Impossibly bored, i am.

Cassie Gabriel

Kai of house Thorne
It seems that when i start role plays with people, they tend to fall off the face of the earth and never go online again. I'm very bored and my mind is always working to create new content, so i NEEEEEED something.

At this point, i don't care so much what we role play about so long as:

  • You can type more than a one paragraph response.
  • You are willing to create an idea WITH me.
  • You are willing to not dissapear with no trace of yourself.
  • You are just as bored as i am.

With that, if you have any questions, you may ask.

Yes, i have story concepts, no, I'm not going to post them on this post, but maybe in a pm, as i do not want to waste my time typing that out when i have no gaurenteed listeners.

May a god i do not believe in bless you for reading this and considering role playing with me. (small groups are cool too by the way.)
Bored is my middle name dude, I'm preeetty much down for anything and I'm itching for some roleplay at the moment! I can write plenty of paragraphs and though I'm a horrible speller there is always spell check. I'm also down with creating ideas with you, I would hate either of us having to take all the work load. But yeah, pm me your ideas! I'm totally down! And (atleast I hope) I won't disappear off the face of the Internet!
I know exactly how you feel. .-. Everytime I start a roleplay with someone they fall off the face of the earth and never reply. >.< Feel free to send me a pm. ^^ I promise, I won't disappear, I can't live without my internet. xDD I'm pretty flexible with my roleplaying, and I'm dying to start a new one that someone would actually reply to. xD
Hey bored haven't disappeared. I am adding more to Bittern- Helm if the Dragon Rp does not start soon, I will start Bittern helm by next week with or without people. What happened to Boiling Graves?
I cut off boiling graves because i though Sylvian would be starting her rp, and i thought you would be starting yours. :/
Whether Sylvan does hers or not I still am. Sometimes I'm a slow starter, but it will get started. I put mine on hold and started a couple sci-fi rps until I could hear from Sylvan.
I'd love to do and form an RP. I'm a little inexperienced with RP--i dont know if that bugs you or not--but i'm willing to put the effort into my responses and if someones willing to put up with my n00b status, i always reply.

And yes, i am terribly bored as well. Every 'beginner' RP looses its players in about a day which is upsetting :( and no hiatus ever seems to end. Its like waiting for the second season of your favorite TV show to come up and after the initial relapse, I just get booooooooooooooored.
[QUOTE="Thomas Millwood]It seems that when i start role plays with people, they tend to fall off the face of the earth and never go online again.

Same happens to me they seem to be active the day we start roleplaying then they are never on again. I won't disappear off the face of the earth, like many of your "friends" seem to do.

*Turns head* WAIT NO DON'T SHOOT!!!!!

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