bit behind as it began to turn. OH NO. NO NO NO NO NO. Her cheeks began to turn pink again as she realized she just kissed him so deeply without prompting. "I...I should go," she quickly turned and walked out to talk to Margaret.

The heavily pregnant woman stood behind the bar watching over her customers to ensure they didn't get too wild. She sighed and shook her head, the poor girl had dug herself into such a deep hole with that jeremiah fellow, she thought to herself. Hime walked up to Margaret and smiled awkwardly. "Hey Hime how did it go?" She felt her lips twist into a wry smile.

"What have I done? I kissed him again...My sister is going to kill me!" She exclaims quietly.

"Hime relax ok, everything will be alright," Margaret says calmly.

"How do you know that?" Hime asks.

"I'm pregnant already and I'm doing alright," Margaret replies chuckling.

Hime closes her eyes and takes a deep breath and upon opening her eyes, Yuno was released. "I'm going to beat him to a pulp. How dare he take advantage of me...hime. Thanks M."

Yuno stomped towards the backroom and grabbed Jeremiah by the front of his shirt. She stared into his eyes without a single word being said. The anger and worry and doubt all mixed in her eyes.

"You ARE coming home with me tonight. We shall let my sister judge your worthiness for Hime and myself. In a few hours, I/We get off work."

darkborn darkborn
As soon as Hime left, Jeremiah let out a sigh of relief. After that second kiss, he'd.. held his breath? Lost his breath? Something along those lines, though he didn't have a clue on how he lost his breath- nor was he keen to find out. It was definitely a surprise, coming from timid Hime, but seriously, what could he expect? The entire time he was here, he was faced with surprise after surprise. It's nothing like home.... At that, Jeremiah touched the guitar on his back. At least he still had that.

Jeremiah took a deep breath, and looked around the backroom. It was filled with crates, bags, barrels, and other things that Jeremiah really didn't want to name at the moment; however, he took note of each place. It would probably be wise to do so; after all, he might be working here for some time. For some time.... hahahahah.... At last, the gravity of the situation hit Jeremiah, and he slumped onto the floor. I'm in some crazy world, just..just... who KNOWS how far away it is from home... Not only is it a medieval one, but it's one straight from the books, like something from Anime or D&D! HAH! Have I gone insane? ...I actually hope so. Then Mom will at least be able to find me...

Oh, God. MOM. She would be worried sick! She would call him, and actually lose her demeanor and PANIC. Oh, no. She would do everything she could to find him. And after everything he had done to her.... No. He had to make it back home. Somehow. Maybe it was like Narnia or something? Maybe he had to complete some special task, and then he could head back home? Then again, whenever that happened in anime, the person always gained some sort of superpower. Jeremiah did not feel super-powered.... Maybe he was doing something wrong?

As he scrambled to his feet, a short-term goal in his mind. A stupid one, but a plan, nevertheless. However, as soon as he got to his feet... The door slammed open. A goddess of fury, with red hair to match, marched in. Yuno. Oh God, n- But before he could finish that thought, Yuno had him by his shirt. How was that woman so strong!? Was this seriously Hime's body!? Why was she eve-

Yuno's deathstare promptly cut off all further thoughts. At that point, Jeremiah was paralyzed on what to do next, until Yuno spoke to him. "You ARE coming home with me tonight. We shall let my sister judge your worthiness for Hime and myself. In a few hours, I/We get off work." At that, Jeremiah nervously stuttered, "N-now, calm down. Wh-who was it that really proposed? Not me! It was...well..." I/we? She even said the slash!? She. Was. Serious. Oh God. Someone help him. She/they had a sister!? If Yuno was anything to judge by...

