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Fantasy In Another World with My Evil Plans and Trusty Tune



The Pun Tyrant
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
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    [div class=bak][div class=linko]Tori Senbonohana[/div]
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    The pair of gloves wrapped around the fungi, pressing up against the faintly white-orangish cap with a single purple line dividing the middle, like a border between countries. The roots untangled after a moment, a few snapped, and a yellow liquid dripped out of the so-called "faman's shroom". Needless to say I quickly threw it into the basket with the rest.

    "Crap, I pulled too hard." I wasn't completely sure if the busted ones still counted for the quest. Probably not. Faman's shrooms growing spots weren't easy to find, and it was mostly the higher classes that ate them. The pickiest kind of people. In a way, I could see why: Though this particular shroom was on the little side, I could easily see the stalk being used as a glove for my thumb, given how thick it was. On the other hand, it was hard to imagine, looking at it, why that droopy thing contained within the shroom would be viewed as edible. I quickly shook my hand in an attempt to rid myself of the butter-like substance, sprinkling it against the rest of the vegetation in that clearing like a dog shaking water from their fur. There was rustle. I immediately grabbed my spear from my back and pointed it behind me. "Gust!"

    Wind spiraled around my spear, forming little stripes of green light before it dissipated and blasted whatever was behind me with a sudden jet of air. There was a low, thick grumble, an annoyed and pained scream of a seemingly rather muffled voice. I turned around.

    "A [div class=linkA]kayeri[/div] huh? These people... so that's what the special deal was all about." A centipede-like worldholde had slithered behind me, the claws it had as both hands and feet waving menancingly in my direction as it prepared to get back at me for the coat of shrooms that coated it's back getting stained with the contents of the paman's. Indeed, the creature didn't sound impressive on paper. It was basically an overgrown mushroom with a group of other mushrooms attached to it, moving about pretending to be a real beast. Furthermore they only grew in very particular conditions, deep in the forest in generally very humid conditions, and even then it was rare for a gathering to gather enough magic for one to form. What made them worrisome was how intensely toxic they were, a light touch had led adventurers to drool themselves paralyzed in a bed for days after a swift rescue... If anyone was fit for the task, it was someone like me who had equippment that allowed for ranged combat. "No wonder the reward was so high this time. They were probably counting on me having to slay a couple of these."

    Spear in hand, I prepared an air blade spell. Damm it! Couldn't I just have some quiet time? I couldn't believe I let myself get tricked like this.

    -5 hours ago-

    Standing beside her bed, I knew very well nomatter how much I shook her bedsheets my younger sister wouldn't awake. Well, the oldest of the two younger sisters I had, as Modori was already taking take of our brother, Wakai, unlike a certain little sleeping giant here I was staring at. Finally, with a sigh, I gave up on trying once more and aimed for the kitchen. Fortunately, Modori at least was already quite responsible for her age. It was her who really kept the house tidy, arranging what little furniture we had and cleaning up all the dust, from the bunk beds in the sleeping room, to the "kitchen" that was also the living room, populated only by four lonely wooden chairs, a few shelves made from broken bits of the walls and a pile of worlhole pelts by a corner.

    I pressed my finger against the breads on the kitchen table and took the one that offered most resistance before heading to the door. I grabbed the rocks that stood guard on our door during the night, the blocking rocks, and slid them over to the side with care, just enough to open the door and let me pass with my equipment.

    "I'll be leaving then. Don't hesitate to go to the guildhall if anything happens while I'm out." With a "See you later" and a "bye bye" from the two awake ones, I closed the wooden door (much like the rest of the house) and remained by it as Modori pulled the blocking rocks. I hated having to make her do that, but Wakai was far too young and the other one... Anyway, my first stop was Sil's district, apply and very recently named after the blacksmith that lived there. Naturally that wasn't the actual name of the place, but with how the two smith's were, something about calling it that just felt so much more..natural.

    Now, admitedly if you entered his shop like I did (I guess this would mean, from the front) "blacksmith" wouldn't be the first occupation that came to mind. "Retailer" might be your first guess. It had armor and weapons, both the glowey and non-glowey kind (though few could compare to Krom's state-of-the-art forge-crafted modern marvels), but he also had coats of skin and cloth, robes, pebbles, bags and many other things. He was a crafter of all trades, maybe not named Jack out of the universe having a little sense that not of humor. It was a miracle, as he could provide me equipment of all kinds, while selling me cheaper types as well, if a bit weaker too. He wasn't cheap by any means, but ouf the two options, he was surely the more affordable one. Nonetheless, it was clear as the homes shifted to employ more and more stone and less and less wood that we were entering an area with a far greater budget on its pockets.

    "Sil! Sil!" I called out.

    "Oooh, if it isn't the princess. Come for your check-up?" His laugh was almost as rough as the beard he kept stroking as he stood up. I nodded as soon as I was in sight and laid both the coat and the spear on the balcon, leaving me only with a linen shirt to protect my modesty. The dwarf took a good look, first at my equipment, then at me, and quickly glanced back to the equipment. "If I had known you were this bold, I might've raised the price when I made the deal."

    It took me a moment to process and shoot him a glare that only accomplished making him chuckle. I looked away.

    "Well, we didn't so... " I was sure he got the idea. He was just teasing me, but even that could get a little annoying. Her chuckled again. Truth be told, the deal I made with him was perhaps the best decision I'd made since coming to this town, a town where they wouldn't ask questions and getting a job, even if it was a dangerous job, was fast. It was the perfect place to hide, just shy of our former territory, but still a place where we could sustain ourselves.

    Though I wasn't looking, I could hear the echo of metal against metal, and later something with the coat. His chanting didn't fall death on my ears either, nor the slight green and blue glow of the walls as the light from my items reached them.

    "Everything seems to be in order." Sil concluded, dragging the items slightly in my direction across the balcony. I exchanged them with a coin from my pouch, and got myself dressed properly again. "Sure you don't want anything new? Fall is almost upon us. You could use something warmer."

    "First I need to get the house warmer. I don't want to rely on that shady guy again." I grabbed the door and slid it open a little more violently than innitially predicted. Fortunately, I managed not to knock anything down. Sil had a bored expression as he rested his face on the palm of his hand, his arm in turn being supported by his elbow on the balcon.

    "Listen here princess, whose gonna take care of supporting that family if you get sick?"

    There was a moment of silence. Then I stepped out of the door.

    "...Me." I declared as was shutting.

    -Three hours and a half ago-

    "Mushrooms?" I glanced at the paper again. It SEEMED simple enough, and the reward was oddly generous. If I took this and got through it, we might even be able to afford that shielded heater I had my on for some time. Get through the winter easier.

    "Yes, faman's shrooms, to be exact. We had a large order recently, there seems to be some kind of banquet on the way. Though the area is mostly clear of worldholes, a lot of your fellow adventurers don't feel like adventuring deper into the forest, and the more skilled ones can't be bothered to be told to go pick up shrooms with all those new dungeons being discovered." It seemed like a done deal. I hated the idea of going deeper into the forest too, but with this generous a reward...plus the worldholes up until that point shouldn't be all the more dangerous than what I normally dealt with, so as long as I didn't run into any pack leaders, I should be perfectly fine. [div class=linkB]The quest-giver girl[/div] smiled bright as usual, really exhibiting that new "lipstick" fad she had adhered to, emphasing with the red moist lips her enviably well-kept hair, bright face and typical long ears. Noticing I was starting to drift off, she decided to seal the deal. "Of course, any monster parts you catch along the way will be bought at market price as well by the guild."

    I took it without another thought, and happily strolled to the city gates. I gave Xavier a wave and a wink, so he opened the gates for me without much question as usual. I had once asked him if he wasn't afraid to get reprimanded by his boss. He told me he already had been...

    ...but it was worth it, he said.

    -Present Time-

    I couldn't believe I had let myself get tricked like that!...Again.

    "It's not that they are being generous. They disguised this as a collecting quest so that they didn't have to pay me for the actual slaying." I pouted as I began collecting the spores into a little bag. This was the way to show I had collected them. It was good for the land, which wasn't drained by the toxic spores, useful for the guild that didn't have to deal with new kayeris spawning, and profitable for me who got to sell those spores. "But not as profitable as an actual quest to slay them."

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Interacting With: N/A
Mentions: Sgt Gomez Sgt Gomez (Himeno Senbonohana)
Might Also Want to Read: ABetterNickname ABetterNickname darkborn darkborn

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Jeremiah sighed. He seriously needed to figure out how to get this song right. He held up his guitar and studied it, looking for inspiration, ideas, anything to break the little bloc he was going through.

What he got back was silence. Hah. As if the guitar could speak to him.

What worried Jeremiah was that he had a concert tomorrow, and he needed to come up with a nice ballad. Admittedly, it was a small audience they were performing for- as not many people like screamo- and he really had all the time in the world to finish the ballad. Except that it was Dad's death date that day, as well. Jeremiah really wanted to finish the song in time for that occasion and make it meaningful. And so he really didn't have time. What was he thinking?

Jeremiah let loose another sigh and stared up at the night sky. Almost a year. A year since Dad died. And Jeremiah still didn't know how to make up to him and Mom all his past decisions. That's what that song was supposed to do: tell them that he still loved them and that he was thankful for their help, even if he did have a rough time in the beginning. Just how to get over this stupid bloc...

Well, there was nothing else he could do. Jeremiah stood up from his chair on the balcony overlooking the campus- he lived on the third floor of a campus dorm- and swung his guitar over his back. the young musician turned around to face the door. The lights from the two windows on either side of the door dazzled him slightly as he approached his doors.

Jeremiah closed his eyes for a moment to block out those lights, turned the knob and opened the door, and entered through the doorway.

And emerged onto an old pile of hay.

Jeremiah sputtered out a little cry of surprise, and as he stood up, he noticed that he was in very different conditions than his dorms. Around him the buildings reached over him, creating a dark, cloistered sense, and here and there were wooden planks, little piles of rock and shale, and there was a door or two on either side of him. When the bewildered young man stepped out of the hay pile that he somehow landed on, his shoes landed on firm cobblestone, and as he looked both ways, he saw lanes of light showing a multitude of people wandering around.

Wait- he was on cobblestone? Impossible.

After standing a moment in shocked silence, Jeremiah began to approach one of the exits of the alley he landed in. Again, he was presented a shock.

The people were not dressed like him. Or like any modern day person, for that matter. Their clothes were reminiscent of the medieval period, and here and there he saw carts being carried along by either stooped figures or by horses, oxen, or mules. In the distance cries of hawkers in their little outdoor booths rang out, the bleating of animals could be heard, and the wooden wheels of carts were making clattering and creaking sounds over the cobblestone road . The smell of burnt flesh- probably animals being cooked- floated on the air. It was almost if Jeremiah had walked into a Renascence fair. Except, he didn't remember going to one.

In fact.... it was day time! He was entering his dorm in the night time! What in God's name...

