I'm On My Knee's { Rp }

Lucia's coy smile quickly turned into a deep frown. Confusion was written all over her face, but she took a deep breath in an attempt to mask it. "'Demon' is such a harsh term," she replied in a bored tone, pulling back a few stray strands of hair to rest behind her ear. "But if you wish to call us that, then yes." With this discovery came a bit of worry. Could this girl really see them? ...Would that mean that there were more like her, then?

'If that's the case, we'll have to take care of that quickly.' To Lucia, this girl was nothing but a threat. If she had the ability to see them, there was way to predict whether or not she would try to expose them. Even so, she still had the nagging urge to slit the throats of everything in sight. There's no way she would allow a mere mortal to intimidate her. 
Her blank stare was now directed towards another who approached them, but there was no mistaking this bright aura. A ghost of a smirk appeared on her lips as the guardian angel caught the girl's attention. "Eh... but we were in the middle of something," she whined softly, her face donning an expression that was close to sadness. The close proximity of the angel wasn't making things any easier, but she continued to hold onto her dignity.
Tess felt a tap on her shoulder and looked back as a girl stood there, eyeing the demonly women. "Oh, hi!" she smiled, not familiar with the girl but decided to go along with it since she knew demons meant danger. "Guess I'm going now..." she said, looking back to the demon as the other girl began pulling Tess along with her, away from where she once stood. she noticed that the girl was not human, but had a bright sense to her. She only guessed, but she was pretty sure that she was an angel.
"Going where?" Lucia asked, tilting her head to the side. "If you can see what we can, I'm sure that the conflict right over there is quite easy to notice." She held up a finger and pointed towards the other demon and guardian angel in the distance. Holding back the urge to attack right there and then was excruciating, but she wasn't in the mood for fighting. Now that her interest was dwindling, she began to comb through her hair using her fingers once again.

"Why would you listen to them?" she asked dully. "Being involved in this sort of business is a tricky, dangerous trap, sweetie. You can't trust anyone, for all alliances end in bloodshed." In truth, she wasn't exactly sure why she was so intent on sticking around the mortal... but her ability was too good to pass up.

(Sorry for the short posts. Trying to manage this while eating dinner and doing last-minute assignments...)
She looked over and saw the two and dropped her shoulders in disbelief. "More?" she gaped at the two, stopping the angel girl from pulling her more as she listened to the other woman. "Really...? Oh, well then I guess I'm stuck here for the time being huh?" she sighed, not sure what to do or who to go with or trust.

She looked back over to the angel and male demon. She tilted her head slightly as she watched the two bicker. It was amusing but now wasn't the time to be getting out the popcorn and watch as it went on. She gazed around and sighed as she just stood there while demons and angels talked around her.
Unbeknownst to the other beings, Evelynn had never left her place under the tree. It granted her full access to the scenes opening up before her; a demon and an angel fighting over a mortal, and another of the two enemies that seemed to be right on the verge of fighting. The bright piercing sunlight seemed undeterred by the bickering going on between the angels and demons, making her squint.

She sighed half-heartedly, knowing that she was neither an angel nor a demon. She was on middle ground, and even though she still yearned to be with the angels, they had thrown her out without even asking her for her side of the tragic story. "Not that it wasn't partly my fault..." She mumbled to herself. In fact, everyday, she still curses herself for being so gullible.

After watching for a bit, she saw that the angel and the snake demon was getting a little too riled up. Even though Evelynn was no longer an angel, she utterly despised violence. Begrudgingly, Evelynn carefully stood up, sliding the hilt of her sword into it's sheathe by her waist. I might need it for later, she thought. She started to walk towards the two, and as she got nearer, she realized that she recognized the angel. "Cady..." She stopped in front of the two beings. One of the guardian angels that she used to watch with envy. She flicked her attention to the demon. Her eyes wandered over the snakes slithering by his feet. It has been a long time since she'd met with a descendant of Typhon.

"Must you two fight in public?" She asked coldly, gaining their attention and hoping that the angel didn't recognize her.
Cady swiftly turned, a small smile forming on her lips as she saw who had called her name, "Evelynn," She said, turning fully now, "What a... pleasure to see you again." Cady's eyes shone, remembering her vaugly. She kept her Bow pointed to the Demon, but was facing Evelynn, "AS a matter of fact, I was merely protecting these children..." She said cooly, gesturing to the playground.

