I'll Fight Knowing Nobody Knows My Name!


"That is rude. Why do you care? Since you're not involved in the pact you shouldn't be involved at all." Iera had released Gilbert. She was holding a barrier of solar radiation to keep him from turning into a popsicle, though that quickly dissipated. He could enjoy the weather now.

"I am simply known as Unity amongst your kind. It's just a name with no meaning, as I usually don't unite anything. The pact, why the hell should I tell you? It's just as good as telling any random person in the world what is going on. You're not a military leader from this planet, or someone of merit or power. What do you think you are? The savior of the human race? A guy doing the right thing just because? A hero? A king?" Iera floated into the air and towards Gilbert. She grabbed his hand and there was a loud cracking sound as she stepped

The two instantly appeared in the middle of Sanfield. "There's no reason you are entitled to information you didn't earn. Go home and think about what you've done, that is an order." Iera knew very well that Gilbert could defiantly say no, and there was nothing she could do about it. Her refusal to do harm to civilians was always exploited and this case could very well go the same way. She wouldn't hurt Gilbert in any shape or form, so of course she could be simply walked all over. 


"Wow now that's really rude compared to my statement earlier," Gilbert says. "And why should I just go home after everything that's happened? You do realize that I was almost killed because Mindbreak thought I knew what this pact was right? Beside that... I have a personal involvement with Mindbreak. I've seen people die and even my friend in a horrible condition because of him. Is it that bad that I just want to make sure it doesn't happen to anything else?" He looked to Iera with a look of determination. 

""So why... why should I just go home and "think" about it just because I'm not entitled to learn something? It probably doesn't matter at this point sure. But who do you think you are just ordering me to go home? Why does it matter if I'm just someone who wants to do the right thing?" He would think about everything that's happened at this point.

"I'm just a cashier at a mini mart, a guy who isn't a hero or a villain. I'm not a famous celebrity or the world's greatest detective. Not even a Kamen Rider or some leader of an organization. I'm the guy you see maybe once or twice in your life and just move on. So I'm gonna do what I can to make a difference. It's usually the civilians that can't do anything against villains. I'll fight to make that difference so no I won't go home and think about  information I didn't earn won't be told to me. Screw that."

He would then look up and then back to Iera with a calm and confident look. At this point he was looking wise.

"I'll fight knowing my accomplishments won't be remembered. I'll fight knowing that my actions may have no effect at all. I'll fight knowing that some are against my actions." He took a small breath before making his last statement. Though if Iera paid enough attention, she could see some form of figure. A manifestation of energy of sorts. It doesn't have it's physical form but... it's emanating power that was for sure.

"I'll fight knowing nobody knows my name... because I'm not in it for fame or anything like that. I'm in it to make sure people, both human and meta human, aren't harmed just like what Mindbreak and Haley did. I fight... knowing that I CAN make a difference regardless of who I am."

He would walk away from Iera and would procede to get out of her sight. The spiritual manifestation behind him amas now gone. His next objective was to contact Smoke Spectre. Hopefully he was there to answer.

"Smoke Spectre it's me G. If you can, we should meet up. When your not occupied just tell me if you can meet up." He would speak through the device that Smoke Spectre gave him.


@JPax (One of my more better quotes/posts.)
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Iera turned away and floated onto the streets, noticing but ignoring the spirit thing. What good was that to a cosmic being? "These are the humans I am supposed to defend against Mindbreak. The same humans who pull off this kind of stuff." She took one more glance towards Gilbert's direction, only once, and looked back onto the streets. The noises of the world was simply the reason cosmic beings never attended the noisiest planet just for visiting. 

As Iera made her way back into space, she looked down at the forsaken planet beneath (or above, in space there is no up or down) and looked at Mindbreak's location. She flickered and got a gravestone in her hand. "Well...I'll save this one for later." Iera wrote a name over the previous name and tossed it into the moon. By now Iera had forgotten her whole encounter with Gilbert. She wasn't going to fight two battles, especially since Mindbreak was a handful on his own.

( @YoungX ) <Open for interaction. In orbit around Earth>
Hailie walked into a small cafe and jumped up onto a stool. She finally relaxed after being on the crowded streets for so long. She let out a deep exhale before looking around at everybody. They stared at her like she was some kind of monster. She probably did look a little frightening. After all, she was a small girl who wore dirty clothes and clutched a bear with a whole ear missing. She probably didn't look like a nice little girl. 

Hailie shook her head and sighed before looking over at the barista. She liked that word. Barista. It was such a foreign word....but it also sounded domestic. It was nice. "Can I have a sprite please?" She asked in a low, soft voice. The female barista nodded and walked off.