He finally realized what was in Yuno's deathstare. Anger, obviously, but also worry and doubt. And upon seeing that, Jeremiah's shoulders slumped, and he gave a sigh. He grabbed Yuno's wrists, and forced them off of him- with some difficulty, but now that he was actually trying, he was able to loosen their hold on his shirt. While still holding her hands, to prevent her from killing him, obviously. Obviously... A-anyways... He quietly, but firmly, spoke to her, "Getting angry about this won't help. And I really can't predict the future, can I? So let's just get to work, and focus on the now." Getting her away from obviously a sensitive topic would be great. And then, he probably needed to add something else, something to steer the topic away from dangerous waters. So, he said, "Is your sister used to such... different temperaments, personalities?" Get the subject away from the kiss... get away from that...
"Hum..." - That wasn't a very pleasure walk outside the city, a lonely walk through that new world he had just discovered. - "I hope im right about this..." - Minoru tried to investigate from where he came as soon as he started his path. His mind was already set on returning home as soon as possible. - "Maybe i did something stupid and died? Man i can't remember anything... All i remember was to follow some flying burrito-rabbit through the woods and... Huh, so much for a reliable memory, still... This can't be somewhere in Japan, or even..." - he talked to himself while walking deeper into the woods, searching for any resemblance of evidence of what happened. - "I wish i could bring her with me, but well.. what kind of father would i be... tsc... always being a role model..."
His stomach was now making louder and louder noises, something definitely was not OK. - "Its okay... i can go a little bit longer... ugh..." - Somehow he had some expectations on finding something quickly, some clue to give him some direction on where to go next, any piece of evidence of anything coming from his world to sign him that there was someone to find. But there was nothing. It felt like a long, meaningless walk. - "Well, its alright, i think i can go a little bit... ugh..." - Already feeling weak, Minoru fell onto his knees, taking a huge breath. - "I need to eat... Man.. why didn't i asked that girl for food? Idiot.. okay, calm down, think... im gonna find something..." - In a new journey, but with much less energy, he got up and started a new search, for food.
A group of small critters of the forest was also searching for food, in their own way. Little mammals that got scared when the man approached, fearing for their pups. They got a surprise when the man suddenly ignored them and climbed on a nearby tree, going for the fruit on the top.
"Never ate this... hope its good" - He took out some of those fruits and got back on the ground.
There was no point on keep searching if he had no energy, so this time Minoru took his time and prepared himself to take some rest. While whistling some old songs he remembered, he started to build a small camp, just a fire and something resembling a shelter, only halfway done.
He ate and then went back to work, preparing a fire and giving some last touches for the shelter. - "I.. think i kinda suck at this. Well, at least i still remember how to do a fire like this, boy scouts wasn't for nothing. Pf.. Im exhausted..." - Taking a like of the new fruit he found, Minoru went back to those trees to pick up some more. When he was back, some small friendly critters waited nearby, only a little bit afraid, but not that much.
"Huh, i guess i have company" - He sat down near the fire, and started to eat while giving his new friends little bits of his food. Everything sounded very calm, and it gave him some time to breathe. He noticed that the sun was about to rest too, and looked up searching for the first stars to appear.
"I just left her there, i think she thinks im very weird, but i had to, i mean, its not about Hitomi... How could it be? Who knows how far she was... and well..." - He took a look at the very confused critters nearby, and sighed, like he figured out why they were so confused. - "Thats what i have to do, i have responsibilities. Although... i don't know how this is gonna work out. I mean it could take days, weeks, months until i get somewhere. Do you guys think i should go back to the girl in the city? I mean i shouldn't hold myself right, its not that i ran from the city for being shy, i could talk to her, its just that..." - He looked at the confused critters, who obviously couldn't talk back. - "Tsc.. Women... Anyway... I wonder if anybody is really missing me..." - He looked back at the flames. - "Karin... I don't care if nobody misses me, i'll go back... and you will know you're my daughter. Hm?" - He looked back at the confused critters, his talk buddies. - "Who's Karin? Oh, she's my daughter. She's very cute. Wait i have a photo of her. Here." - He took out his wallet and showed the picture to the critters with proud. - "Cute, isn't she?" - He smiled, but the moment was interrupted by a sound nearby, Like something was getting closer. - "Hm?" - Minoru got serious all of the sudden, and looked around. He couldn't see anything that seemed dangerous though.
"Huh, thats funny. I though i heard som..."