A quote entered in Jeremiah's mind, and he chuckled slightly in his confusion, before muttering quietly, "We're not in Kansas anymore."
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Fog rolled over the clearing that Hime was currently sitting in. Clouds filled the sky and a slight chill crept up her spine. Where was she? Hime looked around her as the fog continued to grow thicker and thicker blocking the view of the trees at the edge of the clearing. "H-Hello?" Hime calls as she senses movement around her, but unable to see whoever or whatever it was. "Little fly. Little fly. Come into my web. I know you'll enjoy it," a seductive voice calls out from the fog. Hime stifled a scream and turned to leave, but behind her stood a shadowed figure. Hime tried to run...scream...ANYTHING, but she seemed to be frozen in fear. The figure reached up and threw back the hood covering their face. It was...her...but not her...

"Yuno!" Hime exclaims confused. Yuno smirks seductively "Miss me little fly?" She coos before stepping closer. Hime took a step back, but trips over a rock that wasn't there a second ago. "Why hide like you always do, little fly? Tell her. TELL HER!"

Hime's eyes shot open wide and she quickly sat up, throwing her blanket off of her. "Tori?!?" She calls out into the house, but not receiving an answer from her elder sister. The girl walked out into the hall and rubbed her eyes. "Is Tori out adventuring already?" She asked her younger sister shakily. It was evident she had had a bad dream. "Yeah," Modori murmurs "D you have my...pay?" The girl asks. Hime sighs and walked over to her cloak and pulled out her coin purse. The poor thing seemed to be mostly empty for now. "Tips were bad last night, but I have enough," hime says before taking out two coins and tossing them at her sister. "I'm going to go out for a while before I have to work so watch him ok?" She says referring to their brother. Modori nods and Hime soon left to wander the streets.

The scent of meat cooking over the open fires in the market district wafted towards her. Hime could hear her stomach growl from hunger. "No...not yet, I just need a little more money to help Tori out," she whispers to herself before glancing down an alley. She had no idea why she did, but as soon as her eyes connected with the dark alleyway, she could faintly see a boy falling into a pile of hay from slightly above the ground. A traveler from another world! Hime nervously stepped towards the alley. "H-Hello?" She called to the person clad in shadows. The girl froze as she realized this was like her dream.
He rolled from one side to the other, and blocked the sun in his eyes with his arm.
"No... damn... i don't want to... i don't want to because..." - It was some kind of very cursed nightmare, for sure. Minoru got up while screaming - "YOU'RE JUST TOO WEIRD FOR ME!!! AAAAAAAAH!!! Huh?"
With his eyes mildly opened, it took him a few minutes to realize that the dream was over, or that anything was happening. For a few minutes, his brain just show down, before sending him a clear message.

"Ouch! Aayayaya! My head, goddammit! Aaah!" - He was back on the floor, rolling again and again like that would be any helpful against the pain. It wasn't.

"Ugh..." - He blinked his eyes, again and again, until they fully recovered enough so he could see through the brightness. - "Oh no!" - He got up in a second with a desperate thought. - "What time is it?! I'm late!" - Minoru checked his pockets, fortunately he still had his wallet and his phone. But once he checked up his phone. "Crap... No batteries... Oh man, where the hell am i? I got wasted and then... I need to get a charger, or a phone..." - With his head still throbbing like there was a bunch of drums inside, Minoru still instantly began to thought out the rest of his day. - "Oh man, i need to find a good excuse to be late, it's my first day after promotion... let's see..." - Firstly, he needed to took care of his basic needs. Minoru walked for a while but couldn't find any road or bathroom. "That's okay, guess i'll do it in here."

After finishing, Minoru was back walking through the forest. - "What place is this? Man i got really wasted this time, ugh... what else do i remember... i was just drunk, and then i talked to some happy people on the train, and then the bus... Then i ended up in this forest... right? Dammit, i missed the event... my guild is gonna farm everything without me. ...." - For the time being, everything was going from bad to worse. While walking, he took a little sniff out of his clothes, getting the tie loose around his neck. - "I need to get to my apartment, and then i definitely need a bath before going to work... WORK!" - When he remembered, he started running again. And he ran everything he could, but he never got anywhere. "Where is the road?! Where is... Everybody!?"

Inevitably Minoru was forced to stop once his stamina was completely depleted. "Pf.. Pf... I can't... run... anymore... What place... is this... Dammit... i think... i got lost.. But this can't be the same.. forest... pf..." - It had been two hours since he woke up and he didn't ate or drink anything. - "I need.. coffee..." - Without hesitating anymore, he bet everything on calling for help. But instead of help, he screamed something else. - "COFFEEEEEEEEEE! SOMEBODY GIVE ME SOME COFFEE PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!" - No answer, which ment no hope. Minoru wasn't more than two hours late for work since he was 18. - "COFFEEEEEE!! Ahhh..."

"This is it... I get it now... this place..." - It was kinda pathetic, but Minoru already began to doubt for his own life. - "Is this because of you, god? You piece of fucking shit! You think what? You think i'm gonna stop drinking? You think i'm gonna stop looking for adult content? You wanna teach me a lesson? Well then..."
His speech was interrupted by the sound of his stomach. He didn't even had a great dinner the night before, mostly he just drank beer.
"You're completely right! I'm sorry! I'M SORRY! I'm gonna live a honorable life please! Now let me go back to my apartment, my job, to my daughter please!!!!"

Then, a miracle, a sound coming from behind the bushes.
"Eh? Am i saved? Hey! Hey, please, i need some help! Hey!" - Minoru crawled to the bushes, but once he passes through it, there was nothing there.
"Huh... No one... There is no one here... There is... no one... here..."
Minoru got up again, leaning against the first tree he saw, and being silent for a moment, taking a deep breath...
And then turning back and starting to punch the tree. "Dammit! They're gonna cut my salary, everybody is gonna talk shit again! Aaaaah!!" - After releasing his fury, he took another breath again. This time it worked much better.
"Phew.. okay... i'll keep walking, yes... if i keep walking at some point i'll... hm?"
"Funny.. thought i heard something."

"I thought i heard...." - Minoru looked at his left, to the tree who had the most strange pattern. Then the pattern started to move.
"eh..." - "That's bad"
Two snakes stared at him while Minoru slowly looked back.
"Heh... heh..." - That couldn't be real.
But maybe it could.

Without waiting any longer, it was time to once again deplete all of his stamina.

This time it was a much harder run, much more like a escape. Minoru lost one of his shoes and the sock of that same foot teared apart. His once white shirt was now mostly grey and brown, with his tie just hanging on his shoulders. - "I didn't knew... there was stuff like this in here... pf... pf.."

He couldn't run anymore, but he could walk, barely. He reached a place with some mushrooms on the floor. Minoru was very hungry, but they were not like any mushroom he ever saw. - "If i ate this i might die sooner... maybe..." - But then he raised his chin and looked straight forward.

"Someone!" - His voice didn't had much power, it had already been 4 hours since he woke up and it wasn't being the greatest day of his life for sure, but finally he got a spot of someone who seemed human. With the strength he had left, he approached, but just before she could notice, Minoru made a stop. Even though his condition was deplorable, he didn't want to scare her, so in that time of need he remembered the desperate interviews for job he had. With that, he put on his best façade, before finally calling her, like everything was o-kay.

"Hey! Hello! ..Excuse me, miss!" - He approached, and he didn't have to approach much for her to sense his smell. It smelt like rotten food with wet hair and a bit of shit he stepped on to complement it. His clothes dirty and torn in some places, and he was unshaved. Minoru took a good look at the girl, noticing her clothes and also the spear, which got him a sudden conclusion. "Cosplay?"

"Don't worry, i'm a productive member of society, i just need to use your charger! Well, your phone would work too, if it's okay for you, then i could call an uber..." - Minoru looked around again, he had lots of questions. - "Sorry but where is the nearest road?"
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    [div class=bak][div class=linko]Tori Senbonohana[/div]
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    "Air blade!" The green wind sliced the creature's arm off, allowing me to manually do the same to the torso with my spear. The body began emitting that rotting stentch that worldholes of this nature released when defeated, which allowed me to take a break. Fortunately for me (or unfortuately perhaps), the smell no longer made much of a difference. Why is that? Well, ask the pile of mushroom-like corpses populating that previously peaceful clearing. My fists were still clenching the spear, my eyes still darting from place to place. It was the second clearing this infested today. No wonder they sent me. No wonder I felt so ehxhausted that even bending down to collect the spores felt like a "maybe some other time" kind of effort.

    "I wish I could afford a helper. Really, someone just come and do this crap for m-" A semi muffled sound straight from the forest prompted me to get back up and swing my spear with both hands into a stance. I could fight perfectly fine with just one hand of course, but this was faster to get into that particular defensive stance. Nonetheless, despite my efforts, nothing came. Spear in hand, head shifting from side to side, I slowly stepped around the various plant-resembling corpses in a circular motion, ready to jump at any direction noise came from. "I can't let my guard down. There's something out there. I know it."

    Sure enough, some voice popped out some nearby bushes, causing me to leap towards them, stopping in time not to hit them with my spear.

    "WHO ARE YOU? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" I said, too late realizing I was maybe a little too harsh in my thinking. The man before me looked battered and pitiful, that proud beard completely unmatching the exotic clothing style and roughed up appearance. Plus, he somehow managed to smell worse than the dead kayeris. Was he a fugitive? It was the only explanation I could think of. He wasn't even armed. I guess I owed him a bit of compassion. After all, I was a fugitive too. "Oh, my apologies. I was a little tense after all the fighting, wasn't quite thinking straight. Yuessay isn't far from here if that's what you are looking for. It's over in that direction. Try to avoid clearings. I cleared the kayeris here, but who knows if there aren't more out there."

    I pointed towards the location of the city directly through the woods. Hardly the safest passage, but if he wouldn't make it far if he couldn't figure that much out. However, he instead explained he was "a productive member of society", and requested to use my "phone" and "charger", to call for an "uber"... Was he speaking some unknown language? Maybe it was a lingo wherever he was held captive? What's more, he was even asking about the road too. What an odd person.

    "Charger? Uh...is Uber some summon that...you..." I suddenly recalled. "phone", wasn't that an ancient relic? Daddy did have one in his... I raised my spear again, aiming to put it next to his neck, eyes sharpened and accompanied by a growl. This probably wasn't big si's work. She wouldn't have sent someone like this. So what was it? A robbery of some kind? That WOULD explain the line about the road. He probably wanted to know a good escape route. As if I'd let him. "How do you know me? Who are you? On what grounds do you presume I would hand you such a treasure? Speak quick and clear."

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Interacting With: ABetterNickname ABetterNickname
Mentions: N/A
Might Also Want to Read: N/A

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Jeremiah froze at the sudden voice. Not like he was paranoid or anything, but he certainly wasn't expecting someone else in this alley. Then it filtered into his mind slowly: This girl had said hello. Then it hit him: This girl had said hello... in a different language. But was surprised him more was that he could understand it!

Jeremiah stood there speechless for a second. He didn't recall learning another language... English had always remained sufficient for him, so how did he know... whatever this language was? Jeremiah stood there dumbly for a moment, before realizing that he wouldn't be able to figure out anything at this point in time.... and that he was probably scaring the girl behind him. So, the young man turned around and smiled at the quivering girl. He needed to reassure her somehow, convince her that he was definitely not a mugger or rapist or anything, but how could he? He couldn't speak the language, could he...?

