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I'm bored tournament


As seen on Youtube
Does the name suck? Yes. Do I care? Not really. I started this when I was bored. I will post this once every week or something but I may forget. Feel free to give me your opinions and I'm honestly not sure where to end a paragraph. Advise on where I should end a paragraph is welcome to but I would prefer to receive that in a private message. Now onto the tournament.
"Welcome to the I'm Bored tournament!" The announcer boomed into the microphone. A minecraftian slightly resembling a blaze walks into the arena first. "This is Blaze, the minecraftian god of the nether! He is here with his closest friend Tom the minecraftian god of cows. Tom wanted to be the god of creation, but the role was taken by Notch." Another minecraftian enters. This minecraftian is slightly larger and looks somewhat like a wither skeleton. "Here comes the evil Zerino! He leads the evil creatures of Minecraft that are so evil even Herobrine despises them." A human walked in with a few flying creatures. "Lloyd has arrived with the aid of his lighting based minions, voltie! Lloyd is one of the strongest humans in the human monster war." A large green bird creature flies in and transforms into a human. "Welcome Folter to the battle! He carries a lime green gemstone (a gem of power) that has the ability to transform him into the bird like creature as you just saw." A large skeletal being with a sword and a whip replacing his arms charges in a runs into a wall before becoming a human. "Watch out for Gyga! He will tear anyone apart with his blood red gem of power. While in that form he can transform his arms into weapons." A tunnel opens in the floor of the arena and two creatures come out. One resembles a mole while the other resembles a snake but both look somewhat human. "Two of the dig three have dug in! The mole like one is called Fareye. Don't ask me why a blind mole is called Fareye. The snake like one is called Garter." The final competitor entered followed by boos throughout the audience. "Last and least of all, we have Carnite, the dark bull of the flying bull tribe who attacked his own tribe before... Now I can finally announce the first match! Round one match one is Blaze versus Fareye!" The announcer exclaimed with excitement.
All the other competitors leave except Garter and Zerino. Zerino walks over the Blaze and tells him "If you lose here you lose all of Minecraftia to me. Muahahaha!" Meanwhile Garter is warning Fareye. "If you lose Randall will punish both of us for failing, got it?" Zerino and Garter leave so that the match can begin. Blaze charging up a powerful fire attack while Fareye is digging to him. Fareye shoots out of the ground behind Blaze, but Blaze quickly turns around and release the fireball at Fareye before jumping into the sky and floating above the ground. "Where are you hiding? I think your cheating! Is hiding cheating?" Fareye complains. Blaze begins shooting fireballs at him from above while the announcer says "He isn't hiding, he's flying. And both are allowed. You can use all of your abilities in this tournament." Fareye digs a hole while he complains. Blaze pulls out a diamond shovel and digs him out. When Blaze uncovers him, Fareye squeals and tries to dig deeper but is pulled out of his hole by Blaze's fishing rod. "Let's change the battle field." Blaze says while covering the floor with iron blocks. Fareye screams "Air!" and begins to transform into his second form. "This is one of the dig three's abilities. The have three forms with the primary having high digging abilities. The other two forms specialize in aerial and aquatic combat." The announcer explains briefly. Fareye is now similar to a dragon instead of a mole. Blaze tries shooting fireballs at Fareye but they don't affect him at all so Blaze pulls out his sword. "That sword is called 'the white nether'. It is a custom sword that Tom made for Blaze." The announcer explains as quickly as he can. Fareye unleashes a blast of fire, but it is absorbed by the white nether sword. "My sword absorbs heat to strengthen itself." Blaze says while striking Fareye with it. The announcer presses a button causing water to begin filling the arena. "Let's see Fareye's final form! How will Blaze counter this?!" Fareye enters his anglerfish form while Blaze changes into blue armor. They charge at each other and their attacks collide in a burst of bubbles. The bubbles fade and reveal Fareye defeated by Blaze. "The victor of the first battle of the first round is Blaze! Coming up next we will have Gyga fight Zerino!" The announcer informed the audience.
