I'm On My Knee's { Rp }


Anxious child






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From behind another girl sprinted to her side. "Kay, Anything new with Ashley?" She asked sweetly. Kaylee shook her head, Ashley was her younger sister, who was admitted into the hospital for Lukemia Cancer. Generally, a child of such younge age is increased the chances of catching it. "Well, I hope she gets better." Riley proclaimed, stepping away. Riley was one of her friends with Light orange hair and brown eyes. "Yeah Me to." Kaylee replied, Stepping outside of the school yard. Kaylee headed down the side walk towards the hospital.


Rebecca, or Ruby as she prefered, Tierdly strutted though the Autumn Colored woods. Each set of Leave's splashed in the random colors of Red, Orange, Yellow. General Fall colors. This was her favorite time of the year. The leave's delicatly sprinkling to the ground, It was peaceful. Ruby lived here, being an Gaurdian Angel and all. She was Forced to remain on Earth, until her next Mission or Client was Assigned. Ruby strolled into her single cabin, locking the door behind herself, to give her an easy feeling.
Tess walked around town aimlessly. Her dad was at work today and as for her mom...she's been dead for eight years. Tess didn't like to talk about it, but it lingered in the air around her every day she lived. As she neared the park, she took a deep breath. All of her friends were busy so she was stuck with nothing to do. She gazed up at the trees as their golden leaves decorated the sky, dancing around her as she walked on. The trees themselves were becoming bare as the days got colder but Tess didn't mind, it all looked elegant in it's own way.
Cady sat lounging up a tree in the park, her golden hair overflowing over her shoulders. She was watching the birds fluttering around, singing to eachother. It was quiet, this morning, and Cady watched someone approach the park. Cady's golden bow and arrows were balencing on the branch beside her. The soft breeze made her white dress flutter
Evelynn sat under a tree outside the boundaries of a small, local school. The playground was bustling with small children, laughing and playing on the old equipment that was beginning to fade it's bright colors to a dull grey. Away from the hearty scene, a child was sitting on a swing by himself, secluded and cold. The air around him was sad and lonely, and even though she didn't want to, she could taste the emotions pouring off him like water. His personal flavor was bitter sweet, a good soul coated in an unpleasant aroma. She sighed and turned away from the school, closing her eyes as she remembered the sweet music and the warm atmosphere of heaven. How she would give anything to go back to that place, to soak in its beauty and splendor, to sing choirs with the other angels in harmony and key. But that demon...

Her eyes snapped open, anger and frustration building up inside of her body like a blazing flame that couldn't be put out. If only she didn't listen to the demon, if only she didn't acknowledge his tainted words that filled her mind every time she thought of the others. If only...
Playgrounds were known for their lively and colorful landscape. The high-pitched laughter of children was infectious, and the crisp autumn air seemed to make even the most fatigued adults feel revived in a way. All of their stress from work and school drifted away with the falling leaves during this time of year - who wouldn't take advantage of that? As the mortals continued their business, a looming figure watched their every move from the other side of the chain-linked fence.

"All of this happiness," Lucia murmured, combing her snow white hair with her fingers, "...is downright disgusting." Glancing at the children made the woman want to puke; their smiles were acting like a large neon sign that read, "Kill me!" Despite the urge to watch them wither and scream, none of them looked like a worthy source of entertainment. Now horribly bored, she sighed and leaned against the fence. Before she could lose all interest, the wind carried the alluring scent of loneliness.

Lucia's eyes drifted towards a lone boy on the swing set. She loved the fact that even children contained darkness in their hearts, for it was the mark of every human. His despair was like a sweet aroma to her, causing her senses to almost go into overdrive. 'Now that I think about it,' she thought, 'I haven't messed with a kid in years...' Licking her lips, she continued to observe the human's behavior. He seemed like an easy target, but the demon found no joy in getting the job done quickly.
The scenery was calm, almost joyous. It put a bad taste in his mouth. Derrick watched the children play and hissed softly to himself. He wanted to hear them cry in agony, to scream in pain and beg for their lives. However, he felt the presence of a few 'good' souls around him and knew that he was severely outnumbered. If he were to attack now and cause havoc, he would be ambushed like a lamb to slaughter. There was no way a demon as foul as he would be so stupid and allow them to destroy him. So, he leaned back in the tree and forced himself to stay still.
Before she could approach the boy, a nagging feeling in her chest suddenly came. At first, Lucia was somewhat confused, but one quick glance around the park made her realize her dire mistake. Their auras were brighter than any normal human being, and they seemed to radiate with some sort of protective power. "Guardian angels..." she hissed to herself. To be honest, if it wasn't for the fact that she took another look around the park, she would have been killed by now. This made her feel slightly relieved, but angry at the fact that doing what she wanted would result in sudden death.