Jeremiah decided to give it a shot, any how. No need for the girl to start screaming for the police or anything. Though, to be honest, there wasn't much he could do to reassure the girl. If he tried doing it in a straightforward manner, she would probably suspect him. If he said nothing, she most definitely suspect something. So.... Might as well ask some questions- if he showed how clueless he was, maybe she could help him, or at least not think that he was a criminal. He turned around, and phrased the question in his mind.

"Wh-where... am I?" Jeremiah stuttered. He could talk in the language too? But he was thinking in English... it translated almost unconsciously... He shook his head. That surprise made him stutter, which was slightly embarrassing, but that couldn't be helped now. Now all he could do now was hope that he wasn't presented as too threatening to the girl- he really needed help figuring out where he was.

As Jeremiah's eyes became adjusted to the contrast, he saw the girl. A bit young, in her early teens, maybe twenties. Dark brown, maybe black hair- he couldn't see that well in the dark. But what caught his attention most was the eyes. They were red. Was he dealing with vampires here? He hoped to God that he wasn't- he didn't have any silver on him!

Jeremiah calmed himself down. He could talk his way out of it. Either that, or the girl was a human. Jeremiah had no idea, but right now, violence was most definitely NOT the answer.

As he stepped towards the girl, the smells of the place caught him slightly off guard. He was hungry. He didn't eat dinner- breakfast- no, lunch... food! He didn't eat what was supposed to be dinner at home because he was so busy attempting to write a song. Well... Jeremiah supposed that his stomach had to complain sometime soon. Ah, well. No need to pay attention to that smell of meat cooking that was wafting in the air, or that scent of crushed spices, or... No, he was not going to pay attention to that. Most definitely not.

Nor was he going to pay attention to the yells of the marketers as they extolled their food. No, he did not want to hear about the delicious meat that was on sell, nor about the vegetables and fruit that were going to make his mouth scream with excitement. Wait, bad turn of phrase... besides, don't concentrate on food, when he might become food.
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Hime blinked at the new arrival in confusion. She had never personally met any of the people from other worlds before, but she had heard of how confused they always were at the beginning. She guessed that was understandable because she would probably be the same way. The girl shook her head. "You must be new here so maybe you should tag along with me to the tavern so people can help you understand," she said down to him unable to go further into the dark alleyway. Her breath was shaky at best and she was highly stressed. Yuno wanting to come out to give the newcomer a piece of her mind and to lay down ground rules, but Hime was struggling to keep her away from the surface. "Not now..." she murmured to herself as a few visible beads of sweat formed on her forehead from the struggle.

If the newcomer was vigilant enough, he would have spotted that something was wrong with the red-eyed girl as she stood at the end of the alley stiffly. It most likely didn't play into his mind well as he thought she may have been a vampire. "P-Please...hurry!" she calls out to him strained. As Jeremiah got close to her though, the pull of Yuno got strong enough to overtake Hime's resistance and Yuno smirked. "Silly little fly, why must you fight now," she says to herself, but it could been interpreted as being directed at Jeremiah. Yuno touched the circular pendant around her neck and a shimmer of light surrounded her. Her hair shifted from the long, black hair falling freely from the top of Hime's head into a shade similar to tomato soup tied in pony tails at the sides of her head. Her eyes changed from their normal red to tealish.

"Listen here bud," the voice says harshly to him. "If you think I'm going to let you harm...well...me...but like...another form of...me...Hime! If you think of harming Hime, I will end you!" she says to the man. The harshness in her eyes gave away that this was no longer the gentle, shy girl he had talked to just a few moments before. The stress of meeting someone new in such a strange and potentially dangerous place gave Yuno the will to want to protect the body she shared with Hime. "Now if ya are new here you probably want to come with me. I'm sure you have questions. All of you people have questions," she sighs aggravated at having a newbie with her.

Without another word, Yuno began to walk towards her job at the tavern for adventurers. "It isn't far now to the tavern, so you better start asking your questions now, she called back to her new travelling companion. She wouldn't admit it, but Hime was stronger willed than she looked. The two were fighting internally with tooth and nail for control. When one is in control though, the other doesn't know what is going on around them.

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"Hey hey, wait, Im... hey hey.., slow down, calm down... take it easy okay..." - With no sudden moves, he tried to calm her down, showing his empty hands to her. It really pissed him off to have to do that, but more than thinking about her weapon, he just did not wanted any trouble. Fortunately it looked like the girl was ready to be a little bit more compassionate. "People from the countryside are really funny..." - he thought, taking conclusions about the place he was, but still looking around, that didn't quite made enough sense.

"Oh, my apologies. I was a little tense after all the fighting, wasn't quite thinking straight. Yuessay isn't far from here if that's what you are looking for. It's over in that direction. Try to avoid clearings. I cleared the kayeris here, but who knows if there aren't more out there."

"No problem, its fine. Yuessay its not far huh. Well then i guess I... wait"

Minoru stopped, in complete silence, thinking about the situation while touching his beard. He tried really hard to remember some place called Yuessay, but he just couldn't remember anything.

"Uh.. hm, well... Whats a Yuessay? And whats a Kayeri? You guys have some really strange slangs in here... By the way, whats up with the cosplay?"

"How do you know me? Who are you? On what grounds do you presume I would hand you such a treasure? Speak quick and clear."

"Know you?... eh..." - He said for him to speak quick and clear, but he could't exactly be that fast. Minoru was looking at her and he just seemed VERY confused, but before she had time to react, he did started to talk, even if just to give him a little bit more time while he thought about what he would REALLY say to her.

"I will.. speak... very clearly, okay? You don't need to get all tense like that, why are you being such a..."

He stopped before finishing the sentence, faking a cough on his hand and then proceeding to talk.
It took him some time to really get a grab of the situation, but the few minutes he got were enough for him to take a good look around and evaluate his situation. He really had no idea where he was or what kind of place that was, but that girl was his first clue. He noticed that the weapon was remarkably realistic, and the girl that he first thought only had a cosplay, was having a very natural attitude. He couldn't spot her acting, and that was the start for some conclusions.

"Maybe... im not in Japan anymore... Then what place is this? How did i get here? Man.. i think i really fucked up this time"
"I am... a..."

"Writer? Rockstar? Lawyer? Maybe i should tell her im something important so she would treat me better.. hm..."

It didn't took too long for him to realize what he had to said to her. There was a bit of uncertainty on his words, but this time he finished it quickly, trying to look convincing.

"Im an adventurer." - After saying that, he stared at Tori firmly, trying to hide his muscles becoming more tense as he waited for her reaction. Soon after though, he followed answering the other questions. By answering, he took the chance to make a little experiment. Minoru would took the opportunity to give himself a cooler name.

"My name is MacGyver." - Again, he tried to spot her reaction. However, this time he tried to seem more relaxed, Minoru forced a sigh and looked away from her, later closing his eyes with a more arrogant, reassuring tone.

"Honestly? From where i come, those artifacts are very common. I just thought it would be nice if you lent it over to me for a short period of time. And i've never heard of you before" - He opened his eye just a little bit to peak at her, while crossing his arms. - "I guess thats not a possibility then. I answered your questions, now i think its my turn." - He gathered the courage to approach her, something he really didn't wanted to do, surely the girl would sense his terrible smell even more now.

But Minoru took the lessons he had in life deeply in the heart. He assumed that, if she had any clues about his insecurity, she would find a way to took advantage of his situation. So he had to look confident, he had to look life the alpha male. Even though he smelled like a stinking piece of old tuna. He stopped in front of her.

"What is your name?"
Minoru looked down to the girl's feet, than slowly looking up at the whole girls body, the kind of look to make any girl feel unconfortable.
"What do you think about my perfume?" - He threatened to go even more near her. This time he was smiling, he seemed more confident - "Then.. where can i take a bath? I let you clean me if you think its that bad"
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    For bumping into someone this deep in the woods, this person was so casual. Well, I suppose it couldn't be helped, I was probably the only one among the two of us who was surprised by the sudden encounter. I was also surprised by the fact he didn't know Yuessay. Though the town wasn't the biggest one, it was still relatively known as a proper resting point for travellers attempting to cross the woods. But this person...they didn't even know it was a town! Or what a Kayeri was, they weren't the most common type of monster, but plenty existed through the kingdom, plenty enough that one would have been expected to know them.

    "Yuessai is the nearest town, a welcoming place for adventurers and travellers. As for Kayeris..." I gestured towards the ground and the semi-rotting fungi corpses surrounding me, and which even this newcomer was just a little bit away from stepping on. "I'm not sure what you mean by "odd slangs", but I am certainly not playing dress-up. I am a proper adventurer, trying to make a living over here, alright? Ah, why am I getting a sense of deja vu..."

    Of course, the whole situation began to make a lot more sense when I figured out he knew my identity and possibly wanted to rob me. I was admitedly a little surprised to encounter no resistance to aiming my spear at his neck, thought for sure even such a blatant thief would be sufficiently skilled to at least TRY dodging or parrying or something. Instead, he seemed confused by my behavior. Was it that surprising I figured him out?

    Confused or not, he certainly would stop blabbering about "not getting all tense" and just answer me as I moved the tip of my spear ever closer to that fat tree trunk he called a neck. Obviously this idea worked, as he confessed to be an adventurer.

    "Macguyver?.." I titled my head. What kind of name was that? Then again, there were a lot of weird names going around nowadays. Even the town mayor had one. I sighed, and this "Macguyver" proceeded with his explanation, stating where he came from those types of artifacts were common. It was like a fire sprite lighted up inside my head, and my eyes widened. "Ooooh, so that's what it is. You're one of those weirdoes from the west! That explains why you are dressed so fancy yet smell like a goblin took a good long bath in an ogre's guts."

    It explained a lot more than that in fact. Not knowing Yuessey, for one, and for two I was pretty sure they didn't have kayeris over there in the west. The weird way of dressing and talking, the fact he would request an invaluable treasure from a stranger they met in the forest...

    "Seriously, did you all loose your brains fighting the mantid?" I sighed again, lowering my spear. I couldn't help myself from a prideful smirk. "But that's too bad. We don't have the kind of junk you collected over there. OUR "phones" are from much more advanced otherwolders. They don't need any of that silly b...bu...bu.... pressing box crap, they have a spell that lets the artifact react directly to touch on the glass, and on top of that they do a lot more things than YOUR types."

    The weirdo from the west thus gave up on trying to get a phone, and instead decided to make a little inquiry of his own. Honestly, I had a feeling about this. My shoulders felt all tense, I couldn't fully trust this guy...but then again, what a poor fellow. For an adventurer to stray so far off their usual turf, I couldn't imagine the situation was at all kind to him. He was probably kicked out by the other adventurers. There used to be guys like that over in Yuessay too, people who knew no better than to pick on newbies to steal their hunting grounds. It probably happened to this guy so much he had to move COUNTRIES, the poor thing.

    "My name's Tori. I already said this, but I am an adventurer like you, and I make of Yuessay my little base. I was kind of finishing a quest here, but if you'd like you can hang around with me for a little bit and then I'll take you to town when I go pick up my next one." I could almost feel the guy inspecting me with his eyes, leading me to covering my chest region with my free arm. He smirked and came closer, asking me if I liked his perfume, suggesting...I...bath..him... I immediately took three steps back and fully covered my chest. "What do you think you're doing you creep! Pervert! Do you take me for a maid or something? Aaaah, the guild better scold you for this, or I will have to do it myself!"