Riley wandered into a cafe, spinning the candy rose in her hand. Or, at least it looked like a candy rose. She set the glowing thing on the counter and watched it begin to melt. Riley felt a little bit bad that there was a dirty looking girl next to her, but there wasn't really much she could do at this point. Not like Riley was going to kidnap the girl. Or even worse, suck out her blood.

She waited for the barista woman to come back and just kept a blank face. Riley didn't find the girl next to her odd or weird in any way since, well, Riley had seen weirder. Especially after...that. Riley eventually seemed to have lost interest and passed out on the bar counter from lack of sleep.

Hailie sat waiting for her drink when another girl walked in. She held a bright green rose that was actually really pretty. It was pretty all the way up until the counter started melting. Hailie tilted her head and was about to say something, but the barista returned with her sprite. She smiled and sipped some.

When she was finished taking her sip, she turned back to the girl. "What kind of flower is that?" She asked in a loud, curious voice that most children shared. Of course, Hailie didn't realize the girl was asleep.

steve looks to his computer which is connected to the ISS, which picked up iera's image. he surveillanced as he tries to scan her, trying to find her weakness but.... nothing... so he made some theories, by previous recroding, past battles and etc, this is all he could find:

Powers - 

  • Cosmic Being Physiology
  • EM Spectrum Manipulation

Abilities/Skills -

  • is very adaptive
  • Mastery of Electro magnetic manipulation

Weaknesses -

  • Vacuum dependency air weakens her to the point of mortalizing her her
  • Her senses can hardly be toned down, so loud noises or bright lights can incapacitate her
  • Has no recorder resistance to magic

for now steve'll take a break... his cancer is starting to take action again, so he sits down in his bed and lays down. "just a quick... little... sleep..." he says slowly as he closes his eyes..

@JPax(closed for interaction)
(Not really. I only pulled Azamel out.)

(Pull out game too strong)




"Huh?" Riley snapped awake and blinked hard. The instant she did, the flower formed back to its normal shape and Riley hurriedly lifted it back off the table. "It's my special flower." Riley grabbed it and held it up to her mouth as it began to drip a liquid. She set it on the table and began to make it spin. 

"Anyways. Tone down your voice. You're being too loud." Riley felt the need to say this bluntly without sugar-coating the truth. She rest her head on her hand and began to watch the flower do its thing.



Ray heard his question through her loud work and frowned.  "The idiot?  I'm what happens when she takes the serum," she pointed to the syringe from earlier.  "You're looking at human intelligence at its finest."  She said proudly, removing the robots arm and taking it to another table to work on.  "Those bastards!  I'll snap there spines for this fucking mess!"  She ripped the broken metal off, checking for broken parts.  "Now I have to make another junk run."

(I'm back! Anyone reply to me?)

Kara would gently take the leader's hand, and begin to lead the group out of the lab. She didn't worry about closing the doors as they left, though she paused to look around each corner to make sure no one was there. Even with the constant stopping, Kara moved at a brisk pace. She glances back at the crowd and says in a soft voice "If I'm going too fast, let me know." She would lead the group out the front door, and to the nearest hospital, assuming no one showed up to stop her.
(Pull out game too strong)

(He technically has three kids but we don't speak of that.)

Too loud. Hailie nodded slowly. "Oh...I see." She gave a small sigh before sipping on her soda. Nobody had ever told Hailie she was being too loud. Although she never had parents to really tell her how to speak, that was beside the point. She then brightened up a bit. "Hey. Are you good at remembering faces?" 


Looking over the lab equipment the man of dimensions wonders who is the real host of the body. He guessed it didn't matter if the woman was as intelligent as she said but Henry couldn't keep his curiosity at bay. "So what kind of situation is this like split personality or something like this" Henry asked before smiling at the scientists angry outburst. She had Rachel's caring nature but was more forth right with it. Or maybe she was just angry that her creation got beat up. The latter was more cynical but a lot more likely. Using his mind the broken parts repaired themselves. "Ta da"  @Shammy the Shamrock



"Yes." Riley's mind was exceptional in many ways, more than one might stop to think, but that naturally meant she was good at remembering things. Though she was not. The girl blinked hard and straightened her white clothes as she grabbed a soda can. "Why, do you need a face remembered?" Riley had gotten some interest back, though she kept her blank face as she set down the money for the barista.

Barista? Bar-sitta...Bar sitter!

Ashlynn, shut the fuck up.

