Impersonating a Dragonblooded

Oh, that one.

Not much would be my guess, considering you can get an aspect from learning Fivefold Shadow Hand Style, whether you're a DB or not. You get a second aspect that does nothing, big deal
Maybe, I'd have to read FFSHS again.

as is writte nthough celestial exalts don't pay a surcharge on elemental MA styles, so to laern and MA, to get theeself an element and then HAVE to pay a surcharge seems to suck...HARD
I doubt a Celestial getting an element pays a surcharge, because it doesn't change your aspect, it simply adds a new one. (I'm talking about Trascendant Gaian harmony here)
right, I obviously have no idea what anima flux is

*reads wiki*

ah, the whole taste/smell/hear/see/holycrapimonfire part of the DB anima

hmm, yeah maybe, it would be interesting to gain the more tangible aspects of your anima

maybe the first use a solar takes should create some sort of solar anima flux instead of giving you a DB aspect straight off.

all the same benefits a DB would get from taking the charm, but instead of getting one of the elements it fleshes yours out instead.
Yeah, but I thought it was what gave DB animas the tactile qualities too

solar animas bleach things

lunar animas leave things damp (oo-er missus)

Dragonblooded animas set you on fire (etc) but they also make noise, smell of the element, taste like the element etc
To be precise, they make things appear as if they'd been left out in the damp all night under the moon.
in case people are reading this thread for Ideas or are interested, someone posted a similar thread on the forum today and it got a very interesting response

I'll post it in its entirity

the person asking was an eclipse to explain one of the things he throws up

KreiosAstraiosEosphorus said:
You're a Solar - so pretend to be a Fire Aspect. Remember that Golden Janissary Style (a Terrestrial Martial Art that is Fire-Aspected) emulates Solar holy-flame; that in the Fire Aspect book there are hearthstones that enhance the heat of Fire-Aspect & Solar animas; in general, both are easy cross overs.
You're an Eclipse - you can learn fire-aspect charms then.

You're a Solar - in 1st Edition (and maybe Dreams of the First Age, 2nd edition?) there are Survival charms that bring down celestial fire.

You can take various spells - ones that burn the entire substance (so drop it on a floor, it consumes the whole floor), fire-raptors, elemental enhancements, etc. All fire.

You can hunt down Fire-Aspected Hearthstones; there's a lvl 2 that reduces fire damage, and a lvl 3 that completely negates natural fire damage. So bam, you're immune.

If you could emulate a novice Immaculate, if you could somehow get admitted or find a Sifu - learn Fire Dragon Style. There's last charm gives you the fire-anima-power. If not, learn Righteous Devil (for firedust weapons).

Have you picked an anima? Things that are "firey" work. I tend to think Terrestrial ones are more abstract elemental (Floods, hurricanes, whatever). But a Solar with a Dragon for his anima (and it glows all firey) could enhance this.

Want more?

Gem provides firedust to the Realm. And various Cartels/Families run the businesses in Gem (one for firedust, another for rubies, etc, etc). Go down south and you can emulate a Fire-Aspect even better. Firedust grenades, firedust rifles, etc. It's cheaper to purchase down south, and if your friend works with the Realm then perhaps you're going to lend assistance or something.

Learn Archery.

All together now.

You get hired to start shit for some bad guys?

You set the entire area on fire. You put firedust grenades throughout, then use sorcery or charms to ignite everything and watch the explosions flare.

You have a hearthstone, lvl 3, making you immune to it all.

Walking through the flames with a sword and a gun, you shoot off your enemies.

You use the archery charm that eliminates visibility penalties - so with all the smoke and fire, when everyone else is blind (make sure the ST enforces such penalties!) you're using Solar charms to kill them all. And IF they see anything, your Solar anima can easily pass for fire.

You disappear, leaving only ashes and flames.

Fire Aspects are the easiest for a Solar to emulate. If the anima is a huge issue, I'd ask the ST if I could develop a hearthstone that specifically emulates their anima (atleast as a visual). So if I have a purple & gold swan for a Solar Anima, I wear the hearthstone over my forehead and they see a red & gold fire-swan for an Anima. The hearthstone amulet would cover your caste mark, and no one needs to know what power your hearthstone has. So its real power could be "hide my anima with a fire one" while you tell people "it enhances my archery attacks". Etc.
All in all it's probably a bit on the difficult side to impersonate a Terrestrial without causing a lot of collateral damage to the environment impersonating it, or having your forehead shine with "I'M AN ANATHEMA! PLEASE KILL ME!" sign.

But given a decent smattering of Investigation, Lore and Larceny for background research and some clever disguising (and a given amount of Resources) you can easily accomplish impersonating an unexalted Great House member, Patrician, or unexalted member of the Lookshy military, which should normally open just as many doors for the purposes of blending into any of those groups.
Investigation, resources? whatwhat? My character IS a Tepet :D

but she'dnever be content to pretend to be a normal mortal, tis a good idea for other characters that need disguises though
Smeggedoff said:
Investigation, resources? whatwhat? My character IS a Tepet :D
Quick show of hands here. Who's designed a character who Exalted into something other than Sidereal or Terrestrial on the Blessed Isle and was a member of the Great Houses?

Raise your other hand if you thought for a single moment it was original.

[*raises both hands*]
[ raises both hands ]

And she's still a kid and stuck on the island. Looking for a way to fake her elemental exaltation.
who said I thought it was original, in fact my character was going to be dynast who was as far outside of any of the 8 great houses you could get until I realised that if she was a Tepet she might have a shot at everyone who's seeing the roseblack as the next empress looking at her instead (provided I do some social wangling of course)

original? heavens no, what game did you think we were playing here?
Kayn said:
Quick show of hands here. Who's designed a character who Exalted into something other than Sidereal or Terrestrial on the Blessed Isle and was a member of the Great Houses?
Raise your other hand if you thought for a single moment it was original.

[*raises both hands*]
*raises one hand*
He's a Nellens, but he was just a stuck up diplomat who had moments of idiocy. BFD. So he automatically reacted to a threat, firing off both of the Fuel Bolt Launchers (loaded with Fire Pearls) and both of the Essence Gauntlets on his Celestial Battle Armor (he does it as a form of overkill versus anything deemed a threat) in an enclosed area in the Nexus Underways, causing an explosion due to the high methane content of the air which spread through gas pockets, destroying a Thaumaturgy school, over 150,000 lives, about 150 of his guildmates, 2 Lunars and a Solar, thus royally pissing off the Emissary. He's currently trying to get the hell out of the city before he gets flayed, but also has to worry about at least one elder Lunar, three pissed off Solars, a number of gods and the fact that one of his teammates is an assassin who loves to take the hard jobs just to prove he's that good.

Not really that original.

My next character (as the previous one doesn't have enough time left to live to bother with) is going to be a young First Age Solar that used Solar Sanctuary and Pressed Beyond The Veil Of Time to vanish until the Solars were freed. Heavy on Bureaucracy, Craft, Lore, MA (Solar Hero Style) and Occult.

A bit more original.
Probably not, it would upset the power balance. Though I'm using the set to create the character.

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