    I growled and waved my spear in a threatening manner, maybe to distract from how red my face was. Seriously, these weirdoes... But I couldn't just leave him to die in the woods, nomatter how much of a creep he was. There was a sudden rustling in the woods, however, whren suddenly a bear, no...a [div class=linkA]BREANT[/div] popped out of the other bushes. It was honestly my first time encountering one, though I had heard tales. Similar to bears, these creatures possessed treant-like qualities such as the toughness of their body being like bark and the plant-like tendrils which formed their body, creating an excellent camouflage and extra weight.

    "What is a breant doing here? Didn't they hibernate at this time of the year?" I readied my spear as the creature readied it's paw.

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Interacting With: ABetterNickname ABetterNickname (Minoru)
Mentions: N/A
Might Also Want to Read: N/A

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What. Just. Happened?

Jeremiah had to take a moment to review what had just happened…

After Jeremiah had asked that question, the girl seemed momentarily...confused. Understandable, he supposed. Not everyday a stranger asked a random person where they were. She must’ve thought that his head wasn’t working right. As Jeremiah pondered how to respond to the look of confusion, to alleviate her bemusement, she then spoke.

“You must be new here so maybe you should tag along with me to the tavern so people can help you understand…”

...He was new here? She knew already that he didn’t come from here. Now it was his turn to blink in confusion. Surely she didn’t know everyone in this city- and a city was what Jeremiah would’ve called it.

Well, A medieval city, at least: the cobblestone streets with vendors yelling and hawking their wares, the numerous buildings clustered close together, with the mill of people as they packed the streets. Even the stench of the sewage and garbage was reminiscent to what was described in his historical books. This rotten smell overlapped with the smoke from the chimneys, creating a confusing aroma of smells, seeming concentrated in the alleyway Jeremiah was in.

And she mentioned the tavern as well. Where people can help him understand. Understand what, exactly? “Well, considering I asked where I was… she could be answering that…” Jeremiah thought wryly to himself. He shook his head. There were people here who knew what happened to him? What was he, selected for some sort of blood sport? Drugged or knocked out, and taken to this place? Why? Was it for an experiment? Hostage? Someone’s sadistic pleasure?

He shook his head, but stopped when the girl muttered something. Thinking he missed her saying something to him, or maybe even offering to take him to this tavern while he was lost in thought, he took a step forward. At the moment, he couldn’t help but think, however, “God, the smell here was overpowering….” He took a slightly eager step forward, wanting to get out of this place. Unfortunately, the girl’s next comment created a rather different sense of urgency.

"Silly little fly, why must you fight now…."

The girl’s hair turned red, and her eyes turned teal, almost as if her hair was leaching the color from her eyes. Jeremiah couldn’t help but stumble back. What is happening? What. Just. Happened?

After Jeremiah recovered from the momentary shock, and the resultant flashback, the girl spoke yet again. "Listen here bud. If you think I'm going to let you harm...well...me...but like...another form of...me...Hime! If you think of harming Hime, I will end you!" Who was Hime? He didn’t even know a girl named Hime! Not only that, but what possible reason did he have to harm anyone? Jeremiah shook his head, and could only ask a question in his helplessness: “Wh-what? Why would I want to hurt anyone?”

He barely asked that question when the girl began talking once more: "Now if ya are new here you probably want to come with me. I'm sure you have questions. All of you people have questions..." What? WHAT? She just said that the people in the tavern would answer his questions… Jeremiah discarded that thought immediately. There were others? How many? Just…

He saw the girl walking off, and shook himself off with a start. He had to follow her, apparently. Time to ask questions: she hadn’t attacked him yet, might as well get information.

“Well, first off, since you’re answering my questions, apparently… where am I?” Jeremiah asked first off, before firing off another one, “Why am I here?” That question was probably more crucial than the first. After all, he didn’t want to partake in an arena bloodsport.
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Yuno snorted, "Offworlders, always so confused and lost. You're in Yuessay. Now I know you're going to ask where that is, all you offworlders do, and I will reply with you aren't where you are actually from anymore. Yada yada. I don't care to be honest, but it's probably best for your survival that you at least HAVE this knowledge as some thug bashes your skull in in some alley in the city. I know that sounds harsh, but it's true. Do you know how many people die on a daily basis here from thug attacks? To be honest, I don't know. As long as one of those deaths are my own, then I don't care."

The whole time she had been talking, Yuno was walking with the new person towards the tavern she worked at. It wasn't the most well-kept or good looking tavern in the city. Most of it's customers were rowdy, dirty, smelly types, but not much can be done when your primary customer is adventurers.Stepping inside, the full noise of the place hit them like a shockwave. Yuno continued walking since she was used to it. Spotting the woman behind the counter chatting with a patron, Yuno ran through the crowded tavern towards her.

"Mama!" Yuno says loudly as she jump hugged the woman.

"Ya'know I'm not ya mama, Yuno," the older woman shakes her head exasperated.

"I know I know, but you're the closest thing I have now," Yuno responds, "How is the little one today?"

"As active as ever," The woman laughs before reaching down to touch her engorged midsection gently, "Who is the new guy?"

"Some offworlder that Hime found in an alley. Poor girl, her mind nearly exploded. Gave me the chance to come out."

The woman's expression softened as she turned her attention to the offworlder, "I guess introductions are needed since Yuno doesn't seem to want to. I'm Margaret, the owner of this fine establishment. I do hope that Yuno was at least kind enough to provide some sort of rundown on this world. If you have other questions that she didn't answer, then please inquire. I am always open to helping those in need. How long ago did you pass over to our world? Would you like something to eat? I have some freshly cooked meat in the back, a boy like you needs energy and food to survive. Oh I almost forgot! Do you have a place to stay the night?"

"He'll be stayin with me," Yuno butts in with a smirk.

"Yuno you know your sister wouldn't approve," Margaret scolds.

"Who cares? Certainly not me, plus Hime would probably freak out giving me more time," Yuno laughs heartily.

The woman sighs before looking at Jeremiah and gives him an apologetic smile.


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"But that's too bad. We don't have the kind of junk you collected over there. OUR "phones" are from much more advanced otherwolders. They don't need any of that silly b...bu...bu.... pressing box crap, they have a spell that lets the artifact react directly to touch on the glass, and on top of that they do a lot more things than YOUR types."
"Really? Oh, that sounds interesting... bullshit." - That started a little brawl, but he noticed that the girl seemed to get real proud from that statement. Time to use her own words against herself, maybe he could convince her to show him to so-called artifact. - "Just by the way you're saying i know its just talk. Tsc... Too bad for you, im not the kind to get easily impressed by nothing." - He stared at her eyes very serious as a small little brawl started between their stares to each other, maybe the beginning of some kind of rivalry.
"My name's Tori. I already said this, but I am an adventurer like you, and I make of Yuessay my little base. I was kind of finishing a quest here, but if you'd like you can hang around with me for a little bit and then I'll take you to town when I go pick up my next one."

"Hm.. Tori... Well, so Yuessay its your city... I'm fine with that, yes. I guess im heading to this Yuessay then. Can't be worse than this." - Minoru crossed his arms and started to look around, laughing at her embarrassing reaction. "Haha, Whatever... wait, guild? huh..." - that caught his attention once again. Things were slowly starting to make some sense. - "This isn't like Japan, at all... How did i ended up here? Is this real?"
For a moment, Minoru got really distracted, looking at nowhere like his mind was completely blanc. That was an unfortunate time for him to get all distracted, he barely noticed the figure near the woods until it made some sort of sound.
"... What the hell is that?" - he looked at the creature, it took him some time to realize that wasn't just a really ugly piece of wood - "There is no doubt about it, this isn't Japan... what is this place..." - The creature made some strange noises, and when Minoru looked to his side, the girl was getting ready with her spear.
"Brent? What the hell is a Brent? Tsc... Hey..., you're gonna fight that? Are you sure you can take that thing? I don't think thats a great idea" - Mostly, he didn't wanted to give up his only reliable source of information he had for the moment, but it seemed difficult to change the girls mind - "Tsc... Maybe we should retreat for a moment, than later maybe you can..."


He stopped himself to continuing. He though about his line of thinking, and was quick to realize his wrong assumptions.
"This isn't like Japan, this world is different... I wonder..."
"Ha.. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA" - Out of nowhere he starter laughing out loud of his sudden conclusion. He laughed nonstop, almost like he was crazy out of the sudden.
"I can't assume the same things i would assume at home, i just barely made it out to this point, if i keep taking the same conclusions as before, thats gonna kill me"
"Interesting! Hahahaha"

Minoru shook his head for a little bit, taking off any thoughts that could hold him back. "I wanna know this world.. i have to know whats up with this place, it ain't gonna work.
"Hey.. Tori..." - He smiled while facing the creature. - "Do you think we have a chance against that thing?" - He started to strech his body, his average muscles. He seemed even pumped about facing such a strange creature. A drop of swet ran through his face, out of anxiety, but some sort of good, rushed anxiety, the kind of he haven't felt in a long long time. He felt fear... and he liked it. He liked it a lot.
"So this is real fear... i feel like im really betting my life in this.. awesome.. at least i know.. i'm definetely alive!"

"I think it wants to eat us or something, i guess we should be prepared. Do you have anything i can use so we can finish this quickly?"
He walked in front of Tori, standing as a solid wall.

"It might not look like, but im a little bit rusty" - He thought about Tori more as some sort of tutorial at that point. He had to learn more about all the intricacies of the world and how he would be able to survive. An epic tuned played in the background of his head, as he made a heroic pose calling for the fight.
"Alright Animal! Prepare to be... to... be... ouch..."
Then, he knelt, weakened. His stomach making huge noises that not only Tori but probably the animal could heard it too.
"Uh.. Tori... First i need something to eat.. im all out of energy..." - He got up on his feet again, but still feeling dizzy. Still, he would not let the girl to face that thing alone.

"I always thought eating systems were such garbage that took out all of the fun... Thats it, i made my mind, we're gonna eat that thing.. I don't wanna play survival... Tsc... Tori.. Anyway, im the man in here so you don't have to be worry, just tell me how do i beat this thing" - He couldn't avoid to underestimate the girl a little bit in the beggining.
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    "Uh, sure, I'll just..." I began turning at his request for to show him the artifacts I mentioned. My eyes widened and I quickly turned back to him. "Wait WHAT?! Y-y-you know I c-can't do that! They are invaluable treasures! Why would someone like m-me get to see them, much less show them to a stranger like you? I'm not lying to you, I swear! They really are in there, but asking to see them is just unreasonable!"

    My face was utterly red, knowing I dug my own grave when it came to those accusations. They were pretty big marvels, and knowing of them in such detail was probably unnusual for a girl of my current supposed status. It really didn't help when he started acting like some pervert trying to lean his terrible smell on me and asking that I bath him. "Dja-pen? What the heck do you mean by that? You coward, if you want to say something you better say to my face!...In a manner I can understand..."

    Seriously, this was one humiliation after another.