And then, he felt it, that pressure, that striking pain. His body thrown against a tree fast enough to break it and to send all of the creatures nearby fleeing in fear.
"Ugh... what... what the hell... What?" - For a moment he just forgot what kind of world he got himself into. At that moment, Minoru felt really scared. - "D-Dammit..! sh...!!! oh god it hurts..."
"F-FUCK! What the hell are you? Okay buddy you really pissed the wrong guy toni....!" - He had to stop talking and dodge the attack, otherwise he was sure his head would be cut off. - "GET OUT OF MY WAY!" - Taking the opportunity, he punched the creature, sending it a few meters away. It wasn't nearly enough though, the creature got up quickly, while Minoru started feeling the poison spreading trough his blood, his chest was getting rigid and it was becoming harder and harder to breathe. He felt his muscles stiffening, and the pain was just getting worse.
"Sh..." - Minoru shook his head to bring his thoughts back, just in time to dodge another attack. Very close. - "I told you.. to GET -.. OFF!!!" - He tried another furious punch and he missed, but the punch made a hole on the floor. The creature wasn't scared and right after it jumped to Minoru, biting him near his shoulder, almost hitting his neck. - "DAMMIT! AAAAAAAAAH!!!" - It was excruciating pain, his eyes started to blur, but Minoru desperately tried to take the creature off himself. - "You damn.. fucking Demon! Get the fuck off! GET OFF! AAAAAAAAAAAAH! AAAH!" - He grabbed the creature and, with his power rising, he was able to throw that thing away. The bleeding however was severe, and he couldn't keep himself up, and he fell on the grass, bleeding.
"I'm gonna die... i'm gonna die here, what can i do? I'm just some guy... who works in a office.." - "No!" - he screamed to himself, but his thoughts seemed louder. - "I'm gonna die, im gonna die.." - "NO!N..-!" - His throat was now completely stiff, he couldn't say a word. And every single second after, it was getting harder to breathe. - "I'm gonna die, i'm gonna..."
But then, something shut the voice on his head. He looked to the side, and it was the picture of his daughter.

Somehow, he found the strenght to close his fist. Something was awakening a deep anger on him. - "Death... BULLSHIT. That doesn't matter to me, i'm not... " - He started to get up. The creature was coming back, but something was changing. The winds, they were changing, like even the air felt there was something wrong. Every creature nearby sensed it, and they started to flee as quickly as they could. - "not gonna die... I'M NOT GOING TO DIE" - Even that strange monster felt it, it sensed the danger, Minoru was different. But the monster was still not convinced about turning back, after all, there shouldn't be much more work after that, it was clear that the Man would not stand too much longer.
Minoru took a huge breath, while getting up and lowering his fist, closing it for a punch.
"I'm gonna destroy you.. and everything that stands on my way, i won't... I WON'T LET ANYTHING STOP ME!!!!!!!!!"
His scream taunted the creature, who jumped against him, unafraid of the punch Minoru was preparing. And it got closer, and closer, Minoru wasn't moving. Until the horn of the creature pierced through his belly, spreading huge amounts of blood on the floor.
That's when the creature felt his head being held by Minoru's left arm, while his right was rising.
Minoru was at his limit, which allowed him to use his power to the limit. The punch sounded like an explosion, it could be heard who-knows how many kilometers away, even in Yuessay. It created a large crater on the floor. Slowly, the dust was getting blown away by the wind, the wind generated by the wings of the creature, alive and well, flying over the crater where Minoru was.
He was defeated, paralyzed and unable to do anything else other than fight for every slight breath that he could, until it was finally impossible, Even his lungs wasn't responding, and he knew that suddenly, it would be his heart.
"Sorry Karin... I hope you can forgive..." - the punch sent the picture flying, and it slowly fell next to him. - "...Your fool of a dad..."
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    It was rather...early for me to be home, I realized. I normally wouldn't be back at all until deep into the evening, and yet one could hardly call this "afternoon" so far. A happy occasion. Besides just having a regular meal I didn't get to spend a whole lot of time with my little sisters and little brother these days. Maybe we could play some games or take a stroll around town together (heavily guarded of course), a celebration of all we had suddenly gained today. Well, naturally I would have to keep the expenses moderate so as to not waste the gift. By the kings, we needed it.