Garter rushes into the arena and carries a unconscious Fareye away. Blaze floats off shortly afterwards. Gyga walks into the arena while human and heads towards to entry point Zerino should use. When Zerino enters he is instantly attacked by Gyga even though the match has not started yet. The announcer jumps into the arena and separates them temporarily and makes an announcement. "For not waiting until the match started Gyga cannot use his gem of power." The announcer takes the red gem from him and returns to the stands. Once the match starts Zerino begins shooting fireballs while teleporting all over the arena but Gyga manages to avoid most of them and doesn't appear to be affected by the ones that do hit him. "Is that the best you have? Ha!" Gyga says before grabbing a fireball and throwing it back at him. Zerino manages to teleport away from the attack and changes his strategy. He teleports above Gyga and transforms into a anvil before becoming a sword. Gyga grabs Zerino and stabs him into the ground, breaking the transformation. "How?! How can a powerless human like you take several powers without a scratch on you?!" Zerino screams as he teleports out of the hole. Gyga just smiles and lounges at Zerino who teleports away again. Zerino shoots several blue balls that begin floating around the arena until one hits Gyga and explodes in his face. Gyga begins using these blue balls to his advantage by jumping on top of them so that he gets launched to Zerino who is flying around the arena. Eventually he makes it onto Zerino and begins punching over and over until Zerino falls to the ground and gives up. "Wow... Who knew he was that powerful without his gem. I guess I should inform you that the next match is Folter versus Lloyd." The announcer says while in shock of seeing Gyga easily defeat Zerino.
A few of the voltie carry Lloyd out. "Um... Please go easy on me...." Lloyd asks when Folter enters the arena. "I'm nowhere near as strong as Gyga." Folter responds as the match begins. Lloyd summons a few more voltie and begin delivering orders to them. Once the voltie are in position they begin shooting lightning at Folter, but he activated his gem and flew above the attacks. Folter dives at Lloyd and tries cutting him with his blade like wings but is deflected by a lightning shield. Lloyd pulls out his lance la lanza el rayo and tries stabbing Folter multiple times while the announcer says, "This is la lanza el rayo. It is Lloyd's lance and can shock a average human to death with a single blow. Luckily Folter is currently avoiding them meaning we get too see more of the two." Folter flies back into the sky and launches several blade like feathers at Lloyd who dodges them all. Folter tries the same attack again and hits several minions but still misses Lloyd. Lloyd throws la lanza el rayo at Folter and hits him, causing him to revert back to human form. Folter begins running all over the place trying to avoid Lloyd and his minions until he can activate his gem again. After a few minutes of running around Folter activates his gem again and flies into the sky. Lloyd calls one of his minions over and it transforms into a pair of wings. Lloyd begins chasing Folter through the sky with la lanza el rayo while avoiding the blade like feathers that Folter keeps launching at him. "Lets see how they do if we add a ceiling that will drop on them?" The announcer warns everyone before pulling a lever. A ceiling is created and begins falling on them, but they are both to distracted by the battle to notice anything. The ceiling stops falling a couple of yards above the ground and disappears allowing the audience to see the outcome. Lloyd struggles to his feet while Folter stands up unscathed and walks over to him. "Best part of the gems is that they take all the damage while transformed." Folter says while kicking Lloyd back to the ground. Folter tries to deliver the finishing blow but is shocked by an electric shield that Lloyd quickly creates. This time both struggle to their feet. Lloyd shoots Folter with a small amount of electricity to knock him out and win the match. "Lloyd was victorious in the end!The final math for round one is obviously Carnite versus Garter. Lets hope for a good match." The announcer tells the audience.
The next day the four remaining contestants entered the arena ready to battle when the Announcer began to speak saying, "Welcome back for round two! Before the fighting starts I would like to share some interesting information. While you already know that Gyga and Folter exist in the same universe, did you know that the Dig Three are from the same universe? They possess different types of gems of power to. Folter and Gyga have guardian gems that temporarily transform you into a single form while the dig three possess tri gems that permanently transform you but give you three forms. Folter was a human slave his entire life until he gained powers and tried to kill his master for attacking the minions. He failed to kill his master but still managed to rescue the minions. And Lloyd's master was a thunderbird of great power. While Blaze beat Fareye but Zerino was instanlty defeated by him, Zerino usually beats Blaze when they fight. Blaze has killed mobs that are immune to fire damage with his fireball attacks. Carnite feeds off the 'darkness' emitting from his opponents. This doesn't weaken his opponents. To explain this differently, the more negative thoughts in his opponent the stronger he will be. He can also read his opponents minds. This is enough bonus information for now, the first fight is Carnite vs. Gyga!"

(Sorry about the late post.)