    "This can't any worse." Little did I know, that, mere minutes later...


    Somehow I managed to deflect the first time the breant's huge claws of sharp wood descended on me, by intercepting it with my spear and using the momento to pull it aside and step back myself. The kayeri corpses crumbled like twigs snapping under the weight of the creature. What the hell? What the hell was it doing here? The pervert was also firing his arrow volley of questions, not knowing what a breant was and even inquired whether I could take it on. For his first reasonsable suggestion since I met him, he proposed we retreated. Though I agreed, he was quite annoying.

    "I'm trying! I have no idea whether I stand a chance against it. In the first place, I don't know what a BREANT is doing this close to- " The beast growled and attempted to claw me again, this time scratching my arms though I was still able to pull further back with my spear. I thanked the stars I hadn't cut it yet, as that was when they got most agressive. "Usually they sleep much deeper in the woods, preying on snakes by leading them into their exposed stomachs with heat. For one to have awakened on this time of the year, there must have been some kind of huge ruckus deeper in the woods, maybe something that drove snakes away even. Why now of all times...I don't know how much more magic I can use..."

    The breant was preparing to attack again, when both of us were a little distracted by the sudden loud noise of the pervert laughing like a maniac. Just who was this person? Had they gone mad from fear? They seemed unarmed, and a breant was above my rank as an adventurer (even if just one). He asked me again if we stood a chance against it, as if implying he was going to fight too, then got in front of me WHILE asking me IF there was a way to beat it, thus confirming my suspicions that he had, without question, gone mad from fear.

    "Weren't you listening to me? Yeah, there is a way, but for today I'm pretty much spen- hey!" The guy dropped to the ground, and the sudden movement made the breant growl and get ready to charge. "This is no time to complain about food! I'll give you some of mine, but please get up or you'lll be..."

    It was almost impossible not to feel the murderous charge of the breant, attempting to slice up this newcomer. I attempted to block him with my spear again, but this time it got ripped right out of my hands and flung next to a nearby tree, causing me to fall to the ground next to the pervert. The breant's shadow loomed over both of us as once again it prepared to attack just as I was beggining to get on my feet. The pervert also stood and took the full front of the attack. "AAAAH!"

    Both of flew like rag dolls, him due to the breant's attack and me due to get hit by what I could only assume to be his lifeless body. A rush of fear overcame me.

    "Hey, hey, are you al...ri...ght..." His body was practically unscathed, only flesh wounds on his arms where the breant's claw struck. "This resilience...its..."

    Once again, the question that came to my head was "who is this person?!".

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Interacting With: ABetterNickname ABetterNickname (Minoru)
Mentions: N/A
Might Also Want to Read: N/A

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Again, with that term. Offworlders. Jeremiah was probably- no, definitely- in a different world. That just raises new questions: Why was he here? Why take him away from his already established home and place him willy-nilly in another world? Who caused this? What did the unknown force have in mind for him? Jeremiah had too many questions, and too little answers, with probably no way of immediately answering them. It was probably best to focus on the present.

As the girl walked him down, giving him the answer- and only the answer- to his question, Jeremiah looked around the city. Cobblestone streets? Check. Vendors and Merchants selling their wares? Check. Buildings made of wood and very little brick and stone, let alone steel? Check. Brightly colored and patterned cloths, such as awnings and whatnot? Check. Animals instead of cars? Check. Good God, Jeremiah was in a medieval setting. He was in..the Dark Ages.

...Or not, as he saw a couple of people walking by with staffs, pointy hats, and robes, looking arrogantly regal. Not to mention the presence of humanoids with pointed ears, different skin and eye colors, fluffy ears and tails, and so on.

“So, I’m not in the dark ages. Just some fantasy world. Great. Like that’s any better,” Jeremiah thought to himself. Well, admittedly, he did have a slightly higher life expectancy than in historical medieval times, but still… he was no longer in his own freaking world.

Jeremiah’s train of thought was interrupted by the girl’s next comment. “Yeah. Right. Like giving me the name of this place is going to help me fight off muggers,” Jeremiah couldn't help but mentally comment, but for some reason, alarm bells rang in his head, but for what reason, Jeremiah had no idea. Anyways, the girl’s voice was terse, and obviously not appreciative of any more questions, so Jeremiah kept himself silent until they reached their destination.

...Which was a tavern. An unkempt one, judging from the outside appearance. Though, appearances were deceiving, Jeremiah supposed, glancing at the moody redhead leading him. And he was glad he kept that phrase in mind, because as he stepped in, he saw people armed to the teeth, dirty, admittedly, but what could one expect from an adventurer’s tavern? Good God, was he in Dungeons and Dragons?

As he felt the stares of the patrons turning to him, Jeremiah felt his cheeks redden, and he lowered his head slightly, hiding his blush, and thankful for the dim light. He then regained his composure, shouldering his guitar, and lifting his head up high. No need to show weakness- that wouldn’t help him anywhere. "I am not some beggar. I will not be scared by this," Jeremiah said determinedly to himself.

So he kept that determined look; that was, until he met the innkeeper. At that point, Jeremiah couldn’t help but stare for a second. She was PREGNANT? Was that safe? Isn’t she overexerting himself? Surely…

Jeremiah shook his head. This was in the past. People in this period are probably tougher than people in his age. In his age…. God, Jeremiah felt weird thinking that. But then the redhead girl squealed- alright, in a cute way, he had to admit, “Mama!”

Wait, what?

His momentary confusion was abated as the innkeeper responded. Alright, so she was a mother in the redhead’s eyes, but not biologically. Jeremiah couldn’t fault the redhead for that need for a mother. After some conversation between the two, the innkeeper spoke to him. Then the innkeeper spoke to him:

"I guess introductions are needed since Yuno doesn't seem to want to. I'm Margaret, the owner of this fine establishment. I do hope that Yuno was at least kind enough to provide some sort of rundown on this world. If you have other questions that she didn't answer, then please inquire. I am always open to helping those in need. How long ago did you pass over to our world? Would you like something to eat? I have some freshly cooked meat in the back, a boy like you needs energy and food to survive. Oh I almost forgot! Do you have a place to stay the night?"

Alright… Jeremiah’s mind was reeling. He had to answer this flood of questions in his head first before answering. So, the redhead’s name was Yuno, but who was Hime? The black haired girl? Did the girl suffer from Multiple Personality Disorder? Ugh. More questions. He turned his thoughts to the ones he could answer.

“Well, ma’am. I think I just arrived today. All I know is is that I’m in Yuessay, and that I’m in another world.” Jeremiah answered, before suddenly his stomach growled. Particularly loud. Jeremiah felt his face heat up again- of all the embarrassing moments! He then said sheepishly, “I guess my stomach answers that question…. Yes, ma’am, I am hungry, I would enjoy some meat, please. I’m sure it’ll taste delicious.”

A place to stay… um.. Yuno’s comment then caused Jeremiah’s face to redden. “WHAT!?” No. He was not going to cause a scandal. No. Absolutely not. But Jeremiah was so flustered that he couldn’t say anything else for a moment, which probably did not help his case at all. And the patrons in the tavern weren’t helping, turning to each other and whispering to each other.
Yuno laughed causing Margaret to give her a stern look.

"Why don't you go into the kitchen and grab him a heaping plate of the fresh meat, Yuno?" Margaret suggests to her employee.

The girl sighs and nods, "Yes ma'am," She knew if she resisted that she would be in the metaphorical doghouse for the rest of the day.

As Yuno walks off, Margaret looks to Jeremiah, "Don't mind her alright? Yuno is a very...outspoken." The woman chose her words carefully before continuing, "If you truly want to know how to get her to respect you, you need to stand up for yourself or else she is going to walk all over you. Hime on the other hand is very sweet, but too shy. She is the one you want to talk to most of the time, but she just gets so worked up sometimes that Yuno takes over."

Margaret chuckles and looks down at her swollen midsection. "Y'know I know when people stare at me or have questions so just ask ok? The funny thing is that Hime thinks that you get pregnant from kissing. No matter how many times I try to explain it, she just spaces out. You're stuck here in this world now. No one that has ever been brought here has been able to make it back to their world. So settle in and mama will take care of you ok? That meat by the way in on the house so don't worry about paying...this time" She smiles warmly.

"Mama, here you go...woah...AH!" She trips over a loose nail in the floor boards.

On the tray sat a plate filled to the brim with roast meat of some sort of beast. It looked perfectly cooked, not too juicy and not too dry. The tray wobbled as the girl tripped. As she fell, she somehow got the tray to sit on the counter. Unfortunately for her and for Jeremiah, she fell right into him causing the two of them to fall onto the floor with her landing on top of him, their lips meeting and the noise from them falling drew the attention of all of the patrons.

"Are you two alright?!" Margaret asks worried as she looked over the counter at the two of them.

Yuno's cheeks began to turn a shade of bright red as she realized what had happened. She quickly pulled back before standing and dusting herself off. The girl looked away from the offworlder and tried not to cry. She knew that pregnancy wasn't caused by kissing, but Hime's deep seated belief from her childhood came bubbling up. Her hands began to shake as she began to freak out. She could feel a hand grasping her own before a tugging brought her back into the kitchen.

"it's alright dear," Margaret's soothing voice broke through the mental storm.

darkborn darkborn
"Waaaah!" - The little kid cried out as his mom made a bandage on his knee. - "Tsc... honestly... you gotta be more careful while playing around the house. You're really stumbled"
That first thing, that his mom used on the wound on his knee, it hurt so bad! Although, it felt better after a little while. But the boy still couldn't held his tears, and he swallowed every hiccup. In fact, he didn't asked for that help at all.
"Tsc... I wanna play video-games..." - The kid had resentment against his mom. - "This is your fault..."

"You're a stupid kid huh... Honestly seeing you locked away most of the time was getting me to my nerves. You're gonna get overweight if you don't make any exercise... Quite frankly..! You're a kid, try and act like one, take some advantage of your youth... hm?" - But the kid couldn't even look her in the eyes. She realized that no matter what she said, the kid would felt like he was treated with injustice. - "Hey..."
"I HATE YOU!" - He screamed back at her and turned his head. She did not react, but she was not nervous either. Really, she was prepared for something like that. - "Kids say those kind of stuff without thinking anyways" - She thought.
"Whats with all the noise?" - Grandpa went in right on time, bothered by all the yelling.
"Uh, Dad, hes just being a stubborn kid. He'll get over it."
"What happened, Minoru?"
The kid swallowed his cry a few times before being able to talk back decently to his grandfather. - "I was playing videogames but mom say i couldn't do it anymore today so i should do something else, but when i was leaving i saw a cat coming inside by the window, i tried to get him but he was too fast, i stumbled in the carpet and then i fell, and the cat just picked up some food that was on the floor in the kitchen, and it left..." - The kid was hiding something, but that was at least satisfactory to his grandfather.
"I see.. You were tricked by a street cat, thats pretty bad, haha!" - His grandpa laughed at him, the kid lowered his head in shame and didn't spoke a word. Grandpa was expecting some other reaction.
"Hm... say, Minoru, would you like to go hunting with me?" - "Ah? Hunting?"