    I carefully placed the meat on the table, keeping an eye on the legs to make sure they wouldn't come apart the moment I left them to support the weight on their own. I was glad to see that wasn't the case. I then put down my spear as well and togetehr with Modori began preparing the meat. We hadn't had any in so long, I'm sure even Hime would just come on running out of her room, drolling all over herself, probably not even bothering to stand up and just crawling on all fours towards the meal. We'd get her to stay put at least while we were still cooking it, laugh about it without a care in the world like back in the day, and finally have to drag her into getting dressed and leaving the house. It was almost like when was that little kid who insisted I dress her up, not even letting the maids take care of that. I giggled behind a fist, and found myself unable to resist watching the makeshift curtains to Hime's room, wondering when she would come out.

    ...Any moment now...

    ...She would appear... any moment.... now...

    "Hime?" The smell of the meat was already fully filling up my nostrils, even our little baby brother seemed to be start to question whether or not approaching fire was a good idea, just to be able to get some of that tasty-smelling thing. I stood up, my smile faded, and marched towards the curtains, which I flung open in a hurry. My eyes widened. "Hime? Hime!"

    I spun in a 180 degree turn.

    "Modori, where's Hime? Her bed is empty!" Where could she have gone? That girl never left her bed! She was like a baby, only sleeping, eating and pooping...right? I could feel my hands trembling as if they were trying to drill through the air, my breathing was heavy, and Modori's silence definitely wasn't helping me feel any better about this whole situation. Finally the girl gave me a bit of a hesitant response.

    "I-I I think I d-d-did hear a few noises, b-but I thought she...she was just rolling in her bed! You know, she she did put in a bit of weight, you know, like, uh, and I was so busy taking care of-"

    In order words, she knew nothing, but she did hear some noises. Hime didn't just leave through the front entrance. For her not to do that could only mean one thing: someone kidnapped her! I grabbed my spear and pushed open the door.

    "I'm going to look for any clues I can, forget the beat, block the doors with everything you can. Let NOBODY in, you hear me Modori? NOBODY."

    With that I began sprinting through town. I doubted kidnappers would just have her hanging around kidnapped fully exposed in the middle of the day,but I might be able to find some form of clue. Oh, please, let me find some kind of clue!

    Damnit, I should have known better than to think things were turning around! Did they find who we were? No, that didn't matter. Only one thing mattered:

    Someone kidnapped my dear little sister!


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Interacting With: ABetterNickname ABetterNickname (Minoru)
Mentions: Sgt Gomez Sgt Gomez
Might Also Want to Read: darkborn darkborn

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Yuno scowls at him as he talks. She saw what he was trying to do by changing the subject, but she didn't mind changing the subject because the kiss was a sore subject for her.

"She doesn't know. I mean how do you think she would react knowing her sister has two personalities? She would flip," a concerned chuckle left her lips, "I obviously couldn't care less, but Hime is terrified of anyone knowing. Except for Margaret and now you."

Yuno wanted to gloss over the fact that all of the patrons know as well, but no one would really believe a bunch of drunk adventurers. The girl sighed and pulled her hands back away from Jeremiah so he would let her go without thinking she was going to attack him. Had she truly frightened him that much? She knew she could be scary to the patron of the small inn, but that was mostly to keep them from being too rowdy and concerning Margaret.

"Since I SUPPOSE we are dating now," she speaks before turning her back to him and mumbling under her breath "Thanks Hime" before continuing so he could hear, "that means we need to get to know each other more doesn't it? I guess I shall start...I'm a noble...or at least I was until my oldest sister and parents fought and we were expelled from the family. That's when I woke. That period of our life was tough on Hime. So my older sister ran away with us and we came here. She works as an adventurer to try and scrounge food for us. I...well...Hime decided to get a job to try and help us survive. She makes 'donations' to the family whenever she gets paid. My sister Tori would freak out if she found out Hime had a job."

