Immortalis: Awakening


Junior Member
Dark_Matter submitted a new role play. @Dark_Matter, please edit this post to include the sign-up information.

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  • Things to keep in mind for Immortals: You are not yet aware of the fact that you actually are an Immortal. The only one who is aware of it and has full access to it at the beginning of the RP will be the character played by me, Richard H. Wallace or currently known as John R. Smith. All other Immortals are currently just normal people with normal lives. The RP will start with you being drawn to New York City through your subconscious mind by the call from Richard (Mikhael). Also, once made aware of it, your character shouldn't be immediately all-powerful. There should be growing pains or an internal struggle between your current human mind/personality vs your Immortal self.


    1. Lenina Rowe - Icarus

    2. Piper Octvious - Bloom James



    1. John R. Smith (Richard H. Wallace) - Dark_Matter



Immortal Character Sheet:

(If applicable)

Age: (Between 21-30)

Gender: (Male/Female)


(Please try to keep it realistic, I don't want a bunch of 140 pound 6'+ tall male characters. You'd be a stick, not a man.)

Appearance: (Use a picture of a real person.)

Appearance Notes: (If you wish to include more information about your character's appearance, add it here. Ex: John likes to wear blue jeans and a white t-shirt to almost every event he goes to. Rachel likes to overdress for everything, wearing high heels for lunch at the dining commons. etc.)

Personal Item(s): (Anything your character might carry with them. Maybe a pocket knife, a stop watch, a duffle bag, a weapon, etc.)

Personality: (This is very important for your character as it defines how they will not only interact with other people, but also how they will deal with the presence of the Immortal within themselves as well. It will define what kind of fighter they will be and what they will do with their "God Particle". I don't want short and sweet here, I want to understand your character and see them as a possible human being who is trying to succeed at living as a young adult in this world. You can organize this section how you wish. With that being said, I also don't want to be reading a book with every little minute character either. Expanding upon the major points of your character should be fine; let us discover their little quirks through the RP itself.)

Current Occupation: (What does your character do for a living?)


History: (The basic history of your character. What helped mold your character into the person that he/she currently is? The great influences in their lives? Parents? Friends? Etc. Also, keep in mind, your character does not know that he/she is actually an Immortal. No need to write a book but you still need to divulge a sufficient amount of information in order to explain why your character is the way she/he is.)

The Immortal Within: (Name of the Immortal that is at the core of your character. Choose carefully from the history of mythological heroes/gods/ etc. Names like Zeus, Thor, Poseidon, etc tend to have an affinity with certain elements so keep that in mind when you are choosing.)

The "God Particle": (What your power will eventually become. Use your imagination, you don't have to settle for the conventional lightning blast ability, fire ball, storm bringer, etc. Maybe your character is more psychological in nature, maybe he idolized a super hero when he was a kid, it isn't called the "God Particle" for no reason. Sure the Immortal has some measure of influence, but the human is the one who ultimately decides what will become of this "God Particle" and times have changed since the ancient times when the greatest extent of the power of imagination was to be able to conjure a lightning storm or something of that nature. Just be sure to have a great reason/explanation for it and I may just accept it. Chances are that as long as it doesn't involve you having the ability to destroy the entire world with the flick of a finger or something of that magnitude, I'll accept it.)
Your Average Human Character Sheet:


(If applicable)




(Please try to keep it realistic, I don't want a bunch of 140 pound 6'+ tall male characters. You'd be a stick, not a man.)

Appearance: (Use a picture of a real person.)

Appearance Notes: (If you wish to include more information about your character's appearance, add it here. Ex: John likes to wear blue jeans and a white t-shirt to almost every event he goes to. Rachel likes to overdress for everything, wearing high heels for lunch at the dining commons. etc.)

Personal Item(s) :( Any weapon(s), pocket knife, bag, laptop, camera, etc that you character might carry with them for either work or personal reasons.)

Personality: (This is very important for your character as it defines how they will interact with other people and react in dire situations. Give us the lowdown of your character.)

Current Occupation: (What does your character do for a living?)

History: (The basic history of your character. What helped mold your character into the person that he/she currently is? The great influences in their lives? Parents? Friends? No need to write a book but you still need to divulge a sufficient amount of information in order to explain why your character is the way she/he is.)
The Illuminati Character Sheet


Illuminati Code Name:

Age: (25+)



(Please try to keep it realistic, I don't want a bunch of 140 pound 6'+ tall male characters. You'd be a stick, not a man.)