The hunting wasn't quite like he expected. The next day, he was on a boat, the only kid with his grandfather and 3 other adults onboard.
"Eh... You said we were gonna go hunting... but this is fishing..."
".. You're really dumb, huh? Its the same thing, you gotta learn the basics." - "I'll get sick..." - "You don't even know that!"

There was some clouds in the sky, but it was still a bright day, nobody could tell how the weather would go throughout the night. As he expected, the journey was pretty boring, sometimes his Grandpa or his friends were able to get some big fishes. Around what he imagine would be 4 PM, his grandpa pulled out some creature the kinds he never say. It was almost three meters. He couldn't be happy for his grandpa, while he and his friends celebrated, Minoru was quickly bored. - "Whats the point? I don't have the strength for fishing something like that... In fact why did i accepted this? I could just.. i don't know, fish in a video-game or something..."

The night was coming, and the day was entirely disappointing. Fortunately it was about it end. It had already started raining , it was soft and refreshing.

"Tsc.. im tired.. i wanna sleep... hm?" - He caught on something, and his rod was quickly pulled out, it would already be on the sea if he hesitated just a little bit more. - "Strong!" - It was overwhelming, the kid stopped with his shoes against the metal near the border of the ship. - "I can't... I can't... It must be twice my size, no... much, much more.... ... It's too much!!"

At that point, the rain was growing stronger, his grandpa was already inside the ship, but he got out and caught the scene. - "Minoru?? Whats that He got something!" - His friends went outside just in time as Minoru was finally losing, he lost his step but didn't let go of the rod. Fortunately, one of the adults hold his foot.
"Hold on!" - "It can't get away from us!" - "Leave me alone! It's my pray!" - "You wanna get drowned because a stupid fish?!" - The kid was back into his senses, Minoru didn't responding. All he thought was hold to win against that fish. Finally, they all got together to make a final pull that tossed the fish inside the boat.
But it wasn't over. It was already fighting. Minoru didn't thought about the situation, he jumped over the ship and hugged him. The fish however, kept fighting. For some of the men it was funny to see a fish fighting a kid on the floor like that, but then the ship made a hard movement, Minoru when straight near the border and hit his back against the ship. Suddenly, his grandpa appeared with a knife, with one single movement killing the fish, unfortunately bathing his grandson in the blood of the creature.
But Minoru didn't cared. It was a big, majestic fish, he felt very proud. Instead of eating the fish his grandpa told him to sell it, and so he did. With the money he hosted a big party in a restaurant for his friends, it had lots of games, it was awesome. He remembered that night again... the heavy rain...
And suddenly, he was back again. He was thrown away by the attack of the Brent, it took him a few moments to realize exactly what was going on. He got up on his feet staring at the creature, keeping his body in front of Tori as he got up without much problem.
"I see now..."
His forearms were bleeding, but not too much. It was bad, but not too bad. - "That time.. maybe it felt worse, well, it was one of the first times i really get hurt, i think... is that why this memory is coming up? Hm..." - The creature seemed surprised by the lack of result in his effort, but Minoru showed no reaction.

♫ ♬♪

"Hey... Tori... I gotta admit Something. Well, Im actually not MacGuyver." - He giggled just a little bit, as his interest grew more and more. - "Would you believe if i told you i don't really know what am I at the moment?" - Minoru started circulating the creature and staring right at its eyes, fearless. - "I've found a new sensation... I think, maybe... Im starting to understand the pain, really. But it wasn't bad, i can just estimate my limits now, but i would say, this attack. It affected 3% of my total heath. That's what i feel. Hm... Not enough"
At a certain point, even the Brent started questioning his prey. Those eyes, it certainly didn't looked like a prey.
"!" - Minoru threatened a approached, and the creature flinched, it was getting nervous, Minoru was taunting that thing, playing with it, unaware of its risks.

"Hehehe..." - Then, Minoru moved. The Brent realized that just behind him, it was Tori. Minoru was opening the way to the creature. Maybe. The Brent didn't felt confident enough to go ahead at first. Minoru then closed his eyes, with a smiled and turned his face. That was the call.
Maybe the human was really abandoning her to her own luck. Without waiting anymore, it jumped, baited by Minoru. All Minoru wanted was the creature's greatest advance. Again he put himself in front of Tori, taking the full attack as the creature bit between his neck and his shoulder.

" Yes...!" - A movement, a aura, something red took the man's silhouette, burning, raising. - "25... no! 29%!" - Some hidden birds flew off, they knew there was something wrong. - "Amazing! Amazing!" - The desperate creature gave the hardest bite it could, it was now fighting for survival, but that flesh did not taste as he expected.
Smiling, Minoru raised his fist. - "34%.. I never felt this much pain before, so .. piercing... i understand it better now. So this is how... i get...!!!!"

Quickly enough, this time Minoru opened his mouth and bit out a piece of the nearby creature. His fist shocked against the creature. When Minoru finished his punch throwing the Brent in a straight vertical line to the ground. The impact was great enough to create a hole of dirt on the floor.
When the dust finally dissipated, Minoru was kneeling on the floor, just getting up on his feet. He turned his head, while facing the girl.
He was chewing, but it wasn't something soft. In fact she could even heard a crack on every chew. It didn't lasted long enough, as he spit something aside.
He was silent, and a bit afraid of her reaction, so he just waited, with open wounds that didn't seemed to bother him too much. That amount of pain could not break the tension.
He opened his mouth.
".... Breakfast?"
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    "Not Macguyver?" Well, that much wasn't that surprising. But the stranger had no intentions of stopping his ominously vague and confusing statements. "You don't know what you are? What do you mean new sensation, pain, what, what are you talking about, hey were are you going, your body can only take so much! Get back here you idiot stranger!"

    Despite how I reached out my arm, he was already running to fight the breant. What was this? What was going on? I had never seen anything like it...I wasn't even sure I HEARD anything like it before. Persent? What in the world was that? Why in the world was he trying to intimidate that growling breant? Even if they were typically peaceful creatures, it was asking to end up in the guild's recovery ward to fight one at even my rank... and this guy was just some unnarmed...something. He should be a bloody pulp by now. And yet...

    Even with the breant still clawing at him, he didn't seem to falter. He got away from me, so I thought I would finally get a strike in edgewise, but instead he PUNCHED the breant lifting it into the air. The damage from the fall was such that the guy was even able to bite off splinters from the breant and finally put the worldhole down with a final, back-shattering punch. Then the stranger turned back to me, spitting out what he bit off the breant, and inquired about breakfast. My spear nearly dropped and I just stood there, dumbfounded.

    "What...what in Euphorium.." I shook my head to snap out of the trance. A strange thought crossed my mind as I recalled his earlier words, so I shook it again. That couldn't be, could it? But how else could he have that kind of power? Oh wait! He was wearing those weird clothes, wasn't he? They were probably enchanted, like my coat, but with a much more powerful set of spells. Stronger than alchemy, even. It was definitely the kind of power I might want to...no, no. I shook my head a third time to rid myself of such greedy thoughts. Either way, I at least had to make double sure my earlier suspicion wasn't in fact true. I gave the breant-beating guy the fiercest and most direct stare I could muster. "Earlier you said you don't know what you are...this power...are you going to tell me you are an otherwolder? Just so you know, I won't fall for it that easily. If you claim to be from another world, show me the placed where you appeared."

    The man explained he got himself drunk, and woke up in the forest. His reaction about "others like him" might be an indicator, but a smart scammer would know that too.

    "If you came running, can't you trace back your steps, from where you came from?"

    Well, he HAD been in quite a frenzy escaping something (though seemingly not the breant). It wasn't entirely unexpected he wouldn't know. Well, otherwolder or not he did just protect me, even if it was from a problem he caused himself, so at the very least I ought to guide him and teach him how to profit from that.

    "Can you pull out the breant's face? Their necks are extremely resilient vines, but considering your strength earlier, it shouldn't be a problem for you. They'll pay you for the extermination back at the guild. I just need to finish collecting some things myself."

    For now, I decided this guy was just a stranger. I could have used that strategem, but without being where the summoning spot, that spell wouldn't help me. I bent down and started collecting my stuff, hoping I didn't loose too much when the breant attacked. I sighed. This was going to be one hell of a story to tell my siblings when I got back home.

    "Oh almost forgot. What's your name, anyway? For real this time."

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Interacting With: ABetterNickname ABetterNickname (Minoru)
Mentions: N/A
Might Also Want to Read: N/A

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As Yuno- or was it Hime? Ach, it was confusing. Anyways, as she walked away, Jeremiah couldn’t help but breathe out a small sigh of relief. Was she starting to get on his nerves? Yes, though admittedly, she had prevented him from probably getting mugged. That, and his reaction probably did guarantee some poking and prodding. Still…

Jeremiah shook off such thoughts as Margaret addressed him. "Don't mind her alright? Yuno is a very...outspoken. If you truly want to know how to get her to respect you, you need to stand up for yourself or else she is going to walk all over you. Hime on the other hand is very sweet, but too shy. She is the one you want to talk to most of the time, but she just gets so worked up sometimes that Yuno takes over."

Jeremiah couldn’t help but sigh in his head. Great, another uphill battle. He turned to face Margaret, and quietly said, “Ma’am, I don’t intend on being pushed down. I’ve oftentimes felt that way much of my life, and resolved not to ever feel like that again unnecessarily.”

A...poetical way, somewhat, of putting it, but who could blame him? He was a musician, after all. Again, he had to clear his head as the kindly innkeeper started speaking to him again. "Y'know I know when people stare at me or have questions so just ask ok? The funny thing is that Hime thinks that you get pregnant from kissing. No matter how many times I try to explain it, she just spaces out. You're stuck here in this world now. No one that has ever been brought here has been able to make it back to their world. So settle in and mama will take care of you ok? That meat by the way in on the house so don't worry about paying...this time."

Alright, alright, alright. A lot to grasp. First off… she’s alright with questions. Got it. Jeremiah wasn’t that perceptive, but he still knew enough to probably not ask too many questions. Secondly… Hime/Yume thought kissing meant pregnancy? He couldn’t help but quietly snicker. Something to hold over her head when she got annoying, he supposed. And thirdly- most importantly, and most distressing- he couldn’t go home. That was bad. Real bad. He had a life back home. This wasn’t some sort of anime, where there’s some freaking demon army, and some sort of person who has no life is summoned from Earth to fight this demon army and get a life. He had a mother. He had a band! He had…

Calm down. That’s it. Don’t panic… Jeremiah knew he had to keep it down. He had to establish something stable here. Take this one step at a time. He had just finally managed to get his stress levels down when…

"Mama, here you go...woah...AH!"

ACH. Yuno/Hime tripped, and crashed into Jeremiah. As the two fell down in a tangled mass, Jeremiah felt something soft on his lips. He really didn’t know what- he closed his eyes to prevent from getting his eyes poked out by the girl’s nose. But as the two started getting up, he noticed Yuno’s face start getting red, and her hands to start trembling. He had no idea why, until Margaret rushed over and said, “It's alright dear."

