I'm New. Hello there :'D


Hey everyone!

I'm Vokuu, but you can call me Vo.

I've been roleplaying on various forums for quite a while, around 10 years in total. My experience in different types are pretty varied, as I've experimented with literature-based roleplaying, modern and more classic movies, and of course video games. Who doesn't like video games?

I'm pretty open to mostly any roleplay, from detailed to something more lax.

Thanks for taking time to read my intro. Have a nice day. c:
You're like a young adult god.

And not of the abyss.

Just of the dark alley behind the house.
@Yuuki of the Strata

yes I am here. I AM HERE, YUUKI.


sweet lord. i can't even attempt 20 years of roleplaying

mostly because i'm in my early 20s

but hello, my respected elder
Wait, who has 20 years of roleplaying? I'm in my early-mid 20's so... xAx


//clings >w<

I'm excited to see more familiar faces.


I see you are new also. Weeeelcooooome~<3 owo

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