I'm Not a Psychopath; I'm a High-Functioning Sociopath (Search Thread)


Senior Member


Hello there, it's Liz.
This is going to be my search one x one thread, or search group role play thread. I'm interested in doing some in depth one x one, or group role plays with some people where I can actually go deeper into the story line. I'm a high school student, so sometimes I may take up to a few days for replies if I have exams or finals, so please bear with me. I write as both genders, usually depending on the gender you play as. I don't mind heterosexual / homosexual, just whatever floats your boat. I'm literate, as I can provide anywhere from one, three or even seven paragraphs, all depending on what you give me, of course. Don't be frightened if I give you a ten paragraph starter, though. I tend to type a lot of introspective character thoughts and emotions, and I tend to provide tedious details. I love fantasy, romance, fandom, horror and realistic type role plays. Below I'll be posting plot ideas on my mind currently, and will update this thread regularly. If you have a plot of your own, run it through with me, I'll be interested. The number of * determines my interest, three is the most.


lord of the rings

the hobbit

left 4 dead

star wars

star trek



walking dead

adventure time



i've watched MANY so let me know.


shipwreck on island

group of sailors / people land on an island that have creatures on them, human-eating or not. based on greek mythology.

steam-punk ship with sailors

journey across the skies in a steam-punk ship to fulfill a quest given to them.

post apocalyptic hamlet **

nuclear weapons have killed off half of the human population, and a wealthy family are suffering elsewhere.

assassin x assassinee

"i was supposed to kill them, not fall in love.."

zombie apocalypse **

self explanatory.

journey into the unknown *

set of crew are set out onto a journey to an undiscovered island, set back in victorian / steampunk times, island is filled with creatures.

detective x ghost victim **

detective teams up with the ghost of the victim to solves his / her murder.

detective x murderer

detective falls for the very wrong person of his / her case.

detective x assistant ***

"everyone knows holmes and watson are together.."

zombie x survivor *

based off warm bodies by issac marion.

alice in wonderland

self explanatory.

the colony **

walking dead "woodbury" type of town. civilization rebuilds itself, but doesn't let anyone in.

arranged marriage

two heirs of big families are put together, but one of them is in love with one of the guards..

hotel massacre

stuck in a hotel with a murderer, hilarity ensues.


typical office type role play, self explanatory.

Hi! Nice to meet you! I'm Vibora. I am a highschool student as well. My favorite part of roleplay is developing character relations through unique scenario, so my only real non negotiable is that you will need to make every character unique. I think the best roleplay would be steampunk sailing. Pm?
I know we spoke briefly already, but I'm interested as well, so please private message me, I have a very good idea to fulfill our Sherlockian needs. :)
I'm not really very good at fandoms, but I do love Sherlock Holmes :3 I guess I could try if you want. Other than that, I'd be interested in -

Star Wars (OCs, preferably)

shipwreck on island

steampunk with sailors

assassin x assassin

journey into unknown

detective x murderer

arranged marriage

I dont' really like zombies or ghosts. But other than that I'm open to pretty much anything :) MalexFemale, MalexMale, most any genres. Two-persons are usually best since my schedule is kind of unstable sometimes (meaning I only know a week or so in advance when I work), and I really like RPs that get all indepth with the characters' relationships, backgrounds and personalities. Let me know ^_^ I've also got ideas I could dig up if we can't agree on anything. 
Also I just have to say that I love the quote you used for the title :3 Love Sherlock
Nalakitty01 It's all up to you! I'm up for anything. I'm in a writing mood so whatever floats your boat is fine by me! SherlockxWatson, or one of the plots you mentioned is great. Run a few ideas by me if you want. c:
I'll have to do that when I get back later tonight, in a few hours. Until then, I'll be thinking of things we can do ^_^  
Hmmmm. SherlockxWatson. . . This is the first time I've been actually tempted to do a fandom RP O_O Would it be BBC-verse? Just so I know the details of my options lol

The main idea right now that I have is just a boy that's been either a slave his whole life, or a soldier his whole life and is now a slave, that's bought by someone who either wants to rescue him or just wants a slave, and then you know, eventually slave and master fall in love or some such thing lol As 1x1 RPs generally go.

Or there's an idea that's a forbidden romance, of a princess and her guard, or a prince, and the prince or princess gets the guard to help them get away from the castle so they can live freely.

Superpowers and the hiding/usage thereof is always fun. Also there's a random, old idea I have that there's a boy with wings that's been kept trapped for a long time and finally gets out/is abandoned and someone finds him.

And the last one is a soldier that was made artificially to be superstrong (and possibly have superpowers) but after killing his creators and escaping he has no idea how to live a normal life and so has to be taught that.

At the moment I find myself leaning towards MalexMale rather than MalexFemale. Not sure why. Maybe just a change of pace lol 
Just had a thought! I'm really latching onto the slave/soldier character now, and I was thinking maybe we could make him be a half-dragon, or (seemingly) a demon, or just some sort of scary thing people are afraid of so that's the reason he ends up in the situation he's in. . . Okay, I think I'm done now.
@Nalakitty01 I think we should hold the Sherlock role play off for now, because with that you have to follow certain guidelines and it's stressful. So, I like the first idea you mentioned and the last idea you mentioned, the slave/soldier being bought and then the artificial soldier being taught how to live. With the slave, like you said he could be a demon or something, more of a reason why the owner wanted to buy him ( maybe because no one else wanted to ) and possibly we could tie the "him being taught how to live" part along with it? Either or is fine, and the whole malexmale thing is really fine by me, I find it easier to play male. c:
Hello! Its very nice to meet you - I'm a full time college student so I completely understand the delays of high school life. If you're still looking for people the below list is what you've posted that I write or am myself very interested in and would like to write with you.

lord of the rings ** - I write Sam, Merry, Legolas, Faramir, Eowyn, Glorfindel, Haldir, Bilbo, Fatty Bolger, Wormtongue, Smeagol and Gollum (I list them separately because I play them in true dual personality fashion) if you're at all interested in writing with any of them. I also write Sauron as seen in The Silmarillion, but am hesitant to list him in the Lord of the Rings list as I write him from his time before the fall, when he still served Melkor.

the hobbit ** - I write Bilbo, Balin, Kili, and Beorn.star trek - I write Spock, but haven't for quite some timesherlock *** - I write Sherlock from the books, films and BBC show, John from the books, Moriarty from the books and the BBC version and Irene from the BBC version

anime: - I write too many from too many shows. If you're craving something ask.post apocalyptic hamlet **

nuclear weapons have killed off half of the human population, and a wealthy family are suffering elsewhere. - Not sure how well I'd fit into this one but I've played Ophelia, Gertrude, Horatio, and (in a very fun genderswapped version of the show as well as a straight up regular production in which I played the normal male variation) Hamlet. I write Hamlet regularly, but having played the above characters I have them well developed. I've also got a highly developed Guildenstern from Tom Stoppard's Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead.

detective x ghost victim **

detective teams up with the ghost of the victim to solves his / her murder. - I have a ghost who would love to stretch his legs detective x murderer

detective falls for the very wrong person of his / her case. - I also have a murderer, and I'd love to throw them at you, though I cannot speak for his actionsdetective x assistant ***"everyone knows holmes and watson are together.."

arranged marriagetwo heirs of big families are put together, but one of them is in love with one of the guards.. - This sounds quite fun and I'd love to give it a shot!

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