The fury was overpowering, and it was quickly growing in her gut. She knew that killing would be fatal, but the urge was just so strong. Demons shouldn't have to be restrained, but that seemed to be the harsh reality. Before her emotions controlled her completely, she felt another presence in the area - one that felt somewhat familiar. Of course, that would automatically mean that they were a demon, but Lucia wasn't in the mood to investigate. Her impulses screamed at her, but she refused to look foolish in front of someone that could possibly hold more power. Like a child having a temper tantrum, she made her way towards the fence once again.
Tess heard children playing and a few ran by her as they played. She just watched blankly, becoming bored as she sat down on a nearby bench and sighed, relaxing a bit as she stared up into the sky. It was dotted with clouds and warmed with a bright sun. A stray cat walked up to her and jumped up onto the spot on the bench next to her, laying down as it rested. She looked over and began to stroke it. It meowed intently and stayed still as it slowly fell asleep. Tess smiled slightly at the cat, still petting him as she stared into space.

Slowly walking by a Joyful Park, Kay dipped her head. Each child reminded her ofAshley. So full of life, and happy until she hda gotten sick. Sadly, Kay stopped and watched a few children run in a circle. They were four, no maybe even five year's old. The same age as her sister. Kay turned from the park and walked up the Alley, wanting to see her sister, before she could become sicker. Kay's spirit dampened as she walked, possible thoughts of what happen's if Ashley couldn't pull through.


Ruby, in her Regular outfit. A Blood Red Tank top, That lapsed over her waist. Denim, Jean's that were cut off at her thighs. Giving her a basically Shorts. The Jean's were dark blue, instead of light. Two slit's in the back of her shirt to were she could extend her wing's if needed. Rebecca had a Black leather jacket over her shoulder's to hide the slits. As she walked, she felt a sense of dread nearby. Peering through the wood's she had spotted a park. Ruby ignored the tierd sensation as she walked over to the fence and leaned up against it.
Derrick tilted his head when he caught sight of Lucia. Another demon. How interesting. he thought to himself. He lifted an arm and allowed one of his snake subordinates to slither down the tree. The reptile carefully made its way to Lucia and hissed at her. "Are you akin to me? Do you despise them?" he spoke through the snake's tongue to her. He knew this was less conspicuous and a better way of evaluating her without putting himself in harms way.
Lucia's eyes narrows as she watched some sort of serpent slither its way towards her. 'A descendant of the Typhon, it seems,' she mused, curling a strand of hair around her finger. Her instincts have been correct; this was no ordinary demon. In fact, if she thought hard enough, she could have sworn that she has heard of this demon before. She didn't question why he sent one of his subordinates to confront her, nor did she really care. However, even she knew that ignoring him wouldn't be wise at all.

Sighing deeply, her eyes met the gaze of the snake. She raised her hand slightly in acknowledgement. "You and I are... similar. There's no doubt about that." Hesitating slightly, she pressed her lips into a thin line and bore a neutral expression. "Besides the obvious lineage, I'd say that we're almost siblings, bound by the hatred of the enemy and our desire for their demise... no?" Now that her interest was caught once again, her mouth curled into a coy smile.
Cady was watching Derrick with quiet curiosity. She could immidiately tell he was a Demon, and sending a snake to another in the way off communication, but she couldn't tell what he was up to. Being near a whole playground of children was a danger; he could attack at any moment. Cady was wearing a white floaty dress, no shoes and a golden headband that met on her forehead. Her curly golden hair was flowing freely down her back, over her shoulder was a bunch of golden arrows, the bow in her hand. "What are you doing here, Demon." her voice sounded like wind chimes as she spoe to him.
Derrick smirked up in the tree that hid his true self. The snake coiled around itself beside her, still watching her carefully. "Kin, eh? Hmmm I would have to agree on that note." The snake's eyes turned to the children. "It's nauseating. I want to hear them scream in terror." His attention then turned to the other beings that were of the good nature. "And them, I want to bathe in their blood." 
He turned to look at Cady and his eyes narrowed in disdain. "Nothing... yet." He hissed at her. "Maybe I'll slit your throat."
Cady narrowed her eyes, "i'd like to see you try, Demon." she flipped out her bow and arrows, aiming them.
A sadistic grin crossed his thin lips and his eyes held a psychotic look. He was indeed a demon and she was seeing it completely now. "You stand no chance against me."
Noticing the change in the snake's demeanor, Lucia looked up. The light that pulsated from the angel's arrows made her chest pound violently, but she paid little attention to it. Instead, the watched as the guardian angel pointed her weapon towards the one who was controlling the serpent. From this distance, she couldn't tell whether or not he needed help, but Lucia didn't want to risk alerting the other guardians. 'If he is really a descendant, he should be able to handle this himself,' she thought to herself.