Ruby's cold stare fell onto the demon as Tess's arm was pulled away from her. This one was a Charmer. "Demon, there is no need for tricks. She can see you clearly. She can see what you are." Ruby proclaimed turning her head to Tess. "It would be safer to come with me, if you know what I mean." Ruby glared at the demon, stepping slightly infront of Tess herself. Why hadn't this demon attacked? She wondered quietly.

Ruby's expression stone, she didn't like the demons arua. It was strong, almost causing her's to flicker. No wonder the girl couldn't think straight. Was this demon constantly trying to trick Tess on purpose? Quite possibly, she mos likely just wanted a meal. Or looked at Tess as a threat, After all she could see them. Their true form's She meant. Ruby's wings were stuck tight to her back. She was ready at any god given moment to pull them out and fly off with Tess. But that would be no fun.
Tess looked to both of them confused. What was she supposed to do? She knew that demons were evil and never mean any good and angels were the complete opposite, but the demon did have a pint as well as the angel. She began to walk off with the angel, giving a slight glance towards the demon woman. She then looked to the other group. The angel and male demon as well as...another female demon? It was beginning to get a bit crowded with other worldly creatures. She also began to wonder about what the demon said. What was going to happen to her, getting involved with the two enemies of good and evil? Tess had no clue.
Zaero was flying high through the clouds. Since he had left the company of his fellow archangels, the one comfort he still had was flying with the wind blowing through his hair and his wings. When he was all alone like this, he enjoyed stretching all six of his white and gold wings. However, as he flew over a particular park, he sensed multiple auras, consisting of both demons and angels.

Zaero decided to investigate. He flew down on the opposite side of the park, behind a group of trees. Then, he folded all of his wings into his back so as not to draw suspicion. All of the other creatures would be able to tell that he was angelic. However, his archangel status made it such that they couldn't tell what type of angel he was. Zaero only hoped that none of them had seen him land with all six of his wings, which gave away his identity. Then, with a slight amused smile, he stepped out of the trees and walked leisurely to the scene that was unfolding in the park.
As Tess kept walking, she felt a strong and vibrant aura come near. It wasn't a demon, and too strong to be an angel's...Could it be...? As the wind blew yet another cold gust of wind which sent her hair to blow wildly behind her as she spun around to see who and what she felt that had such a strong presence, stronger than she's ever encountered before.

She looked out behind her to see a very handsome man with light blonde curls and soft eyes. He had the appearance of any regular angel if not more stunning, but Tess was positive that was not what he was but something that she's only heard of. An..."...Archangel...!" she exclaimed in awe. "You're really an archangel?" she asked in disbelief as she stepped away from the female angel and towards him. This was truly amazing meeting one in real life and she just might be the first human ever to get this experience.
'All of these new appearances are making my head hurt,' Lucia complained to herself silently, rolling her eyes as another being was making his way towards the group. Despite his distance, there was a powerful force accompanying his every step, making the demon shiver slightly. The aura was one of an angel, no doubt... but there was something about the man that didn't seem familiar at all. Deciding to ponder about it later, she directed her attention to the other angel known as Ruby.

"Why would you accuse me of tricking the girl when I already confessed to being a demon," Lucia replied, her smooth voice tainted with a hint of irritation. "I simply don't want to have to deal with a nuisance." Taking another quick glance at the mortal, her face showed nothing but indifference. The girl's name was... Tess, wasn't it? How prudish. Her fascination with the newcomer was horribly obvious - was it really that easy to impress her? Humans seemed to have stayed the same over the past century; no wonder why they were such simple targets. She idly wondered why she was still sticking around the scene, for its outcome didn't look very promising... but then again, it wasn't like she had anything better to do. Most of her favorite victims didn't come out until nine o'clock, after all.

Now curious, Lucia looked past Tess and examined the source of the overwhelming air. He didn't look that impressive in her eyes; the soft blonde hair and serene eyes were too innocent-looking for her tastes. 'Then again,' she mused, 'I don't think she has a lot of experience with men.' All in all, with an appearance like that, there was no doubt in her mind that contradicted her conclusion. He was, in fact, from the Heavens... but what the mortal said next made her eyes widen in realization.

"...Archangel...!" Lucia heard the girl cry, her head whipping in Tess' direction in shock. The mere mention of such a threat made her blood run cold. Keeping up her calm state was proving to be a test of endurance, for not once in her lifetime (or rather, afterlife) has she ever dealt with someone so dangerous. It was almost amusing to see how they were all causing a scene, alerting more otherworldly beings and all. Taking a sharp breath, she tried to take every move she made into consideration, knowing that a wrong one could easily result in her demise.