Blaze and Lloyd leave the arena. The match begins Gyga activating his gem and tries shooting Carnite with a sniper arm. Carnite easily dodges the bullets as he runs towards Gyga. Carnite kicks Gyga into the air and flies up after him. "I guess I'm almost out of secrets. Everyone knows I can fly and my strength is increased by my opponents darkness. I may as well reveal the last one." Carnite says while punching Gyga back down to the ground. Gyga gets up and shoots Carnite in the head with the sniper arm but the hole in Carnite's head heals nearly instantly. "Well there goes my healing factor. You need to produce more light." Carnite says while punching Gyga into a wall. Carnite tries to punch Gyga again before he can recover, but Gyga manages to dodge and kick Carnite down to the ground. Gyga creates a shield and a shotgun arm and begins shooting at Carnite. "I have finally collected enough darkness from you to use my strongest attack, Carnage Cannon." Carnite says while dodging bullets. Carnite flies into the air and unleashes a black blast at Gyga. "This is Carnage Cannon. If he collects enough darkness he is able to unleash it. It hits your soul and whatever damage it does to the soul is also received by the body." The announcer explains. Once the attack is over a injured human Gyga is seen unconscious on the ground. "Carnite was victo-" The announcer starts but is cut off by Gyga. "I won't lose!" He screams as he pulls out a second gem that is jet black and holding it to his forehead to transform. The new form is similar to his previous form except it is larger and black and has four arms and wings and other minor changes. "Now I will kill you!" Gyga adds once the transformation ends. Gyga rushes at Carnite and tries to crush him with a giant hammer arm but misses. "You're producing so much darkness I might be able to use an Alpha Carnage Cannon. That is usually only possible against large groups."

(This match was much larger than the others so I broke it into two parts.)
Carnite says while struggling to dodge Gyga's four hammer arms. Gyga swaps to chainsaw arms and manages to cut Carnite's leg off. It begins healing but before it gets far he is cut in half. Gyga swaps to flame thrower like arms that shoot lava instead of fire. Carnite uses his least damaged arm to push himself into the sky. "Your stronger than I thought. I guess it might take an Alpha Carnage Cannon to truly beat you." Carnite struggles to avoid the lava until he finishes healing. "Luckily your now producing enough light to keep me alive against your new form." Gyga swaps to snipers and begins hitting Carnite again. Carnite takes to much damaga to fly and heal at the same time so he falls to the ground and begins running. The Announcer flips a switch a trees randomly appear all over the place creating a mini forest. "That isn't fair! Now he has to suffer longer." Gyga screams in a mocking way as he shoots lava at the trees causing a mini forest fire. He swaps to the sword arm that is now three times as large. Gyga begins cutting a path through the forest being nearly immune to the lava. While Gyga searches the ground Carnite flies into the sky and prepares to us Alpha Carnage Cannon. Gyga continues searching the forest until he notices something in the sky. He looks up in time to hear "Alpha Carnage Cannon!" The attack hits the entire arena and floods it with Darkness incomparable to that of the normal Carnage Cannon. When the attack ends Gyga is nowhere to be seen and the mini forest is gone. "Carnite won. It was a tough battle. Next up is Blaze vs. Lloyd!" The announcer says slowly.
Carnite flies away from the arena to rest. Lloyd and Blaze enter the arena and the match starts with Lloyd summoning a minion and transforming it into wings. Both of them fly into the sky and start blasting fire and lightning at each other. Lloyd summons more minions and orders them to try flying behind Blaze and shoot him but Blaze falls to the ground and stands against the wall. "Well there goes your plan. Can you hit me now?" Blaze calls out. Lloyd has the voltie surround Blaze and start trying to attack him but he deflects all their attacks. While Blaze is distracted by the Voltie Lloyd flies above him and summons La Lanza El Rayo and throws it down at an unaware Blaze. Blaze is surprised by the attack but otherwise unaffected as he says, "Good job hitting me. Now let's see if you can hurt me." Blaze stops stands perfectly still allowing Lloyd to attack him with all he has. Lloyd and his minions begin charging a large and powerful blast of lightning. "Good luck hurting me. You'll need it." Blaze says while watching Lloyd charge his attack. Lloyd unleashes his attack that is equal to that of a real lightning bolt. Blaze is unmoved and appears unharmed. "You did one damage. Nothing that would help in a real battle but enough to still hurt me a bit. Now for the final challenge, can you survive and attack from me?" Blaze says while charging a fireball. Lloyd tries to run but Blaze throws it right at him and knocks him out. "Lloyd has been defeated. Blaze will fight Carnite in the finals tomorrow. But before that we have a special bonus match for our wild card competitor, Fareye. His opponent will be Josh Noe." The Announcer declares.

(I'm "back" for the time being. I may try to return to posting this on a weekly basis again.)
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