The girl sighs and turns back around to stare into his eyes. She knew he was sort of a bum from just the aura he radiated off of him. She gently lays a hand on his shoulder and gave it a light squeeze.

"If you EVER tell anyone about my family or me, I will find you and kill you. Got it?" She whispered in a flat tone, "Now think about what YOU want to do in life because I have to get back to work. Find me when you want to talk."

She turns back around and walks out of the closet and begins to tend to customers by fetching more ale or food and ensuring everyone is having a good time. Margaret quietly watches the girl from the counter. The pregnant woman smiles softly as she sees the slightly changed stance and mannerism of the girl. She seemed more relaxed and dare she say it...relaxed. Yuno was known to be the more uptight and stern while Hime tended to be more aloof and giggly.

The hours seemed to pass as the laughter and drinking began to die down as most of the adventurers left to go on a quest or to go to their homes. Yuno was dutifully cleaning the tables to get ready for the next day as Margaret was counting the coin earned from the day at the counter.

"Yuno, it looks like you made a decent amount today," she says to the girl.

Yuno nods and opens her mouth to speak before she notices Jeremiah emerge from the closet. "Finally joined the land of the living eh?"

Just then a rather flustered girl bursts into the inn looking frantically around. Yuno's eyes went wide as she recognized the girl.

"Oh no," she gasped under her breath before quickly turning towards Jeremiah hoping her expression would cause him to realize who the girl was.

Idea Idea darkborn darkborn
Well. Wasn't this a surprise?...

No. Scratch that. This was confusing. One moment, Yuno was threatening to essentially kill him, the next, offering to tell him all of her life- er, Hime's; wait, was it both? Ah, who cares at this point?- details. So, she was a noble? What was this, some sort of romance novel? ...Or an ecchi anime.... At that thought, his face reddened visibly. At Yuno's questioning stare, he waved it off, snapping, "It's nothing!" After that little incident, Yuno just went back to explaining the circumstances. Jeremiah's thoughts churned over the facts, however. Mainly the one where Yuno 'woke up' after the family's expulsion. Of course she did.... why develop and grow from this, when you can instead have a split personality handle it for you... albeit like a psychopath! Jeremiah thought bitterly. He then shook his head. That was mean. No; not just that. It was bitter. He shouldn't be like that, despite the circumstances.

Another question popped into his head: How did Hime manage to slip these 'donations' past by her sister? Surely in a money starved family like hers, Yuno/Hime's sister would notice the extra money, and wonder where it came from. He was about to ask this question, until another distracting thought hit him. He had just combined the two personalities together in one compound name. Oh God. Was he getting used to this insanity already? That derailed his line of questions, and left him nursing a damaged psyche. Or, that's what he thought.

Another interruption from Yuno. This time.... "If you EVER tell anyone about my family or me, I will find you and kill you. Got it?" Jeremiah reared back slightly in fear, but Yuno wasn't done yet. "Now think about what YOU want to do in life because I have to get back to work. Find me when you want to talk." At THAT, Jeremiah forgot his fear. He forgot his confusion. He felt anger. This girl... she.. she just assumed that he couldn't do anything!? She was threatening him because she thought he was lazy, was that it? The anger slowly churned and morphed into a fiery determination. This.... female... would see that he wasn't the useless wretch she thought he was. Never again. Never again would he fall back to such habits. He was stronger now. He worked for others, and not because of need for basic necessities or fear of reprisal, but because it was the right thing to do. And no one was going to deter him from that. Not being stranded in a different world, not the draw of his old witchery, and most definitely NOT this mere twisted mirror of a person!

Jeremiah leaned forward, and met the girl's flat stare with his own fiery one. "Oh, don't worry, 'princess;' I've already got that part figured out." His right hand went up, grabbed her arm that was squeezing him lightly, and forced it off of him. "Now, I think your work is calling you." At that, he let go of her arm, and she walked out of the closet. Supply room. Whatever you want to call it. ...Wait. Yuno didn't think he could work? Well, he'd show her...