Appearance: (Use a picture of a real person.)

Appearance Notes: (If you wish to include more information about your character's appearance, add it here. Ex: John likes to wear blue jeans and a white t-shirt to almost every event he goes to. Rachel likes to overdress for everything, wearing high heels for lunch at the dining commons. etc.)

Personal Item(s): (Anything that your character might carry with them on a regular basis. Satelite phone, walkie, notebook, camera, weapon, etc)

Personality: (This is very important for your character as it defines how they will interact with other people and react in dire situations. Give us the lowdown of your character.)

Civilian Occupation: (What does your character do for a living?)

Position within the Organization: (Are you a researcher, a Watchdog, or simply a devout follower? The position of Elder won't be open at this time.)


History: (The basic history of your character. What helped mold your character into the person that he/she currently is? The great influences in their lives? Parents? Friends? What drove your character to join the Illuminati? No need to write a book but you still need to divulge a sufficient amount of information in order to explain why your character is the way she/he is.)


Name: Richard H. Wallace

Nickname: John R. Smith, Big J

Age: I can pass as anywhere between 20 to 30 years old but I'm actually over 600 years old, born on December 16, 1397.

Gender: Male

Height: I stand at an even 6 foot and 2 inches tall.

Weight: Last time I stepped on a scale I weighed in at 198 pounds.

  • wouter-peelen-o.gif

Appearance Notes: I tend to avoid wearing anything that might stand out too much; I like to stick to more neutral colors like various shades of grey, white, dark blue, and dark green. I am just as comfortable in a shirt, shorts, and flip flops and I am in a suit and tie.

Personal Item(s): The only thing that I keep from my distant past was a small stone knight, chiseled by hand for the collection of a child ages ago. Aside from the usual leather wallet, keys, and my cheap Nokia flip phone, I own and live in a fairly upper class loft apartment in New York City; I own the bar the Willy Nilly and occasionally work there; and I drive around in either one of two vehicles, my classic all black 1969 Ford Shelby GT500 Mustang or my black, silver, and gold BMW S1000RR motorcycle. A knight must always have his castle and his steed.



Personality: When it comes to social situations, I excel at adapting to the mood of the room and just melting into the conversations. I am neither a wallflower nor a person who strives to be the center of attention. Over the years, I've developed an innate sense of knowing when to speak and when to stay quiet. I can get along fairly easily with almost any personality.

When it comes to women and things of a romantic nature, I learned the hard way that being Immortal has its downside in that regard. It took me the better part of 2 centuries to learn and get over the idea that finding "the one" was something that I just was not destined to accomplish. It always sounded good, in theory, to fall in love with a woman and stay by her side even as she grew old; it held a strong appeal to my human nature in the earlier years of my existence but the actual practice of it proved to be impossible. Things always ended in disaster until I finally made my mind up to just give up on it; I haven't had a "long term" relationship for almost 4 centuries now. My "romantic" relationships with women now days consists of either dinner and a one night stand, or meeting them at a bar or some other social function followed by a one night stand; the only thing that remains consistent is that I avoid all contact with them afterwards or give them an excuse that'll help them move on more easily. I may be an Immortal but I am also a man; there is a part of me that longs for more than just the comforts of a warm embrace and passions of the night, but that part has long been buried under a mountain of guilt and pain.

When it comes to making the tough decisions, such as the choice between sacrificing a few in order to save the majority, some people would consider me to be cold and calculating, almost ruthless and heartless. However, they do not have the benefit of centuries of personally making the wrong decisions and could not possible understand how my mind works when it comes to such things; I have learned that it is foolish to think that I can always save everyone, all that does is cloud your judgement at the worst of times, some things always demand a sacrifice whether we like it or not. I just do my best to make sure that the sacrifice is never made in vain.

Of course, there is still a lot more to me than just these few things that I wrote down; but I'll leave that to you to discover for yourself.

Current Occupation: I am a lecturer for a course on Ancient Mythology at Columbia University, my lectures are always at 1:00-2:30 PM every Tuesday and Thursday. I also am the owner of the bar, the Willy-Nilly, located near the campus of Columbia University.

Hometown: I was born in a small village that was once just a walk away from London, it has since long been absorbed into the city of London as it expanded over the years.