Jeremiah started trotting over, not knowing what happened really. Then it hit him. That soft feeling on his lips… he gazed over at Yuno’s own lips, and his face started turning scarlet. W-wait, what!? He KISSED her? WHAT!? I mean, it’s not like she’s bad looking, in fact, she IS pretty, but.. W-wait, she’s a jerk! Shu-shut up, mind! Which it promptly didn’t. Instead, it went to another thought: Yuno/Hime thought kissing meant pregnancy. Which must be why…

Oh, God. She must be having a panic attack or something. His trot turned into a rush, and as he was about to help Yuno up, all apologies and attempted ways to divert the inevitable storm, he became conscious of the stares. The people were looking at them. Smirking at them. Laughing at them.

At that point, Jeremiah got angry. He quietly asked in a clipped tone, “Do you people have anything better to do than stare at someone who may be hurt?” His acid tone was most definitely in action.
Yuno's/Hime's mental alarms began to ring as the situation finally began to settle in. Margaret's hands felt warm against her shaking, sweaty hands. D-Did they j-just...kiss? N-No! This couldn't be happening! She was too young to have a baby! Her sister would kill her if she found out about this! Hime's belief that kissing caused pregnancy was so deeply ingrained into her mind, that Yuno could feel it too even if she completely disagreed. The two mental manifestations of the girls stood on a small platform above an endless void.

"Snap out of this!" Yuno's desperate voice echoed, "You know kissing doesn't cause babies right?!"

"Y-Yes it does!" Hime responded, "H-He has to....marry me! I won't let my baby be raised without a father."

The desperation soon turned to aggravation as Hime refused to accept the truth. The platform began to crumble and Yuno's form shifted into a giant spider while Hime was unable to move.

"You don't even know this guy! I've talked to him longer than you have! You freaked out as soon as you saw him and I took over. There is NO WAY you could get the nerve to suggest such a thing because you are nothing than a cowardly little fly in my spider's web."


"So be it."

The world faded into darkness around them and the voices went quiet.

Hime opened her eyes, with several tears streaming down her face, to view the real world in front of her. She could hear voices outside and she recognized some of them as regulars. It was then that she grasped the seriousness of the situation. If he truly was going to be the father of her child, then she needed to marry him.

"S-Sorry...m-mama," she whispers to Margaret before touching the pendant around her neck to change her hair and eye color back to normal.

"Hime wait! Think before you act!" Margaret attempted to reach out to grab the girl before she did something hasty, but was too slow.

The girl stepped out of the kitchen to a tense scene. Several of the regulars, who took it upon themselves to ensure Hime was never harmed while at work, were stepping menacingly towards Jeremiah. The girl did the only thing she could think of and that was to run in between them to protect the newcomer from the adventurers.

"Hime what are you doing? He needs to be taught a lesson for hurting you!"

"He...He didn't hurt me!" She puffs out her cheeks and turns to look at Jeremiah.

Her eyes were softer and more caring than her counterpart and they shined as she spoke, "We...we kissed..." The sentence drawing gasps from some of the patrons, "S-So...he...has to...marry me."

darkborn darkborn
"Earlier you said you don't know what you are...this power...are you going to tell me you are an otherwolder? Just so you know, I won't fall for it that easily. If you claim to be from another world, show me the placed where you appeared."
The tone she used in her words to speak about "otherworlders" made him flinch a little bit.
"Eh.. I would never say that to you. I mean, i never intended to go that far"
He would not rabble around that anymore. Minoru had decided to just let the girl take her our conclusions, there was no point in giving her more information than needed. Maybe she would just forget about those questions anyway.

"If you came running, can't you trace back your steps, from where you came from?"
Minoru was starting to get a little bit bothered about the girl insisting about searching the place from where he came from. Well , he shouldn't really be bothered, after all the girl would have no idea of how much he ran and stumbled along the way, he wasn't really getting the track along the way, hell, he didn't had any idea about where he was back then.
"Uuuh, about that... " - anything he could say to change that conversation.

"Can you pull out the breant's face? Their necks are extremely resilient vines, but considering your strength earlier, it shouldn't be a problem for you. They'll pay you for the extermination back at the guild. I just need to finish collecting some things myself."
"Oh? His face? Yeah, thats a great idea. Lets see if i can do that"
Minoru approached the fallen creature, analyzing it for a bit. It was clear though, that at first, he had no idea of what he was doing. Finally he found out exactly where to grab it. He reached for the creature's face, grabbing it with one hand while holding the creature's body with the other, and pulling it out with a single powerfull pull.
"Hm, interesting. This things really come out"

"Oh almost forgot. What's your name, anyway? For real this time."
Suddenly, Minoru disappeared from her gaze. Not for too long though, as he suddenly appeared at her side while checking out the breant's mask and using it as his own just to poke some fun.
"Uuuh, yeah.. Probably should stop playing with this. I guess there is no problem. My name is Minoru. Kanda Minoru. Nice to meet you by the way. So... Tori..."
While they started walking towards Yuessay, Minoru was getting more comfortable and in tune with the situation. He looked around at any step, ready to see something different in every corner. Everything was so different than the regular big city from where he came. He had a lot of questions about the place, about what he had to do and how to better understand his position, but instead he opted to ask about the girl.
"You said you were questing, right? Mind you if i ask you something?"
He made a small pause before asking.
"Why?" - And he waited, before explaining his question a little bit better. "I mean, why were you out there risking being attacked by something like this? Are you just really good it? See, i've been pretty honest about who i am to you up to this point... so, if you want to return the favor, maybe you could do the same about yourself?" - more precisely, what he really wanted to know was, how could she help him, really? - "I guess.. if i join the same guild, then we will be adventure-buddies! How about that?" - he poked fun of her, like he didn't took that question really seriously, it was clear that he was more trying to strike up the conversation.
He walked at her side while looking at the mask in his hands and hearing the girl along the way. There was some sort of... fascination about the object in his eyes. Like he was proud about what he done. As they approached the city, the thought about the difference between the worlds stroke him back. He had a lot to worry about before he could relax and maybe enjoy finding out more about that place.
"How much do you think i can make for this? I mean, its enough to buy me a place to stay for some time?"

Heading to the city and following her instructions, they were gonna first search for the butcher.
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    It was hard to believe I was just casually walking back to Yuessay with someone who so non-chalantly carried a breant's head around like it was a normal. I wondered if perhaps it WAS normal for that person. They were a complete mystery, all the more reason why I could do nothing but sigh when they showed they couldn't tell me from where they came. He was truly a mysterious and utmost irresponsible person, or perhaps that was just the facade he put on for me. Whichever the case, promises were promises, and I would at least take him back to Yuessei and hopefully introduce him to the guild, so they could get him off my hands. Still, at least he had the decency of answering my question and introducing himself properly this time...I hoped.

    "Minoru, one of those names that have been getting more popular lately? Interesting. Oh, sure, ask away." I nodded at the inquiry about being adventuring here, but stopped in my tracks when he inquired me on 'why'. What kind of question was that? What did he even mean? He went on to explain that he meant why I was risking my life for this job and told me to be honest about who I was. Did he figure out somethign after all? I frowned a litle. Then again, no, it was probably just some suspicion at worst. As long as I didn't lie and didn't tell him the truth either, I should be able to settle such suspicions down. I sighed and got back to walking. "If you ask me like, that, I guess there's only one answer: Money. I need money, and being an adventurer pays well enough. My parents are uhm...not around, so someone needs to keep my family's mouths fed, and it sure isn'tt going to be Hime."

    I chuckled at my own joke, but did my best to settle down quickly, since Minoru probably wouldn't get it. He didn't know the girl that spent all her days lazying around the house as if she was still back at our former home, making her younger sister even do the housework and taking care of our little brother.

    "Don't get me wrong though. I don't have a death wish or anything like that, there's only so far I would go for my job. A breant there, it was definitely weird. I mean they live much deeper in the woods, so I couldn't have expected one to show up. Thank goodness you did too. But, I have to refuse your offer. I can't afford to share my quest rewards. I'm not opposed to working as a party for quests that require one, but until my home is stable, I must continue working on my own. Maybe one day, when we have a home that is warm in the winter and don't have to pick up Wakai's food when he drops it on the floor, I'll join a proper party. Just not until then. I have to live up my decisions and my responsabilities."

    There a moment of silence, then I laughed a little nervously.

    "Ah, sorry, that must have been really awkward. Sorry for getting all serious about this, you probably didn't want to hear my life's story." I rubbed the back of my head as I said it. "Hmmm... Though you did kill the breant, there wasn't an actual quest to kill it, so you'll only get exterimination money and a bit for the parts. I'm guessing something around 32 copper commencies? Potentially one gold commency in total, if the butcher is feeling generous. I would say 2 to 4 days in a cheap inn, meals included. Leaning more towards the two. Oh, hey, wer'e here."

    Yuessay's wooden walls towered above us at the edge of massive clearing in which Yuessay was located. They appeared as stone with huge, sharpened wood logs in between. Magical pattern wer carved onto them end to end, reinforcing the wall with the magic passage toll in case of attack. Not far from where we were were the gates.

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Interacting With: ABetterNickname ABetterNickname (Minoru)
Mentions: Sgt Gomez Sgt Gomez (Hime)
Might Also Want to Read: N/A

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Jeremiah blinked. It seems as if the regulars were rather getting angry with him. One quite frankly said to him, "Well, why'd you do that to Hime? What're you, a pevert, or a rapist? Well, we don't put up with that kind of crap." What a dumb statement! Did he act like a pervert? Did he do anything to Yuno, aside from the accident that one could say was her fault? Well, either they were drunk, or idiots. It was obvious that he never intended to hurt Yuno. Of course, he understood that they were drunk. So, he had to prepare for a fight. As he lifted his fists and struck a pose, rather lamely, in his opinion, a thought flashed through his head: I m dead. I mean, come on! I'm like the nerd who faces off the group of jocks!

No thoughts like that! If you think like that, you are defeated already. His rapier training snapped into place, at least mentally. Based on the size of his potential enemies, dodging and nicking them would be his best way. Like a mosquito. Make them angry, so they can make a mistake. He'd just have to find out some way to not get hit... His eyes drifted towards a table.

All his planning was interrupted, however, when a girl with black hair- no, wait. It was Hime, wasn't it? God, this split-personality thing was confusing! Even though she was cute.

Wait wait wait. Nononono. Don't think that. We just had a fiasco! No. Don't go down that road. No. I repeat, no!

Then Hime sprinted between him and the rather rowdy bar patrons, and Jeremiah checked himself. He was just about to pull Hime back from the rough adventurers; however, it was obvious, now that he thought about it, that they cared about her too. Pulling her back would send the wrong message. He'd just let this play out. She could probably calm the crowd down. Hopefully.

"Hime what are you doing? He needs to be taught a lesson for hurting you!"

"He...He didn't hurt me!"

As she turned to face Jeremiah, cheeks adorably puffed out and pleading puppy eyes facing him-Shutupshutupshutup- she made her announcement. What she said literally made Jeremiah's jaw drop to the floor, and made him speechless for a few moments.

"We...we kissed... S-So...he...has to...marry me."


No. No. Nonononononono. This day was not going well for Jeremiah. No, he should be at home, playing his guitar. Playing his Xbox. Heck, even studying for the upcoming math test! Not stuck in another world, not having to deal with drunken fools, and most definitely NOT getting married!

