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Fantasy In a Warriors footsteps


Combat Ready






Once, the glorious kingdom that Piral is now, was a small one coming into power quickly. With this came the worries of betrayal and the unknown. The demonic embassy did not want to lose it's power over the overworld, so they sent many demonic beings to torment the overworld races. The king of Piral was greatly insulted by this act of war, so he had called for a warrior to come and fight the forces of hell. No one was willing to take this role on. That was until a simple girl from the streets of the village was fed up of her life and decided to go upon the challenge. Unbeknownst to the kingdom, the girl named Lina was a rare being born of both demon and angel. Lina was sent on her journey almost immediately in order to fight the demonic hoards. Along her journey she gathered a group to fight along side her. The Paladin, The Brawler, The Demented, The Witcher, The Assassin, and The Savior. This group walked the land and sailed the seas for almost an entire year before they faced the Devil himself. The fight went on for days before finally ending back in the Center of Piral. The fight ravaged the now main area of Piral. Sadly, the only way the group was able to defeat the Devil was to trap him in stone, along with themselves. Lina stabbed her sword into the Devils chest, with all of the group, which has been known as "The Piral Fighters", hands on the blade. They combined their powers and with one last spell, they trapped the Devil and themselves into a statue. The statue can be seen in the center of the kingdom.


Fast Forward Generations and a few centuries later... 


The legend has been that once the statue crumbles, the new Devil has arisen and the new Savior shall rise from the statues remains, with Lina's sword in hand. The land will once again be brought into a war between hell, heaven, and earth. The outcome will be unclear and no account for who shall become the newest Piral Fighters, but the newest Savor shall be the descendant of both Heaven and Hell and will be at one with Earth, just as Lina had been. The journey will be tough, more warriors may be added to the group, but the end goal will remain. This will not be a fight for Humanity, it is a fight for the survival of all life. Will you answer the king's call to arms and call upon Lina's strength?
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This looks awesome. Quick question, will the new group of fighters consist of the same roles as the first group?

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