History: (I had a pretty detailed history typed out and ready to go, then my computer died and I lost it all. I don't really want to try to recall everything again so I'll keep this shorter than usual.)

What kind of life has a 600 year old man lived? I don't care to go into every single minute detail about my life so I'll give you the short of it.

I grew up in an era of Kings, a time when every boy dreamed of becoming the next great Knight. If you weren't born into wealth and power, the only thing that mattered was your own physical might, for only through proving yourself worthy in battle would you be able to obtain all of your wildest dreams. I was born to the life of a farmer but desired far more than that. I eventually enlisted to be a foot soldier in the army of our liege lord along with my friends when I reached 21 years of age. Though I didn't remember it for quite a while, that was the same night that the most beautiful woman in the world spoke to me at the bar.

After that, I soon married my best friend's sister, Bethany, and continued with my career as a soldier. My wife bore me 5 beautiful children: James, Elizabeth, Eric, Michael, and Bella the youngest. It didn't take me long to prove my worth in battle and I was eventually given land and a title as a minor lord. All the while my family grew up around me and my wife grew older, yet I stayed the same. It took about 15 years until I could no longer use the excuse of having good blood from my parents as my reason for never growing old along with my already graying wife. Now that I think of it, it was almost a bit of a mercy when I lost my family to remnants of the Plague in the following years. It was on the morning when I set fire to my own home, the usual treatment in order to cleanse the Plague from the land, that I met and killed my first Demon.

Even with the heat of the inferno beating on my face, I can recall feeling a cold chill pass from the back of my neck and down my spine; something forced me to take my eyes away from the fire and turn around, resting them upon a tall figure that stood watching from the road. His face was shrouded, hidden within the hood of his cloak, but I could see a pair of eyes, darker than the darkest night, peering right through me. The man's mouth formed a facial expression that I assumed was a smile; it gave me the same impression as a rabid dog baring its teeth. Without warning, the figure began swelling at an impossible rate; the last thing I remember was what felt like a raging inferno beneath my skin as my world suddenly bursted into a brilliant white light. When I finally came to, I was standing in the middle of the street, covered in black gore with my horse torn into pieces and my possessions scattered all around me.

I suddenly became aware of who I was; I was the Immortal Mikhael.

My life from then on became a blur.

I loved again, many times, until I learned to love no more.

I killed a countless number of humans as a soldier through thousands of battles waged between Men.

Periodically, I would go on journeys to find and eliminate any threats from Doom. I often found myself trapped in seemingly hopeless situations and but I always found a way to come out on top through sheer power, relentlessness, and the strength of my will combined with my infinite pool of knowledge and experience to draw from.

Over the centuries, I amassed more money than I know what to do with.

I've helped directly, and indirectly, improve the scientific knowledge and technological advancement of human kind; though there are some things that I wish I could have kept hidden.

For the past decade or so, I have been living a much quieter life in the melting pot of the world, New York City.

However, these times will not last, I can hear the drums of Doom beating from the other side of the veil. I can feel the terrible emptiness of Doom leaking through; it was only a matter of time until the veil tore completely open and unleashed the hordes of death and destruction upon Earth.

The Immortal Within: Mikhael or better known in Christianity by the name of Michael, the Archangel.

The "God Particle": My "God Particle" grants me physical strength and speed that transcends that of any normal Immortal abilities; it fuses with every single cell in my body and generates an armor of what looks like pure energy to shield me from any physical harm. It also forges a blade of energy that extends from my hands and is capable of cutting through any material. I can manipulate this field of pure energy to suit my purposes but the more I expand it, the weaker it gets. It is strongest when I use it to encase myself, or any single person, in its protective barrier. I simply call it the "Armor of God" and "Sword of God".

However, as human technology has advanced over the years, so have my abilities. I've learned to condense my destructive power and fuse it into bullets which I can fire into the enemy. I've also learned how to instantaneously create partial shields instead of always having to maintain a full suit of armor; I've perfected my efficiency over hundreds of years of practice and through some trial and error. However, I always have to don my original form when facing truly powerful creatures such as the Baelwroths.

  • Similar to this.
  • Zeus.jpg
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Piper Octvious










60 kilos



Appearance Notes:

Piper, except having a face of a goddess also has the body of one. She has an hourglass figure, though with her tomboyish personality she insists on wearing baggy, comfortable clothes, meaning no one can see what her built is like.