Hailie nodded in excitement. Somebody who could actually remember detail. Of course, she didn't know if her father was a memorable person. She didn't even really know if he was still alive. She pulled out something from her pocket. "I've been looking for somebody. He's kind of hard to find apparently." She nodded and set the picture on the counter.




Riley tensed up a bit. She remembered that face from two years ago. Killed 3 elementary school kids. There was a name attached to this, though she had to remember it. "Yeah, his name was a...A..Aizen...Azazel...Abraham...Abraxas...something like that. It was on the news a couple years back. Why do you ask?" 

Hailie looked at the picture before shoving it back into her pocket. "He's my daddy. I just haven't met him." She nodded slightly before sighing. She didn't have an exact name yet, but she was closer. "He was on the news? Wow, he must be really memorable then?"



Riley looked at her hand. There were people around them. She tensed even more as she realized she couldn't let them know that the child was the daughter of a murderer. "Listen, he was a memorable person but please don't go around showing everyone. You could be kidnapped and they'll ask him for money." Riley looked around quickly and waved her hand. "I have to do something but promise me you will keep quiet."



Ray looked her armor "Thanks...."  She frowned at the question "Well....I don't like that question."  Ray had thought about before, maybe it was like Bruce Banner, two different people stuck in one body or maybe something like Jekyll and Hyde where it is the same person but the change has made her act like two different people.  Anyway she moved to a blackboard which had a drawing of a figure of a small girl with colorful eyes.  She flipped it to the back, drawing her suit and adding more armor and padding around herself so that the vampire incident wouldn't happen again.

"No problem lass" Henry says as he watches  the lass. Clearly the question was a difficult topic for her so Henry decided not to press it. Someones business is someones business. Going near the door Henry decides to make his leave. "I'll leave ya too it for now lass looks like ya gonna be busy for a while" he says while watching her draw. Opening the door Henry leaves the ordinary looking house. Henry mutter"vampires, robots and dimension jumping. Must be Tuesday" while wandering off. @Shammy the Shamrock (Open for Interaction)
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Hailie frowned. "How am I supposed to find him if I keep quiet about it?" Keeping quiet made no sense to her. Why shouldn't she talk about her dad. He was on the news a few years ago. That's actually a pretty cool thing. Her childish ignorance began to show through. "I'm going to tell everyone." She pulled the picture out and began to stand up.



[SIZE= 12px]As the Smoke Spectre was fighting with the prisoners Riagan had backed up a little to the corpses of the police officers that Mindbreak had taken out earlier, he picked up two batons but only electrified one.  Riagan was never the best at close quarters but he had always been among the best with projectiles and things that he could throw, it seemed no matter what he did with them it always ended in his favour.  But the Smoke Spectre had been full of surprises, he had went up against Mindbreak and lived, then he went on to take down several prisoners single-handedly.  Riagan felt no shame in recognising his opponents prowess, that is the reason why he picked up two batons.  As the Smoke Spectre was stumbling forward Riagan more than matched his pace with a surge of purpose withing him, he had to be tired out and that would be used to his advantage.  As he moved forward he threw the un-electrified baton aiming for the Smoke Spectres head and with his other hand he readied the electrified baton to drive forward into the Smoke Spectres stomach.[/SIZE]

@SirGrey @Sizniche


Riley sighed and thrusted her hand out. The picture of the man quickly turned into the picture of Donald Trump's 2016 campaign. Well, it at least appeared like that. Riley held the illusion before pushing her other hand out. This made the girl and herself invisible. Riley took one knee to get lower than the girl's height. "I don't know how to tell this to you, but your dad...people think he's a bad man. So you can't tell anyone or they'll hurt you. They'll hurt your dad. You don't want that for him do you?"

They'll hurt your dad.

(That's actually funny.)

Hailie gave another frown. "A bad man?" She shook her head. "No way. My daddy can't be bad." She looked down towards the ground and clutched her bear tighter. "If he's bad....does that make me bad too?" She looked up at the girl with wide eyes.

The Smoke Spectre tried to hide his weakness. Tried to regain his strength. Still he had to try and stop these criminals. Ahead of him was yet another criminal it was just one versus one and this guy didn't look like he was really trained in hand to hand combat. 'This should be easy' was the thought that bounced around his head. Maybe it was just a pep talk something to try and stop him from keeling over. Before too long Owen had a baton flying to his face. Knocking it out of the air didn't prove to hard. Still it left him wide open, which the criminal seemed to of anticipated as plunged a electric baton into The Smoke Spectre's stomach. Trying to kick his attacker away, Owen soon found himself getting very well acquainted   with the floor. @Lancelot

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