"What brings someone as powerful as you to this wasteland?" she asked, addressing the male with a calm voice.
Hearing her name come off Cady's tongue, a mixed feeling of shame and warmth filled her. It was a pleasant feeling, to be called out again by one of the angels. Just like in heaven...

As if disturbed by her thoughts, her shadow wings suddenly flexed themselves, reminding her who she was. Her heart tightened and her lips formed into a cold frown. The shame she could deal with, in fact she expected it, but the feeling of content made her disgusted. Now that she thought about it, how could she still feel anything for the angels? They'd kicked her out of heaven without mercy. And yet they call themselves saviors.

Quickly composing herself, Evelynn turned to arch an eyebrow at Cady's statement. "It's dangerous to be initiating fights in the middle of a mundane settlement. You know that. All angels know tha--" Evelynn parted her lips, the words starting to form on her tongue, when a heavenly aura started warming her back.

She bit her lip in slight irritation that yet another angel has landed on the premises. However, it felt... different -- something that she would not have noticed if she was still an angel. She turned to the source and found a male angel walking towards the other group. He had blonde hair and soft, pure eyes that seemed to see right through everyone... a shiver rippled through her tainted wings, reacting to her thoughts. She scrunched her face up in repulse at him. "So the playground has become a battleground..." She whispered coldly, staring for a while before she spun around to face Cady and the snake demon again.
Cady ignored Evelynn's preaching, a sly smile forming on her lips, "So... how if life... down," she glanced around smugly, "here." she shook her golden curls back, then suddenly felt a small tingle in her finger tips, another being had appeared in this area. Shaking her head, Cady strode off to the left in search of it. As she rounded a crner, she saw a small cluster around the being. Cady's eyes rounded, her jaw dropping open. Could this be... an ArchAngel? She walked up to him. Cady was wearing a silver-white dress that bollowed in the wind. Her golden curls were flowing down her back, she was barefoot and carrying a pure gold Bow and Arrows. Her voice came out sounding like wind chimes, "H... Hello, I couldn't help noticing you'd landed here, and, uh..." She smiled softly, "I read in someone's thoughts you were an ArchAngel..."
Zaero slowly approached the group of figures. He sensed the presence of two angels, a fallen angel, and two demons. Curiously, there was a human present among them. To add to that oddity, the human recognized his status as an archangel. "Hello. I am Zaero, Archangel of God's Wrath and Second-in-Command of Michael." he said with a casual smile, confirming the human girl's statement and simultaneously responding to the guardian angel's greeting.

No sooner had he spoken than one of the demon's questioned the reason for his presence. He also heard a soft murmur from the fallen angel about the rising tension in the playground. As Zaero turned to face the two, his blonde curls bounced on his head. However, his soft eyes hardened a bit, and they seemed to pierce the beings to their very core. "I am here to stop this... playground from becoming a battleground, as you say." Zaero hadn't truly answered the demon's question of why he was there, but archangels were known for their vague and cryptic answers. Hopefully, there would be no further questions along that line of inquiry.
Sweat trickled down Seifer's face. He seemed to have a fever, but he still went to his part-time job. It wasn't like they made him lift heavy loads anyway. Seifer was heading straight to his place now, and he was going right to sleep when he arrived there; he was really sleepy too. Seifer hadn't had a good rest for a long while. He looked around the playground as he walked. He heard more noise than just the kids were making. ....? It was probably just because Seifer was tired. He couldn't make out the voices, but he didn't bother to try to either. All he cared about now was... getting home and going to sleep.
Cady nodded, her eyes on the children. "I understand, i apologise for instigating a showdown between a Demon and myself." she blushed, a rosy pink tint rising to her cheeks. She glanced up at his blond curls, and couldn't help thinking he looked like a Cherub. Scolding herself for this thought, Cady looked down to the floor. "I hope you pardon me, Archangel Zaero." she knelt in a submissive stance, looking down.
Zaero could sense that the being who had just spoken was a guardian angel. "The fault is not yours when a demon approaches a human with malicious intent." he said with a reassuring smile. He sent a quick glare at the demons. Turning back to the angel, Zaero concentrated for a moment to remember her name. "Your name is... Cady, if I recall correctly. From what I can discern, that girl is your charge, is she not?"
Cady nodded, "Yes." She got up again and smoothed her golden hair, wings flapping slowly. The small crowd of Demons were behind her, Cady suddenly thought, "The Semons were planning to murder a number of these Children." she stated, gesturing to the playground.
'D-did she just say...murder?' Tess asked herself in her mind, shocked. These children were too young to have their lives taken away, they were only but toddlers and Tess knew this all too well. She lost her mom when she was about these kid's age and it devastated her to a point of not talking for months, not sure of how to handle the whole ordeal, and it wasn't her who's life was taken and it was just as bad, if not worse than if it were her, she actually would have rather'd that she would have been taken then her mom. She looked sadly at the ground, remembering what happened as the angels talked amongst themselves.
The expression on Tess' face was absolutely priceless; all of her anguish was like a source of fresh energy for Lucia. Taking in a deep breath, her smile widened considerably as she silently moved from behind the mortal to stand closer to the scene. With each step she took, the cold breeze carried a sickly sweet scent that would have entranced any normal human being with a single whiff. "Do you see what I mean, mortal," she asked Tess, looking behind her for a quick second to admire her depressed state. "Whether one is an angel or demon, both sides contribute to the casualties that would forever haunt your memories..."