Wait, she just proposed to me!? The reality sunk in, and its implications, sunk in. He then looked at Hime with growing horror and shock. Then, he finally let loose what was in his mind:


After calming down- slightly- he then started stuttering, "B-but we just met! W-we havn't-t even dated, let alone b-been in anything serious! Y-you gotta g-give me at least two years! Of dating! I'm only t-twenty-one! I haven't even left c-college!"
"Minoru, one of those names that have been getting more popular lately? Interesting. Oh, sure, ask away."

"Those names.. Maybe...?."
"Those names, huh... Yeah, in a sense my mom wasn't really the most original..."
"There is more like me."

"If you ask me like, that, I guess there's only one answer: Money. I need money, and being an adventurer pays well enough. My parents are uhm...not around, so someone needs to keep my family's mouths fed, and it sure isn'tt going to be Hime."

"Oh, money! Okay.. that does make sense, i understand where you come from"
"I guess some things never change even in other worlds..."
"Still dangerous though. I guess you're just not quite like the kind of girl that solves this kind of problems opening a bakery or something. Is Hime your daughter?"
- Minoru asked almost waiting for a positive response. Then he wouldn't feel so old and left out, maybe they could even talk stupid stuff about their kids.

"Oh, hm... I... see... She does sound like a baby though. Heheh.. sorry, i didn't meant like you look like a mama or something"

"Don't get me wrong though. I don't have a death wish or anything like that, there's only so far I would go for my job. A breant there, it was definitely weird. I mean they live much deeper in the woods, so I couldn't have expected one to show up. Thank goodness you did too. But, I have to refuse your offer. I can't afford to share my quest rewards. I'm not opposed to working as a party for quests that require one, but until my home is stable, I must continue working on my own. Maybe one day, when we have a home that is warm in the winter and don't have to pick up Wakai's food when he drops it on the floor, I'll join a proper party. Just not until then. I have to live up my decisions and my responsibilities."


That moment of silence made him stop in place, he stopped walking for seemingly no reason. That actually made a lot of sense to him, and brought back some stuff in his mind. Not really good memories, but memories that for some reason seemed attached to the situation.
"Minoru you useless piece of shit! Go get the papers in my desk right now, im busy right here!"
"tsc... You've been drinking all night again? What kind of parent do you want to be? Quite frankly i don't know what i had in mind when we..."
"Sorry guys, i must log on now, people at office are really pushing me and i have to get this project done." - "Oh man... Today was the main event of the game! Common Minoru! Cant you really? Well, okay... good luck man. Unfortunately i think this is gonna set you back a little bit, but we will try to not let you fall behind."

"Ah, sorry, that must have been really awkward. Sorry for getting all serious about this, you probably didn't want to hear my life's story."

He shook his head for a moment, like getting out of his own little trance, and then pressed his eyes a little bit. Then, back to reality, or at least what he supposed to be.

"Uh, dont worry, no problem... I can also get a little bit lost if i start talking about my family" - Minoru tried to seem very chill, but hiding his own conclusions.

"I guess i know now, what im supposed to do now to get a favor from you..."

But then she spoke about his gains after putting his life in his without even knowing his limits. His jaw was dropping and his eyes had a tone of unbelief.

"Wait... What? WTF? TWO DAYS? Its only that?" - He suddenly felt regret about killing the beast, that death was not that worth it for him after all. - "Oh man..." - He scratched his head - "Thats disappointing, so ill have to get something set soon otherwise ill be homeless. Tsc... that certainly remembers me from home... I guess this wouldn't work to pay my bills"

"Oooh, this... is this Yuessay?"
- Minoru said while approaching and taking a look at the walls, the details, he was clearly impressed, like that came from another world - it kinda did. - "Your city is awesome! I mean, its a little bit rusty but, not gonna lie, i was expecting much worse. Oh man... this reminds me of Jabira Online... Maybe Exodor! Oh man!" - Suddenly Minoru was like a kid in a amusement park, admiring everything like a literal fanboy. Of course, the guards near the entrance gave some bad looks at the man stinking and acting strange, disturbing the peace. One of them held his spear tight and was ready to move to stop Minoru when he took a look at Tori, who with a small signal made him understand that the strange man was following her. The guard really wanted to throw that stinky person into a even more stinkier prison, but since he was with Tori, this time it would pass.

"So, we are heading for the butcher, and then the guild, then ill find a place to stay for the night, im already a bit tired actually... Hey, Tori" - He called for her while walking and not giving her a straight look right away. - "Thanks by the way, i can't imagine how fuckd- i would be if it wasn't for your help. Im in debt with you, so, if you eventually need my help in anyway.. you know. Oh maaan.. these are the villagers, coooool~~ ~" - Still stinking and being like a little child, he approached many people giving uncomfortable stares and being overhaul a nuisance for most people, and those people started to avoiding him because of it. - "Everyone really is like.. real people! If i could take a picture... oh well... " - He returned to Tori's side. - "Eh... Hey, Tori, one more thing.. Do you think all the matters with the guild is gonna take long? Not being lazy or anything but, i think i kinda cant stand myself anymore. I really need a bath, i know this isn't healthy. When i finish everything, if you're not busy i was thinking about pay you a visit and met this family of yours" - He looked at the sky, wondering. - "You do seem to care about them, a lot. You're really hardworking for them, i hope they are aware of that"

Interations: Idea Idea
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Hime continued to stand in front of Jeremiah as he spoke, her cheeks still adorably puffed out. This whole situation was obviously uncomfortable for her. Shifting from one foot to the other, she heard him mention something about cool-egg? What was a cool egg? W-Wait! Did he mention dating?

"I...I guess....you are my...boyfriend now," she says matter of fact before grabbing his hand and staring up into his eyes.

"What is...cool...egg?" Hime blushes and asks before he could respond to her previous statement.

The patrons of the pub all stared in shock at the two of them. They had never thought that Hime would find a suitable person to date or even marry. To them, she was an innocent little girl that knew nothing about that sort of part of life.

Margaret waddles between the group of patrons and the two kids before speaking, "Alright you ruffians. Leave the happy couple alone, go back to enjoying your drinks and the company of others. I think these two have some talking to do." Margaret then turned to Hime and winked. "You two go talk, I can handle things around here for a bit so go."

The heavily pregnant barkeeper pointed to the backroom, Hime nodded and began to walk back there while holding Jeremiah's hand. She was sweating terribly and her blush was obvious to anyone who looked at her. That was the least of her problems though as Yuno was fighting to claw her way back into control so she could beat Jeremiah up for causing her to feel such embarrassment. Hime was keeping her at bay...for now.

The two "lovebirds" made their way to the backroom and Hime closed the door behind them. "S-So...w-what d-d-do...we..." She found herself having trouble figuring out what to say. Her mind was going a thousand miles an hour, she had so many questions...

"I...I'm p-pregnant..." Hime eventually says after a very awkward couple of minutes of silence. Any logical person would know that a simple kiss, even an accidental one, could not cause pregnancy. Hime was not a logical person. She stared up into Jeremiah's eyes waiting to see what he would respond with.

darkborn darkborn
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    While the way Minoru behaved when he saw the town (it was like he was seeing a regular old town for the first time, spouting weird nonsense all excited), I couldn't help but feel like I was babysitting someone again, and in turn I pratically buried my face against my own clothes with how down I was looking, striken by memories of what had transpired just minutes prior.

    [div class=linkA]My face became bright red[/div] the moment he inquired about Hime being "my daughter". I turned around in a flash, no time to think, and shook my head as fast as possible.

    "M-m-my d-daughter?! N-no! Never! I'm a, I've never, you know, I...anyway, Hime is my younger sister, ok? She is just my younger sister... Well, she IS pretty much like taking care of a baby, sleeping all day, eating, not even taking care of the other two..." I felt a little more calm and began rubbing a finger against my chin with the awkwardness coming to me. He agreed with me on the matter of her seeming like a baby, though he tried to excuse himself from the implication he made earlier. I sighed, and waved. "It's fine. I mean, it's not like you're the only one, by a long shot. It's I have "mommy" written on my forehead or something."

    I was happy and a bit relieved that Minoru had turned out to be pretty tolerant of my ramblings, and he wasn't even demanding any favors. On the other hand, the living expenses covered by a single breant kill were certainly a shock for him, and I couldn't really fault him. Even someone who had been working for the guild for years still sometimes got caught up in the buraucries and dodgy policies. Heck, that's exactly what happened to me today.

    "Like I said, you're losing quite a bit of money because you killed the breant without a quest being involved. If someone went around getting rich by killing every world hole they came across, there'd be no job left for weaker adventurers, and the bigger stuff just wouldn't be taken care of. It's a nice thought, an important one, but what it means in pratice is that th guild gets to pay you less when a world hole pack "just happens" to be in the place that they sent you to pick flowers or something. It's quite the bother, especially when they turn out to be a real piece of wor- Ah, sorry I'm rambling again, I'm really sorry. I'll stop talking now, we're almos there anyway."


    "Of course they are like real people. They ARE real people." Was this some bizarre manner of speech from wherever he came from, or did he hurt his head harder than I thought when he fought that breant? Speaking of which, people were already giving us looks, children carried and dragged pointing at Minoru and asking their parents about him, merchants scratching their chins in deep (and probably greedy) thought or waving friendly at Minoru, other adventurers about to pass the gates staring wide-eyed or trying to figure out who the breant was stolen from. Yes, more than Minoru's odd behavior, people's gazes were drawn to the large wooden-looking mask and head he was holding like a bag of wheat, and with even less care. I went over to him and tried to grab him by the wrist. "Do you really want this to be your first impression to everyone? Shouldn't you at least try to get a bit more of a foot on things before you start making a ruckus? Come on, let's go to the butcher."

    Laros the butcher had a body well-fit for one whose job was to chop off animal parts, strong but not so much so that he couln't have the finesse to remove more delicate bits. He was a [div class=linkB]very tall with a slightly darker skin complextion whose bald head almost reached the roof[/div]. The way he held that very accurately-named butcher's knife, though he might not have meant it in a threatening way, still made it so that us adventurers had a sort of unspoken rule to never bring up or ask why the apron-wearing giant decided to grow that beard under chin and which he seemed to occasionally scratch with a bothered look.

    "Hey Laros." The man looked up, put down the knife and cleaned off some of the blood on his face with his arm like a laborer wiping off sweat. He gave Tori a bright smile.

    "Oh, Tori. Bring any bounty today...Ah, I see you brought a different kind of bounty, When did you start-"

    "We're not going out, I just found him in the forest today, and he saved me, so I decided to return the favor at least."

    "Saved you? What kind of trouble did you get yourself into to need saving?"

    "The unexpected kind." I leaned on the counter. There were bits of bone, muscle and organs visibly spread all over it. "Can you believe not only did they set me up agaisnt Kayeris, a BREANT also came berserking for some reason..."

    "By breant, you mean that thing that man is holding?" The butcher seems both surprised and intriguided as he pointed at the trophy of sorts Minoru was carrying with him. "Did you defeat that, hum...what's your name?"

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Interacting With: ABetterNickname ABetterNickname (Minoru)
Mentions: Sgt Gomez Sgt Gomez (Hime)
Might Also Want to Read: N/A

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