Years of manipulating humans have made her immune to the disease known as guilt, but she couldn't help but feel obligated to stay nearby for backup. Perhaps if they got lucky, they would be able to drive away the guardians and do as they pleased with the children. Now standing up, Lucia began to make her way towards the two at a calm pace.
A snake crept up behind Cady and shot for her right leg, ready to inject potent venom into her system. Derrick watched her carefully. "Really." He seemed utterly amused, his desire to take her blood and use it as sustenance driving his insanity. He wanted to kill her, he wanted her life-fluid.
Tess saw that it was beginning to get late and stood up, stretching as she patted the cat's head as a goodbye. She smiled as the cat yawned, turning around as her hair twirled behind her as the breeze blew lightly, sending a small chill at the coldness. As she walked off, she stopped in front of the park's playground, silently watching the children play. She decided she could wait for a few minutes and enjoy the scenery, giggling a bit at the noisy and energetic children.
Lucia was about twenty feet away from the two before she sensed a new presence in the area; a presence that made her blood boil. Eyes narrowing in irritation, she took a quick glance around the park, searching for the source of her sudden anger. Since it was almost time for dinner, many of the children began to leave the playground, and so causing a spectacle was no longer an issue. The remaining children didn't cause a ruckus, minimizing the demon's headache considerably. Perhaps her physical pain had been subdued, but there was still something within her vicinity that was downright infuriating. Growing desperate, Lucia took a deep whiff of the air around her, catching a sickly sweet smell. Once she identified it, she quickly spun around to locate the offender.

'Tch... it's just a human,' she thought, watching as the girl patted a cat on the head. There was no real reason to be so worked up about an ordinary mortal (besides her obvious blood thirst), but there was something about her that was somewhat... off. Smirking to herself, Lucia silently made her way towards the stranger, eyes wide with malice and a cold breeze following each step.
Tess began to feel a lot more cold than she was a few seconds ago as she felt someone coming closer to her. She froze up a bit, and became frightened but tried to relax as she turned around slowly, her eyes flickering with curiousness, fright, and danger. "H-hello...?" she stammered shakily. She's not sure, but she thinks that she's looking at a older women with...horns? She glanced around to people but no one else seemed to be able to see her. 'Can no one else see her?' she thought to herself questioningly. She then remembered all the times when she was younger. She saw people, some with wings or horns, that no one else did. It's been a long time since she last saw one, but now she remembered. Her dad thought she was joking, and her mom did as well when she was still alive, but it was all too real to Tess.
"Mmn... hello," Lucia purred, answering even though she was certain that the mortal couldn't hear her. While she was walking towards her, she finally figured out why she was able to quickly set her off. The girl was like an open book; she was one of those goody-goodies that don't have anything better to do. Her whole body was practically radiating with positive energy, and it sickened the demon. It disgusted her, and it made her thirst for bloodshed grow in intensity. Of course, she was still fully aware of the other guardian angels around her, and so she was careful not to get too close.

'I'm merely... observing,' she thought to herself as she fully examined her. There was no need for explanations, for they were completely useless in these situations. Lucia idly wondered if her reaction would be as good as she imagined. It was a shame that she couldn't mess with her at this very moment, but watching her squirm was good enough as it is.
"Uh...may I ask who you are and what you're doing miss?" she asked. 'She must not know that I can see her...' she thought. "You're a demon aren't you?" she examined the female who radiated with a dark aura. "Sorry if you're not used to being seen or heard by humans...I've always been able to though..." she added, knowing that it was quite surprising to most demons and angels when she acknowledged them.

The Gaurdian Angel stepped from the shadows as she quickly noticed a deon approch a girl. No funny buissness, she though gingerly crossing her arms. Ruby watched the Demon approach. She eyed the demon, allowing her to know that Ruby was watching her. Don't get to close, she thought to herself. Ruby's cold stare penetraited at the demon was almost icy. The girl she had cornered began to squirm, 'Guess that's my cue.' She though solemnly. Ruby approached the two until she was behind the girl. She tapped her shoulder, "Tess, there you are! I've been looking for you everywhere!" She exclaimed, givin her a look like 'Come with me, you'll be safe.' Ruby eyed the demon suspiciously.

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