I'm Sonic! Sonic The-.. Aw heck, you know the rest!

Sonic T Hedgehog

New Member
Well RpNation, looks like you've got the honor of welcomin' the coolest hedgehog around!

(Ooc: Hi! I may be new to the site, but I've been Roleplaying for years.. If anyone's got pointers for a newbie to the site, I'd appreciate anything!)

Hello and welcome to the RpNation~

It's nice to meet you,
Sonic T Hedgehog!

We hope you enjoy your stay!

You may have this cake:


(It's not a lie!)

Ooh, Sonic! *squeals*

Hello and welcome to RpN! ^.^

If you have any ideas, do post them in the Roleplay Recruitment or the Roleplay Ideas thread. People will show interest or even add to your ideas!

And don't forget to pop into the Shoutbox and say hi. We're a friendly lot there.

In case of any problems, do PM our staff. They are the awesomest kind there is!

Well, that's my welcome to ya. Have fun and hope I see you around~


Thanks! It.'a great to be here!

I got a few ideas,. Not sure if they.'really any good or not, but hey, that's why we're. here right?

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