Humming a small tune, her nearly jet-black eyes held a mischievous glint. "Well, there's no logical reason for me to lie about our intentions," she began, "but at this point, I can't help but feel like my goals have shifted towards a different direction." Her look turned sour as she watched one of the children get carried off by one of their parents. 'It's not worth it,' she thought to herself. 'Their screams may be lovely, but there simply isn't enough variety in terms of torture...' It was rather strange, really - all of the other-worldly beings that were present seemed to be influencing her decisions. If this was another normal day, the majority of the park-goers would have been suffocated, mutilated, or forced to bear witness to another's death. However, with the imminent amount of danger around, Lucia felt like she had no choice but to suffocate herself.

"Why don't we just call it a day," Lucia said loudly, motioning towards the setting sun. "We're all acting like a bunch of quarreling children. In fact, if we keep up this ruckus, something tells me that we're going to attract even more unwanted attention..." her voice wandered off as her gaze was set on a tired-looking individual. It wasn't difficult to notice his curious expression, but what irked her even more was that he seemed to be looking in their direction. 'Seriously... are these humans developing some sort of sixth sense?!'
The sun was illuminating the sky with a goldish color, lined with a faint orange and pink as the day was nearing the night. The wind blew with a quick and chilling breeze as she took in a deep breath, smelling a sweet aroma which was quite deceiving and charming at the same time, blurring Tess' thoughts as she gazed at the demon. She couldn't think clearly and she began to feel a bit dizzy as her vision began to blur a bit as well as her head swirled around in a pool of images.

She looked around, only seeing shapes and colors but not details or textures of things. As she looked over towards the playground, she could hardly make out what looked like a boy around her age. (Seifer) She half waved to him with a crooked smile as she swayed back and forth, hearing only murmurs of what the others were discussing.
Seifer was walking at a really slow pace, considering how fast he wanted to get home. He looked at the sky with his eyes that were full of sleepiness. It was already getting dark... From the side, he noticed a girl waving at him. Or maybe it was someone else....? The girl was kind of swaying back and forth for some reason. ...Drunk or something? Seifer turned his head to the girl, wondering if he'd ever seen her before. No, he hadn't. But gave the girl a half smile and waved back, even though he was not sure if it was him she was waving at.
Evelynn's face felt numb, like all of the blood in her face had suddenly drained out. She'd all but imagined that the arch-angels would still exist in the world, let alone be in front of one right now. She snapped out of her little daze and bowed down, hoping that he'd take her action as a sign of respect. He ignored her, but that wasn't a bad thing; to catch the attention of one of the most powerful beings in the world would be incredibly dangerous. She didn't want to take that risk.

As the others exchanged conversation, Evelynn stayed quiet. She watched as a human boy walked past the group, stopping to glance in their direction. A feeling of surprise swept over her at the fact that the human sensed them, but it faltered when she remembered that the girl sensed them too and that there was an arch-angel standing in front of her. Nothing should surprise her anymore today.

"Agreed," Evelynn said, referring to Lucia's comment. She closed her eyes and slowly started to massage her temple, "all this talking is giving me a headache." At the corner of her eye, Evelynn caught a glance of the swaying human girl who was struggling to keep on her feet. She arched an eyebrow at the she-demon in questioning, but said nothing.

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