I'm Quinn?About Me; How are all of you?


Out of This World
I started roleplaying on another site :bishiesparklesl: six-to-seven years ago, but the last few haven't been very eventful, or even active at all, for that matter. :ghostunu: </3 But I've never stopped RPing. I'm hoping to be a good participant in the forums, but I also have school and I'm working on a story/music. People don't usually like my characters :hornstongue;, but they need love, too. :closedeyescryingfrown: I like romance rp (preferably queer, but I'm open to anything for my OCs), sci-fi, fantasy, action, and adventure; I'm very interested in horror and historical roleplay, but I haven't done either (does anyone know of a good 1980's RP?). My anti-social self is also looking for some friends on here, too. I hope everyone's having a good day/night, and I would love to get know all of you lovely people.

Also, where are all of my 'dark' theme people? :cheshiregrin: This is great!
hiiiiiii i’m mik :-) id be down to rp m// historic something something if you are!!! :bishiesparklesl:
Heck yes, queer characters and dark themes. That stufff's my jam. Welcome to the site~
Ey there, pal! I don't discriminate against themes (they get easily offended but ya didn't hear that from me). Anywho, glad to hear what you like my pal.
Aye, I love a bunch of those genres! Want to be friends? :)

Yes, I would! ^_^

hiiiiiii i’m mik :-) id be down to rp m// historic something something if you are!!! :bishiesparklesl:

Hi, Mik. Any specific time period?

Heck yes, queer characters and dark themes. That stufff's my jam. Welcome to the site~

Thanks. Would you like to rp sometime?

I love queer characters and dark themes so much! Would you like to RP sometime?

Absolutely! Do you have anything in mind?

I’m down for some action-y stuff


Heck yesh

Heck yes! Do you want to rp?

Ey there, pal! I don't discriminate against themes (they get easily offended but ya didn't hear that from me). Anywho, glad to hear what you like my pal.

I was actually referring to viewing the RPNation website with the black theme, as opposed to the white one. Haha. I do like dark themes in roleplay anyways, but I'm not limited to it.
I started roleplaying on another site :bishiesparklesl: six-to-seven years ago, but the last few haven't been very eventful, or even active at all, for that matter. :ghostunu:</3 But I've never stopped RPing. I'm hoping to be a good participant in the forums, but I also have school and I'm working on a story/music. People don't usually like my characters :hornstongue;, but they need love, too. :closedeyescryingfrown: I like romance rp (preferably queer, but I'm open to anything for my OCs), sci-fi, fantasy, action, and adventure; I'm very interested in horror and historical roleplay, but I haven't done either (does anyone know of a good 1980's RP?). My anti-social self is also looking for some friends on here, too. I hope everyone's having a good day/night, and I would love to get know all of you lovely people.

Also, where are all of my 'dark' theme people? :cheshiregrin: This is great!
Pleased to meet you! You have some nice tastes, and I'm more than willing to give your characters some headpats sometime!
Hey there Quinn- welcome to RPN!

Best of luck in all your searches, hope you have an amazing time. ?

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