Personal Item(s):

The auburn haired beauty is never seen without her snake like ring, circling the whole length of her left index finger.


The best way to describe Piper is to simply say that she has the personality of a boy. During her younger years she preferred car toys to barbies and playing video games to dressing up. Even now, being the grown woman that she is, she has still maintained the same characteristics. She'd pick sweatpants over skirts any day and playing football to shopping without a second thought. Another fascinating trait about the girl is her love for adrenaline. She is a daredevil and she'd gladly comply to any dangerous activity. Another part of her character that she takes pride in is the fact that she is a rebel. Not once has she played by the rules or listened to other people. Her motto is simple - "My life, my choices so pi[]ss off." Piper is an extremely sarcastic person who will more often than not express herself in the mocking manner than the normal way.

Current Occupation:

At the moment she is in her last year of university, finishing her studies in computers. To support herself she works as a bartender.


London, Britain


After waiting in line with many other more qualified people, an auburn haired girl's name is called and she enters the office where three people are seated in leather chairs, looking over her resume. The female bites the inside of her cheek to stop herself from smirking smugly at their confused looks when they don't find anything about her past on the papers.

"Would you mind telling us a bit about your past, seeing as there is nothing about it here on your resume?" Came the voice of the eldest man, probably the leader of the company. The wide amber eyes of the girl narrow, calculating whether to lie to them or not. She sure as hell isn't going to get the job and would never see these people ever again. With a childish grin she makes her decision and turns to the committee.

"You are five years old. Your life is filled with joy, happiness, toys and playmates. You have never heard about the evils of the world or anything of the sorts. You can't tell right from wrong. Up until now everything has been nothing but fun and smiles. But even at the young age you know that a man sneaking into your room at night isn't right. You know that him telling you to not make a sound isn't right. You know that him threatening to kill you if you tell anyone isn't right. You just know that nothing will ever be right anymore. Your eyes widen when he unbuckles his belt and pulls down his trousers, but you don't make a sound, just as he had instructed. You get out of bed when he says so and try to comprehend why this man that has been there your whole life is taking out your sleeping clothes that your mum had dressed you in just fifteen minutes prior. You close your eyes trying not to panic, but you know, just know that this isn't something normal. A shudder passes your spine when you feel the man's large hands on the hem of your superhero underwear and just as he was about to pull them down he stops. You hear a chocking sound and when you open your teary eyes all you see is fire. Red, scorching fire. Your eyes finally adjust to the light of the flames and the thing your eyes catch a sight of next is one that will forever be burned in your memory. The man's body is unmoving and your fire. Your father's best friend's body is unmoving and on fire."

With that the auburn haired immortal stands up and smirks at the reactions of the people in front of her, before leaving the building as if she hadn't just relieved the worst memory in her life.

The Immortal Within:

Sekhmet - The Egyptian goddess or war and fire. She is more commonly known as the goddess of the sun - the sun representing both power and fire.

The "God Particle":

As a child the first movie she had ever seen was "The fifth element". She had watched it again, and again, and again until she memorized all of the lines, every scene and even the way every character's hair was at every single moment. The idea of air, water, earth and fire coming together and forming as one had left her fascinated and intrigued for years on end. Even now when she is daydreaming she never thinks about love or boyfriends, but as the four greatest powers in the universe come together as one. The first time she saw the movie her favourite element had been fire and that hasn't changed. She is still mesmerized by the red flames and could sit for hours staring at a candle, the small flicker of fire dancing on it on its own rhythm. Maybe she loved it because it was just like her. Strong, independent, careless, impulsive. She would always smile at the thought of elemental control being real, as she read in her books, and imagine fire coming out of every pore of her body.
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Lenina Rowe


Nina, Iron Woman, Bi[t]ch






An even five feet and six inches without heels.


It's always been rude to question a woman's weight.


Appearance Notes:

Never leaving the house without attempting to be dressed in the most exquisite of outfits, Lenina is certainly a woman with high praise toward the aesthetics of life.

Personal Item(s):

Along with whatever Nina is willing to splurge from off the runway and latest stores, the constant piece that never changes through the seasons is a necklace she keeps stuffed under all her clothing. And, of course, a lighter and box of smokes for emergencies.


