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Fantasy Impossible Things


✯ Raccoon Catcher ✯
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)


Dear Citizen,

You are cordially invited* to the coronation of the Red Princess. All in attendance** will witness the coronation of the Princess as Queen and will be permitted to attend the proceeding reception***. Please RSVP in the form of a gift**** and the planned number of attendees*****.

The Red Court

*All citizens of the Red Kingdom are obligated to attend.

**Those not in attendance will be beheaded at the earliest convenience.

***Obligated attendance includes the proceeding reception.

****Gifts must be equal or greater in value to one month's income of the household.

*****Expedite the beheading process by sending the names of those traitorous
bastards citizens.

More about the Premise (Please read first!)

If you've read the premise and think that the story sounds surrounded and driven by solely my character, I promise it won't be. It's just a bit challenging to come up with a premise and leave the character roles entirely up to you guys. If you have suggestions, let me know!

The Red Princess has never before left the castle. Those outside of the castle were unaware of the existence of a Princess until the coronation invitation went out.

There are a variety of crimes that can earn a citizen the title of fugitive. A misdemeanor as small as speaking out against the crown can end you up on the chopping block.

Surface dwellers haven't come to the Underland in centuries. All Surface dwellers are to be brought to the Red Court immediately. Failure to do so is punishable by death.


Characters do not have to be either a Surface dweller or Red Kingdom fugitive. Those are just the roles I have outlined. If you choose a different role for your character, simply describe in place of Surface dweller or Red Kingdom fugitive.

This questionnaire is not your character sheet. You do not have to include every detail about your character. It doesn't have to be pretty. If you want to provide a more complex, prettier version then go ahead (I'd love it!). This is the minimum I'm looking for to consider a character for application. Let me know if you have any suggestions, questions, or concerns. Thread is here.

Character Questionnaire/Application

  1. Character Name
  2. Gender
  3. Birthday/Age
    • Acceptable Formats:
      November 19, 2010 (5 years)
    • 3 May 2000 - 15 years old
    • August 28 {38}
    • Any variation thereof


  • Surface dweller (SD), Red Kingdom fugitive (RKF), otherwise

[*]Further Role Info

  • If SD: Why/how did they get to Underland, etc?
  • IF RKF: What crimes did they commit and why, etc?
  • Otherwise: Other important details about the role


  • 1+ paragraph of description
  • Do they like people?
  • How do they feel about the Red Crown?
  • Etc


  • 1+ paragraph of description
  • Family/friends/crimes/etc
  • Were they born in the Red Kingdom? If not, why did they move there?
  • Etc

[*]Further Information

  • Any other details you want to add
  • If none, mark as N/A

[*]Writing Sample

  • 2+ paragraphs, doesn't have to be using this character


If you have any concerns regarding these or any other details, feel free to pm me!

Proper grammar is a must

English doesn't have to be your first language but you must understand how to write it. A few mistakes every now and then are okay but if you write in "txt talk" or just have terrible grammar, you will not be accepted into the roleplay. This is absolutely non-negotiable.

A minimum of one response per 2 days

This requirement may be negotiated on certain circumstances but it's important to be online often to help move the plot along

A minimum of two paragraphs per response

A paragraph in this case is defined as at least four lines of solid content

Being rude out of character is unacceptable

Your partners are your friends. You should bond over the RP, not bicker and argue. In character, there are no restrictions as long as your character has good reason.​


This roleplay is not first come, first serve. Accepted members will be posted here and in the thread.

Red Princess: @RealisticFantasy

Red Kingdom Fugitive 1: <Open>

Red Kingdom Fugitive 2: <Open>

Red Kingdom Fugitive 3: <Open>

Surface Dweller 1: <Open>

Surface Dweller 2: <Open>

Surface Dweller 3: <Open>


Soon-to-be-wed, the soon-to-be Queen escapes from the shackles of her parent's influence into a world that she is meant to rule and that she has never seen. Her delusional optimistic view of her kingdom's reign is shattered when she meets a trio of Red Kingdom fugitives. Her optimism is further pressed when they come across a trio from the Surface. Powerless outside of the walls or her castle, she may be unable to help when it matters most. How will her new found friends feel when they discover her true identity?

Loosely based on the characters and environment of Alice in Wonderland

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[QUOTE="Lunar Lunacy]It's interesting. Lol.

Alrighty then! I get a thread up if a couple more people express interest.
Interested. One thing though. My character's going to be a robot. As in not the fantasy type. He just happened to turn up after a mission gone wrong.

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