A couple of hours later, Jeremiah slumped down onto the floor of the now-organized supply room. It wasn't too shabby a job, if he could say so for himself. The foodstuffs and ingredients was organized together, as were the utensils, cooking supplies, and all the other various things necessary to run a tavern. Though, Jeremiah was going to have to do something about the food... raise it up so that the rats would have a harder time getting it, in addition to setting out traps for them. Or maybe just getting a cat. They were the best hunters of small animals; more so than any thing man could come up with. However... time to design a table. He searched around, and finding a scrap of paper...or parchment... whatever it was... he set it down. Now to find something to write on. He searched in vain, until he felt a familiar sensation in his pants. He pulled it out: a small notebook with a pencil. ...Of course! His song-book.

He opened it to the place where the pencil was at, and stopped. The still-unfinished epithet to his dad stared at him in the face. Jeremiah gripped his pencil tightly, and whispered, "I will make you proud, no matter where I'm at, no matter the circumstances. And that's a promise I intend to keep." At that, he closed the book, and put it next to his guitar. Jeremiah wasn't finished with that song.

After that sentimental moment, Jeremiah set himself to work designing on the table- which you would think would be easy, right? No. Not for Jeremiah. He was an engineer. It couldn't be that simple. After all, it had to support the weight of tons of foodstuff (Making x beams spanning the legs.), make it so that the rats wouldn't gnaw at it (The wood would have to be pressure treated.), make it so that the table could easily be moved if so desired, yet could also stay firm if necessary (Wheels with a lock preventing them from rolling would do the trick.), and make it so that it was easy to reach all the food (He still needed to work on that. Maybe make it like a shelf instead..?).

A couple more hours of brainstorming later, and and Jeremiah decided that he had done all he could at the moment. He glanced out the cracked door, and saw that the tavern was noticeably more empty than last time. He would have to go outside soon. He would have to deal with the world again. Jeremiah sighed. What would dad do in this situation?

...Dad would probably tough it up. He'd probably treat Yuno/Hime with the respect he gave all women, probably more so because they were dating- and he would have accepted the fact that they were dating. He'd see Margaret and do his best to help her, just because it was the right thing to do. And he would do it with a cheerful demeanor.

...Ugh. Jeremiah went over the events of the day. His reaction towards Yuno wasn't the best. The girl may drive him crazy with here Yandere/Tsundere-ness, she was still, well, dating him. He'd suppose he'd have to make it up to her. ..But how? That girl seemed to be the epitome of cynicism. How could he break through that icy shell? Or, on the flip side, how could he convince Hime to do anything if she was scared of everything? ...He had just barely started, and dating was proving to be hard!

Jeremiah sighed, again. The first step would have to be step outside, and face the world. He glanced at his guitar and book. He'd also have to earn his pay somehow... and he remembered reading somewhere that musicians would trade their, well, trade for a meal and a bed. While Margaret was kind enough to give him those things, Jeremiah felt guilty for just taking them without doing anything for it. So... Jeremiah stood up, grabbed his book and put it in his back pocket, put his guitar on his back, and walked out into the main room.

He froze at the first words directed to him. "Finally joined the land of the living eh?" Yuno. He stiffened for a bit, before sighing and relaxing. While it was frustrating to have her seem like she almost forgot the harsh words she said to him, he would put up with it. He smiled wearily at both Yuno and Margaret, before a flustered girl entered the tavern. And upon seeing Yuno's panicked face, the first thing that went through Jeremiah's mind was, "Oh crap."
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    [div class=bak][div class=linko]Tori Senbonohana[/div]
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    I continued to zigzag through the Yuessay streets, climbing onto homes and entering warehouses left and right as my heartbeat grew faster and faster and my eyes more and more widely open, but to no avail. Just where could Hime be?! I didn't want to think about that possibility, but what if she had been kidnapped by some common crowd rather than some noble that uncovered who we were or some hidden criminal? If they were criminals, they were hidden too well for me to find them right now. Getting into the noble's homes would be too difficult, and I could easily be arrested by the guild if I attempted that, regardless of my reasons. I clutched my chest. I had to try to look for her in certain...rowdier places.