With heirs of calculation, Lenina only does what she believes will be the next step forward, always on the lookout for constant success. Working tirelessly and determinedly, she wishes to not be ignored, fearing that those around her can only see a price tag wrapped around each achievement accomplished. Following the shadow of her lineage, she has much to show the world in terms of her capabilities as the idea of wasting the best years of her youth are almost too horrible to think about. Tough as nails with iron running through her veins, Lenina will not hesitate to step on a few necks to get the job done.

Current Occupation: Through obvious bias and connections, Lenina became the chief editor of Rowe -a fashion magazine.

Hometown: Manhattan, New York.


Born of the concrete jungle itself, Lenina is no stranger to wielding the world with an iron fist- molding situations to the best of her abilities. Both a shrewd and undeniably tough, the girl was never liked by her peers, often leading to misunderstands about the persona of arrogance that Lenina keeps. The older she’d gotten, the worse her social skills had become until finally closing in on herself, eventually dubbed the “Iron Woman” by those around her. Though spoils and luxury were of the norm, the young girl had wanted to create her own place in the world, struggling to fit amidst high society and the interests she'd taken up. Immediately after the death of her father, the woman had been set forth as the sole heir of his billion dollar empire, and at twenty-two, Lenina became the editor of the magazine that he'd raised from the ground up, beginning the grooming process to take his place. Changing her ways, the girl had no longer kept the path of the lost and dim, acknowledging that she could be the only one left to save the industry from the greedy hands of his multiple ex-wives.

The Immortal Within:

Gaia- the personification of Earth itself.

The "God Particle":

Rowe displays a form of Terrakinesis, the ability to control the earth, most evidently in the form of a concrete/rock, type substance. She is able to create short concrete lances that she uses for torture purposes, these lances or 'shards' are impossible to remove from the victim once they have pierced the skin-apparently fusing to the victim's skeleton and leading to eventual death if not removed from her own whim. The young woman is also capable of covering entire bodies in concrete as well; using this ability as a transportation method by standing on a rock and lifting it, this method being held during combat by literally 'surfing' on top of the moving concrete underneath her, occasionally even willing herself to move underground in an attempt to evade enemies. Lenina is also able to create giant constructs made of stone, shifting structures in accordance to her need at the time, going so far as to occasionally create suits of armor. Her constructs resemble anything from buildings to giant golem-like creatures that can crush others underneath, gathering hard substances and firing multiple blasts toward foes.

I apologize if anything isn't on par. I've been a bit busy, but I truly wanted to get into this RP before it was too late!
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Name: Freya

Nickname: Eya

Age: 22 ( birthdate 11/13/4,689 BC)

Gender: Female

Height: 5'6

Weight: 128.6 lbs


Appearance notes: Freya is always wearing black. She hates color and hates Pink with a passion. She is always wearing a outfit that she can run in.

Personal items: She always carries around a old Revolver for protection. She keeps a old pocket watch. And a foldible sword. Also she carries several lollipops for herself.

Personality: Freya is displaced in time. She is dettached from material things and doesn't care for many things. But she wants a purpose. She is hardheaded and stubborn and has a strong will, but shy when it comes to people. She also is hot tempered, if she gets mad she doesn't show any experssion on her face.

Current occupation: (None she has been wondering for quite a while now.)

Hometown:(She has been alive for so long she doesn't remember)

History: Freya was born in the time of the Eygptians. And was soon way older than everyone else time seemed to stop around her. Freya was the embodiment of the Greek goddess Athena but with the porperties of Kronos the Titan of Time. When she reached 21 she stopped ageing and watched the world fall appart around her. Time didn't affect her except when she used it on herself but it could only freeze or go back to a point. She lived longer than most civilizations to exist and knows so much she is scared to tell anyone anything. She loves just acting like the random kid in the club.

Freya lived every country in the world and took intrest in New York city since it was new.

The Immortal Within: She is clearly holding in Time itself. Since time has no true form. Time existed before the begining and will exist after the end.

The 'God Particle': Her God Particle is Time itself. She can't use it to its fullest since she has a body but she can do some really stressed time warps. Chrono Shift: Is when she causes the Time to move back in times up to 1 minute into the past. That allows her to change a event to her favor. Time Slip: This allows Freya to speed up time about 30 seconds forward. Chrono Freeze: shd can freeze someone elses time for about 12 seconds. Chrono Flick: This causes a quick burst in time and space disorting and changes the events of that moment.
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