    "Lord Senbonohana, in the name of the king, you are hereby under arrest for charges of treason of the highest order! Your powers and title are hereby revoked, and you shall come with us at once. Please, do not resist!" The soldiers banged the spears on the ground. Mom pressed me down with her foot, keeping me hidden under the bed while dad stood in a hurry, blocking their sights to how mom was acting. With much effort, I managed to look up, but mom could only give me a quick glance and a short shake of the head in response. I saw her eyes grow teary. I wanted to growl and kick and scream for help, but from her expression, and the way dad was trying to talk to an armed soldier coming for him, I had already realized: no help was about to come. All the people who were our soldiers, our allies, who were supposed to protect us, had betrayed us instead. I wouldn't understand t just what extend until much later though.

    "What are you doing! I can walk by myself! Do you seriously think I'd defy an order from my king, especially with a group of you- " He was allowed to speak any further as the soldiers muzzled him.

    "With all due respect, sire, you are suspected of high treason in collusion with a group of practicioners of forbidden magic. We cannot allow you to utter a single word." The soldier that did it grunted. Mom was given a similar treatment.

    "Let go of- mmhmmm! Mhmmhm!" Peaking from the under the bed I could see her tears until she was hit in the back of a head with a spear from a panicked soldier. I held my breath as I saw that red line dripping down from her hair, and one of the soldiers checked her pulse, concluding she was alive, then dragged her along with my dad, who was enfuriated at the sight.

    "Mommy....Daddy... " I cried as I crawled out from the under silken bedsheets.

    ~~~~~~~~~Flasback Over~~~~~~~~

    Silence overcame the tavern as I slammed the door open, panting as my eyes scouted the crowd. This was definitely one of those "rowdier places", crammed with adventurers sitting in lone chairs or benches around equally wooden tables. Judging by the half-worn gear on those roughed up muscles full of bruises and scars, these adventurers definitely looked like the violent sort, the savage sort...even the drunken sort if one accounted for the horrible stentch even at this hour. Adventurers held their ale or chewed on meat while observing my movements. One in particular growled angrily as he attempted to clean up the ale he spilled on himself when he was startled by the slammed door. Looking closely at the upper parts of the walls there was even mush growing there.

    I could feel the weight of all those eyes on me as I tiptoed around the puddles of spilled blood, sweat, puke and ale on the floor. A small scrawny adventurer covered by a dark green hood, and another with almost twice my height and judging by that open belly 10 times my weight, wearing a tiny horned helmet that barely covered his forehead (even though he was nearly bald to begin with), and was no match for his chin.

    "Is something the matter, Mommy-Tori? We don't usually see you around these parts, and you look awful tired there." He said as he scratched his underbelly. At this time I wished at least knew these people's names.

    "I don't want to cause any trouble. My sister disappeared though, I think she may have been kidnapped."

    "You won't find her here then. You know our boys here would never let that happen."

    I pulled up my spear, hands trembling a bit as I raised it. Immediately more adventurers stood from their tables, and some even began drawing weapons themselves, or hiding behind stuff afraid of what might happen.

    "I'm here because you might've made that happen. I hate to have to suspect my fellow adventurers like this, but you know our reputation. Especially around "these parts". So I'll have to ask that you let me take a look around and confirm with my own eyes." I clutched my spear tighter. He furrowed his eyebrows in turn, and took a step forward. I scouted my surroundings again, if this was about to get ugly I needed to at least know where to move. Even if I was probablys screwed either....way....

    That face!

    "Hime! There you are!" Even the big looked surprised, and everyone turned to the girl I was gesturing at, except a few more cautious fellas who remained with weapons on hand or clutched behind whatever hideout they found. I lowered my weapon, so they allowed me to march towards the girl and the people next to her, some pregnant woman, and a random guy in funny clothes. Oddly enough Hime WASN'T tied up or even had a minor weight placed upon her which she was too lazy to move out. "Hime, what the hell are you doing in a place like this?"
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Interacting With: Sgt Gomez Sgt Gomez
Mentions: darkborn darkborn
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